
This photo only copyright of GR Johnson 2006

The snowdrop essence was laid at Imbolc on the dragon, in an area called Old Black gang, which is part of the dragon line that runs the entire breadth of the island. It is ancient land with primordial energy, the bowl laid atop of a mound, one of the highest points in this area. It is also the pirates way: the huge earth workings creating hidden gullies and valleys: ideal for pirates to hide their booty.

This essence has important properties: The snowdrop essence will assist in creating a purity of thought where new ideas can come in and take root. It will still the mind. It will create a balance and peacefulness. It will help open the door to the ancient knowledge of the ways of the Earth.

Physical uses: The snowdrop is sacred to Imbolc, it symbolizes the purity of the Goddess Brigid or Bridie, who as a powerful spirit energy gives us help and guidance in healing, poetry, and the creative arts.

The snowdrop appears as the first blossom after the winter, and symbolizes the aspirations of Spring, a turning of the corner after the harshness of winter: A flower of hope and of the seed of creativity and new ideas.

Snowdrops at Old Blackgang
Photo copyright C. Bowen 2006

Disclaimer - These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The medicinal information comes from traditional lore and is not proved or endorsed by modern medical practitioners.

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