The Project Gutenberg E-Book of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 3 of 4: N-R), by Various This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 3 of 4: N-R) Author: Various Editor: Thomas Davidson Release Date: January 28, 2012 [EBook #38699] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CHAMBERS'S 20TH CENT. DICTIONARY (N-R) *** Produced by Colin Bell, Keith Edkins and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at
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The Arrangement of the Words.—Every word is given in its alphabetical order, except in cases where, to save space, derivatives are given after and under the words from which they are derived. Each uncompounded verb has its participles, when irregular, placed after it. Exceptional plurals are also given. When a word stands after another, with no meaning given, its meanings can be at once formed from those of the latter, by adding the signification of the affix: thus the meanings of Darkness are obtained by prefixing the meaning of ness, state of being, to those of Dark.
Many words from French and other tongues, current in English usage, but not yet fairly Anglicised, are inserted in the list of Foreign Phrases, &c., at the end, rather than in the body of the Dictionary.
The Pronunciation.—The Pronunciation is given immediately after each word, by the word being spelled anew. In this new spelling, every consonant used has its ordinary unvarying sound, no consonant being employed that has more than one sound. The same sounds are always represented by the same letters, no matter how varied their actual spelling in the language. No consonant used has any mark attached to it, with the one exception of th, which is printed in common letters when sounded as in thick, but in italics when sounded as in then. Unmarked vowels have always their short sounds, as in lad, led, lid, lot, but, book. The marked vowels are shown in the following line, which is printed at the top of each page:—
The vowel u when marked thus, ü, has the sound heard in Scotch bluid, gude, the French du, almost that of the German ü in Müller. Where more than one pronunciation of a word is given, that which is placed first is more accepted.
The Spelling.—When more than one form of a word is given, that which is placed first is the spelling in current English use. Unfortunately our modern spelling does not represent the English we actually speak, but rather the language of the 16th century, up to which period, generally speaking, English spelling was mainly phonetic, like the present German. The fundamental principle of all rational spelling is no doubt the representation of every sound by an invariable symbol, but in modern English the usage of pronunciation has drifted far from the conventional forms established by a traditional orthography, with the result that the present spelling of our written speech is to a large extent a mere exercise of memory, full of confusing anomalies and imperfections, and involving an enormous and unnecessary strain on the faculties of learners. Spelling reform is indeed an imperative necessity, but it must proceed with a wise moderation, for, in the words of Mr Sweet, 'nothing can be done without unanimity, and until the majority of the community are convinced of the superiority of some one system unanimity is impossible.' The true path of progress should follow such wisely moderate counsels as those of Dr J. A. H. Murray:—the dropping of the final or inflexional silent e; the restoration of the historical -t after breath consonants; uniformity in the employment of double consonants, as in traveler, &c.; the discarding of ue in words like demagogue and catalogue; the uniform levelling of the agent -our into -or; the making of ea = ĕ short into e and the long ie into ee; the restoration of some, come, tongue, to their old English forms, sum, cum, tung; a more extended use of z in the body of words, as chozen, praize, raize; and the correction of the worst individual monstrosities, as foreign, scent, scythe, ache, debt, people, parliament, court, would, sceptic, phthisis, queue, schedule, twopence-halfpenny, yeoman, sieve, gauge, barque, buoy, yacht, &c.
Already in America a moderate degree of spelling reform may be said to be established in good usage, by the adoption of -or for -our, as color, labor, &c.; of -er for -re, as center, meter, &c.; -ize for -ise, as civilize, &c.; the use of a uniform single consonant after an unaccented vowel, as traveler for traveller; the adoption of e for œ or æ in hemorrhage, diarrhea, &c.
The Meanings.—The current and most important meaning of a word is usually given first. But in cases like Clerk, Livery, Marshal, where the force of the word can be made much clearer by tracing its history, the original meaning is also given, and the successive variations of its usage defined.
The Etymology.—The Etymology of each word is given after the meanings, within brackets. Where further information regarding a word is given elsewhere, it is so indicated by a reference. It must be noted under the etymology that whenever a word is printed thus, Ban, Base, the student is referred to it; also that here the sign—is always to be read as meaning 'derived from.' Examples are generally given of words that are cognate or correspond to the English words; but it must be remembered that they are inserted merely for illustration. Such words are usually separated from the rest by a semicolon. For instance, when an English word is traced to its Anglo-Saxon form, and then a German word is given, no one should suppose that our English word is derived from the German. German and Anglo-Saxon are alike branches from a common Teutonic stem, and have seldom borrowed from each other. Under each word the force of the prefix is usually given, though not the affix. For fuller explanation in such cases the student is referred to the list of Prefixes and Suffixes in the Appendix.
aor. | aorist. | geol. | geology. | perh. | perhaps. |
abbrev. | abbreviation. | geom. | geometry. | pers. | person. |
abl. | ablative. | ger. | gerundive. | pfx. | prefix. |
acc. | according. | gram. | grammar. | phil., philos. | philosophy. |
accus. | accusative. | gun. | gunnery. | philol. | philology. |
adj. | adjective. | her. | heraldry. | phon. | phonetics. |
adv. | adverb. | hist. | history. | phot. | photography. |
agri. | agriculture. | hort. | horticulture. | phrenol. | phrenology. |
alg. | algebra. | hum. | humorous. | phys. | physics. |
anat. | anatomy. | i.e. | that is. | physiol. | physiology. |
app. | apparently. | imit. | imitative. | pl. | plural. |
arch. | archaic. | imper. | imperative. | poet. | poetical. |
archit. | architecture. | impers. | impersonal. | pol. econ. | political economy. |
arith. | arithmetic. | indic. | indicative. | poss. | possessive. |
astrol. | astrology. | infin. | infinitive. | Pr.Bk. | Book of Common |
astron. | astronomy. | inten. | intensive. | Prayer. | |
attrib. | attributive. | interj. | interjection. | pr.p. | present participle. |
augm. | augmentative. | interrog. | interrogative. | prep. | preposition. |
B. | Bible. | jew. | jewellery. | pres. | present. |
biol. | biology. | lit. | literally. | print. | printing. |
book-k. | book-keeping. | mach. | machinery. | priv. | privative. |
bot. | botany. | masc. | masculine. | prob. | probably. |
c. (circa) | about. | math. | mathematics. | Prof. | Professor. |
c., cent. | century. | mech. | mechanics. | pron. | pronoun; |
carp. | carpentry. | med. | medicine. | pronounced; | |
cf. | compare. | metaph. | metaphysics. | pronunciation. | |
chem. | chemistry. | mil. | military. | prop. | properly. |
cog. | cognate. | Milt. | Milton. | pros. | prosody. |
coll., colloq. | colloquially. | min. | mineralogy. | prov. | provincial. |
comp. | comparative. | mod. | modern. | q.v. | which see. |
conch. | conchology. | Mt. | Mount. | R.C. | Roman Catholic. |
conj. | conjunction. | mus. | music. | recip. | reciprocal. |
conn. | connected. | myth. | mythology. | redup. | reduplication. |
contr. | contracted. | n., ns. | noun, nouns. | refl. | reflexive. |
cook. | cookery. | nat. hist. | natural history. | rel. | related; relative. |
corr. | corruption. | naut. | nautical. | rhet. | rhetoric. |
crystal. | crystallography. | neg. | negative. | sculp. | sculpture. |
dat. | dative. | neut. | neuter. | Shak. | Shakespeare. |
demons. | demonstrative. | | noun plural. | sig. | signifying. |
der. | derivation. | n.sing. | noun singular. | sing. | singular. |
dial. | dialect, dialectal. | N.T. | New Testament. | spec. | specifically. |
Dict. | Dictionary. | obs. | obsolete. | Spens. | Spenser. |
dim. | diminutive. | opp. | opposed. | subj. | subjunctive. |
dub. | doubtful. | opt. | optics. | suff. | suffix. |
eccles. | ecclesiastical history. | orig. | originally. | superl. | superlative. |
e.g. | for example. | ornith. | ornithology. | surg. | surgery. |
elect. | electricity. | O.S. | old style. | term. | termination. |
entom. | entomology. | O.T. | Old Testament. | teleg. | telegraphy. |
esp. | especially. | p., part. | participle. | Tenn. | Tennyson. |
ety. | etymology. | p.adj. | participial adjective. | Test. | Testament. |
fem. | feminine. | paint. | painting. | theat. | theatre; theatricals. |
fig. | figuratively. | paleog. | paleography. | theol. | theology. |
fol. | followed; following. | paleon. | paleontology. | trig. | trigonometry. |
fort. | fortification. | palm. | palmistry. | ult. | ultimately. |
freq. | frequentative. | pa.p. | past participle. | v.i. | verb intransitive. |
fut. | future. | pass. | passive. | voc. | vocative. |
gen. | genitive. | pa.t. | past tense. | v.t. | verb transitive. |
gener. | generally. | path. | pathology. | vul. | vulgar. |
geog. | geography. | perf. | perfect. | zool. | zoology. |
Amer. | American. | Fris. | Frisian. | Norw. | Norwegian. |
Ar. | Arabic. | Gael. | Gaelic. | O. Fr. | Old French. |
A.S. | Anglo-Saxon. | Ger. | German. | Pers. | Persian. |
Austr. | Australian. | Goth. | Gothic. | Peruv. | Peruvian. |
Bav. | Bavarian. | Gr. | Greek. | Pol. | Polish. |
Beng. | Bengali. | Heb. | Hebrew. | Port. | Portuguese. |
Bohem. | Bohemian. | Hind. | Hindustani. | Prov. | Provençal. |
Braz. | Brazilian. | Hung. | Hungarian. | Rom. | Romance. |
Bret. | Breton. | Ice. | Icelandic. | Russ. | Russian |
Carib. | Caribbean. | Ind. | Indian. | Sans. | Sanskrit. |
Celt. | Celtic. | Ion. | Ionic. | Scand. | Scandinavian. |
Chal. | Chaldean. | Ir. | Irish. | Scot. | Scottish. |
Chin. | Chinese. | It. | Italian. | Singh. | Singhalese. |
Corn. | Cornish. | Jap. | Japanese. | Slav. | Slavonic. |
Dan. | Danish. | Jav. | Javanese. | Sp. | Spanish. |
Dut. | Dutch. | L. | Latin. | Sw. | Swedish. |
Egypt. | Egyptian. | Lith. | Lithuanian. | Teut. | Teutonic. |
Eng. | English. | L. L. | Low or Late Latin. | Turk. | Turkish. |
Finn. | Finnish. | M. E. | Middle English. | U.S. | United States. |
Flem. | Flemish. | Mex. | Mexican. | W. | Welsh. |
Fr. | French. | Norm. | Norman. |
the fourteenth letter and eleventh consonant of our alphabet, a nasal-dental: (chem.) the symbol for nitrogen: (math.) an indefinite constant whole number, esp. the degree of a quantic or an equation: as a numeral, formerly, N=90, and (N)=90,000.
Nab, nab, v.t. to seize suddenly:—pr.p. nab′bing; pa.p. nabbed. [Sw. nappa; Dan. nappe, to catch.]
Nab, nab, n. a hill-top: the projecting cavity fixed to the jamb of a door to receive the latch or bolt: (obs.) a hat. [For knab=knap.]
Nabatæan, nab-a-tē′an, adj. of or pertaining
to a once powerful Arab people who formerly dwelt on the east and
south-east of Palestine, identified by some with the Nebaioth of
Isa. lx. 7, the Nabathites of 1 Maccab. v. 25.
—Also Nabathē′an.
Nabk, nabk, n. one of the plants in the crown of thorns (Zizyphus Spina-Christi). [Prob. Ar.]
Nabob, nā′bob, n. a deputy or governor under the Mogul Empire: a European who has enriched himself in the East: any man of great wealth. [Corr. of Hind. nawwâb, a deputy, from Ar. nawwāb, pl. (used as sing.) of nāib, a deputy.]
Nacarat, nak′a-rat, n. a light-red colour, scarlet: a fabric of this colour. [Fr.]
Nacket, nak′et, n. (Scot.) a small cake, luncheon.
Nacre, nā′kr, n.
—adj. iridescent.
—adj. Nā′creous, consisting of nacre: having
a pearly lustre. [Fr.,—Ar. nakīr, hollowed.]
Nadir, nā′dir, n. the point of the heavens diametrically opposite to the zenith: the lowest point of anything. [Fr.,—Ar. nazīr, from nazara, to be like.]
Nævus, nē′vus, n. a birth-mark: a congenital
growth strictly on a part of the skin, whether a pigmentary nævus
or mole, or a vascular naevus or overgrowth of capillary
blood-vessels—also Mother-spot or
Birth-mark—also Næve, Neve:—pl.
Næ′void, Næ′vous, Næ′vose. [L.]
Nag, nag, n. a horse, but particularly a small one—(Scot.) Naig: (Shak.) a jade. [M. E. nagge—Mid. Dut. negge, negghe (mod. Dut. negge); cf. Neigh.]
Nag, nag, v.t. to worry or annoy continually: to tease
or vex: to find fault with constantly:—pr.p. nag′ging; pa.p. nagged.
Nag′ger. [Cf. Gnaw.]
Naga, nä′ga, n. the name of deified serpents in Hindu mythology.
Naiad, nā′yad, n. a water-nymph or a goddess, presiding over rivers and springs:—pl. Nai′ades. [L. and Gr. naias, naiados, from naein, to flow.]
Naiant, nā′yant, adj. floating: (her.) swimming, as a fish placed horizontally across a shield. [L. nans, nantis, pr.p. of natāre, to swim.]
Naïf, nä-ēf′, Naïve, nä-ēv′, adj. with natural or
unaffected simplicity, esp. in thought, manners, or speech: artless:
—adv. Naïve′ly.
—n. Naïveté
(nä-ēv-tā′), natural simplicity
and unreservedness of thought, manner, or speech. [Fr. naïf, fem,
naïve—L. nativus, native—nasci,
natus, to be born.]
Nail, nāl, n. one of the flattened, elastic, horny
plates placed as protective coverings on the dorsal surface of the
terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes: the claw of a bird or other
animal: a thin pointed piece of metal for fastening wood: a measure of
length (2¼ inches):—v.t. to fasten with nails: to make
certain: to confirm, pin down, hold fast: to catch or secure through
promptitude; to trip up or expose.
—ns. Nail′-brush, a small brush for cleaning the
nails; Nail′er, one whose trade is
to make nails; Nail′ery, a place
where nails are made.
—adj. Nail′-head′ed, having a head like that
of a nail: formed like nail-heads, said of ornamental marks on cloth and
on certain kinds of mouldings (dog-tooth).
Nail′-rod, a strip cut from an iron
plate to be made into nails: a trade name for a strong kind of
manufactured tobacco.
—Nail to the counter, to expose
publicly as false, from the habit of nailing a counterfeit coin to a shop
—Drive a nail in one's coffin (see Coffin);
Hit the nail on the head, to touch the exact point; On the
nail, on the spot: immediately: without delay. [A.S. nægel;
Ger. nagel.]
Nainsell, nān′sel, n. own self—Highland Scotch.
Nainsook, nān′sōōk, n. a kind of muslin like jaconet, both plain and striped. [Hind.]
Naissant, nās′sant, adj. (her.) rising or coming forth, as an animal newly born or about to be born. [Fr., pr.p. of naître—L. nasci, natus, to be born.]
Naked, nā′ked, adj. without clothes:
uncovered: open to view: unconcealed: evident: unarmed: defenceless:
unprovided: without addition or ornament: simple: artless: (bot.)
without the usual covering.
—adv. Nā′kedly.
—n. Nā′kedness.
—Naked eye, the
eye unassisted by glasses of any kind; Naked lady, the
—Stark naked, entirely naked. [A.S.
nacod; Ger. nackt.]
Naker, nā′ker, n. a kettledrum. [O. Fr.,—Ar.]
Nam, nam, n. an obsolete law term for
—n. Namā′tion. [A.S. niman, pa.t.
nam, to take.]
Namby-pamby, nam′bi-pam′bi, n. silly talking
or writing.
—adj. sentimental, affectedly
—v.t. to coddle. [H. Carey's nickname for
Ambrose Philips (1671-1749), from his childish odes to
Name, nām, n. that by which a person or a thing is
known or called: a designation: that which is said of a person: reputed
character: reputation: fame: celebrity: remembrance: a race or family:
appearance, not reality: authority: behalf: assumed character of another:
(gram.) a noun.
—v.t. to give a name to: to designate:
to speak of or to call by name: to mention for a post or office: to
nominate: to mention formally by name a person in the House of Commons as
guilty of disorderly conduct.
—adjs. Nam′able, Name′able; Name′less, without a name: undistinguished:
indescribable; Name′worthy,
—adv. Name′lessly.
—n. Name′lessness.
—adv. Name′ly, by name: that is to
—ns. Name′-plate, a
plate of metal having on it the name of a person, usually affixed to a
door or a gate; Nam′er; Name′sake, one bearing the same name as
another for his sake.
—Name the day, to fix a day, esp. for a
—Call names, to nickname; Christian name
(see Christian); In name of, on behalf of: by the authority
of; Proper name, a name given to a particular person, place, or
thing; Take a name in vain, to use a name lightly or profanely.
[A.S. nama; Ger. name; L. nomen.]
Nancy, nan′si, n. an effeminate young man, often a 'Miss Nancy.'—Nancy Pretty, a corruption of none so pretty, the Saxifraga umbrosa.
Nandine, nan′din, n. a small West African paradoxure, with spotted sides.
Nandu, Nandoo, nan′dōō, n. the South American ostrich.
Nanism, nā′nizm, n.
—n. Nanisā′tion, the artificial dwarfing of
—adj. Nā′noid. [Fr.,—L.,—Gr.
nanos, a dwarf.]
Nankeen, nan-kēn′, n. a buff-coloured cotton
cloth first made at Nankin in China: (pl.) clothes, esp.
breeches, made of nankeen.
—Also Nankin′.
Nanny, nan′i, n. a female goat.
Nap, nap, n. a short sleep.
—v.i. to take a
short sleep: to feel drowsy and secure:—pr.p. nap′ping; pa.p. napped.
napping, to come upon unprepared. [A.S. hnappian; cf. Ger.
nicken, to nod.]
Nap, nap, n. the woolly substance on the surface of
cloth: the downy covering of plants.
—v.t. to raise a nap
—ns. Nap′-mē′ter, a machine for
testing the wearing strength of cloth; Nap′piness.
—adj. Nap′py. [M. E. noppe: the same as
Nap, nap, n. a game of cards—Napoleon (q.v.).
Nap, nap, v.t. to seize, to take hold of, steal.
Nape, nāp, n. the back upper part of the neck, perhaps so called from the knob or projecting point of the neck behind. [Knap, knob.]
Napery, nā′per-i, n. linen, esp. for the table: table-cloths, napkins, &c. [O. Fr.,—Low L. naparia—napa, a cloth—L. mappa, a napkin.]
Naphtha, naf′tha, or nap′tha, n. a clear,
inflammable liquid distilled from petroleum, wood, coal-tar, &c.:
—n. Naph′thalene, a grayish-white, inflammable
substance obtained by the distillation of coal-tar.
Naphthal′ic, pertaining to, or
derived from, naphthalene.
—v.t. Naph′thalise.
—ns. Naph′thol, Naphthyl′amine. [L.,—Gr.,—Ar.
Napierian, nā-pē′ri-an, adj.
pertaining to John Napier of Merchiston (1550-1617), the inventor
of logarithms.
—Napier's bones, or rods, an invention
of Napier's for performing mechanically the operations of multiplication
and division, by means of sets of rods.
Napiform, nāp′i-form, adj. shaped like a
turnip: large and round above and slender below.
Napifō′lious, with leaves like
the turnip. [L. napus, a turnip.]
Napkin, nap′kin, n. a cloth for wiping the hands:
a handkerchief.
—n. Nap′kin-ring, a ring in which a table-napkin
is rolled. [Dim. of Fr. nappe.]
Napless, nap′les, adj. without nap: threadbare.
Naples-yellow, nā′plz-yel′lō, n. a light-yellow pigment consisting of antimoniate of lead, originally made in Italy by a secret process.
Napoleon, na-pō′lē-on, n. a French
gold coin worth 20 francs, or about 15s. 10½d.: a French modification of
the game of euchre, each player receiving five cards and playing for
himself: a kind of rich iced cake.
—adj. Napoleon′ic, relating to Napoleon I.
or III., the Great or the Little.
—ns. Napō′leonism; Napō′leonist.
—Go nap, to
declare all five tricks—success rewarded by double payment all
Nappy, nap′i, adj. heady, strong:
—n. strong ale. [Prob. from nap, a sleep.]
Nappy, nap′i, adj. (Scot.) brittle. [Cf. Knap.]
Napron, nap′ron, n. (Spens.) an apron.
Narcissus, nar-sis′us, n. a genus of plants of the Amaryllis family, comprising the daffodils. [L.,—Gr. narkissos—narkē, torpor.]
Narcolepsy, nar′kō-lep-si, n. a nervous disorder marked by frequent short attacks of irresistible drowsiness.
Narcotic, nar-kot′ik, adj. having power to produce
torpor, sleep, or deadness.
—n. a medicine producing sleep or
—n. Narcō′sis, the stupefying effect of a
—adv. Narcot′ically.
—n. Nar′cotine, one of the organic bases or
alkaloids occurring in opium.
—v.t. Nar′cotise.
—n. Nar′cotism, the influence of narcotics, or
the effects produced by their use. [Fr.,—Gr. narkē,
Nard, närd, n. an aromatic plant usually called
Spikenard: an ointment prepared from it.
Nard′ine. [Fr.,—L.
nardus—Gr. nardos—Pers. nard—Sans.
nalada, from Sans. nal, to smell.]
Nardoo, när-dōō′, n. an Australian cryptogamic plant whose spore-cases are eaten by the natives.
Nardus, när′dus, n. a genus of grasses, having but one species, Nardus stricta, mat-grass.
Narghile, när′gi-le, n. an Eastern tobacco-pipe,
in which the smoke is passed through water.
—Also Nar′gile, Nar′gileh, Nar′gili. [Pers.]
Naris, nā′ris, n. a
nostril:—pl. Nā′res.
—adjs. Nar′ial, Nar′ine.
—n. Nar′icorn, the horny nasal sheath of the beak
of some birds.
—adj. Nar′iform. [L.]
