The Earth Trinity Workshop Weekend |
Sharing and Teaching
For maximum benefit of the participants this workshop should be presented over 2 days, preferably a weekend. If you wish me to present this workshop for your group or organisation, or if you would like to attend the workshop, please contact me.
Please look on the Testimonial page for reviews on the workshop by former participants.
The first sound every Human being hears is the double heartbeat. In our Mother’s watery womb, we experience a sense of security and belonging because we hear our own heartbeats echoed by that of the Mother who carries us for nine months. When we are drawn into our Earth Walk through the miracle of birth, the second heartbeat disappears. Human beings know on a deep level that something is missing. They are looking for the second heartbeat.
The missing heartbeat is found when we listen to our Earth Mother and enter Tiyoweh, the Stillness. In that place of silence we can feel the vibration and hear the heart beat of the Earth. Through that experience we can rediscover our sense of security and belonging. The Earth Mother’s heartbeat tells us we are never alone. Our true Mother, the Earth is always present to nurture us and gives us rest.
All she asks is that we stop and listen for the second heartbeat.
('Earth Medicine' by Jamie Sams)
When we become part of the Earth Trinity, we enter into a sacred agreement. We accept responsibility to become The Bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
I Take-care to Heal-Her for the Guard-I-Am.
Within the experience of Being in the Earth vibration (to hear and feel that resonance) is a great healing for mind/body and spirit. The realization of total unity with creation, becomes a reality for the duration of “time” within that vibration. Yet, it is there always, pulsating, within and without connecting all Humanity and Life to the Mother. Again we are going to the “record-keepers”, the ancient stones and the old trees, who have been waiting. As people, who using their instinct and intuitive knowledge, walk the lands and discover a vibration, an electromagnetic pulse that is the nervous system of our Mother, in all its intricacy and subtle motion, we discover again what the Ancients knew. They, who lived so close to the land, worked with geometry and alignments, we in the 21st century are only just re-claiming, in desperation at the onslaught on our lives and spiritual consciousness.
What is being discovered are the veins of energy that intertwine around the whole surface of the Earth and which intercommunicate, change, “talk” to each other in a language long forgotten by modern man/woman. It is like water weaving around a hard rock, leaving time behind, taking the line of least resistance, yet, achieving without imposed control, absolute dominion over the well-being of the planet, with Love at the core of its intention.
Details of Seminar and courses.
(Long Weekend: Theory & Practice)
Day Course 1: 10.00-6.00PM
Saturday morning:
• Introduction to Tree lore. Talking to tree spirits
• Healing with trees.
• Introduction to Tree essences.
• Healing with tree essences.
Saturday afternoon:
• Practical session connecting with the trees.
• Making the essence
• Talking Circle: sharing and questions.
Day Course 2: 10.00-6.00PM
Sunday morning:
• Introduction to Tree lore. Talking to Tree Spirits.
• Healing with trees
• Introduction to Tree essences
• Healing with tree essences
Sunday Afternoon:
• Practical session connecting with the trees
• Making the essence
• Talking Circle: sharing and questions.