Light of the Wihtwara

The Banner for the FaceBook Group

  This purely Pagan spiritual group is a phoenix rising from the ashes of a very bad hacking, ( like a sniper in a shopping mall ) I lost my FB life and had to start again from scratch. It is the silver lining. Fresh and full of promise, we honour in full ceremony and oath-sworn meetings to bring our Ancestors, the Wihtwara, full honour and respect after the massacre by Christian invaders in 686 C.E. We have yet to meet with a full apology from that community. We always live in hope, for Hope is what the Goddess gifts to us.
  And no apologies for repeating myself, I will continue to network and work towards that end, to my last breath. I am a Wahl, my bloodline goes directly back to the Wihtwara. They are my kin.

Twilight Ceremony

  One of the most beautiful research discoveries is that our Ancestors drew on greater power from always waiting until twilight to call in to honour their gods and goddesses, when Mona and Sunni are still in the sky together. Together with singing in with the Rune chant, the Nihtgalas, ( Night Singers ) would sing and welcome in the powers to the circle.

Night Singers

Our Ancestors the Wihtwara facing The Religious war

   If we could take our lives back to the time of the Wihtwara, shed the tarmac roads, the fast cars, and (Oh my days!) the internet!.
   With our spirits lighter we would be living a purer, simplified, yet sometimes hard life. We would be living more intimately, and closer to our Nature spirits, the wood Dryads, the water Sprites. Mother Earth, Nerthus would be intertwined with our daily lives and our Gods Wōden, Thunōr, Sunni and Mōnā would be close and all-embracing.
   Imagine, then, the inexorable march of a one-god religion, demanding fealty to this exclusive god, and forsaking all the natural spiritual life close to Nerthus, our Earth Mother. Imagine the tools of this religious war were not fought with seax and swords, but with "Tongue Science", rhetoric, the clever use of words to undermine the wisdom of ages past.
   Imagine then, that our Ancestors are finding that this new religion as unfulfilling and deficient. Searching their souls, they found it impossible to recant. They simply could not imagine a life without their beloved Gods and Goddesses.
   And so, in 686 C.E, they gave their lives for the purity of their spiritual life on Wihtland.
   May we never forget: That Wihtland means the Isle of Spirits and the Wihtwara are people of the Spirit.

King Arwald Remember 22nd April 686 King Arwald Remember 22nd April 686


  Before I came to know my Northern Ancestors, and how my blood line joins with theirs, I felt a Native American spirituality flourish and live on the Isle of the Wight. It was back in the 90’s, when the Harmonic Convergence was bringing so many insights to light our way. This is my Home Address:-

  A ‘Rainbow Energy’ is building on our sacred isle, Wihtland (Isle of Spirits) is alive with spirit presence, our ancestors, the Wihtwara, are now joined by Native American ancestors, They are walking beside us, modern day Wihtwarians.

  We will be gathering at the Longstone, a place of peace and rejuvenation. The ceremony will be dedicated to all Indigenous Tribes: We will be worshipping the Mother Earth, Nerthus, Ina Maka, our Gods and Goddesses with prayer drum and much chanting. Special dedication to Mona, Grandmother Moon.

  Bring drum, mats, and food to share. Children (absolutely loose! with respect, no climbing the Longstone) and pets (not loose) welcome.

  Please read on to know the background of this unique joining of ancestor energy.

  Hello dear Friends and Cynren,
I was taught by my Native American elders to find the ‘home address’ of anyone I meet. I offer you mine, so that you know who I am.

  I am a Wahl, blood line to our ancestors, the Wihtwara. The last seven years has taught me so much about them, I feel completely at ease and ‘with’ them nearly all the time. The books have been written, truth lining 2,000 pages. Wihtflaed has channelled so much because she wants the truth to be known after 1,300 years of nothing!

  This has come after many more years of me walking the ‘Red Road’ with Native American teachers and Elders. I was given a vision dream showing a giant tipi in the Arreton Valley and the near destruction of our Mother Earth. It was a nightmare, too hard to bear. So, I was shown the ascension of our Mother rising to the sun. It is humanity’s 2nd coming. A very loud voice said, "You are a teacher, teach the children the ways of the Earth!"

Little Turtle Island
Little Turtle Island project

  I began to teach my kids at Osborne Middle School all I knew of Native American Spirituality. I went to the Sisseton Dakota Sioux in Minnesota for many months, and over several years to learn from the Elders there. Ed McGaa Eagle Man of the Lakota came to England to teach us, in Meonwara country. He gave me my Native name in ceremony, Oymbadi Olywampa Weya, Eagle Singing moon. I became a Pipe carrier.

Chuck Derby Running Elk
Chuck Derby Running Elk:
leader of the Sisseton Dakota Sioux

  Chuck Derby Running Elk guardian of the sacred pipestone quarries left his reservation to visit the island. He married Gloria Hazel, my English friend in a ceremony at the Longstone, both Native American and Pagan. He taught my kids in a camp setting with a vision quest and sweat lodge. He told me that this island is sacred but held dark energies. We called our project Little Turtle Island. And it has become Little Turtle Island, part of the creation of Native America. Chuck has now passed but I feel his presence and he is with us now.

With Ed McGaa
With Ed McGaa, "Eagle Man"

  That glorious energy has never left our Isle. I feel it melding with our Wihtwara spirit ways. They are so close.
"These two-legged will be called the Rainbow tribe, for they are the product of thousands of years of melding among the five original races. These children of the Earth have been called together to open their hearts and move beyond the barriers of disconnection. The medicine they carry is the Whirling Rainbow of Peace, which will mark the union of the five races as one."
:- Ed McGaa was the vanguard of Black Elk who saw people gathering under the rainbow tree. We are the Rainbow Tribe!

  Jamie Sams: "Other Council Fires Were Here Before Ours."

  Mitakuye Oyisin
For all my Relations
Jan Harper Whale (Wahl) Eagle Singing Moon.

A vision without a task Rainbow Tribe Book cover
Jan shaking hands Beat the Drum for the skypower
steam turning to bird preys into the water
King Arwald Earthday Remember 22nd April

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