Narrate, na-rāt′, or nar′-, v.t. to
tell, to give an account of.
—adj. Narr′able, capable of being
—n. Narrā′tion, act of telling: that which
is told: an orderly account of what has happened.
Narr′ative, narrating: giving an
account of any occurrence: inclined to narration:
—n. that which is narrated: a continued
account of any occurrence: story.
—adv. Narr′atively.
—n. Narrā′tor, one who narrates: one who
tells or states facts, &c.
—adj. Narr′atory, like narrative: consisting of
narrative. [Fr.,—L. narrāre, -ātum—gnārus,
Narre, när, adj. (Spens.) an older form of near.
Narrow, nar′ō, adj. of little breadth: of
small extent from side to side: limited: contracted in mind: bigoted: not
liberal: selfish: within a small distance: almost too small: close:
accurate: careful.
—n. (oftener used in the pl.) a
narrow passage, channel, or strait.
—v.t. to make narrow: to
contract or confine.
—v.i. to become narrow: to reduce the
number of stitches in knitting.
—adj. Narr′ow-gauge, denoting a railroad of less
width than 4 ft. 8½ in.
—n. Narr′owing, the act of making less in
breadth: the state of being contracted: the part of anything which is
made narrower.
—adv. Narr′owly.
—adj. Narr′ow-mind′ed, of a narrow or
illiberal mind.
—ns. Narr′ow-mind′edness; Narr′owness.
—adjs. Narr′ow-pry′ing (Shak.),
scrutinising closely, inquisitive; Narr′ow-souled, illiberal.
cloth, cloth, esp. woollen, of less than 54 inches in width;
Narrow work, in mining, the making of passages, air-shafts,
&c. [A.S. nearu; not conn. with near, but prob. with
nerve, snare.]
Narthex, nar′theks, n. a former genus of umbelliferous plants, now included in Ferula: a portico or lobby in an early Christian or Oriental church or basilica. [L.,—Gr., narthēx.]
Narwhal, när′hwal, Narwal, när′wal, n. the sea-unicorn, a mammal of the whale family with one large projecting tusk. [Dan. narhval—Ice. náhvalr, 'corpse-whale,' from the creature's pallid colour (Ice. nár, corpse).]
Nary, ner′i, a provincial corruption of ne'er a, never a.
Nas, nas, an obsolete corruption of ne has; of ne was.
Nasal, nā′zal, adj. belonging to the nose:
affected by, or sounded through, the nose.
—n. a letter or
sound uttered through the nose: the nose-piece in a
—n. Nasalisā′tion, the act of uttering with
a nasal sound.
—v.i. Nā′salise, to render nasal, as a sound:
to insert a nasal letter into.
—n. Nasal′ity.
—adv. Nā′sally, by or through the
—adjs. Nā′sicorn, having a horn on the nose,
as a rhinoceros; Nā′siform,
—n. Nā′sion, the median point of the
naso-frontal suture.
—adjs. Nasobā′sal, pertaining to the nose and
base of the skull; Nasoc′ular,
pertaining to the nose and eye, nasorbital; Nasofron′tal, pertaining to the nasal bone
and the frontal bone; Nasolā′bial, pertaining to the nose and
the upper lip; Nasolac′rymal,
pertaining to the nose and to tears, as the duct which carries tears from
the eyes to the nose; Nasopal′atine,
pertaining to the nose and to the palate or palate-bones. [Fr.,—L.
nasus, the nose.]
Nasard, naz′ard, n. a mutation-stop in
—Also Nas′arde.
Nascent, nas′ent, adj. springing up: arising:
beginning to exist or to grow.
—n. Nas′cency, the beginning of production: birth
or origin. [L. nascens, -entis,
pr.p. of nasci, natus, to be born.]
Naseberry, nāz′ber-i, n. an American
tropical tree.
—Also Nees′berry, Nis′berry. [Sp. níspero—L.
mespilus, medlar.]
Nasturtium, nas-tur′shi-um, n. the water-cress. [L., nasus, the nose, torquēre, tortum, to twist.]
Nasty, nas′ti, adj. dirty: filthy: obscene:
disagreeable to the taste or smell: difficult to deal with: ill-natured:
—adv. Nas′tily.
—n. Nas′tiness. [Old form nasky, soft; cf.
prov. Swed. snaskig, nasty, Low Ger. nask, nasty.]
Nasute, nā-sūt′, adj. having a long snout: keen-scented.
Natal, nā′tal, adj. pertaining to the nates
or buttocks.
— Nā′tes, the buttocks.
Nat′iform. [L. natis, the
Natal, nā′tal, adj. pertaining to birth:
native: presiding over birthdays.
—adj. Natali′tial, pertaining to a
—n. Natal′ity,
birth-rate. [Fr.,—L. natalis—nasci,
natus, to be born.]
Natant, nā′tant, adj. floating on the
surface, as leaves of water-plants: (her.) in a horizontal
position, as if swimming.
—n. Natā′tion, swimming.
Natatō′res, the
—adj. Natatō′rial, swimming: adapted to
—n. Natatō′rium, a
—adj. Nā′tatory, pertaining to swimming:
having the habit of swimming. [L. natans, -antis, pr.p. of natāre, inten. of
nāre, to swim.]
Natch, nach, n. (prov.) the rump.
Natch, nach, n. a provincial form of notch.
Nathless, nath′les, adj. not the less:
—Also Nathe′less.
[A.S. ná thý læs, not the less.]
Nathmore, nath′mōr, adv. (Spens.) not
or never the more.
—Also Nath′moe. [A.S. ná thý mára.]
Nation, nā′shun, n. a body of people born of the same stock: the people inhabiting the same country, or under the same government: a race: a great number: a division of students in a university for voting purposes at Aberdeen and Glasgow. [Fr.,—L. nation-em,—nasci, natus, to be born.]
National, nash′un-al, adj. pertaining to a nation:
public: general: attached to one's own country.
—n. Nationalisā′tion, the act of
nationalising, as of railways, private property, &c.: the state of
being nationalised.
—v.t. Nat′ionalise, to make national: to make a
nation of.
—ns. Nat′ionalism; Nat′ionalist, one who strives after national
unity or independence, esp. as in Ireland for more or less separation
from Great Britain: an advocate of nationalism: National′ity, birth or membership in a
particular country: separate existence as a nation: a nation, race of
people: national character.
—adv. Nat′ionally.
—n. Nat′ionalness.
—National air,
anthem, the popular song by which a people's patriotic feelings
are expressed; National Church, the church established by law in a
country; National Convention, the sovereign assembly which sat
from Sept. 21, 1792, to Oct. 26, 1795, after the abolition of monarchy in
France; National debt, money borrowed by the government of a
country and not yet paid; National flag, or ensign, the
principal flag of a country; National guard, a force which took
part in the French Revolution, first formed in 1789.
Native, nā′tiv, adj. arising or appearing by
birth: produced by nature: pertaining to the time or place of birth:
belonging by birth, hereditary, natural, original: occurring uncombined
with other substances, as metals.
—n. one born in any place:
an original inhabitant: (pl.) oysters raised in artificial
—adv. Nā′tively.
—ns. Nā′tiveness; Nā′tivism, the belief that the mind
possesses some ideas or forms of thought that are inborn, and not derived
from sensation: the disposition to favour the natives of a country in
preference to immigrants; Nā′tivist.
—adj. Nativis′tic.
—n. Nativ′ity, state or fact of being born: time,
place, and manner of birth: the birth of Christ, hence the festival of
His birth, Christmas—also a picture representing His birth: state
or place of being produced: a horoscope.
—Native rock, stone
not yet quarried. [Fr.,—L. nativus—nasci,
natus, to be born.]
Natrix, nā′triks, n. a genus of colubrine snakes. [L.,—natāre, to swim.]
Natrolite, nat′ro-līt, n. one of the most common of the group of minerals known as Zeolites.
Natron, nā′trun, n. native carbonate of
sodium, or mineral alkali, the nitre of the Bible.
Natrom′eter, an instrument for
measuring the quantity of soda in salts of potash and soda.
[Fr.,—L. nitrum—Gr. nitron.]
Natter, nat′ėr, v.t. and v.i.
(prov.) to find fault.
—adjs. Natt′ered, Natt′ery, peevish.
Natterjack, nat′ėr-jak, n. a common European toad. [Cf. Adder.]
Nattes, nats, surface decoration or diaper resembling plaited or interlaced work. [Fr.]
Natty, nat′i, adj. trim, tidy, neat,
—adv. Natt′ily.
—n. Natt′iness. [Allied to neat.]
Natural, nat′ū-ral, adj. pertaining to,
produced by, or according to nature: inborn: not far-fetched: not
acquired: tender: unaffected: in a state of nature, unregenerate:
(math.) having 1 as the base of the system, of a function or
number: illegitimate: (mus.) according to the usual diatonic
—n. an idiot: (mus.) a character () which removes the effect of a
preceding sharp or flat: a white key in keyboard musical
—adj. Nat′ural-born, native.
Naturā′lia, the sexual
—n. Naturalisā′tion.
Nat′uralise, to make natural or
easy: to adapt to a different climate or to different conditions of life:
to grant the privileges of natural-born subjects to.
Nat′uralism, mere state of nature: a
close following of nature, without idealisation, in painting, sculpture,
fiction, &c.: the belief that natural religion is of itself
sufficient; Nat′uralist, one who
studies nature, more particularly zoology and botany: a believer in
—adj. Naturalist′ic, pertaining to, or in
accordance with, nature: belonging to the doctrines of
—adv. Nat′urally.
—n. Nat′uralness.
—Natural history,
originally the description of all that is in nature, now used of the
sciences that deal with the earth and its productions—botany,
zoology, and mineralogy, esp. zoology; Natural law, the sense of
right and wrong which arises from the constitution of the mind of man, as
distinguished from the results of revelation or legislation; Natural
numbers, the numbers 1, 2, 3, and upwards; Natural order, in
botany, an order or division belonging to the natural system of
classification, based on a consideration of all the organs of the plant;
Natural philosophy, the science of nature, of the physical
properties of bodies: physics; Natural scale, a scale of music
written without sharps or flats; Natural science, the science of
nature, as distinguished from that of mind (mental and
moral science), and from pure science (mathematics); Natural
selection, a supposed operation of the laws of nature, the result of
which is the 'survival of the fittest,' as if brought about by
intelligent design; Natural system, a classification of plants and
animals according to real differences in structure; Natural
theology, or Natural religion, the body of theological truths
discoverable by reason without revelation.
Nature, nā′tūr, n. the power which
creates and which regulates the material world: the power of growth: the
established order of things, the universe: the qualities of anything
which make it what it is: constitution: species: conformity to nature,
truth, or reality: inborn mind, character, instinct, or disposition:
vital power, as of man or animal: course of life: nakedness: a primitive
undomesticated condition.
—adj. Nā′tured, having a certain temper or
disposition: used in compounds, as good-natured.
Nā′ture-dē′ity, a
deity personifying some force of physical nature; Nā′ture-myth, a myth symbolising
natural phenomena; Nā′ture-print′ing, the process of
printing in colours from plates that have been impressed with some object
of nature, as a plant, leaf, &c.; Nā′ture-wor′ship, Nā′turism, worship of the powers of
—n. Nā′turist.
—adj. Naturist′ic.
—Debt of nature,
death; Ease, or Relieve, nature, to evacuate the
bowels. [Fr.,—L. natura—nasci, natus, to
be born.]
Naught, nawt, n. no-whit, nothing.
—adv. in
no degree.
—adj. of no value or account: worthless:
—Be naught, an obsolete form of malediction; Come to
naught, to come to nothing, to fail; Set at naught, to treat
as of no account, to despise. [Another form of nought. A.S.
náht, náwiht—ná, not, wiht, a
Naughty, nawt′i, adj. bad in conduct or speech:
mischievous: perverse: disagreeable.
—adv. Naught′ily.
—n. Naught′iness.
Naumachy, naw′ma-ki, n. a sea-fight: a show
representing a sea-fight.
—Also Naumach′ia. [Gr. naus, a ship,
machē, a fight.]
Nauplius, naw′pli-us, n. a stage of development of
low Crustaceans, as cirripeds, &c.:—pl. Nau′plii.
—adjs. Nau′pliiform, Nau′plioid. [L., a kind of
shell-fish—Gr. Nauplios, a son of Poseidon, naus, a
ship, plein, to sail.]
Nauropometer, naw-rō-pom′e-tėr, n. an instrument for measuring a ship's heeling or inclination at sea. [Gr. naus, a ship, hropē, inclination, metron, measure.]
Nauscopy, naw′skop-i, n. the art of sighting ships at great distances. [Gr. naus, a ship, skopein, to see.]
Nausea, naw′she-a, n. sea-sickness: any sickness
of the stomach, with a tendency to vomit: loathing.
Nau′seant, producing
—n. a substance having this
—v.i. Nau′seāte, to feel nausea or
—v.t. to loathe: to strike with
—n. Nauseā′tion.
Nau′seātive, causing nausea or
loathing; Nau′seous, producing
nausea: disgusting: loathsome.
—adv. Nau′seously.
—n. Nau′seousness. [L.,—Gr. nausia,
sea-sickness—naus, a ship.]
Nautch, nawch, n. a kind of ballet-dance performed by professional dancers known as Nautch′-girls in India: any form of stage entertainment with dancing. [Hind. nāch, dance.]
Nautical, naw′tik-al, adj. of or pertaining to
ships, to sailors, or to navigation: naval: marine.
almanac, an almanac giving information specially useful to sailors;
Nautical mile, one-sixtieth of a degree measured at the Equator
(=about 2025 yards). [L. nauticus—Gr.
nautikos—naus; cog. with L. navis, a
Nautilus, naw′ti-lus, n. a Cephalopod found in the
southern seas, once believed to sail by means of the expanded tentacular
arms: a kind of diving-bell sinking or rising by means of condensed
air:—pl. Nau′tiluses,
or Nau′tili.
Nau′tiliform, Nau′tiloid.
—Paper nautilus, any
species of Argonauta. [L.,—Gr. nautilos, a
Naval, nā′val, adj. pertaining to ships:
consisting of, or possessing, ships: marine: nautical: belonging to the
—Naval brigade, a body of seamen so arranged as to be
able to serve on land; Naval officer, an officer on board a
man-of-war: a custom-house officer of high rank in the United States;
Naval tactics, the science and methods of managing and moving
squadrons of ships. [Fr.,—L. navalis—navis, a
Nave, nāv, n. the middle or main body of a church,
distinct from the aisles or wings.
—n. Nā′varch, a Greek admiral. [Fr.
nef—L. navis, a ship.]
Nave, nāv, n. the hub or piece of wood, &c.,
in the centre of a wheel, through which the axle
—v.t. to form as a nave. [A.S. nafu, nave; cf.
Dut. naaf, Ger. nabe.]
Navel, nāv′l, n. the mark or depression in
the centre of the lower part of the abdomen, at first a small
—n. Nāv′el-string, the umbilical cord.
[A.S. nafela, dim. of nafu, nave.]
Navew, nā′vū, n. the wild turnip.
Navicular, nav-ik′ū-lar, adj. pertaining to
small ships or boats: (bot.) boat-shaped:
—n. a bone in man and animals, so called from its
—n. Navic′ula, an
—Navicular disease, an inflammation, often
rheumatic, of the small bone—the navicular—in horses, below
which passes the strong flexor tendon of the foot. [L.
navicularis—navicula, dim. of navis, a
Navigate, nav′i-gāt, v.t. to steer or manage
a ship in sailing: to sail upon.
—v.i. to go in a vessel or
ship: to sail.
—ns. Navigabil′ity, Nav′igableness.
—adj. Nav′igable, that may be passed by ships or
—adv. Nav′igably.
—ns. Navigā′tion, the act, science, or art
of sailing ships: shipping generally: a canal or artificial waterway;
Nav′igator, one who navigates or
sails: one who directs the course of a ship.
laws, the laws passed from time to time to regulate the management
and privileges of ships, and the conditions under which they may sail or
carry on trade.
—Aerial navigation, the management of
balloons in motion; Inland navigation, the passing of boats,
&c., along rivers and canals. [L. navigāre, -ātum—navis, a ship,
agĕre, to drive.]
Navvy, nav′i, n. a labourer—originally a
labourer on a navigation or canal: a machine for digging out earth,
—called also French navvy:—pl. Navv′ies. [A contr. of navigator.]
Navy, nā′vi, n. a fleet of ships: the whole
of the ships-of-war of a nation: the officers and men belonging to the
warships of a nation.
—ns. Nā′vy-list, a list of the officers and
ships of a navy, published from time to time; Nā′vy-yard, a government dockyard. [O.
Fr. navie—L. navis, a ship.]
Nay, nā, adv. no: not only so, but: yet more: in
point of fact.
—n. a denial: a vote against.
Nay′ward (Shak.), tendency to
denial: the negative side. [M. E. nay, nai—Ice.
nei, Dan. nei; cog. with no.]
Nayword, nā′wurd, n. (Shak.) a proverbial reproach, a byword, a watchword.
Nazarene, naz′ar-ēn, n. an inhabitant of Nazareth, in Galilee: a follower of Jesus of Nazareth, originally used of Christians in contempt: one belonging to the early Christian sect of the Nazarenes, which existed from the 1st to the 4th cent. A.D.—Also Nazarē′an. [From Nazareth, the town.]
Nazarite, naz′ar-īt, n. a Jew who vowed to
abstain from strong drink, &c.
—also Naz′irite.
—n. Naz′aritism, the vow and practice of a
Nazarite. [Heb. nāzar, to consecrate.]
Naze, nāz, n. a headland or cape. [Scand., as in Dan. næs; a doublet of ness.]
Nazir, na-zēr′, n. a native official in an Anglo-Indian court who serves summonses, &c. [Ar.]
Ne, ne, adv. not: never. [A.S. ne; cf. Nay.]
Neaf, nēf, n. the fist—(Scot.) Neive. [M. E. nefe—Ice. hnefi, nefi; cf. Sw. näfve, the fist.]
Neal, nēl, v.t. to temper by
—v.i. to be tempered by heat. [Cf. Anneal.]
Nealogy, nē-al′o-ji, n. the description of
the morphological correlations of the early adolescent stages of an
—adj. Nealog′ic.
[Gr. neos, young, logia—legein, to speak.]
Neanderthaloid, nē-an′dėr-tal-oid, adj. like the low type of skull found in 1857 in a cave in the Neanderthal, a valley between Düsseldorf and Elberfeld.
Neap, nēp, adj. low, applied to the lowest
—n. a neap-tide: the lowest point of the
—adj. Neaped, left aground from one high tide to
another. [A.S. nép, orig. hnép; Dan. knap, Ice.
neppr, scanty.]
Neapolitan, nē-a-pol′i-tan, adj. pertaining
to the city of Naples or its inhabitants.
—n. a native or
inhabitant of Naples.
—Neapolitan ice, a combination of two
different ices. [L. Neapolitanus—Gr. Neapolis,
Naples—neos, new, polis, city.]
Near, nēr, adj. nigh: not far away in place or
time: close in kin or friendship: dear: following or imitating anything
closely: close, narrow, so as barely to escape: short, as a road: greedy,
stingy: on the left in riding or driving.
—adv. at a little
distance: almost: closely,—prep. close to.
and v.i. to approach: to come nearer.
—adjs. Near′-by, adjacent; Near′-hand (Scot.), near—also
adv. nearly.
—adv. Near′ly, at no great distance: closely:
intimately: pressingly: almost: stingily.
—n. Near′ness, the state of being near:
closeness: intimacy: close alliance: stinginess.
Near′-sight′ed, seeing
distinctly only when near, myopic, short-sighted.
point, the nearest point the eye can focus. [A.S. neár, comp.
of neáh, nigh; Ice. nær; Ger. näher.]
Nearctic, nē-ark′tik, adj. of or pertaining to the northern part of the New World—embracing temperate and arctic North America.
Neat, nēt, adj. belonging to the bovine
—n. black-cattle: an ox or cow.
Neat′-herd, one who herds, or has
the care of, neat or cattle; Neat′-house, a building for the shelter of
—Neat's-foot oil, an oil obtained from the feet
of oxen; Neat's leather, leather made of the hides of neat-cattle.
[A.S. neát, cattle, a beast—neótan, niótan, to
use; cf. Scot. nowt, black-cattle.]
Neat, nēt, adj. trim: tidy: clean: well-shaped:
without mixture or adulteration: finished, adroit, clever,
—adj. Neat′-hand′ed,
—adv. Neat′ly.
—n. Neat′ness. [Fr. net—L.
nitidus, shining—nìtēre, to shine.]
Neb, neb, n. the beak of a bird: the nose: the sharp
point of anything.
—adj. Nebb′y (Scot.), saucy. [A.S.
nebb, the face; cog. with Dut. neb, beak.]
Nebbuk, neb′uk, n. a shrub, Zizyphus Spina-Christi, one of the thorns of Christ's crown.
Nebel, neb′el, n. a Hebrew stringed instrument.
Neb-neb, neb′-neb, n. the dried pods of a species of acacia found in Africa, which are much used in Egypt for tanning—called also Bablah.
Nebris, neb′ris, n. a fawn-skin worn in imitation of Bacchus by his priests and votaries.
Nebula, neb′ū-la, n. a little cloud: a
faint, misty appearance in the heavens produced either by a group of
stars too distant to be seen singly, or by diffused gaseous
matter:—pl. Neb′ulæ.
—adjs. Neb′ular, pertaining to nebulæ: like nebulæ;
Nebulé (neb-ū-lā′),
curved in and out (her.); Neb′ulose, Neb′ulous, misty, hazy, vague: relating to,
or having the appearance of, a nebula.
—ns. Nebulos′ity, Neb′ulousness.
hypothesis, the theory of Laplace and Sir W. Herschel that nebulæ
form the earliest stage in the formation of stars and planets. [L.; Gr.
nephelē, cloud, mist.]
Necessary, nes′es-sar-i, adj. that must be: that
cannot be otherwise: unavoidable: indispensable: under compulsion: not
—n. that which cannot be left out or done without
(food, &c.)—used chiefly in pl.: a
—ns. Necessā′rian, one who holds the
doctrine of necessity; Necessā′rianism, the doctrine that the
will is not free, but subject to causes without, which determine its
—adv. Nec′essarily.
—n. Nec′essariness, the state or quality of being
—Necessary truths, such as cannot but be true.
[Fr.,—L. necessarius.]
Necessity, ne-ses′i-ti, n. state or quality of
being necessary: that which is necessary or unavoidable: compulsion:
great need: poverty.
—ns. Necessitā′rian; Necessitā′rianism,
—v.t. Necess′itāte, to make necessary: to
render unavoidable: to compel.
—n. Necessitā′tion.
Necess′itied (Shak.), in a
state of want; Necess′itous, in
necessity: very poor: destitute.
—adv. Necess′itously.
—n. Necess′itousness.
necessity, the condition of being necessary according to the laws of
nature; Logical or Mathematical, according to those of
human intelligence; Moral, according to those of moral law;
Works of necessity, work so necessary as to be allowable on the
Sabbath. [L. necessitas.]
Neck, nek, n. the part of an animal's body between the
head and trunk: anything that resembles the neck: a long narrow part or
corner: (fig.) life: the flesh of the neck and adjoining
—v.t. to break the neck or cut off the
—ns. Neck′atee, a
neckerchief; Neck′-band, the part of
a shirt encircling the neck; Neck′-bear′ing, that part of a shaft
which rotates in the bearing proper, a journal; Neck′beef, the coarse flesh of the neck of
cattle; Neck′cloth, a piece of
folded cloth worn round the neck by men as a band or cravat, the ends
hanging down often of lace.
—adj. Necked, having a
neck of a certain kind.
—ns. Neck′erchief, a kerchief for the neck;
Neck′lace, a lace or string of beads
or precious stones worn on the neck by women; Neck′let, a simple form of necklace; Neck′-mould, a small moulding surrounding a
column at the junction of the shaft and capital; Neck′-piece, the part of a suit of armour
that protects the neck: an ornamental frill round the neck of a gown;
Neck′tie, a tie or cloth for the
neck; Neck′verse, the verse (usually
Ps. li. 1) in early times placed before a prisoner claiming
benefit-of-clergy, in order to test his ability to read, which, if
he could do, he was burned in the hand and set free (see
—n. Stiff′neck (see Stiff).
and crop, completely; Neck and neck, exactly equal: side by
side; Neck or nothing, risking everything.
—Harden the
neck, to grow more obstinate; Tread on the neck of, to oppress
or tyrannise over. [A.S. hnecca; Ger. nacken.]
Necrolatry, nek-rol′a-tri, n. worship of the
—ns. Necrobiō′sis, degeneration of living
tissue; Necrog′rapher, one who
writes an obituary notice.
—adjs. Necrolog′ic, -al, pertaining to necrology.
Necrol′ogist, one who gives an
account of deaths; Necrol′ogy, an
account of those who have died, esp. of the members of some society: a
register of deaths; Nec′romancer,
one who practises necromancy: a sorcerer; Nec′romancy, the art of revealing future
events by calling up and questioning the spirits of the dead:
—adjs. Necroman′tic, -al, pertaining to necromancy: performed by
—adv. Necroman′tically.
—adj. Necroph′agous, feeding on
—ns. Necroph′ilism, a morbid love for the dead;
Necrophō′bia, a morbid horror
of corpses.
—adj. Necroph′orous, carrying away and burying dead
bodies, esp. of beetles of the genus Necrophorus.
Necrop′olis, a
—adjs. Necroscop′ic, -al.
—n. Nec′roscopy, a post-mortem examination,
autopsy—also Nec′ropsy.
—adjs. Necrosed′, Necrō′tic.
—ns. Necrō′sis, the mortification of bone:
(bot.) a disease of plants marked by small black spots; Necrot′omist; Necrot′omy, dissection of dead bodies. [Gr.
nekros, dead.]
Nectar, nek′tar, n. the name given by Homer,
Hesiod, Pindar, &c. to the beverage of the gods, giving life and
beauty: a delicious beverage: the honey of the glands of
—adjs. Nectā′real, Nectā′rean, pertaining to, or
resembling, nectar: delicious; Nec′tared, imbued with nectar: mingled or
abounding with nectar; Nectā′reous, Nec′tarous, pertaining to, containing, or
resembling nectar: delicious.
—adv. Nectā′reously, in a nectareous
—n. Nectā′reousness, the quality of being
—adjs. Nectā′rial; Nectarif′erous, producing nectar or honey:
having a nectary; Nec′tarine, sweet
as nectar.
—n. a variety of peach with a smooth
—n. Nec′tary, the
part of a flower which secretes the nectar or honey. [L.,—Gr.
nektar; ety. dub.]
Nectocalyx, nek′to-kā-liks, n. the swimming-bell of a medusa:—pl. Nectocā′lyces.
Neddy, ned′i, n. a donkey. [From Ned=Edward.]
Née, nā, adj. born: placed before a married woman's maiden-name, to show her own family, as Rebecca Crawley, née Sharp. [Fr., fem. of né, pa.p. of naître, to be born—L. nasci, natus, to be born.]
Need, nēd, n. want of something which one cannot
do without: necessity: a state that requires relief: want of the means of
—v.t. to have occasion for: to want.
Need′-be, a necessity; Need′er; Need′fire, fire produced by friction, to
which a certain virtue is superstitiously attached: a beacon
—adj. Need′ful, full of need: having need: needy:
necessary: requisite.
—adv. Need′fully.
—n. Need′fulness.
—adv. Need′ily.
—n. Need′iness.
—adj. Need′less (Shak.), having no need: not
needed: unnecessary.
—adv. Need′lessly.
—n. Need′lessness.
—adv. Need′ly (Shak.),
—n. Need′ment, something
—adv. Needs, of necessity:
indispensably—often used with must, as 'needs
must.'—adj. Need′y,
very poor: requisite.
—n. Need′yhood.
—The needful
(slang), ready money. [A.S. néd, niéd, nýd;
Dut. nood, Ger. noth.]
Needle, nēd′l, n. a small, sharp-pointed
steel instrument, with an eye for a thread—(Shak.)
Neeld, Neele: any slender, pointed instrument like a
needle, as the magnet or movable bar of a compass, or for knitting,
etching, &c.: anything sharp and pointed, like a pinnacle of rock,
&c.: an aciform crystal: a temporary support used by builders to
sustain while repairing, being a strong beam resting on props: the long,
narrow, needle-like leaf of a pine-tree.
—v.t. to form into a
shape like a needle, as crystals: to work with a
—v.i. to become of the shape of needles, as
—ns. Need′le-book, a number of pieces of cloth,
leather, &c. arranged like a book, for holding needles; Need′le-case, a case for holding needles;
Need′le-fish, a pipe-fish: a garfish
or belonid; Need′leful, as much
thread as fills a needle; Need′le-gun, a gun or rifle loaded at the
breech, the cartridge of which is exploded by the impact of a needle or
spike at its base.
—adjs. Need′le-point′ed, pointed like a
needle: without a barb, as a fish-hook; Need′le-shaped, shaped like a needle: applied
to the long, slender, sharp-pointed leaves of pines, firs, and other
—ns. Need′le-tel′egraph, a telegraph the
receiver of which gives its messages by the deflections of a magnetic
needle; Need′lewoman, a woman who
makes her living by her needle, a seamstress; Need′lework, work done with a needle: the
business of a seamstress.
—adj. Need′ly, thorny. [A.S. nǽdl;
Ger. nadel; cog. with Ger. nähen, to sew, L.
nēre, to spin.]
Neep, a Scotch form of turnip.
Ne'er, nār, adv. contr. of
—adj. and n. Ne'er′-do-well, past all well-doing: one who
is good for nothing.
Neese, nēz, v.i. an old form of
—n. Nees′ing, sneezing.
Nefandous, nē-fan′dus, adj. bad to execration, abominable. [L.,—ne, not, fandus, fāri, to speak.]
Nefarious, nē-fā′ri-us, adj. impious:
extremely wicked: villainous.
—adv. Nefā′riously.
—n. Nefā′riousness.
Nēfast′, abominable. [L.
nefarius, contrary to divine law—ne, not, fas,
divine law, prob. from fāri, to speak.]
Negation, ne-gā′shun, n. act of saying no: denial: (logic) the absence of certain qualities in anything. [Fr.,—L. negation-em-—negāre, -ātum, to say no—nec, not, aio, I say yes.]
Negative, neg′a-tiv, adj. that denies or
refuses—opp. to Affirmative: implying absence: that stops,
hinders, neutralises—opp. to Positive: in photography,
exhibiting the reverse, as dark for light, light for dark: (logic)
denying the connection between a subject and a predicate:
(algebra) noting a quantity to be subtracted.
—n. a
word or statement by which something is denied: the right or act of
saying 'no,' or of refusing assent: the side of a question or the
decision which denies what is affirmed: in photography, an image on glass
or other medium, in which the lights and shades are the opposite of those
in nature, used for printing positive impressions from on paper, &c.:
(gram.) a word that denies.
—v.t. to prove the
contrary: to reject by vote.
—adv. Neg′atively.
—ns. Neg′ativeness, Neg′ativism, Negativ′ity.
—adj. Neg′atory, expressing
—Negative bath, a silver solution in which
photographic negatives are placed to be sensitised; Negative
electricity, electricity with a relatively low potential, electricity
such as is developed by rubbing resinous bodies with flannel, opposite to
that obtained by rubbing glass; Negative quantity (math.),
a quantity with a minus sign ( - ) before it, indicating that it
is either to be subtracted, or reckoned in an opposite direction from
some other with a plus sign; Negative sign, the sign ( - or
minus) of subtraction. [L.
negativus—negāre, to deny.]
Negātur, v. it is denied. [L., 3d pers. sing. pres. ind. pass. of negāre, to deny.]
Neglect, neg-lekt′, v.t. to treat carelessly, pass
by without notice: to omit by carelessness.
—n. disregard:
slight: omission.
—adj. Neglect′able, that may be
—ns. Neglect′edness; Neglect′er.
—adj. Neglect′ful, careless: accustomed to omit or
neglect things: slighting.
—adv. Neglect′fully.
—n. Neglect′fulness.
—adj. Neglect′ible.
—adv. Neglect′ingly, carelessly: heedlessly. [L.
negligĕre, neglectum—nec, not,
legĕre, to gather.]
Negligée, neg-li-zhā′, n. easy undress: a
plain, loose gown: a necklace, usually of red coral.
carelessly or unceremoniously dressed: careless. [Fr., fem. of
négligé—négliger, to neglect.]
Negligence, neg′li-jens, n. fact or quality of
being negligent: want of proper care: habitual neglect: a single act of
carelessness or neglect, a slight: carelessness about dress, manner,
&c.: omission of duty, esp. such care for the interests of others as
the law may require—(Shak.) Neglec′tion.
—adj. Neg′ligent, neglecting: careless:
inattentive: disregarding ceremony or fashion.
—adv. Neg′ligently.
—adj. Neg′ligible.
—adv. Neg′ligibly. [Fr.,—L.
negligentia—negligens, -entis, pr.p. of negligĕre, to
Negotiable, ne-gō′shi-a-bl, adj. that may be
transacted: that can be transferred to another with the same rights as
belonged to the original holder, as a bill of exchange.
Negotiate, ne-gō′shi-āt, v.i. to carry
on business: to bargain: to hold intercourse for the purpose of mutual
—v.t. to arrange for by agreement: to manage: to
transfer to another with all the rights of the original holder: to pass,
as a bill: to sell.
—ns. Negotiā′tion, act of negotiating: the
treating with another on business; Negō′tiator; Negō′tiatrix.
Negotiā′tory, of or pertaining
to negotiation. [L. negotiāri, -ātus—negotium,
business—nec, not, otium, leisure.]
Negrito, ne-grē′to, n. the Spanish name for certain tribes of negro-like diminutive people in the interior of some of the Philippine Islands—also Aëtas or Itas: in a wider sense, the Papuans and all the Melanesian peoples of Polynesia.
Negro, nē′grō, n. one of the
black-skinned woolly-haired race in the Soudan and central parts of
Africa, also their descendants in America.
—adj. of or
pertaining to the race of black men:—fem. Nē′gress.
—ns. Nē′gro-corn, the name given in the West
Indies to the plant durra or Indian millet; Nē′grohead, tobacco soaked in molasses
and pressed into cakes, so called from its blackness.
Nē′grōism, any
peculiarity of speech noticeable among negroes, esp. in the southern
United States. [Sp. negro—L. niger, black.]
Negus, nē′gus, n. a beverage of either port or sherry with hot water, sweetened and spiced. [Said to be so called from Colonel Negus, its first maker, in the reign of Queen Anne.]
Negus, nē′gus, n. the title of the kings of Abyssinia.
Neif, nēf, n. (Shak.) the fist.
Neigh, nā, v.i. to utter the cry of a
horse:—pr.p. neigh′ing;
pa.t. and pa.p. neighed (nād).
—n. the
cry of a horse—(Scot.) Nich′er. [A.S. hnǽgan; Ice.
Neighbour, nä′bur, n. a person who dwells, sits,
or stands near another: one who is on friendly terms with
—adj. (B.) neighbouring.
—v.i. to
live near each other.
—v.t. to be near to.
Neigh′bourhood, state of being
neighbours, kindly feeling: adjoining district or the people living in
it: a district generally, esp. with reference to its
—adj. Neigh′bouring, being near:
—n. Neigh′bourliness.
—adjs. Neigh′bourly, like or becoming a neighbour:
friendly: social—also adv.; Neigh′bour-stained (Shak.), stained
with neighbours' blood. [A.S. neáhbúr, neáhgebúr—A.S.
neáh, near, gebúr or búr, a farmer.]
Neist, nēst, a dialectic form of next.
Neither, nē′thėr, or nī′thėr, adj. and
pron. not either.
—conj. not either: and not: nor
—adv. not at all: in no case. [A.S. náther,
náwther, abbrev. of náhwæther—ne, not,
áhwæther, áwther, either.]
Neivie-nick-nack, nē′vi-nik′-nak, n. a Scotch children's game of guessing in which hand a thing is held while the holder repeats a rhyme beginning with these words.
Nelumbo, nē-lum′bō, n. a genus of
water-lilies including the Egyptian Bean of Pythagoras, and the
Hindu Lotus.
—Also Nelum′bium. [Ceylon name.]
Nemalite, nem′a-līt, n. a fibrous hydrate of magnesia. [Gr. nēma, a thread, lithos, a stone.]
Nemathecium, nem-a-thē′si-um, n. a wart-like elevation on the surface of the thallus of certain florideous algæ. [Gr. nēma, a thread, thēkion, thēkē, case.]
Nemathelminthes, nem-a-thel-min′thez, a name
applied to the thread-worms or nematodes (as Ascaris,
Guinea-worm, Trichina), to the somewhat distinct
Gordiidæ or hair-eels, and to the more remotely allied
Acanthocephala or Echinorhynchus.
—Also Nemathelmin′tha.
—adjs. Nemathel′minth, -ic. [Gr. nēma, a thread,
helmins, -minthos, worm.]
Nematocerous, nem-a-tos′e-rus, adj. having long thready antennæ, as a dipterous insect. [Gr. nēma, a thread, keras, a horn.]
Nematocyst, nem′a-tō-sist, n. a cnida, one of the offensive organs of Cœlenterates, as jellyfish. [Gr. nēma, a thread, kystis, a bladder.]
Nematoid, nem′a-toid, adj. thread-like—also
Nematoi′dea, a class of Vermes, with
mouth, alimentary canal, and separate sexes, usually parasitic. [Gr.
nēma, thread, eidos, form.]
Nemean, nē′mē-an, adj. pertaining to Nemea, a valley of Argolis in the Peloponnesus, famous for its public games held in the second and fourth of each Olympiad.
Nemertea, nē-mer′tē-a, a class
of Vermes, mostly marine, unsegmented, covered with cilia, often brightly
coloured, with protrusile proboscis, and usually distinct
—adj. Nemer′tean.
[Gr. Nēmertēs, a nereid's name.]
Nemesis, nem′e-sis, n. (myth.) the goddess
of vengeance: retributive justice.
—adj. Nemes′ic. [Gr.,—nemein, to
Nemo, nē′mo, n. nobody: a nobody. [L.]
Nemocerous, nē-mos′e-rus, adj. having filamentous antennæ.
Nemoral, nem′o-ral, adj. pertaining to a wood or
—n. Nemoph′ilist.
—adjs. Nemoph′ilous, fond of woods, inhabiting
woods; Nem′orose, growing in
woodland; Nem′orous, woody. [L.
nemus, -ŏris, a grove.]
Nempt, nemt (Spens.), named, called.
Nenuphar, nen′ū-far, n. the great white water-lily. [Fr.,—Ar.]
Neo-Catholic, nē-ō-kath′o-lik, adj. pertaining to the short-lived school of liberal Catholicism that followed Lamennais, Lacordaire, and Montalembert about 1830: pertaining to a small party within the Anglican Church, who think they have outgrown Keble and Pusey and the great Caroline divines, and are more noisy than intelligent in their avowal of preference for Roman doctrine, ritual, and discipline.
Neo-Christian, nē-ō-kris′tyan, adj. and n. of or pertaining to so-called Neo-Christianity, which merely means old Rationalism.
Neocomian, nē-ō-kō′mi-an, adj. and n. (geol.) of or pertaining to the lower division of the Cretaceous system, including the Lower Greensand and the Wealden of English geologists. [Græcised from Neuchâtel, near which is its typical region; Gr. neos, new, kōmē, a village.]
Neocosmic, nē-ō-koz′mik, adj. pertaining to the present condition of the universe, esp. its races of men. [Gr. neos, new, kosmos, the universe.]
Neocracy, nē-ok′ra-si, n. government by upstarts.
Neogamist, nē-og′a-mist, n. a person recently married.
Neogrammarian, nē-ō-gra-mā′ri-an,
n. one of the more recent school in the study of Indo-European
grammar and philology, who attach vast importance to phonetic change, and
the laws governing it.
—adj. Neogrammat′ical.
Neohellenism, nē-ō-hel′en-izm, n. the modern Hellenism inspired by the ancient: the devotion to ancient Greek ideals in literature and art, esp. in the Italian Renaissance.
Neo-Kantian, nē-ō-kan′ti-an, adj. pertaining to the philosophy of Kant as taught by his successors.
Neo-Latin, nē-ō-lat′in, n. Latin as written by modern writers: new Latin, as in the Romance languages sprung from the Latin.
Neolite, nē′ō-līt, n. a dark-green silicate of aluminium and magnesium. [Gr. neos, new, lithos, a stone.]
Neolithic, nē-ō-lith′ik, adj. applied to the more recent implements of the stone age—opp. to Palæolithic. [Gr. neos, new, lithos, a stone.]
Neology, nē-ol′o-ji, n. the introduction of
new words, or new senses of old words, into a language: (theol.)
new doctrines, esp. German rationalism.
—n. Neolō′gian.
—adjs. Neolog′ic, -al, pertaining to neology: using new
—adv. Neolog′ically.
—v.i. Neol′ogise, to introduce new words or
—ns. Neol′ogism, a new word, phrase, or doctrine:
the use of old words in a new sense; Neol′ogist, one who introduces new words or
senses: one who introduces new doctrines in theology.
Neologis′tic, -al. [Gr. neos, new, logos,
Neonomianism, nē-ō-nō′mi-an-izm,
n. the doctrine that the gospel is a new law, and that faith has
abrogated the old moral obedience.
—n. Neonō′mian. [Gr. neos, new,
nomos, law.]
Neonomous, nē-on′o-mus, adj. having a greatly modified biological structure, specialised according to recent conditions of environment. [Gr. neos, new, nomos, law.]
Neontology, nē-on-tol′o-ji, n. the science
and description of extant, as apart from extinct,
—n. Neontol′ogist. [Gr. neos, new,
on, ontos, being, logia—legein, to
Neo-paganism, nē-ō-pā′gan-izm,
n. a revival of paganism, or its spirit—a euphemism for mere
—v.t. Neo-pā′ganīse, to imbue with this
Neophobia, nē-ō-fō′bi-a, n. dread of novelty. [Gr. neos, new, phobia—phebesthai, to fear.]
Neophron, nē′ō-fron, n. a genus of vultures, having horizontal nostrils. [Gr.,—neos, new, phren, mind.]
Neophyte, nē′ō-fīt, n. a new
convert, one newly baptised or admitted to the priesthood, or to a
monastery, a novice: a tyro or beginner.
—adj. newly admitted
or entered on office.
—n. Nē′ophytism. [L.
neophytus—Gr. neos, new, phytos,
grown—phyein, to produce.]
Neoplasm, nē′ō-plazm, n. a morbid new
growth or formation of tissue.
—adj. Neoplas′tic.
Neoplatonism, nē-ō-plā′to-nizm,
n. a system of philosophy combining Platonic and Oriental
elements, originating with Ammonius Saccas at Alexandria in the 3d
century, developed by Plotinus, Porphyry, Proclus,
—adj. Neoplaton′ic.
—n. Neoplā′tonist.
Neoteric, -al, nē-ō-ter′ik, -al,
adj. of recent origin, modern.
—v.i. Neot′erise.
—n. Neot′erism, the introduction of new things,
esp. new words. [Gr.,—neōteros, comp. of neos,
Neotic, nē-ot′ik, adj. addressed to the understanding.
Neotropical, nē-ō-trop′i-kal, adj. applied to the part of the New World including tropical and South America and the adjacent islands.
Neozoic, nē-ō-zō′ik, adj. denoting all rocks from the Trias down to the most recent formations, as opposed to Palæozoic. [Gr. neos, new, zoē, life.]
Nep, nep, n. (prov.) a knot in a fibre of cotton.
Nepenthes, ne-pen′thēz, n. (med.) a drug that relieves pain—also Nepen′the: a genus of plants having a cup or pitcher attached to the leaf, often filled with a sweetish liquid, the pitcher-plant. [Gr.,—nē, neg., penthos, grief.]
Nephalism, nef′a-lizm, n. total abstinence from
alcoholic drinks.
—n. Neph′alist, a bigoted teetotaler. [Gr.
nēphalios, sober; nēphein, to be sober.]
Nepheline, nef′e-lin, n. a rock-forming mineral, colourless, usually crystallising in hexagonal prisms, occurring in various volcanic rocks, as in certain basalts. [Gr. nephelē, a cloud.]
Nepheloid, nef′e-loid, adj. cloudy,
—ns. Nephelom′eter, a supposititious instrument
for measuring cloudiness; Neph′eloscope, an apparatus for illustrating
the formation of cloud; Neph′elosphere, an atmosphere of cloud
surrounding a planet, &c. [Gr. nephelē, cloud.]
Nephew, nev′ū, or nef′ū, n. the son of a brother or sister: (orig.) a grandson (so in New Test.):—fem. Niece. [O. Fr. neveu—L. nepos, nepotis, grandson, nephew; A.S. nefa, Ger. neffe, nephew.]
Nephralgia, ne-fral′ji-a, n. pain or disease of
the kidneys—also Nephral′gy.
—ns. Neph′rite, a mineral usually called
Jade, an old charm against kidney disease; Nephrit′ic, a medicine for the cure of
diseases of the kidneys.
—adjs. Nephrit′ic, -al, pertaining to the kidneys: affected with a
disease of the kidneys: relieving diseases of the
—ns. Nephrī′tis, inflammation of the
kidneys; Neph′rocele, hernia of the
kidney; Nephrog′raphy, a description
of the kidneys.
—adj. Neph′roid, kidney-shaped.
Nephrol′ogy, scientific knowledge of
the kidneys; Nephrot′omy, the
operation of excising the kidneys. [Gr. nephros, a kidney,
algos, pain.]
Nepotism, nep′o-tizm, n. undue favouritism to
one's relations, as in the bestowal of patronage.
Nepot′ic, Nepō′tious.
—n. Nep′otist, one who practises nepotism. [L.
nepos, nepotis, a grandson.]
Neptune, nep′tūn, n. (Rom. myth.) the
god of the sea, identified with the Greek Poseidon, represented with a
trident in his hand: (astron.) the outermost planet of the solar
system, discovered in 1846.
—adj. Neptū′nian, pertaining to the sea:
(geol.) formed by water: applied to stratified rocks or to those
due mainly to the agency of water, as opposed to Plutonic or
—n. Nep′tūnist, one who holds the Neptunian
theory in geology—also adj. [L. Neptunus.]
Nereid, nē′rē-id, n. (Gr.
myth.) a sea-nymph, one of the daughters of the sea-god
Nereus, who attended Neptune riding on sea-horses: (zool.)
a genus of marine worms like long myriapods.
—ns. Nē′rēis, a nereid; Nē′rēite, a fossil annelid
related to the nereids. [L.,—Gr.]
Nerine, nē-rī′nē, n. a genus of
ornamental South African plants of the Amaryllis family, with scarlet or
rose-coloured flowers.
—The Guernsey Lily is the Nerine
Nerite, nē′rīt, n. a gasteropod of the
genus Nerita or the family Neritidæ.
Nerium, nē′ri-um, n. a genus of Mediterranean shrubs, with fragrant and showy pink, white, or yellowish flowers, the oleander.
Nero, nē′ro, n. the last emperor of the
family of the Cæsars, at Rome (54-68 A.D.): any
cruel and wicked tyrant.
—adj. Nerō′nian.
Nero-antico, nā-rō-an-tē′ko, n. a deep-black marble found in Roman ruins. [It.]
Nerve, nėrv, n. bodily strength, firmness,
courage: (anat.) one of the fibres which convey sensation from all
parts of the body to the brain: (bot.) one of the fibres or ribs
in the leaves of plants: a trade term for a non-porous quality of cork,
slightly charred: (pl.) hysterical nervousness.
to give strength or vigour to: to arm with force.
—ns. Nervā′tion, the arrangement or
distribution of nerves, esp. those of leaves; Nerve′-cell, any cell forming part of the
nervous system, esp. one of those by means of which nerve-fibres are
connected with each other; Nerve′-cen′tre, a collection of
nerve-cells from which nerves branch out.
Nerved, furnished with nerves, or with nerves of a special
character, as 'strong-nerved.'—n. Nerve′-fī′bre, one of the
essential thread-like units of which a nerve is
—adj. Nerve′less, without strength.
Nerv′ine, acting on the nerves:
quieting nervous excitement.
—n. a medicine that soothes
nervous excitement.
—adjs. Nerv′ous, having nerve: sinewy: strong,
vigorous, showing strength and vigour: pertaining to the nerves: having
the nerves easily excited or weak; Nerv′ous, Nervose′, Nerved (bot.) having
parallel fibres or veins.
—adv. Nerv′ously.
—n. Nerv′ousness.
—adj. Nerv′ūlar.
—ns. Nerv′ūle, a small nerve, a small vein
of an insect's wing—also Nervulet, Veinlet,
Venule; Nerv′ure, one of the
nerves or veins of leaves: one of the horny tubes or divisions which
expand the wings of insects: one of the ribs in a groined vault: a
projecting moulding.
—adj. Nerv′y, strong, vigorous.
system (anat.), the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
collectively: the whole of the nerves and nerve-centres of the body
considered as related to each other, and fitted to act together.
[Fr.,—L. nervus; Gr. neuron, a sinew.]
Nescience, nesh′ens, n. want of
—adj. Nesc′ient. [L.
nescientia—nescīre, to be
ignorant—ne, not, scīre, to know.]
Nesh, nesh, adj. (prov.) soft, crumbly:
—v.t. Nesh′en,
to make tender.
Neshamah, nesh′a-mä, n. the highest degree of the soul in the cabbalistic system.
Nesiote, nē′si-ōt, adj. insular. [Gr. nēsos, an island.]
Neski, nes′ki, n. the cursive hand generally used
in Arabic.
—Also Nesh′ki.
Nesogæan, nē-sō-jē′an, adj. pertaining to Nesogæa—Polynesia or Oceania, New Zealand excepted, with regard to the distribution of its animals. [Gr. nēsos, an island, gaia, the earth.]
Ness, nes, n. a promontory or headland. [A.S. næss; a doublet of naze, prob. conn. with nose.]
Nest, nest, n. the bed formed by a bird for hatching her
young: the place in which the eggs of any animal are laid and hatched: a
comfortable residence: a number of persons haunting one place for a bad
purpose: the place itself: a number of baskets or boxes each fitting
inside the next larger.
—v.t. to form a nest
—v.i. to build and occupy a nest.
Nest′-egg, an egg left in the nest
to keep the hen from forsaking it: something laid up as the beginning of
an accumulation.
—Feather one's nest, to provide for one's
self, esp. from other people's property of which one has had charge.
[A.S. nest; Ger. nest, L. nīdus.]
Nestle, nes′l, v.i. to lie close or snug as in a
nest: to settle comfortably.
—v.t. to cherish, as a bird does
her young.
—adj. Nest′ling, being in the nest, newly
—n. act of making a nest: a young bird in the
nest—also Nest′ler. [A.S.
Nestor, nes′tor, n. a Greek hero at Troy,
remarkable for eloquence and wisdom gained through long life and varied
experience: any one who possesses those qualities, a counsellor,
—adj. Nestō′rian.
Nestorian, nes-tō′ri-an, adj. pertaining to
the Christological doctrine of Nestorius, patriarch of
Constantinople from 428 to his condemnation and deposition at the general
council of Ephesus in 431; he held the true divinity and humanity of
Christ, but denied their union in a single self-conscious personality,
that union being merely moral or sympathetic—thus the personality
was broken up into a duality.
—n. a follower of
—n. Nestō′rianism.
Net, net, n. an open fabric of twine, &c., knotted
into meshes for catching birds, fishes, &c.: anything like a net for
keeping out insects, &c.: a meshed bag for holding a woman's hair:
machine-made lace of various kinds: a snare: a
—adj. made of netting or resembling it,
reticulate: caught in a net.
—v.t. to form into network: to
take with a net: to protect with a net, to veil.
—v.i. to
form network:—pr.p. net′ting;
pa.t. and pa.p. net′ted.—ns. Net′-fish, any fish, like the herring, caught
in nets—opp. to Trawl-fish and Line-fish; Net′-fish′ery, a place for net-fishing,
the business of such fishing; Net′-fish′ing, the method or the
industry of fishing with nets.
—p.adj. Net′ted, made into a net, reticulated: caught
in a net.
—ns. Net′ting,
act or process of forming network: a piece of network: any network of
ropes or wire, esp. for use on shipboard; Net′ting-need′le, a kind of shuttle
used in netting.
—adjs. Net′ty, like a net; Net′-veined, in entomology, having a great
number of veins or nervures like a network on the surface, as in the
wings of many Orthoptera; Net′-winged, having net-veined
—n. Net′work, any
work showing cross lines or open spaces like the meshes of a net. [A.S.
net, nett; Dut. net, Ger. netz.]
Net, Nett, net, adj. clear of all charges or
deductions—opp. to Gross: lowest, subject to no further
—v.t. to produce as clear
profit:—pr.p. net′ting;
pa.t. and pa.p. net′ted.
Nethelesse, neth′les, adv.=Nathless.
Nether, neth′ėr, adj. beneath
another, lower: infernal.
—n. Neth′erlander, an inhabitant of
—adj. Neth′erlandish, Dutch.
—adjs. Neth′ermore, lower; Neth′ermost, lowest.
Neth′erstocks (Shak.), short
stockings or half-hose for the leg, as distinguished from trunk hose for
the thigh.
—advs. Neth′erward, -s, downward. [A.S. neothera, a comp. adj.
due to adv. nither, downward; Ger. nieder, low.]
Nethinim, neth′in-im, (B.) servants of the old Jewish temple, set apart to assist the Levites. [Heb.]
Netsuke, net′su-kā, n. a small toggle or button, carved or inlaid, on Japanese pipe-cases, pouches, &c.
Nettle, net′l, n. a common plant covered with
hairs which sting sharply.
—v.t. to fret, as a nettle does
the skin: to irritate.
—ns. Nett′le-cloth, thick japanned cotton cloth
used for leather; Nett′le-fish, a
jelly-fish, sea-nettle; Nett′lerash,
a kind of fever characterised by a rash or eruption on the skin; Nett′le-tree, a genus of trees, with simple
and generally serrated leaves, the fruit a fleshy, globose, one-celled
drupe; Nett′le-wort, any plant of
the nettle family. [A.S. netele; Ger. nessel.]
Nettling, net′ling, n. the joining of two ropes, end to end, without seam: the tying in pairs of yarns in a ropewalk to prevent tangling. [Knittle.]
Neume, nūm, n. a succession of notes to be sung to one syllable, a sequence: an old sign for a tone or a phrase. [O. Fr.,—Gr. pneuma, breath.]
Neural, nū′ral, adj. pertaining to the
nerves—also Neur′ic.
—ns. Neuric′ity, nerve-force; Neuril′ity, the function of the nervous
system—that of conducting stimuli.
—Neural arch, the
arch of a vertebra protecting the spinal cord. [Gr. neuron, a
Neuralgia, nū-ral′ji-a, n. pain of a purely
nervous character, occurring in paroxysms, usually unaccompanied by
inflammation, fever, or any appreciable change of structure in the
affected part—(obs.) Neural′gy.
—adjs. Neural′gic, Neural′giform. [Gr. neuron, nerve,
algos, pain.]
Neurasthenia, nū-ras-the-nī′a, n.
nervous debility.
—adj. Neurasthen′ic—also n. one
suffering from this. [Gr. neuron, a nerve, astheneia,
Neuration, nū-rā′shun, n. Same as Nervation.
Neurilemma, nū-ri-lem′a, n. the external sheath of a nerve-fibre.
Neuritis, nū-rī′tis, n. inflammation of a nerve.
Neurohypnology, nū-rō-hip-nol′o-ji, n.
the study of hypnotism: the means employed for inducing the hypnotic
—ns. Neurohypnol′ogist; Neurohyp′notism, hypnotism. [Gr.
neuron, nerve, hypnos, sleep, logia, discourse.]
Neurology, nū-rol′o-ji, n. the science of
the nerves.
—adj. Neurolog′ical.
—n. Neurol′ogist, a writer on neurology. [Gr.
neuron, nerve, logia, science.]
Neuron, nū′ron, n. the cerebro-spinal axis in its entirety: a nervure of an insect's wing.
Neuropath, nū′ro-path, n. one who takes
nervous conditions solely or mostly into account in his
—adjs. Neuropath′ic, -al.
—adv. Neuropath′ically.
—ns. Neuropathol′ogy, the sum of knowledge of the
diseases of the nervous system; Neurop′athy, nervous disease generally. [Gr.
neuron, nerve, pathos, suffering.]
Neuroptera, nū-rop′tėr-a, an
order of insects which have generally four wings marked with a network of
many nerves:—sing. Neurop′teron; also Neurop′ter, Neurop′teran.
—adjs. Neurop′teral, Neurop′terous, nerve-winged. [Gr.
neuron, nerve, ptera, pl. of pteron, a wing.]
Neurose, nū′rōs, adj. nerved: having many nervures or veins, of an insect's wing, &c.
Neurotic, nū-rot′ik, adj. relating to, or
seated in, the nerves.
—n. a disease of the nerves: a
medicine useful for diseases of the nerves.
—adj. Neurō′sal.
—n. Neurō′sis, a nervous disease, esp.
without lesion of parts, as epilepsy, &c.
Neurotomy, nū-rot′om-i, n. the cutting or
dissection of a nerve.
—adj. Neurotom′ical. [Gr. neuron, a nerve,
tomē, cutting.]
Neurotonic, nū-ro-ton′ik, n. a medicine intended to strengthen the nervous system.
Neuter, nū′tėr, adj. neither: taking
no part with either side: (gram.) neither masculine nor feminine:
neither active nor passive: (bot.) without stamens or pistils:
(zool.) without sex.
—n. one taking no part in a
contest: (bot.) a plant having neither stamens nor pistils:
(zool.) a sexless animal, esp. the working bee. [L.,
'neither'—ne, not, uter, either.]
Neutral, nū′tral, adj. being neuter,
indifferent: taking no part on either side: unbiassed: neither very good
nor very bad, of no decided character: having no decided colour, bluish
or grayish: (chem.) neither acid nor alkaline.
—n. a
person or nation that takes no part in a contest.
Neu′tralise, to declare by
convention any nation permanently neutral or neutral during certain
hostilities: to make inert: to render of no effect.
Neu′traliser; Neutral′ity, state of taking no part on
either of two sides: those who are neutral.
—adv. Neu′trally.
—Neutral tint, a dull
grayish colour; Neutral vowel, the vowel-sound heard in
but, firm, her, &c., and commonly in unaccented
—Armed neutrality, the condition of a neutral
power ready to repel aggression from either belligerent. [L.
neutralis—neuter, neither.]
Névé, nā-vā′, n. the same as firn or glacier snow. [Fr.,—L. nix, nivis, snow.]
Nevel, nev′el, v.t. (Scot.) to beat with the fists.
Never, nev′ėr, adv. not ever: at no time: in
no degree: not.
—adv. Nev′ermore, at no future
—conj. Nevertheless′, notwithstanding: in spite of
that (earlier Natheless).
—adv. Neverthemore′ (Spens.), none the more.
[A.S. nǽfre—ne, not, ǽfre,
New, nū, adj. lately made: having happened lately:
recent, modern: not before seen or known: strange, different: recently
commenced: changed for the better: not of an ancient family: as at first:
unaccustomed: fresh from anything: uncultivated or only recently
—adjs. New′born (Shak.), recently born;
New′come, recently
—n. New′-com′er, one who has lately
—v.t. New′-create′ (Shak.), to create
for the first time.
—adjs. New′-fash′ioned, made in a new way or
fashion: lately come into fashion; New′-fledged, having just got feathers;
New′ish, somewhat new: nearly
—adv. New′ly.
—adj. New′-made (Shak.), recently
—v.t. New′-mod′el, to model or form
—n. the Parliamentary army as remodelled by Cromwell
after the second battle of Newbury, which gained a conclusive victory at
Naseby (1645).
—n. New′ness.
—adj. New′-sad (Shak.), recently made
—New birth (see Regeneration); New chum, a
new arrival from the old country in Australia; New Church, New
Jerusalem Church, the Swedenborgian Church; New Covenant (see
Covenant); New departure (see Departure); New
Englander, a native or resident in any of the New England states;
New Jerusalem, the heavenly city; New Learning (see
Renaissance); New Light, a member of a relatively more
advanced religious school—applied esp. to the party within the
18th-century Scottish Secession Church which adopted Voluntary views of
the relations of Church and State, also sometimes to the Socinianising
party in the Church of Scotland in the 18th century, &c.; New Red
Sandstone (geol.), the name formerly given to the great series
of red sandstones which occur between the Carboniferous and Jurassic
systems; New style (see Style); New woman, a name
humorously applied to such modern women as rebel against the conventional
restrictions of their sex, and ape men in their freedom, education,
pursuits, amusements, clothing, manners, and sometimes morals; New
World, North and South America; New-year's Day, the first day
of the new year. [A.S. níwe, neówe; Ger. neu, Ir.
nuadh, L. novus, Gr. neos.]
Newel, nū′el, n. (archit.) the upright column about which the steps of a circular staircase wind. [O. Fr. nual (Fr. noyau), stone of fruit—Low L. nucalis, like a nut—L. nux, nucis, a nut.]
Newel, nū′el, n. (Spens.) a new thing: a novelty.
Newfangled, nū-fang′gld, adj. fond of new
things: newly devised, novel.
—adv. Newfang′ledly.
—ns. Newfang′ledness, Newfang′leness. [Corr. from M. E.
newefangel—newe (A.S. níwe), new,
fangel (A.S. fangen—fón), ready to catch.]
Newfoundland, nū-fownd′land, n. a large dog of great intelligence, a strong swimmer, black without any white markings, first brought from Newfoundland.
Newgate, nū′gāt, n. a famous prison in
—Newgate Calendar, a list of Newgate prisoners, with
their crimes; Newgate frill, or fringe, a beard under the
chin and jaw.
Newmarket, nū′mar-ket, n. a card-game for any number of persons, on a table on which duplicates of certain cards have been placed face up: a close-fitting coat, originally a riding-coat, a long close-fitting coat for women.
News, nūz, n.sing. something heard of that is new:
recent account: first information of something that has just happened or
of something not formerly known: intelligence.
—v.t. to
—ns. News′agent,
one who deals in newspapers; News′boy, News′man, a boy or man who delivers or sells
newspapers; News′-house, a
printing-office for newspapers only; News′letter, an occasional letter or printed
sheet containing news, the predecessor of the regular newspaper; News′monger, one who deals in news: one who
spends much time in hearing and telling news; News′paper, a paper published periodically
for circulating news, &c.
—the first English newspaper was
published in 1622; News′paperdom;
—ns. News′room, a room where newspapers,
magazines, &c. lie to be read; News′vender, a seller of newspapers; News′-writ′er, a reporter or writer of
—adj. News′y,
gossipy. [Late M. E., an imit. of Fr. nouvelles.]
Newt, nūt, n. a genus of amphibious animals like small lizards. [Formed with initial n, borrowed from the article an, from ewt—A.S. efeta.]
Newtonian, nū-tō′ni-an, adj. relating
to, formed, or discovered by Sir Isaac Newton, the celebrated
philosopher (1642-1727)—also Newton′ic.
—Newtonian telescope,
a form of reflecting telescope.
Next, nekst, adj. (superl. of Nigh)
nearest in place, time, &c.
—adv. nearest or immediately
—prep. nearest to.
—n. Next′ness.
—Next door to (see
Door); Next to nothing, almost nothing at all. [A.S.
néhst, superl. of néh, neáh, near; Ger.
Nexus, nek′sus, n. a tie, connecting principle,
bond: (Rom. law) a person who had contracted a nexum or
obligation of such a kind that, if he failed to pay, his creditor could
compel him to serve until the debt was paid.
—nectĕre, to bind.]
Nib, nib, n. something small and pointed: a point, esp.
of a pen: the bill of a bird: the handle of a
—v.t. to furnish with a nib: to
—adj. Nibbed, having a nib. [Neb.]
Nibble, nib′l, v.t. to bite by small bits: to eat
by little at a time.
—v.i. to bite gently: to find
—n. act of nibbling: a little bit.
Nibb′ler; Nibb′ling.
—adv. Nibb′lingly. [Freq. of nip.]
Nibelungen, nē′bel-ōōng-en, a supernatural race in German mythology guarding a treasure wrested from them by Siegfried, the hero of the Nibelungenlied, an epic of c. 1190-1210.
Niblick, nib′lik, n. a golf-club with cup-shaped head.
Nice, nīs, adj. foolishly simple: over-particular:
hard to please: fastidious: marking or taking notice of very small
differences: done with great care and exactness, accurate: easily
injured: delicate: dainty: agreeable: delightful.
—ns. Nice′ness, quality of being nice: exactness:
scrupulousness: pleasantness; Nic′ety, quality of being nice: delicate
management: exactness of treatment: fineness of perception:
fastidiousness: that which is delicate to the taste: a
—To a nicety, with great exactness. [O. Fr.
nice, foolish, simple—L. nescius,
ignorant—ne, not, scīre, to know.]
Nicene, nī′sēn, adj. pertaining to the town of Nice or Nicæa, in Bithynia, Asia Minor, where an ecumenical council was held in 325 for the purpose of defining the questions raised in the Arian controversy—it promulgated the Nicene Creed. A second council, the seventh general council, held here in 787, condemned the Iconoclasts.
Niche, nich, n. a recess in a wall for a statue, vase,
&c.: a person's proper place or condition in life or public
estimation, one's appointed or appropriate place.
—v.t. to
place in a niche.
—adj. Niched, placed in a niche.
[Fr.,—It. nicchia, a niche, nicchio, a shell—L.
mytilus, mitulus, a sea-mussel.]
Nick, nik, n. a notch cut into something: a score for
keeping an account: the precise moment of time: a lucky throw at
—v.t. to cut in notches: to hit the precise time: to
strike as if making a nick: to cheat: catch in the act: to cut short:
(Scot.) to cut with a single snip, as of shears: to make a cut
with the pick in the face of coal to facilitate blasting or
—adj. Nick′-eared, crop-eared.
Nick′er, one who, or that which,
nicks: a woodpecker: a street-ruffian in the early part of the 18th
—Nick a horse's tail, to make a cut at the root of
the tail, making the horse carry it higher. [Another spelling of
nock, old form of notch.]
Nick, nik, n. the devil, esp. Old Nick. [Prob. a corr. of St Nicholas, or from A.S. nicor, a water-spirit; Ice. nykr, Ger. nix, nixe.]
Nickel, nik′el, n. a grayish-white metal related
to cobalt, very malleable and ductile.
—v.t. to plate with
—ns. Nick′elage,
Nick′elure, the art of
—adjs. Nick′elic, Nick′elous; Nickelif′erous, containing
—ns. Nick′eline,
Nic′colite, native nickel
—v.t. Nick′elise, to plate with
—ns. Nick′el-plat′ing, the plating of metals
with nickel; Nick′el-sil′ver,
German silver (see German). [Sw. koppar-nickel (Ger.
kupfernickel), koppar, copper, nickel, a word
corresponding to Ger. nickel, the devil (cf. Cobalt and
Kobold), or to Ice. hnikill, a lump.]
Nicker, nik′ėr, v.i. to neigh: to
—n. a neigh: a loud laugh—(obs.)
Nicknack, nik′nak, n. a trifle—dim. Nick′nacket.
—n. Nick′nackery. [Same as
Nickname, nik′nām, n. a name given in
contempt or sportive familiarity.
—v.t. to give a nickname
to. [M. E. neke-name, with intrusive initial n from
eke-name, surname; from eke and name.]
Nicotine, nik′o-tin, n. a poisonous, volatile,
alkaloid base, obtained from tobacco.
—adj. Nicō′tian, pertaining to tobacco, from
Jean Nicot (1530-1600), the benefactor who introduced it into
France in 1560.
—n. a smoker of tobacco.
Nicotiā′na, the literature of
—n. Nic′otinism, a morbid state induced by
excessive misuse of tobacco.
Nictate, nik′tāt, v.i. to wink—also
Nic′tātion, Nictitā′tion.
membrane, a thin movable membrane covering the eyes of birds. [L.
nictāre, -ātum.]
Nidder, nid′ėr, v.t. (Scot.) to keep under: to pinch with cold or hunger: to molest.
Niddle-noddle, nid′l-nod′l, adj.
—v.i. to wag the head.
Niderling, nid′ėr-ling, n. a wicked
fellow—also Nid′ering,
—n. Nidd′ering, a noodle.
Nidge, nij, v.t. to dress the face of (a stone) with a sharp-pointed hammer.
Nidging, nij′ing, adj. trifling.
Nidg′et, a fool.
Nidification, nid-i-fi-kā′shun, n. the act
or art of building a nest, and the hatching and rearing of the
—adj. Nidament′al, pertaining to nests or what
protects eggs.
—n. Nidament′um, an egg-case.
Nid′ificate, Nid′ify.
—adjs. Nid′ulant, Nid′ulate, lying free in a cup-shaped body,
or in pulp.
—n. Nidulā′tion, nest-building. [L.
nidus, a nest, facĕre, to make.]
Nidor, nī′dor, n. odour, esp. of cooked
—adjs. Nī′dorose, Nī′dorous, Nī′dose. [L.]
Nidus, nī′dus, n. a place, esp. in an animal body, in which a germ lodges and begins to develop. [L.]
Niece, nēs, n. (fem. of Nephew) the daughter of a brother or sister: (orig.) a granddaughter. [O. Fr.,—Low L. nepta—L. neptis, a granddaughter, niece.]
Niello, ni-el′lo, n. a method of ornamenting
silver or gold plates by engraving the surface, and filling up the lines
with a black composition, to give clearness and effect to the incised
design: a work produced by this method: an impression taken from the
engraved surface before the incised lines have been filled up: the
compound used in niello-work.
—v.t. to decorate with
—n. Niell′ure,
the process, also the work done. [It. niello—Low L.
nigellum, a black enamel—L. nigellus, dim. of
niger, black.]
Niersteiner, nēr′stī-ner, n. a variety of Rhine wine, named from Nierstein, near Mainz.
Niffer, nif′ėr, v.t. (Scot.) to
—n. an exchange.
Niffle, nif′l, v.t. (prov.) to
—n. Niff′naff, a
—adj. Niff′naffy, fastidious.
Niflheim, nifl′hīm, n. (Scand. myth.) a region of mist, ruled over by Hel.
Nifty, nif′ti, adj. (slang) stylish.
Nigella, nī-jel′a, n. a genus of ranunculaceous plants, with finely dissected leaves, and whitish, blue, or yellow flowers, often almost concealed by their leafy involucres—Nigella damascena, called Love-in-a-mist, Devil-in-a-bush, and Ragged Lady.
Niggard, nig′ard, n. a person who is unwilling to
spend or give away: a miser.
—adjs. Nigg′ard, Nigg′ardly, having the qualities of a
niggard: miserly; Nigg′ardish,
rather niggardly.
—n. Nigg′ardliness, meanness in giving or
spending—(Spens.) Nigg′ardise.
—adv. Nigg′ardly. [Ice. hnöggr, stingy; Ger.
genau, close.]
Nigger, nig′ėr, n. a black man, a negro: a
native of the East Indies or one of the Australian aborigines: a black
caterpillar: a Cornish holothurian.
—v.t. to exhaust soil by
cropping it year by year without manure.
—n. Nigg′erdom, niggers
—adjs. Nigg′erish, Nigg′ery.
—ns. Nigg′er-kill′er, a scorpion; Nigg′erling, a little nigger.
Niggle, nig′l, v.i. to trifle, busy one's self
with petty matters: to cramp.
—v.t. to fill with excessive
detail: to befool.
—n. small cramped
—ns. Nigg′ler, one who trifles; Nigg′ling, fussiness, finicking
—adj. mean: fussy. [Freq. of nig, which may be a
variant of nick.]
Nigh, nī, adj. near: not distant in place or time:
not far off in degree, kindred, &c.: close.
—adv. nearly:
—prep. near to: not distant from.
Nigh′ly, nearly: within a
—n. Nigh′ness,
the state or quality of being nigh: nearness. [A.S. néah,
néh; Dut. na, Ger. nahe.]
Night, nīt, n. the end of the day: the time from
sunset to sunrise: darkness: ignorance, affliction, or sorrow:
—ns. Night′-bell,
a bell for use at night—of a physician, &c.; Night′-bird, a bird that flies only at night,
esp. the owl: the nightingale, as singing at night; Night′-blind′ness, inability to see in
a dim light, nyctalopia; Night′-brawl′er, one who raises
disturbances in the night; Night′cap, a cap worn at night in bed (so
Night′dress, -shirt, &c.): a dram taken before going to bed:
a cap drawn over the face before hanging; Night′-cart, a cart used to remove the
contents of privies before daylight; Night′-chair, a night-stool; Night′-churr, or -jar, the British species of goat-sucker, so called
from the sound of its cry.
— Night′-clothes, garments worn in
—ns. Night′-crow, a
bird that cries in the night; Night′-dog (Shak.), a dog that hunts
in the night.
—adj. Night′ed, benighted: (Shak.) darkened,
—ns. Night′fall, the fall or beginning of the
night: the close of the day: evening; Night′faring, travelling by night; Night′fire, a fire burning in the night: a
will-o'-the-wisp; Night′-fish′ery, a mode of fishing by
night, or a place where this is done; Night′-fly, a moth that flies at night;
Night′-foe, one who makes his attack
by night; Night′-foss′icker,
one who robs a digging by night.
—adj. Night′-foun′dered, lost in the
—ns. Night′-fowl,
a night-bird; Night′-glass, a
spy-glass with concentrating lenses for use at night; Night′-gown, a long loose robe for sleeping
in, for men or women; a loose gown for wearing in the house; Night′-hag, a witch supposed to be abroad at
night; Night′-hawk, a species of
migratory goat-sucker, common in America; Night′-her′on, a heron of nocturnal
habit; Night′-house, a tavern
allowed to be open during the night; Night′-hunt′er, a degraded woman who
prowls about the streets at night for her prey; Night′-lamp, or -light, a light left burning all
—adj. Night′less,
having no night.
—n. Night′-line, a fishing-line set
—adj. and adv. Night′long, lasting all
—adj. Night′ly,
done by night: done every night.
—adv. by night: every
—ns. Night′-man,
a night-watchman or scavenger; Night′-owl, an owl of exclusively nocturnal
habits: one who sits up very late; Night′-pal′sy, a numbness of the lower
limbs, incidental to women; Night′piece, a picture or literary
description of a night-scene: a painting to be seen best by artificial
light; Night′-por′ter, a
porter in attendance during the night at hotels, railway stations,
&c.; Night′-rail, a night-gown:
a 17th-century form of head-dress; Night′-rav′en (Shak.), a bird
that cries at night, supposed to be of ill-omen; Night′-rest, the repose of the night;
Night′-rule (Shak.), a frolic
at night.
—adv. Nights (obs.), by
—ns. Night′-school, a school held at night, esp.
for those at work during the day; Night′-sea′son, the time of night;
Night′shade, a name of several
plants of the genus Solanum, having narcotic properties, often
found in damp shady woods; Night′-shriek, a cry in the night; Night′-side, the dark, mysterious, or gloomy
side of anything; Night′-sing′er, any bird like the
nightingale, esp. the Irish sedge-warbler; Night′-soil, the contents of privies,
cesspools, &c., generally carried away at night; Night′-spell, a charm against accidents by
night; Night′-steed, one of the
horses in the chariot of Night; Night′-stool, a close-stool for use in a
bedroom; Night′-tā′per,
a night-light burning slowly.
— Night′-terr′ors, the sudden starting
from sleep of children in a state of fright.
—p.adj. Night′-trip′ping (Shak.),
tripping about in the night.
—ns. Night′-wak′ing, watching in the night;
Night′-walk, a walk in the night;
Night′-walk′er, one who walks
in his sleep at night, a somnambulist: one who walks about at night for
bad purposes, esp. a prostitute; Night′-walk′ing, walking in one's
sleep, somnambulism: roving about at night with evil designs; Night′-wan′derer, one who wanders by
—adjs. Night′-war′bling, singing in the night;
Night′ward, toward
—ns. Night′-watch, a watch or guard at night: time
of watch in the night; Night′-watch′man, one who acts as a
watch during the night; Night′-work,
work done at night. [A.S. niht; Ger. nacht, L.
Nightingale, nīt′in-gāl, n. a small sylviine bird, of the Passerine family, widely distributed in the Old World, celebrated for the rich love-song of the male heard chiefly at night. [A.S. nihtegale—niht, night, galan, to sing; Ger. nachtigall.]
Nightingale, nīt′in-gāl, n. a kind of flannel scarf with sleeves, worn by invalids when sitting up in bed. [From the famous Crimean hospital nurse, Florence Nightingale, born 1820.]
Nightmare, nīt′mār, n. a dreadful
dream accompanied with pressure on the breast, and a feeling of
powerlessness to move or speak—personified as an incubus or
—adj. Night′marish. [A.S. niht, night,
mara, a nightmare; cf. Old High Ger. mara, incubus, Ice.
mara, nightmare.]
Nigrescent, nī-gres′ent, adj. growing black
or dark: approaching to blackness.
—n. Nigresc′ence. [L., nigrescĕre,
to grow black—niger, black.]
Nigrite, nig′rīt, n. an insulating composition consisting of the impure residuum obtained in the distillation of paraffin. [L. niger, black.]
Nigritian, ni-grish′an, adj. pertaining to
Nigritia, Upper Guinea, Senegambia, and the Soudan region
generally, the home of the true negroes.
—n. a native of this
region, a negro.
Nigritude, nig′ri-tūd, n. blackness. [L. nigritudo—niger, black.]
Nigrosine, nig′rō-sin, n. a coal-tar colour prepared from the hydrochloride of violaniline. [L. niger, black.]
Nihil, nī′hil, n. nothing.
Nī′hilism, belief in nothing,
extreme scepticism: in Russia, a revolutionary socialistic movement
aiming at the overturn of all the existing institutions of society in
order to build it up anew on different principles; Nī′hilist, one who professes
—adj. Nihilist′ic.
—ns. Nihil′ity, nothingness; Nil, nothing.
Nike, nī′kē, n. the goddess of victory. [Gr.]
Nill, nil, v.t. (Spens.) to refuse, to
—v.i. to be unwilling. [A.S.
nillan—ne, not, willan, to will.]
Nilometer, nī-lom′e-tėr, n. a gauge
for measuring the height of water in the river Nile: any
river-gauge—also Nī′loscope.
—adj. Nilot′ic.
Nim, nim, v.t. to steal, pilfer. [A.S. niman, to take.]
Nimble, nim′bl, adj. light and quick in motion:
active: swift.
—adjs. Nim′ble-fing′ered, skilful with the
fingers, thievish; Nim′ble-foot′ed, swift of
—ns. Nim′bleness,
Nim′bless (Spens.), quickness
of motion either in body or mind.
—adj. Nim′ble-wit′ted,
—adv. Nim′bly. [M. E. nimel—A.S.
niman, to catch; cf. Ger. nehmen.]
Nimbus, nim′bus, n. the raincloud: (paint.)
the disc or halo, generally circular or semicircular, which encircles the
head of the sacred person represented.
—adj. Nimbif′erous, bringing clouds. [L.]
Nimiety, ni-mī′e-ti, n. (rare) state of being too much. [L. nimietas—nimis, too much.]
Niminy-piminy, nim′i-ni-pim′i-ni, adj.
affectedly fine or delicate.
—n. affected delicacy.
Nimrod, nim′rod, n. the founder of Babel (see Gen. x. 8-10): any great hunter.
Nincompoop, nin′kom-poop, n. a simpleton. [Corr. of L. non compos (mentis), not of sound mind.]
Nine, nīn, adj. and n. eight and
—n. Nine′-eyes, a
popular name for the young lampreys found in rivers.
Nine′fold, nine times folded or
—ns. Nine′holes, a game in which a ball is to be
bowled into nine holes in the ground or a board; Nine′pins, a game at bowls, a form of
skittles, so called from nine pins being set up to be knocked down by a
—adj. Nine′-score,
nine times twenty.
—n. the number of nine times
—adj. and n. Nine′teen, nine and ten.
Nine′teenth, the ninth after the
tenth: being one of nineteen equal parts.
—n. a nineteenth
—adj. Nine′tieth,
the last of ninety: next after the eighty-ninth.
—n. a
ninetieth part.
—adj. and n. Nine′ty, nine tens.
Ninth, the last of nine: next after the eighth.
one of nine equal parts.
—adv. Ninth′ly, in the ninth place.
days' wonder (see Wonder); Nine men's morris (see
Morris); Nine worthies, Hector, Alexander the Great, Julius
Cæsar, Joshua, David, Judas Maccabæus, Arthur, Charlemagne, Godfrey of
Bouillon; The nine, the nine muses (see Muse); To the
nines, to perfection, fully, elaborately. [A.S. nigon; Dut.
negen, L. novem, Gr. ennea, Sans. navan.]
Ninny, nin′i, n. a simpleton.
—Also Ninn′y-hamm′er. [It. ninno,
child; Sp. niño, infant.]
Niobe, nī′o-bē, n. daughter of
Tantalus, and wife of Amphion, king of Thebes. Proud of her many
children, she gloried over Latona, who had but two, Artemis and Apollo.
But these killed them all, on which the weeping mother was turned into
stone by Zeus.
—adj. Niobē′an.
Niobium, nī-ō′bi-um, n. a rare metal, steel-gray in colour, discovered in the mineral Tantalite—sometimes called Columbium.
Nip, nip, n. a sip, esp. of spirits—also Nip′per (U.S.).
—v.i. to
take a dram.
—n. Nip′perkin, a small measure of liquor. [Dut.
nippen, to sip.]
Nip, nip, v.t. to pinch: to press between two surfaces:
to cut off the edge: to check the growth or vigour of: to destroy: to
bite, sting, satirise:—pr.p. nip′ping; pa.t. and pa.p.
—n. a pinch: a seizing or closing in upon: a cutting
off the end: a blast: destruction by frost: (min.) a more or less
gradual thinning out of a stratum: (naut.) a short turn in a rope,
the part of a rope at the place bound by the seizing or caught by
—ns. Nip′-cheese, a stingy fellow: (naut.)
the purser's steward; Nip′per, he
who, or that which, nips: one of various tools or implements like
pincers: one of a pair of automatically locking handcuffs: a chela or
great claw, as of a crab: the young bluefish: a boy who attends on
navvies: (obs.) a thief: one of the four fore-teeth of a horse:
(pl.) small pincers.
—v.t. to seize (two ropes)
—adv. Nip′pingly.
—Nip in the bud, to
cut off in the earliest stage. [From root of knife; Dut.
knijpen, Ger. kneipen, to pinch.]
Nipperty-tipperty, nip′ėr-ti-tip′ėr-ti, adj. (Scot.) silly, frivolous.
Nipple, nip′l, n. the pap by which milk is drawn
from the breasts of females: a teat: a small projection with an orifice,
as the nipple of a gun.
—v.t. to furnish with a
—ns. Nipp′le-shield, a defence for the nipple worn
by nursing women; Nipp′le-wort, a
small, yellow-flowered plant of remedial use. [A dim. of neb or
Nippy, nip′i, adj. (Scot.) sharp in taste: curt: parsimonious.
Nipter, nip′tėr, n. the ecclesiastical ceremony of washing the feet—the same as maundy. [Gr. niptēr, a basin—niptein, to wash.]
Nirles, Nirls, nirlz, n. herpes.
Nirvana, nir-vä′na, n. the cessation of individual existence—the state to which a Buddhist aspires as the best attainable. [Sans., 'a blowing out.']
Nis, nis (Spens.), is not. [A contr. of ne is.]
Nis, nis, n. a hobgoblin. [Same as Nix.]
Nisan, nī′san, n. the name given after the Captivity to the Jewish month Abib. [Heb.]
Nisi, nī′sī, conj. unless, placed
after the words 'decree' or 'rule,' to indicate that the decree or rule
will be made absolute unless, after a time, some condition referred to be
—Nisi prius, the name usually given in England to
the sittings of juries in civil cases—from the first two words of
the old Latin writ summoning the juries to appear at Westminster
unless, before the day appointed, the judges shall have
come to the county.
Nisus, nī′sus, n. effort,
—Nisus formativus (biol.), formative effort.
Nit, nit, n. the egg of a louse or other small
—adj. Nit′ty,
full of nits. [A.S. hnitu; Ger. niss.]
Nithing, nī′thing, adj. wicked,
—n. a wicked man. [A.S. níthing; Ger.
Nithsdale, niths′dāl, n. a hood which can be drawn over the face. [From the Jacobite Earl of Nithsdale who escaped from the Tower in women's clothes brought in by his wife, in 1716.]
Nitid, nit′id, adj. shining: gay.
Nī′tency, brightness. [L.
nitidus—nitēre, to shine.]
Nitre, nī′tėr, n. the nitrate of
potash—also called Saltpetre.
—n. Nī′trāte, a salt of nitric
—adjs. Nī′trāted, combined with nitric
acid; Nī′tric, pertaining to,
formed from, or containing or resembling nitre.
—n. Nī′tric ac′id, an acid got by distilling a mixture of
sulphuric acid and nitrate of sodium—it acts powerfully on metals,
and is known by the name of Aqua-fortis.
—n. Nitrificā′tion.
Nī′trify, to convert into
—v.i. to become nitre:—pr.p. nī′trifying; pa.t. and pa.p.
nī′trified.—ns. Nī′trite, a salt of nitrous acid;
Nī′tro-ben′zol, a yellow
oily fluid, obtained by treating benzol with warm fuming nitric
acid—used in perfumery and known as Essence of mirbane;
Nī′tro-glyc′erine, a
powerfully explosive compound produced by the action of nitric and
sulphuric acids on glycerine—sometimes used in minute doses as a
—adjs. Nitrose′, Nī′trous, resembling, or containing,
—n. Nī′trous
ox′ide, a combination of oxygen and
nitrogen, called also Laughing gas, which causes, when breathed,
insensibility to pain.
—adj. Nī′try, of or producing
—Cubic nitre, nitrate of soda, so called because it
crystallises in cubes. [Fr.,—L. nitrum—Gr.
nitron, natron, potash, soda—Ar. nitrún,
Nitrogen, nī′tro-jen, n. a gas forming
nearly four-fifths of common air, a necessary constituent of every
organised body, so called from its being an essential constituent of
—adjs. Nitrogen′ic, Nitrog′enous.
—v.t. Nitrog′enise, to impregnate with
—n. Nitrom′eter, an apparatus for estimating
nitrogen in some of its combinations. [Gr. nitron, and
gennaein, to generate.]
Nitter, nit′ėr, n. a bot-fly, the horse-bot.
Nittings, nit′ingz, small particles of coal or refuse of any ore.
Nival, nī′val, adj. snowy, growing among
—adj. Niv′eous,
snowy, white.
—n. Nivôse (nē-vōz′), the 4th month of the
French revolutionary calendar, Dec. 21-Jan. 19. [L.
niveus—nix, nivis, snow.]
Nix, niks, n. (Teut. myth.) a water-spirit,
mostly malignant.
—Also Nix′ie,
Nix′y. [Ger. nix; cf.
Nix, niks, n. nothing: (U.S.) in the postal service, anything unmailable because addressed to places which are not post-offices or to post-offices not existing in the States, &c., indicated in the address—usually in pl. [Ger. nichts, nothing.]
Nix, niks, interj. a roughs' street-cry of warning at the policeman, &c.
Nizam, ni-zam′, n. the title of the sovereign of Hyderabad in India, first used in 1713: sing. and pl. the Turkish regulars, or one of them. [Hind., contr. of Nizam-ul-Mulk=Regulator of the state.]
No, nō, adv. the word of refusal or denial: not at
all: never: not so: not.
—n. a denial: a vote against or in
the negative:—pl. Noes (nōz).
not any: not one: none.
—advs. Nō′way, in no way, manner, or
degree—also Nō′ways;
Nō′wise, in no way, manner, or
—No account, worthless; No doubt, surely;
No go (see Go); No joke, not a trifling matter.
[A.S. ná, compounded of ne, not, and á ever;
nay, the neg. of aye, is Scand.]
Noachian, nō-ā′ki-an, adj. pertaining
to the patriarch Noah, or to his time—also Noach′ic.
—Noah's ark, a child's
toy in imitation of the ark of Noah and its inhabitants.
Nob, nob, n. the head: a knobstick.
—One for his
nob, a blow on the head in boxing: a point at cribbage by holding the
knave of trumps. [Knob.]
Nob, nob, n. a superior sort of
—adv. Nob′bily.
—adj. Nob′by, smart, fashionable: good, capital. [A
contr. of nobleman.]
Nobble, nob′l, v.t. (slang) to get hold of
dishonestly, to steal: to baffle or circumvent dexterously: to injure,
destroy the chances of, as a racer.
—n. Nobb′ler, a finishing-stroke: a
thimble-rigger's confederate: a dram of spirits.
Nobility, no-bil′i-ti, n. the quality of being
noble: high rank: dignity: excellence: greatness of mind or character:
antiquity of family: descent from noble ancestors: the persons holding
the rank of nobles.
—adj. Nobil′iary, pertaining to the
—v.t. Nobil′itate, to ennoble.
Noble, nō′bl, adj. illustrious: high in rank
or character: of high birth: magnificent: generous:
—n. a person of exalted rank: a peer: an obsolete
gold coin=6s. 8d. sterling.
—n. Nō′bleman, a man who is noble or of
rank: a peer: one above a commoner.
—adj. Nō′ble-mind′ed, having a noble
—ns. Nōble-mind′edness; Nō′bleness, the quality of being noble:
excellence in quality: dignity: greatness by birth or character:
ingenuousness: worth; Nobless′,
Noblesse′ (Spens.), nobility:
greatness: the nobility collectively; Nō′blewoman, the fem. of
—adv. Nō′bly.
—Noble art, boxing;
Noble metals (see Metal).
—Most noble, the
style of a duke. [Fr.,—L. nobilis, obs.
gnobilis—noscĕre (gnoscĕre), to
Nobody, nō′bod-i, n. no body or person: no one: a person of no account, one not in fashionable society.
Nocake, nō′kāk, n. meal made of parched corn, once much used by North American Indians on the march. [Amer. Ind. nookik, meal.]
Nocent, nō′sent, adj. (obs.) hurtful:
—n. one who is hurtful or guilty.
Nō′cently. [L.
nocēre, to hurt.]
Nock, nok, n. the forward upper end of a sail that sets with a boom: a notch, esp. that on the butt-end of an arrow for the string. [Cf. Notch.]
Noctambulation, nok-tam-bū-lā′shun, n.
walking in sleep.
—ns. Noctam′bulism, sleep-walking; Noctam′bulist, one who walks in his sleep.
[L. nox, noctis, night, ambulāre, -ātum, to walk.]
Noctilio, nok-til′i-ō, n. a genus of American bats.
Noctiluca, nok-ti-lū′ka, n. a phosphorescent
marine Infusorian, abundant around the British coasts, one of the chief
causes of the phosphorescence of the waves.
—adjs. Noctilū′cent, Noctilū′cid, Noctilū′cous, shining in the dark. [L.
nox, noctis, night, lucēre, to shine.]
Noctivagant, nok-tiv′a-gant, adj. wandering in the
—n. Noctivagā′tion.
Noctiv′agous. [L. nox,
noctis, night, vagāri, to wander.]
Noctograph, nok′to-graf, n. a writing-frame for
the blind: an instrument for recording the presence of a night-watchman
on his beat.
—n. Nocturn′ograph, an instrument for recording
work done in factories, &c., during the night. [L. nox, Gr.
graphein, to write.]
Noctua, nok′tū-a, n. a generic name
variously used—giving name to the Noctū′idæ, a large family of nocturnal
lepidopterous insects, strong-bodied moths.
—n. Noc′tuid.
—adjs. Noctū′idous; Noc′tuiform; Noc′tuoid.
Noctuary, nok′tū-ā-ri, n. an account kept of the events or thoughts of night.
Noctule, nok′tūl, n. a vespertilionine bat. [Fr.,—L. nox, noctis, night.]
Nocturn, nok′turn, n. in the early church, a service of psalms and prayers at midnight or at daybreak: a portion of the psalter used at nocturns. [Fr. nocturne—L. nocturnus—nox, noctis, night.]
Nocturnal, nok-tur′nal, adj. pertaining to night:
happening by night: nightly.
—n. an instrument for
observations in the night.
—adv. Noctur′nally.
Nocturne, nok′turn, n. a painting showing a scene by night: a piece of music of a dreamy character suitable to evening or night thoughts: a serenade: a reverie. [Fr.; cf. Nocturn.]
Nocuous, nok′ū-us, adj.
—adv. Noc′uously. [L.
nocuus—nocēre, to hurt.]
Nod, nod, v.i. to give a quick forward motion of the
head: to bend the head in assent: to salute by a quick motion of the
head: to let the head drop in weariness.
—v.t. to incline: to
signify by a nod:—pr.p. nod′ding; pa.t. and pa.p. nod′ded.—n. a bending forward of the
head quickly: a slight bow: a command.
—ns. Nod′der; Nod′ding.
—adj. inclining the
head quickly: indicating by a nod: acknowledged by a nod merely, as a
nodding acquaintance: (bot.) having the flower looking
—Land of Nod, the state of sleep. [M. E.
nodden, not in A.S.; but cf. Old High Ger. hnōton, to
shake, prov. Ger. notteln, to wag.]
Noddle, nod′l, n. properly, the projecting part at
the back of the head: the head.
—v.i. to nod repeatedly. [A
variant of knot; cf. Old Dut. knodde, a knob, Ger.
knoten, a knot.]
Noddy, nod′i, n. one whose head nods from weakness: a stupid fellow: a sea-fowl—easily taken: a four-wheeled carriage with a door at the back: an upright flat spring with a weight on the top, forming an inverted pendulum, indicating the vibration of any body to which it is attached. [Nod.]
Node, nōd, n. a knot: a knob: a knot or
entanglement: (astron.) one of the two points in which the orbit
of a planet intersects the plane of the ecliptic: (bot.) the joint
of a stem: the plot of a piece in poetry: (math.) a point at which
a curve cuts itself, and through which more than one tangent to the curve
can be drawn: a similar point on a surface, where there is more than one
—adjs. Nod′al, pertaining to nodes; Nodāt′ed, knotted.
Nodā′tion, the act of making
knots: the state of being knotted; Node′-coup′le, a pair of points on a
surface at which one plane is tangent; Node′-cusp, a peculiar kind of curve formed
by the union of a node, a cusp, an inflection, and a
—adjs. Nod′ical, pertaining to the nodes: from a
node round to the same node again; Nodif′erous (bot.), bearing nodes;
Nō′diform; Nod′ose, full of knots: having knots or
swelling joints: knotty.
—n. Nodos′ity.
—adjs. Nod′ular, of or like a nodule; Nod′ulāted, having
—ns. Nod′ule,
Nod′ulus, a little knot: a small
—adjs. Nod′uled,
having nodules or little knots or lumps; Nodulif′erous; Nod′uliform; Nod′ulose, Nod′ulous (bot.), having nodules or
small knots: knotty.
—ns. Nod′ulus:—pl. Nod′ulī; Nō′dus:—pl. Nō′dī. [L. nodus (for
gnodus), allied to Knot.]
Noël, nō′el, n. Christmas.
—Same as
Nowel (q.v.).
Noematic, -al, nō-ē-mat′ik, -al,
adj. intellectual—also Noet′ic, -al.
—adv. Noemat′ically.
— Noem′ics, intellectual science. [Gr.
noēma—noein, to perceive.]
Noetian, nō-ē′shi-an, adj. pertaining to Noë′tus or Noë′tianism, a form of Patripassianism taught by Noëtus of Smyrna about 200 A.D.
Nog, nog, n. a mug, small pot: a kind of strong ale.
Nog, nog, n. a tree nail driven through the heels of the shores, to secure them: one of the pins in the lever of a clutch-coupling: a piece of wood in an inner wall: a cog in mining.
Noggin, nog′in, n. a small mug or wooden cup, or its contents, a dram suitable for one person. [Ir. noigin, Gael. noigean.]
Nogging, nog′ging, n. a partition of wooden posts with the spaces between filled up with bricks: brick-building filling up the spaces between the wooden posts of a partition.
Nohow, nō′how, adv. not in any way, not at all: (coll.) out of one's ordinary way, out of sorts.
Noiance, noi′ans, n. (Shak.). Same as Annoyance.
Noils, noilz, short pieces of wool separated from the longer fibres by combing.
Noint, noint, v.t. (Shak.). Same as Anoint.
Noise, noiz, n. sound of any kind: any over-loud or
excessive sound, din: frequent or public talk: (Shak.) report: a
musical band.
—v.t. to spread by rumour.
—v.i. to
sound loud.
—adjs. Noise′ful, noisy; Noise′less, without noise:
—adv. Noise′lessly.
—n. Noise′lessness.
—Make a noise in the
world, to attract great notoriety. [Fr. noise, quarrel; prob.
from L. nausea, disgust; but possibly from L. noxa,
hurt—nocēre, to hurt.]
Noisette, nwo-zet′, n. a variety of rose. [Fr.]
Noisome, noi′sum, adj. injurious to health:
disgusting to sight or smell.
—adv. Noi′somely.
—n. Noi′someness. [M. E. noy, annoyance.
Cf. Annoy.]
Noisy, noiz′i, adj. making a loud noise or sound:
attended with noise: clamorous: turbulent.
—adv. Nois′ily.
—n. Nois′iness.
Nolens volens, nōlens vol′ens, unwilling (or)
willing: willy-nilly.
—n. Noli-me-tangere (nō′lī-mē-tan′je-rē),
the wild cucumber: lupus of the nose: a picture showing Jesus appearing
to Mary Magdalene, as in John xx.
prosequi (nol′e pros′e-kwī), a term used in English law to
indicate that the plaintiff does not intend to go on with his action. [L.
nolle, to be unwilling, velle, to be willing,
tangĕre, to touch, prosequi, to prosecute.]
Nom, nong, n. name.
—Nom de plume,
'pen-name:' the signature assumed by an author instead of his own
name—not a Fr. phrase, but one of Eng. manufacture from Fr.
nom, a name, de, of, plume, a pen.
Nomad, Nomade, nom′ad, n. one of a tribe
that wanders about in quest of game, or of pasture for their
—adj. Nomad′ic,
of or for the feeding of cattle: pastoral: pertaining to the life of
nomads: wandering: unsettled: rude.
—adv. Nomad′ically.
—v.i. Nom′adise, to lead a nomadic or vagabond
—n. Nom′adism, the
state of being nomadic: habits of nomads. [Gr. nomas,
nomados—nomos, pasture—nemein, to drive
to pasture.]
Nomancy, nō′man-si, n. divination from the letters in a name.
No-man's-land, nō′-manz-land, n. a region to which no one possesses a recognised claim.
Nomarch, nom′ärk, n. the ruler of a Nome,
or division of a province, as in modern Greece.
—n. Nom′archy, the district governed by a
nomarch. [Gr. nomos, district, archē, rule.]
Nombril, nom′bril, n. (her.) the navel-point.
Nomen, nō′men, n. a name, esp. of the gens or clan, as Caius Julius Cæsar. [L.]
Nomenclator, nō′men-klā-tor, n. one
who gives names to things:—fem. Nō′menclatress.
Nomenclatō′rial, Nō′menclātory, Nō′menclātūral.
Nō′menclāture, a system
of naming: a list of names: a calling by name: the peculiar terms of a
science. [L.,—nomen, a name, calāre, to
Nomial, nō′mi-al, n. (alg.) a single name or term.
Nomic, nom′ik, adj. customary, applied to the common mode of spelling—opp. to Glossic and Phonetic. [Gr. nomos, custom.]
Nominal, nom′in-al, adj. pertaining to a name:
existing only in name: having a name.
—ns. Nom′inalism, the doctrine that general terms
have no corresponding reality either in or out of the mind, being mere
words; Nom′inalist, one of a sect of
philosophers who held the doctrine of nominalism.
Nominalist′ic, pertaining to
—adv. Nom′inally. [L.
nominalis—nomen, -ĭnis, a name.]
Nominate, nom′in-āt, v.t. to name: to
mention by name: to appoint: to propose by name, as for an office or for
an appointment.
—adv. Nom′inātely, by name.
Nom′inātion, the act or power
of nominating: state of being nominated; Nom′inātion-game, in billiards, a game
in which the player has to name beforehand what stroke he is
—adjs. Nominātī′val; Nom′inātive, naming: (gram.)
applied to the case of the subject.
—n. the naming case, the
case in which the subject is expressed.
—adv. Nom′inātively.
—n. Nom′inātor, one who
—Nominative absolute, a grammatical construction
in which we have a subject (noun or pronoun) combined with a participle,
but not connected with a finite verb or governed by any other words, as
'All being well, I will come.' [L. nomināre, -ātum, to name—nomen.]
Nominee, nom-in-ē′, n. one who is nominated by another: one on whose life an annuity or lease depends: one to whom the holder of a copyhold estate surrenders his interest.
Nomistic, nō-mis′tik, adj. pertaining to laws founded on a sacred book. [Gr. nomos, a law.]
Nomocracy, nō-mok′ra-si, n. a government according to a code of laws. [Gr. nomos, law, kratia—kratein, to rule.]
Nomogeny, nō-moj′e-ni, n. the origination of life according to natural law, not miracle—opp. to Thaumatogeny. [Gr. nomos, law, geneia—genēs, producing.]
Nomography, nō-mog′ra-fi, n. the art of
drawing up laws in proper form.
—n. Nomog′rapher, one versed in this art. [Gr.
nomos, law, graphein, to write.]
Nomology, no-mol′ō-ji, n. the science of the
laws of the mind.
—adj. Nomolog′ical.
—n. Nomol′ogist. [Gr. nomos, law,
logia, discourse—legein, to speak.]
Nomos, nom′os, n. in modern Greece, a nome.
Nomothetic, nom-ō-thet′ik, adj. legislative: founded on a system of laws, or by a lawgiver. [Gr. nomothetēs, a lawgiver, one of a body of heliasts or jurors in ancient Athens, charged with the decision as to any proposed change in legislation.]
Non, non, adv. not, a Latin word used as a prefix, as in
ns. Non-abil′ity, want of
ability; Non-accept′ance, want of
acceptance: refusal to accept; Non-ac′cess (law), absence of
opportunity for marital commerce; Non-acquaint′ance, want of acquaintance;
Non-acquiesc′ence, refusal of
acquiescence; Non-admiss′ion,
refusal of admission: failure to be admitted; Non-alienā′tion, state of not being
alienated: failure to alienate; Non-appear′ance, failure or neglect to
appear, esp. in a court of law; Non-arrī′val, failure to arrive;
Non-attend′ance, a failure to
attend: absence; Non-atten′tion,
inattention; Non′-claim, a failure
to make claim within the time limited by law; Non-com′batant, any one connected with an
army who is there for some other purpose than that of fighting, as a
surgeon, &c.: a civilian in time of war.
—adjs. Non-commiss′ioned, not having a commission,
as an officer in the army below the rank of commissioned
officer—abbrev. Non-com′.;
Non-commit′tal, unwilling to commit
one's self to any particular opinion or course of conduct, free from any
declared preference or pledge.
—ns. Non-commū′nicant, one who abstains from
joining in holy communion, or who has not yet communicated; Non-commūn′ion; Non-complī′ance, neglect or failure of
—adj. Non-comply′ing.
—n. Non-concur′rence, refusal to
—adj. Non-conduct′ing, not conducting or
transmitting: not allowing a fluid or a force to pass along, as glass
does not conduct electricity.
—n. Non-conduct′or, a substance which does not
conduct or transmit certain properties or conditions, as heat or
—adj. Nonconform′ing, not conforming, esp. to an
established church.
—n. and adj. Nonconform′ist, one who does not conform:
esp. one who refused to conform or subscribe to the Act of Uniformity in
1662—abbrev. Non-con′.
—n. Nonconform′ity, want of conformity, esp. to
the established church.
—adj. Non-contā′gious, not
—ns. Non′-content, one not content: in House of
Lords, one giving a negative vote; Non-deliv′ery, failure or neglect to
—adj. Non-effect′ive, not efficient or serviceable:
unfitted for service.
—n. a member of a force who is not
able, for some reason, to take part in active service.
Non-effic′ient, not up to the mark
required for service.
—n. a soldier who has not yet undergone
the full number of drills.
—n. Non-ē′go, in metaphysics, the not-I,
the object as opposed to the subject, whatever is not the conscious
—adjs. Non-egois′tical; Non-elas′tic, not elastic; Non-ēlect′, not elect.
one not predestined to salvation.
—n. Non-ēlec′tion, state of not being
—adjs. Non-elec′tric, -al, not conducting the electric fluid; Non-emphat′ic; Non-empir′ical, not empirical, not presented
in experience; Non-epis′copal.
—n. Non-episcopā′lian.
Non-essen′tial, not essential: not
absolutely required.
—n. something that may be done
—n. Non-exist′ence, negation of existence: a
thing that has no existence.
—adj. Non-exist′ent.
—n. Non-exportā′tion.
Non-for′feiting, of a life insurance
policy not forfeited by reason of non-payment.
—ns. Non-fulfil′ment; Non-importā′tion.
Non-interven′tion, a policy of
systematic non-interference by one country with the affairs of other
nations; Non-intru′sion, in Scottish
Church history, the principle that a patron should not force an
unacceptable clergyman on an unwilling congregation; Non-intru′sionist.
—adj. Non-iss′uable, not capable of being issued:
not admitting of issue being taken on it.
—n. Non-join′der (law), the omitting to
join all the parties to the action or suit.
—adj. Nonjur′ing, not swearing
—n. Nonjur′or, one of the clergy in England and
Scotland who would not swear allegiance to William and Mary in 1689,
holding themselves still bound by the oath they had taken to the deposed
king, James II.
—adjs. Non-lū′minous; Non-manufact′uring; Non-marr′ying, not readily disposed to marry;
Non-metal′lic, not consisting of
metal: not like the metals; Non-mor′al, involving no moral
considerations; Non-nat′ural, not
natural: forced or strained.
—n. in ancient medicine,
anything not considered of the essence of man, but necessary to his
well-being, as air, food, sleep, rest, &c.
—ns. Non-obē′dience; Non-observ′ance, neglect or failure to
observe; Non-pay′ment, neglect or
failure to pay; Non-perform′ance,
neglect or failure to perform.
—adjs. Non-placent′al; Non-pon′derous.
—n. Non-produc′tion.
—adj. Non-profess′ional, not done by a professional
man, amateur: not proper to be done by a professional man, as unbecoming
conduct in a physician, &c.
—ns. Non-profic′ient, one who has made no progress
in the art or study in which he is engaged; Non-regard′ance, want of due regard; Non-res′idence, failure to reside, or the
fact of not residing at a certain place, where one's official or social
duties require one to reside.
—adj. Non-res′ident, not residing within the range
of one's responsibilities.
—n. one who does not do so, as a
landlord, clergyman, &c.
—n. Non-resist′ance, the principle of not
offering opposition: passive or ready obedience.
Non-resist′ant, Non-resist′ing; Non-sex′ual, sexless, asexual; Non-socī′ety, not belonging to a
society, esp. of a workman not attached to a trades-union, or of a place
in which such men are employed.
—n. Non-solū′tion.
Non-sol′vent; Non-submis′sive.
—n. Non′suit, a legal term in England, which
means that where a plaintiff in a jury trial finds he will lose his case,
owing to some defect or accident, he is allowed to be nonsuited, instead
of allowing a verdict and judgment to go for the
—v.t. to record that a plaintiff drops his
—n. Non′-term, a
vacation between two terms of a law-court.
—adj. Non-un′ion (see
—ns. Non-ū′sager (see Usage);
Non-ū′ser (law),
neglect of official duty: omission to take advantage of an easement,
—adj. Non-vī′able, not viable, of a
fœtus too young for independent life.
Nonage, non′āj, n. legal infancy, minority:
time of immaturity generally.
—adj. Non′aged. [L. non, not, and
Nonagenarian, non-a-je-nā′ri-an, n. one who
is ninety years old.
—adj. relating to
—adj. Nonages′imal, belonging to the number
—n. that point of the ecliptic 90 degrees from its
intersection by the horizon. [L. nonagenarius, containing
ninety—nonaginta, ninety.]
Nonagon, non′a-gon, n. (math.) a plane figure having nine sides and nine angles. [L. novem, nine, nonus, ninth, gōnia, angle.]
Nonce, nons, n. (only in phrase 'for the nonce') the
present time, occasion.
—Nonce-word, a word specially coined,
like Carlyle's gigmanity. [The substantive has arisen by mistake
from 'for the nones,' originally for then ones, meaning simply
'for the once.']
Nonchalance, non′shal-ans, n. unconcern: coolness:
—adj. Nonchalant (non′sha-lant).—adv. Non′chalantly. [Fr., non, not,
chaloir, to care for—L. calēre, to be
Nondescript, non′de-skript, adj. novel:
—n. anything not yet described or classed: a person or
thing not easily described or classed. [L. non, not,
descriptus, describĕre, to describe.]
None, nun, adj. and pron. not one: not any: not
the smallest part.
—adv. in no respect: to no extent or
—n. None′-so-prett′y, or London Pride,
Saxifraga umbrosa, a common English
—adj. None′-spar′ing (Shak.),
all-destroying. [M. E. noon, non—A.S.
nán—ne, not, án, one.]
Nonentity, non-en′ti-ti, n. want of entity or being: a thing not existing: a person of no importance.
Nones, nōnz, in the Roman calendar, the ninth day before the Ides (both days included)—the 5th of Jan., Feb., April, June, Aug., Sept., Nov., Dec., and the 7th of the other months: the Divine office for the ninth hour, or three o'clock. [L. nonæ—nonus for novenus, ninth—novem, nine.]
Non est, non est, adj. for absent, being a familiar shortening of the legal phrase non est inventus=he has not been found (coll).
Nonesuch, nun′such, n. a thing like which there is none such: an extraordinary thing.
Nonet, nō-net′, n. (mus.) a composition for nine voices or instruments.
Non-feasance, non-fē′zans, n. omission of something which ought to be done, distinguished from Misfeasance, which means the wrongful use of power or authority. [Pfx. non, not, O. Fr. faisance, doing—faire—L. facĕre, to do.]
Nonillion, nō-nil′yun, n. the number produced by raising a million to the ninth power.
Nonny, non′i, n. a meaningless refrain in Old English ballads, &c., usually 'hey, nonny'—often repeated nonny-nonny, nonino, as a cover for obscenity.
Nonpareil, non-pa-rel′, n. a person or thing
without equal or unique: a fine apple: a printing-type forming about
twelve lines to the inch, between emerald (larger) and ruby
—adj. without an equal: matchless.
[Fr.,—non, not, pareil, equal—Low L.
pariculus, dim. of par, equal.]
Nonplus, non′plus, n. a state in which no more can
be done or said: great difficulty.
—v.t. to perplex
completely, to puzzle:—pr.p. non′plussing; pa.t. and pa.p. non′plussed. [L. non, not, plus,
Non possumus, non pos′ū-mus, we are not able: we cannot, a plea of inability. [L., 1st pl. pres. ind. of posse, to be able.]
Nonsense, non′sens, n. that which has no sense:
language without meaning: absurdity: trifles.
—adj. Nonsens′ical, without sense:
—ns. Nonsensical′ity, Nonsens′icalness.
—adv. Nonsens′ically.
—Nonsense name,
an arbitrarily coined name, for mnemonic purposes, &c.; Nonsense
verses, verses perfect in form but without any connected sense, being
merely exercises in metre, &c.: verses intentionally absurd, like
that of the Jabberwock in Through the Looking-glass.
Non sequitur, non sek′wi-tur, it does not follow: a wrong conclusion: one that does not follow from the premises. [L. non, not, and 3d sing. pres. ind. of sequi, to follow.]
Noodle, nōōd′l, n. a simpleton: a
—n. Nood′ledom. [Noddy.]
Noodle, nōōd′l, n. dried dough of wheat-flour and eggs, used in soup or as a baked dish.
Nook, nōōk, n. a corner: a narrow place
formed by an angle: a recess: a secluded retreat.
Nook′-shot′ten, full of nooks
and corners; Nook′y. [Gael. and Ir.
niuc; Scot. neuk.]
Noology, no-ol′o-ji, n. the science of the phenomena of the mind, or of the facts of intellect. [Gr. noos, the mind, logia, discourse.]
Noon, nōōn, n. the ninth hour of the day in
Roman and ecclesiastical reckoning, three o'clock P.M.: afterwards (when the church service for the
ninth hour, called Nones, was shifted to midday) midday: twelve
o'clock: middle: height.
—adj. belonging to midday:
—v.i. to rest at noon.
—n. Noon′day, midday: the time of greatest
—adj. pertaining to midday:
—ns. Noon′ing, a rest about noon: a repast at
noon; Noon′tide, the tide or time of
noon: midday.
—adj. pertaining to noon: meridional. [A.S.
nón-tíd (noontide)—L. nona (hora), the ninth
Noose, nōōs, or nōōz, n. a
running knot which ties the firmer the closer it is drawn: a snare or
knot generally.
—v.t. to tie or catch in a noose. [Prob. O.
Fr. nous, pl. of nou (Fr. nœud)—L.
nodus, knot.]
Nor, nor, conj. and not, a particle introducing the second part of a negative proposition—correlative to neither. [Contr. of nother=neither.]
Noria, nō′ri-a, n. a water-raising apparatus in Spain, Syria, and elsewhere, by means of a large paddle-wheel having fixed to its rim a series of buckets, a flush-wheel. [Sp.,—Ar.]
Norimon, nor′i-mon, n. a kind of sedan-chair used in Japan. [Jap. nori, ride, mono, thing.]
Norland, nor′land, n. the same as Northland.
Norm, norm, n. a rule: a pattern: an authoritative
standard: a type or typical unit.
—n. Nor′ma, a rule, model: a square for measuring
right angles.
—adj. Nor′mal, according to rule: regular: exact:
—n. a perpendicular.
—ns. Normalisā′tion, Normal′ity.
—v.t. Nor′malise.
—adv. Nor′mally.
—adj. Nor′mative, establishing a
—Normal school, a training-college for teachers in
the practice of their profession. [L. norma, a rule.]
Norman, nor′man, n. a native or inhabitant of
Normandy: one of that Scandinavian race which settled in northern France
about the beginning of the 10th century, founded the Duchy of Normandy,
and conquered England in 1066—the Norman
—adj. pertaining to the Normans or to
—v.t. Nor′manise, to give a Norman character
—Norman architecture, a round-arched style, a variety of
Romanesque, prevalent in England from the Norman Conquest (1066) till the
end of the 12th century, of massive simplicity, the churches cruciform
with semicircular apse and a great tower rising from the intersection of
nave and transept, deeply recessed doorways, windows small, round-headed,
high in wall; Norman French, a form of French spoken by the
Normans, which came into England at the Norman Conquest, modified the
spelling, accent, and pronunciation of Anglo-Saxon, and enriched it with
a large infusion of new words relating to the arts of life, &c.
Norman, nor′man, n. (naut.) a bar inserted in a windlass, on which to fasten or veer a rope or cable.
Norn, norn, n. (Scand. myth.) one of the three
fates—Urd, Verdande, and Skuld.
—Also Norn′a.
Norroy, nor′roi, n. (her.) the third of the three English kings-at-arms, or provincial heralds, whose jurisdiction lies north of the Trent. [Fr. nord, north, roy, roi, king.]
Norse, nors, adj. pertaining to ancient
—n. the language of ancient
Scandinavia—also Old Norse.
—n. Norse′man, a Scandinavian or Northman. [Ice.
Norskr; Norw. Norsk.]
North, north, n. the point opposite the sun at noon: one
of the four cardinal points of the horizon: the side of a church to the
left of one facing the principal altar: that portion of the United States
north of the former slave-holding states—i.e. north of Maryland,
the Ohio, and Missouri.
—adv. to or in the
—ns. North′-cock,
the snow bunting; North′-east, the
point between the north and east, equidistant from
—adj. belonging to or from the
—n. North′-east′er, a wind from the
—adjs. North′-east′erly, toward or coming from
the north-east; North′-east′ern, belonging to the
north-east: being in the north-east, or in that
—adv. North′-east′ward, toward the
—ns. North′er (th), a wind or gale from the
north, esp. applied to a cold wind that blows in winter over Texas and
the Gulf of Mexico; North′erliness
(th), state of being toward the north.
—adj. North′erly (th), being toward the
north: coming from the north.
—adv. toward or from the
—adj. North′ern
(th), pertaining to the north: being in the north or in the
direction toward it: proceeding from the north.
—n. an
inhabitant of the north.
—n. North′erner (th), a native of, or
resident in, the north, esp. of the northern United
—adjs. North′ernmost (th), North′most, situate at the point farthest
—ns. North′ing,
motion, distance, or tendency northward: distance of a heavenly body from
the equator northward: difference of latitude made by a ship in sailing
northward: deviation towards the north; North′man, one of the ancient Scandinavians;
North′-pole, the point in the
heavens, or beneath it on the earth's surface, ninety degrees north of
the equator; North′-star, the north
polar star; Northum′brian, a native
of the modern Northumberland, or of the ancient kingdom of
Northumbria, stretching from the Humber to the Forth: that variety
of English spoken in Northumbria before the Conquest—also
adj.—adjs. North′ward, North′wardly, being toward the
—adv. toward the north—also North′wards.
—n. North′-west, the point between the north and
west, equidistant from each.
—adj. pertaining to or from the
—adjs. North′-west′erly, toward or coming from
the north-west; North′-west′ern, belonging to the
north-west: pertaining to, or being in, the north-west or in that
—North water, the space of open sea left by the
winter pack of ice moving southward.
—North-east Passage, a
passage for ships along the north coasts of Europe and Asia to the
Pacific, first made by Nordenskiöld in 1878-79; Northern lights,
the aurora borealis (q.v.); North-west Passage, a sea-way for
ships from the Atlantic into the Pacific along the northern coast of
America, first made by Sir Robert M‘Clure, 1850-54. [A.S.
north; cf. Ger. nord.]
Norwegian, nor-wē′ji-an, adj. pertaining to
Norway—(Shak.) Norwē′yan.
—n. a native of
Norway: a kind of fishing-boat on the Great Lakes.
Nose, nōz, n. the organ of smell: the power of
smelling: sagacity: the projecting part of anything resembling a nose, as
the spout of a kettle, &c.: a drip, a downward projection from a
cornice: (slang) an informer.
—v.t. to smell: to
oppose rudely face to face: to sound through the nose.
Nose′bag, a bag for a horse's nose,
containing oats, &c.; Nose′-band, the part of the bridle coming
over the nose, attached to the cheek-straps.
Nosed, having a nose—used in composition, as
bottle-nosed, long-nosed, &c.; Nose′-led, led by the nose, ruled and
befooled completely; Nose′less,
without a nose.
—ns. Nose′-leaf, a membranous appendage on the
snouts of phyllostomine and rhinolophine bats, forming a highly sensitive
tactile organ; Nose′-of-wax, an
over-pliable person or thing; Nose′-piece, the outer end or point of a
pipe, bellows, &c.: the extremity of the tube of a microscope to
which the objective is attached: a nose-band: the nasal in armour;
Nose′-ring, an ornament worn in the
septum of the nose or in either of its wings; Nos′ing, the projecting rounded edge of the
step of a stair or of a moulding.
—Aquiline nose, a prominent
nose, convex in profile; Bottle nose, a name given to certain
species of cetaceans: an eruption on the nose such as is produced by
intemperate drinking; Pug nose, a short turned-up nose; Roman
nose, an aquiline nose.
—Hold, Keep, or Put
one's nose to the grindstone (see Grindstone); Lead by the
nose, to cause to follow blindly; Put one's nose out of joint,
to bring down one's pride or sense of importance: to push out of favour;
Thrust one's nose into, to meddle officiously with anything;
Turn up one's nose (at), to express contempt for a person
or thing. [A.S. nosu; Ger. nase, L. nasus.]
Nosegay, nōz′gā, n. a bunch of fragrant flowers: a posy or bouquet. [From nose and gay (adj.).]
Nosocomial, nos-ō-kō′mi-al, adj. relating to a hospital. [Gr. nosos, sickness, komein, to take care of.]
Nosography, nō-sog′ra-fi, n. the description
of diseases.
—adj. Nosograph′ic. [Gr. nosos, disease,
graphein, to write.]
Nosology, nos-ol′o-ji, n. the science of diseases:
the branch of medicine which treats of the classification of
—adj. Nosolog′ical.
—n. Nosol′ogist. [Gr. nosos, disease,
logia, discourse.]
Nosonomy, nō-son′o-mi, n. the classification of diseases. [Gr. nosos, a disease, onoma, a name.]
Nosophobia, nos-o-fō′bi-a, n. morbid dread of disease. [Gr. nosos, a disease, phobia, fear.]
Nostalgia, nos-tal′ji-a, n. home-sickness, esp.
when morbid.
—adj. Nostal′gic. [Gr. nostos, a return,
algos, pain.]
Nostoc, nos′tok, n. a genus of Algæ, found in
moist places.
—Also Witches' butter, Spittle of the
stars, Star-jelly, &c. [Ger. nostoch.]
Nostology, nos-tol′o-ji, n. the science of the
phenomena of extreme old age or senility in which there is ever seen a
return to the characteristics of the youthful stage.
Nostolog′ic. [Gr. nostos,
return, logia—legein, to speak.]
Nostradamus, nos-tra-dā′mus, n. any quack doctor or charlatan—from the French astrologer (1503-66).
Nostril, nos′tril, n. one of the openings of the nose. [M. E. nosethirl—A.S. nosthyrl—nosu, nose, thyrel, opening. Cf. Drill, to pierce, and Thrill.]
Nostrum, nos′trum, n. any secret, quack, or patent medicine: any favourite remedy or scheme. [L., 'our own,' from nos, we.]
Not, not, adv. a word expressing denial, negation, or
—Not in it (coll.), having no part in some
confidence or advantage. [Same as Naught, from A.S. ná,
wiht, a whit.]
Notable, nō′ta-bl, adj. worthy of being
known or noted: remarkable: memorable: distinguished: notorious: capable,
clever, industrious.
—n. a person or thing worthy of note,
esp. in pl. for persons of distinction and political importance in
France in pre-Revolution times.
— Notabil′ia, things worthy of notice:
noteworthy sayings.
—ns. Notabil′ity, the being notable: a notable
person or thing; Nō′tableness.
Notæum, nō-tē′um, n. the upper surface of a bird's trunk—opp. to Gastræum: a dorsal buckler in some gasteropods. [Gr. nōtos, the back.]
Notalgia, nō-tal′ji-a, n. pain in the
—adj. Notal′gic.
[Gr. nōtos, the back, algos, pain.]
Notanda, nō-tan′da, something to be specially noted or observed:—sing. Notan′dum. [L. pl. ger. of notāre, to note.]
Notary, nō′ta-ri, n. an officer authorised
to certify deeds, contracts, copies of documents, affidavits,
—generally called a Notary public—anciently one
who took notes or memoranda of others' acts.
—adj. Notā′rial.
—adv. Notā′rially.
notary, the official who despatches the orders of the Pope;
Ecclesiastical notary, in the early church, a secretary who
recorded the proceedings of councils, &c. [L. notarius.]
Notation, nō-tā′shun, n. the act or
practice of recording by marks or symbols: a system of signs or
—adj. Nō′tate (bot.), marked with
coloured spots or lines.
—Chemical notation (see
Chemistry). [L.,—notāre, -ātum, to mark.]
Notch, noch, n. a nick cut in anything: an indentation,
incision, incisure: a narrow pass in a rock, or between two
—v.t. to cut a hollow into.
Notch′-board, the board which
receives the ends of the steps of a staircase—also
—adjs. Notch′-eared, having emarginate ears, as the
notch-eared bat; Notched, nicked.
—n. Notch′ing, a method of joining
framing-timbers, by halving, scarfing, or caulking. [From a Teut. root,
as in Old Dut. nock. Cf. Nick, a notch.]
Notchel, Nochel, noch′el, v.t. (prov.) to repudiate.
Note, nōt, n. that by which a person or thing is
known: a mark or sign calling attention: a brief explanation: a short
remark: a brief report, a catalogue, a bill: a memorandum: a short
letter: a diplomatic paper: a small size of paper used for writing:
(mus.) a mark representing a sound, also the sound itself, air,
tune, tone, also a digital or key of the keyboard: a paper acknowledging
a debt and promising payment, as a bank-note, a note of hand: notice,
heed, observation: reputation: fame.
—v.t. to make a note of:
to notice: to attend to: to record in writing: to furnish with
—n. Note′-book, a
book in which notes or memoranda are written: a
—adj. Not′ed,
marked: well known: celebrated: eminent: notorious.
—n. Not′edness.
—adj. Note′less, not attracting
—ns. Note′-pā′per, folded
writing-paper for letters (commercial, 5 × 8 in.; octavo,
4½ × 7; billet, 4 × 6; queen, 3½ × 5⅜;
packet, 5½ × 9; Bath, 7 × 8); Not′er, one who notes or observes: one who
makes notes, an annotator; Note′-shav′er (U.S.), a
—adj. Note′worthy, worthy of note or of
—Note a bill, to record on the back of it a refusal
of acceptance, as a ground of protest. [Fr.,—L. nota,
noscĕre, notum, to know.]
Note, nōt (Spens.), wot or knew not (a contr. of ne wot): could not (a contr. of ne mote).
Nothing, nuth′ing, n. no thing: non-existence:
absence of being: a low condition: no value or use: not anything of
importance, a trifle: utter insignificance, no difficulty or trouble: no
magnitude: a cipher.
—adv. in no degree: not at
—adj. and n. Nothingā′rian, believing
—ns. Nothingā′rianism; Noth′ing-gift (Shak.), a gift of no
value; Noth′ingism, nihility;
Noth′ingness, state of being nothing
or of no value: a thing of no value.
—Nothing but, no more
than: only; Nothing less than, equal to: as much as.
to nothing, to have no result: to turn out a failure; Make nothing
of, to consider as of no difficulty or importance; Neck or
nothing (see Neck); Next to nothing, almost nothing.
[No and thing.]
Notice, nōt′is, n. act of noting or
observing: attention: observation: information: warning: a writing
containing information: public intimation: civility or respectful
treatment: remark.
—v.t. to mark or see: to regard or attend
to: to mention: to make observations upon: to treat with
—adj. Not′iceable, that can be noticed: worthy of
notice: likely to be noticed.
—adv. Not′iceably.
—n. Not′ice-board, a board on which a notice is
—Give notice, to warn beforehand: to inform.
[Fr.,—L. notitia—noscĕre, notum,
to know.]
Notify, nō′ti-fī, v.t. to make known:
to declare: to give notice or information of:—pa.t. and
pa.p. nō′tified.—adj. Nō′tifiable, that must be made
—n. Notificā′tion, the act of notifying:
the notice given: the paper containing the notice. [Fr.,—L.
notificāre, -ātum—notus, known,
facĕre, to make.]
Notion, nō′shun, n. the art of forming a
conception in the mind of the various marks or qualities of an object:
the result of this act, a conception: opinion: belief: judgment: a
caprice or whim: any small article ingeniously devised or invented,
usually in pl.—adj. Nō′tional, of the nature of a notion:
ideal: fanciful.
—adv. Nō′tionally, in notion or mental
apprehension: in idea, not in reality.
—n. Nō′tionist, one who holds ungrounded
opinions. [Fr.,—L. notion-em—noscĕre,
notum, to know.]
Notitia, nō-tish′i-a, n. a roll, list, register: a catalogue of public functionaries, with their districts: a list of episcopal sees. [L.; cf. Notice.]
Notobranchiate, nō-tō-brang′ki-āt, adj. and n. having dorsal gills, belonging to Notobranchiā′ta, an order of worms having such. [Gr. nōtos, the back, brangchia, gills.]
Notochord, nō′tō-kord, n. a simple
cellular rod, the basis of the future spinal column, persisting
throughout life in many lower vertebrates, as the amphioxus,
—adj. Nō′tochordal. [Gr. nōtos,
the back, chordē, a string.]
Notodontiform, nō-tō-don′ti-form, adj. resembling a tooth-back or moth of the family Notodontidæ. [Gr. nōtos, back, odous, tooth, L. forma, form.]
Notonectal, nō-tō-nek′tal, adj. swimming on the back, as certain insects: related to the Notonectidæ, a family of aquatic bugs, the boat-flies or water-boatmen. [Gr. nōtos, the back, nēktēs, a swimmer.]
Notopodal, nō-top′ō-dal, adj.
pertaining to the Notop′oda, a
division of decapods, including the dromioid crabs, &c.
Notop′odous. [Gr.
nōtos, the back, pous, podos, the foot.]
Notopodium, nō-tō-pō′di-um, n.
the dorsal or upper part of the parapodium of an annelid, a dorsal
—adj. Notopō′dial. [Gr. nōtos,
the back, pous, podos, the foot.]
Notorious, no-tō′ri-us, adj. publicly known
(now used in a bad sense): infamous.
—n. Notorī′ety, state of being notorious:
publicity: public exposure.
—adv. Notō′riously.
—n. Notō′riousness. [Low L.
notorius—notāre, -ātum, to
Notornis, nō-tor′nis, n. a genus of gigantic ralline birds, with wings so much reduced as to be incapable of flight, which have within historical times become extinct in New Zealand, &c. [Gr. nōtos, the south, ornis, a bird.]
Nototherium, nō-tō-thē′ri-um, n. a genus of gigantic fossil kangaroo-like marsupials, found in Australia. [Gr. nōtos, the south, thērion, a wild beast.]
Nototrema, nō-tō-trē′ma, n. the
pouch-toads, a genus of Hylidæ.
—adj. Nototrem′atous. [Gr. nōtos, the
back, trēma, a hole.]
Notour, no-tōōr′, adj. (Scot.) well known, notorious.
Nott-headed, not′-hed′ed, adj.
(Shak.) having the hair cut bare.
—Nott′-pat′ed. [A.S. hnot,
Notum, nō′tum, n. the dorsal aspect of the thorax in insects. [Gr. nōtos, the back.]
Notus, nō′tus, n. the south or south-west wind. [L.]
Notwithstanding, not-with-stand′ing, prep. in
spite of.
—conj. in spite of the fact that,
—adv. nevertheless, however, yet. [Orig. a
participial phrase in nominative absolute=L. non obstante.]
Nougat, nōō-gä′, n. a confection made of a sweet paste filled with chopped almonds or pistachio-nuts. [Fr. (cf. Sp. nogado, an almond-cake)—L. nux, nucis, a nut.]
Nought, nawt, n. not anything:
—adv. in no degree.
—Set at nought, to
despise. [Same as Naught.]
Noul, nōl, n. (Spens.) the top of the head. [A.S. hnoll, top or summit.]
Nould, nōōld (Spens.), would not. [A contr. of ne would.]
Noumenon, nōō′me-non, n. an unknown
and unknowable substance or thing as it is in itself—opp. to
Phenomenon, or the form through which it becomes known to the
senses or the understanding:—pl. Nou′mena.
—adj. Nou′menal. [Gr. noumenon, pa.p. of
noein, to perceive—nous, the mind.]
Noun, nown, n. (gram.) the name of any person or
—adj. Noun′al.
[O. Fr. non (Fr. nom)—L. nomen, name.]
Nourice, nur′is, n. (Spens.) a nurse. [Nurse.]
Nourish, nur′ish, v.t. to suckle: to feed or bring
up: to support: to help forward growth in any way: to encourage: to
cherish: to educate.
—adjs. Nour′ishable, able to be
—n. Nour′isher.
—adj. Nour′ishing, giving
—n. Nour′ishment, the act of nourishing or the
state of being nourished: that which nourishes: nutriment. [O. Fr.
norir (Fr. nourrir)—L. nutrīre, to
Noursle, nurs′l, v.t. to nurse: to bring
—Also Nous′le.
Nous, nows, n. intellect: talent: common-sense. [Gr.]
Novaculite, nō-vak′ū-līt, n. a hone-stone.
Novalia, nō-vā′li-a, (Scots law) waste lands newly reclaimed.
Novatian, nō-vā′shi-an, adj. of or
pertaining to Novatianus, who had himself ordained Bishop of Rome
in opposition to Cornelius (251), and headed the party of severity
against the lapsed in the controversy about their treatment that arose
after the Decian persecution.
—ns. Novā′tianism; Novā′tianist.
Novation, nō-vā′shun, n. the substitution of a new obligation for the one existing: innovation.
Novel, nov′el, adj. new: unusual:
—n. that which is new: a new or supplemental
constitution or decree, issued by certain Roman emperors, as Justinian,
after their authentic publications of law (also Novell′a): a fictitious prose narrative or
tale presenting a picture of real life, esp. of the emotional crises in
the life-history of the men and women portrayed.
—n. Novelette′, a small novel.
Nov′elise, to change by introducing
novelties: to put into the form of novels.
—v.i. to make
—n. Nov′elist, a novel-writer: an
—adj. Novelist′ic.
—n. Nov′elty, newness: unusual appearance:
anything new, strange, or different from anything
before:—pl. Nov′elties.
[O. Fr. novel (Fr. nouveau)—L.
November, nō-vem′bėr, n. the eleventh month of our year. [The ninth month of the Roman year; L., from novem, nine.]
Novena, nō-vē′na, n. a devotion lasting nine days, to obtain a particular request, through the intercession of the Virgin or some saint. [L. novenus, nine each, novem, nine.]
Novenary, nov′en-a-ri, adj. pertaining to the
number nine.
—adj. Novene′, going by nines. [L.
novenarius—novem, nine.]
Novennial, nō-ven′yal, adj. done every ninth year. [L. novennis—novem, nine, annus, a year.]
Novercal, nō-vėr′kal, adj. pertaining to or befitting a stepmother. [L. novercalis—noverca, a stepmother.]
Noverint, nov′e-rint, n. a writ—beginning with the words noverint universi—let all men know. [3d pers. pl. perf. subj. of noscĕre, to know.]
Novice, nov′is, n. one new in anything: a
beginner: one newly received into the church: an inmate of a convent or
nunnery who has not yet taken the vow.
—ns. Nov′iceship; Novi′ciate, Novi′tiate, the state of being a novice: the
period of being a novice: a novice. [Fr.,—L.
novitius—novus, new.]
Novum, nō′vum, n. (Shak.) a certain game at dice, in which the chief throws were nine and five.
Novus homo, nov′us hom′o, n. a new man: one who has risen from a low position to a high dignity.
Now, now, adv. at the present time: at this time or a
little before.
—conj. but: after this: things being
—n. the present time.
—advs. Now′adays, in days now
—Now—now, at one time—at another time.
[A.S. nú; Ger. nun, L. nunc, Gr. nun.]
Nowel, Noël, nō′el, n. Christmas: a joyous shout or song at Christmas: a Christmas carol. [O. Fr. nowel, noel (mod. Fr. noël; cf. Sp. natal, It. natale)—L. natalis, belonging to one's birthday.]
Nowhere, nō′hwār, adv. in no where or
place: at no time.
—adv. Nō′whither, not any whither: to no
place: in no direction: nowhere.
Nowl, nowl, n. (Shak.). Same as Noul.
Nowt, nowt, n. (Scot.) cattle.
Nout. [Neat.]
Nowy, now′i, adj. (her.) having a convex
curvature near the middle.
—Also Nowed. [O. Fr.
noue—L. nudatus, knotted.]
Noxious, nok′shus, adj. hurtful: unwholesome:
injurious: destructive: poisonous.
—adj. Nox′al, relating to wrongful
—adv. Nox′iously.
—n. Nox′iousness. [L.
noxius—noxa, hurt—nocēre, to
Noy, noi, v.t. (Spens.). Same as Annoy.
Noyade, nwa-yad′, n. an infamous mode of drowning by means of a boat with movable bottom, practised by Carrier at Nantes, 1793-94. [Fr.,—noyer, to drown.]
Noyance, noi′ans, n. Same as Annoyance.
Noyau, nwo-yō′, n. a liqueur flavoured with kernels of bitter almonds or of peach-stones. [Fr., the stone of a fruit—L. nucalis, like a nut—nux, nucis, a nut.]
Noyous, noi′us, adj. (Spens.) serving to annoy: troublesome: hurtful. [Annoy.]
Noysome, noi′sum, adj. (Spens.) noisome (q.v.).
Nozzle, noz′l, n. a little nose: the snout: the extremity of anything: the open end of a pipe or tube, as of a bellows, &c. [Dim. of nose.]
Nuance, nū-ans′, n. a delicate degree or shade of difference perceived by any of the senses, or by the intellect. [Fr.,—L. nubes, a cloud.]
Nub, nub, v.t. (prov.) to push: beckon: hang.
Nub, nub, n. a knob, knot: point,
—adjs. Nub′bly,
full of knots; Nub′by, lumpy,
Nubble, nub′l, v.t. to beat with the fist.
Nubecula, nū-bek′ū-la, n. a light film on the eye: a cloudy appearance in urine:—pl. Nubec′ulæ.
Nubiferous, nū-bif′e-rus, adj. bringing
—adjs. Nūbig′enous, produced by clouds;
Nū′bilous, cloudy,
overcast—(obs.) Nū′bilose.
Nubile, nū′bil, adj.
—n. Nubil′ity. [L.
nubilis—nubĕre, to veil one's self, hence to
Nucellus, nū-sel′us, n. the nucleus of the ovule.
Nuchal, nū′kal, adj. pertaining to the Nū′cha or nape.
Nuciform, nūs′i-form, adj.
—adj. Nucif′erous, nut-bearing. [L. nux,
nucis, nut, forma, form.]
Nucifraga, nū-sif′ra-ga, n. a genus of corvine birds, between crows and jays, the nutcrackers.
Nucleus, nū′klē-us, n. the central
mass round which matter gathers: (astron.) the head of a
comet:—pl. Nuclei (nū′klē-ī).—adjs.
Nū′clēal, Nū′clēar, pertaining to a
—v.t. Nū′clēāte, to gather into
or around a nucleus.
—adjs. Nū′clēate, -d, having a nucleus; Nū′clēiform.
Nū′clēin, a colourless
amorphous proteid, a constituent of cell-nuclei; Nū′cleobranch, one of an order of
molluscs which have the gills packed in the shell along with the
heart:—pl. Nucleobranchiă′ta; Nū′clēōle, a little
nucleus: a nucleus within a nucleus—also Nuclē′olus:—pl. Nuclē′oli. [L.,—nux,
nucis, a nut.]
Nucule, nūk′ūl, n. a little nut: in Characeæ the female sexual organ. [L. nucula, dim. of nux, nucis, a nut.]
Nude, nūd, adj. naked: bare: without drapery, as a
statue: void, as a contract.
—n. Nūdā′tion, act of making
—adv. Nūde′ly.
—ns. Nūde′ness, Nū′dity, nakedness: want of covering:
anything laid bare.
—adjs. Nudiflō′rous, having the flowers
destitute of hairs, glands, &c.; Nūdifō′lious, having bare or
smooth leaves; Nūdiros′trate,
having the rostrum naked.
— Nū′dities, naked parts: figures
divested of drapery.
—The nude, the undraped human figure as
a branch of art. [L. nudus, naked.]
Nudge, nuj, n. a gentle push.
—v.t. to push
gently. [Cf. Knock, Knuckle; Dan. knuge.]
Nudibranch, nū′di-brangk, n. one of an order of gasteropods having no shell, and with the gills exposed on the surface of the body:—pl. Nudibranchiā′ta. [L. nudus, naked, branchiæ, gills.]
Nugatory, nū′ga-tor-i, adj. trifling: vain: insignificant: of no power: ineffectual. [L. nugatorius,—nugæ, jokes, trifles.]
Nugget, nug′et, n. a lump or mass, as of a metal. [Prob. ingot, with the n of the article.]
Nuisance, nū′sans, n. that which annoys or
hurts: that which troubles: that which is offensive.
Nū′isancer. [Fr.,—L.
nocēre, to hurt.]
Null, nul, adj. of no legal force: void: invalid: of no
—n. something of no value or meaning, a cipher: a
bead-like raised work.
—v.t. to annul,
—v.i. to kink: to form nulls, or into nulls, as in a
—Nulled work, woodwork turned by means of a lathe so
as to form a series of connected knobs—for rounds of chairs,
&c. [L. nullus, not any, from ne, not, ullus,
Nullah, nul′a, n. a dry water-course.
Nulla-nulla, nul′a-nul′a, n. an Australian's hard-wood club.
Nullifidian, nul-i-fid′i-an, adj. having no
—n. a person in such a condition. [L. nullus,
none, fides, faith.]
Nullify, nul′i-fī, v.t. to make null: to annul: to render void or of no force:—pr.p. null′ifying; pa.t. and pa.p. null′ified.—ns. Nullificā′tion, a rendering void or of none effect, esp. (U.S.) of a contract by one of the parties, or of a law by one legislature which has been passed by another; Null′ifier; Null′ity, the state of being null or void: nothingness: want of existence, force, or efficacy.
Nullipara, nul-lip′a-ra, n. a woman who has never
given birth to a child, esp. if not a virgin.
—adj. Nullip′arous.
Nullipennate, nul-i-pen′āt, adj. having no flight-feathers, as a penguin.
Nullipore, nul′i-pōr, n. a small coral-like
—adj. Null′iporous.
Numb, num, adj. deprived of sensation or motion:
powerless to feel or act: stupefied: motionless: (Shak.) causing
—v.t. to make numb: to deaden: to render
motionless:—pr.p. numbing (num′ing); pa.p. numbed
—adj. Numb′-cold
(Shak.), numbed with cold: causing numbness.
Numb′ness, state of being numb:
condition of living body in which it has lost the power of feeling:
torpor. [A.S. numen, pa.p. of niman, to take; so Ice.
numinn, bereft.]
Number, num′bėr, n. that by which things are
counted or computed: a collection of things: more than one: a unit in
counting: a numerical figure: the measure of multiplicity: sounds
distributed into harmonies: metre, verse, esp. in pl.:
(gram.) the difference in words to express singular or plural:
(pl.) the fourth book of the Old Testament.
—v.t. to
count: to reckon as one of a multitude: to mark with a number: to amount
—n. Num′berer.
—adj. Num′berless, without number: more than can be
—ns. Numerabil′ity, Nū′merableness.
Nū′merable, that may be
numbered or counted.
—adv. Nū′merably.
—adj. Nū′meral, pertaining to, consisting of,
or expressing number.
—n. a figure or mark used to express a
number, as 1, 2, 3, &c.: (gram.) a word used to denote a
—adv. Nū′merally, according to
—adj. Nū′merary, belonging to a certain
number: contained within or counting as one of a body or a
number—opp. to Supernumerary.
—v.t. Nū′merāte, to point off and read
as figures: (orig.) to enumerate, to number.
Nūmerā′tion, act of
numbering: the art of reading numbers, and expressing their values;
Nū′merātor, one who
numbers: the upper number of a vulgar fraction, which expresses the
number of fractional parts taken.
—adjs. Nūmer′ic, -al, belonging to, or consisting in, number: the
same both in number and kind.
—adv. Nūmer′ically.
—n. Nūmeros′ity, numerousness: harmonious
—adj. Nū′merous, great in number: being
—adv. Nū′merously.
—n. Nū′merousness. [Fr.
nombre—L. numerus, number.]
Numbles, num′bls, the entrails of a deer. See Umbles.
Numerotage, nū-me-rō-täzh′, n. the numbering of yarns so as to denote their fineness. [Fr.]
Numismatic, nū-mis-mat′ik, adj. pertaining
to money, coins, or medals.
—n.sing. Nūmismat′ics, the science of coins and
—ns. Nūmis′matist, one having a knowledge of
coins and medals; Nūmismatog′raphy, description of coins;
Numismatol′ogist, one versed in
numismatology; Nūmismatol′ogy,
the science of coins and medals in relation to history. [L.
numisma—Gr. nomisma, current
coin—nomizein, to use commonly—nomos,
Nummary, num′a-ri, adj. relating to coins or
—adjs. Numm′iform, shaped like a coin; Numm′ūlar, Numm′ūlary, Numm′ūlāted, Numm′ūline, pertaining to coins: like a
coin in shape; Numm′ūliform.
—n. Numm′ūlite, a fossil shell resembling a
—adj. Nummulit′ic.
[L. nummus, a coin.]
Numskull, num′skul, n. a stupid fellow: a
—adj. Num′skulled. [From numb and
Nun, nun, n. a female who, under a vow, secludes herself
in a religious house, to give her time to devotion: (zool.) a kind
of pigeon with the feathers on its head like the hood of a
—ns. Nun′-buoy, a
buoy somewhat in the form of a double cone; Nun′nery, a house for nuns.
—ns. Nun′nishness; Nun's′-veil′ing, a woollen cloth, soft
and thin, used by women for veils and dresses. [A.S.
nunne—Low L. nunna, nonna, a nun, an old
maiden lady, the orig. sig. being 'mother;' cf. Gr. nannē,
aunt, Sans. nanā, a child's word for 'mother.']
Nunc dimittis, nungk di-mit′tis, n. 'now lettest thou depart:' the name given to the song of Simeon (Luke, ii. 29-32) in the R.C. Breviary and the Anglican evening service—from the opening words.
Nuncheon, nun′shun, n. a luncheon. [Prob. a corr. of luncheon, with some reference to noon.]
Nuncio, nun′shi-o, n. a messenger: one who brings
tidings: an ambassador from the Pope to an emperor or a
—n. Nun′ciātūre, the office of a
nuncio. [It.,—L. nuncius, a messenger, one who brings
news—prob. a contr. of noventius; cf. novus,
Nuncle, nung′kl, n. (Shak.) a contr. of mine uncle.
Nuncupative, nung′kū-pā-tiv, adj.
declaring publicly or solemnly: (law) verbal, not written, as a
will—also Nun′cūpātory.
and v.i. Nun′cupate, to
declare solemnly: to declare orally.
—n. Nuncūpā′tion. [Fr.,—Low L.
nuncupativus, nominal—L. nuncupāre, to call by
name—prob. from nomen, name, capĕre, to
Nundinal, nun′di-nal, adj. pertaining to a fair or
—Also Nun′dinary. [L.
nundinæ, the market-day, properly the ninth day—i.e. from
the preceding market-day, both days inclusive—novem, nine,
dies, a day.]
Nuphar, nū′fär, n. a genus of yellow water-lilies, the Nymphæa.
Nuptial, nup′shal, adj. pertaining to marriage:
constituting marriage.
— Nup′tials, marriage: wedding ceremony.
[Fr.,—L. nuptialis—nuptiæ,
marriage—nubĕre, nuptum, to marry.]
Nur, nur, n. a knot or knob in wood. See Knurr.
Nurl, nurl, v.t. to mill or indent on the
—ns. Nurl′ing, the
milling of a coin: the series of indentations on the edge of some
screw-heads: zigzag ornamental engraving; Nurl′ing-tool.
Nurse, nurs, n. a woman who nourishes an infant: a
mother while her infant is at the breast: one who has the care of infants
or of the sick: (hort.) a shrub or tree which protects a young
—v.t. to tend, as an infant or a sick person: to bring
up: to cherish: to manage with care and economy: to play skilfully, as
billiard-balls, in order to get them into the position one
—adj. Nurse′like
(Shak.), like or becoming a nurse.
—ns. Nurse′maid, a girl who takes care of
children; Nurs′er, one who nurses:
one who promotes growth; Nurs′ery,
place for nursing: an apartment for young children: a place where the
growth of anything is promoted: (hort.) a piece of ground where
plants are reared; Nurs′ery-gov′erness; Nurs′erymaid, a nurse-maid; Nurs′eryman, a man who owns or works a
nursery: one who is employed in cultivating plants, &c., for sale;
Nurs′ing-fa′ther (B.),
a foster-father; Nurs′ling, that
which is nursed: an infant. [O. Fr. norrice (Fr.
nourrice)—L. nutrix—nutrīre, to
Nurture, nurt′ūr, n. act of nursing or
nourishing: nourishment: education: instruction.
—v.t. to
nourish: to bring up: to educate.
—n. Nurt′urer. [O. Fr. noriture (Fr.
nourriture)—Low L. nutritura—L.
nutrīre, to nourish.]
Nut, nut, n. the name popularly given to all those
fruits which have the seed enclosed in a bony, woody, or leathery
pericarp, not opening when ripe: (bot.) a one-celled fruit, with a
hardened pericarp, containing, when mature, only one seed: often the
hazel-nut, sometimes the walnut: a small block of metal for screwing on
the end of a bolt.
—v.i. to gather nuts:—pr.p.
nut′ting; pa.p. nut′ted.—adj. Nut′-brown, brown, like a ripe old
—ns. Nut′cracker,
an instrument for cracking nuts: a genus of birds of the family
Corvidæ; Nut′-gall, an
excrescence, chiefly of the oak; Nut′hatch, a genus of birds of the family
Sittidæ, agile creepers—also Nut′jobber, Nut′pecker; Nut′-hook, a stick with a hook at the end for
pulling down boughs that the nuts may be gathered: a bailiff, a thief who
uses a hook; Nut′meal, meal made
from the kernels of nuts; Nut′-oil,
an oil obtained from walnuts; Nut′-pine, one of several pines with large
edible seeds; Nut′shell, the hard
substance that encloses the kernel of a nut: anything of little value;
Nut′ter, one who gathers nuts;
Nut′tiness; Nut′ting, the gathering of nuts; Nut′-tree, any tree bearing nuts, esp. the
—adj. Nut′ty,
abounding in nuts: having the flavour of nuts.
—n. Nut′-wrench, an instrument for fixing on nuts
or removing them from screws.
—A nut to crack, a difficult
problem to solve; Be nuts on (slang), to be very fond of;
In a nutshell, in small compass. [A.S. hnutu; Ice.
hnot, Dut. noot, Ger. nuss.]
Nutant, nū′tant, adj. nodding: (bot.)
having the top of the stem of the flower-cluster bent
—n. Nūtā′tion, a nodding:
(astron.) a periodical and constant change of the angle made by
the earth's axis, with the ecliptic, caused by the attraction of the moon
on the greater mass of matter round the equator: (bot.) the
turning of flowers towards the sun. [L. nutāre, to nod.]
Nutmeg, nut′meg, n. the aromatic kernel of an East
Indian tree, much used as a seasoning in cookery.
Nut′megged; Nut′meggy. [M. E. notemuge, a hybrid
word formed from nut, and O. Fr. muge, musk—L.
muscus, musk.]
Nutria, nū′tri-a, n. the fur of the coypou, a South American beaver. [Sp.,—L. lutra, an otter.]
Nutriment, nū′tri-ment, n. that which
nourishes: that which helps forward growth or development:
—adj. Nū′trient, nourishing.
anything nourishing.
—adj. Nū′trimental, having the quality of
nutriment or food: nutritious.
—n. Nūtri′tion, act of nourishing: process
of promoting the growth of bodies: that which nourishes:
—adjs. Nūtri′tional; Nūtri′tious, nourishing: promoting
—adv. Nūtri′tiously.
—n. Nūtri′tiousness.
Nū′tritive, Nū′tritory, nourishing: concerned in
—adv. Nū′tritively.
—ns. Nū′tritiveness; Nūtritō′rium, the nutritive
apparatus. [L. nutrimentum—nutrīre, to
Nux vomica, nuks vom′ik-a, n. the seed of an East Indian tree, from which the powerful poison known as strychnine is obtained. [L. nux, a nut, vomicus, from vomĕre, to vomit.]
Nuzzer, nuz′ėr, n. a present made to a superior. [Ind.]
Nuzzle, nuz′l, v.i. to rub the nose against: to
fondle closely, to cuddle: to nurse or rear.
—v.t. to touch
with the nose: to go with the nose toward the ground.
—Also Nous′le. [A freq. verb from nose.]
Nyanza, ni-an′za, n. a sheet of water, marsh, the river feeding a lake. [Afr.]
Nyctala, nik′ta-la, n. a genus of owls of family Strigidæ.
Nyctalopia, nik-ta-lō′pi-a, n. the defective
vision of persons who can see in a faint light but not in bright
daylight: sometimes applied to the opposite defect, inability to see save
in a strong daylight—also Nyc′talopy.
—n. Nyc′talops, one affected with nyctalopia.
[Gr. nyktalōps, seeing by night only—nyx,
nyktos, night, ōps, vision.]
Nyctitropism, nik′ti-trō-pizm, n. the
so-called sleep of plants, the habit of taking at night certain positions
unlike those during the day.
—adj. Nyctitrop′ic. [Gr. nyx, night,
tropos, a turn.]
Nylghau, nil′gaw, n. a large species of antelope, in North Hindustan, the males of which are of a bluish colour. [Pers. níl gáw—níl, blue, gáw, ox, cow.]
Nymph, nimf, n. a young and beautiful maiden:
(myth.) one of the beautiful goddesses who inhabited mountains,
rivers, trees, &c.
—adjs. Nymph′al, relating to nymphs; Nymphē′an, pertaining to nymphs:
inhabited by nymphs; Nymph′ic,
-al, pertaining to nymphs; Nymph′ish, Nymph′ly, nymph-like; Nymph′-like.
—ns. Nymph′olepsy, a species of ecstasy or frenzy
said to have seized those who had seen a nymph; Nymph′olept, a person in
—adj. Nympholept′ic.
—ns. Nymphomā′nia, morbid and uncontrollable
sexual desire in women; Nymphomā′niac, a woman affected with
the foregoing.
—adjs. Nymphomā′niac, -al. [Fr.,—L. nympha—Gr.
nymphē, a bride.]
Nymph, nimf, Nympha, nimf′a, n. the pupa or
chrysalis of an insect.
— Nymphæ (nimf′ē), the labia
—adj. Nymphip′arous, producing
—ns. Nymphī′tis, inflammation of the nymphæ;
Nymphot′omy, the excision of the
Nymphæa, nim-fē′a, n. a genus of water-plants, with beautiful fragrant flowers, including the water-lily, Egyptian lotus, &c. [L. nympha, a nymph.]
Nys, nis (Spens.), none is. [Ne, not, and is.]
Nystagmus, nis-tag′mus, n. a spasmodic, lateral, oscillatory movement of the eyes, found in miners, &c. [Gr., nystazein, to nap.]
Nyula, ni-ū′la, n. an ichneumon.
the fifteenth letter and fourth vowel of our alphabet, its sound intermediate between a and u—with three values in English, the name-sound heard in note, the shorter sound heard in not, and the neutral vowel heard in son: as a numeral, 'nothing,' or 'zero' (formerly O=11, and (Ō)=11,000): (chem.) the symbol of oxygen: anything round or nearly so (pl. O's, Oes, pron. ōz).
O, oh, ō, interj. an exclamation of wonder,
pain, desire, fear, &c. The form oh is the more usual in
—O hone! Och hone! an Irish exclamation of
lamentation. [A.S. eá.]
O, usually written o', an abbrev. for of and on.
Oaf, ōf, n. a foolish or deformed child left by
the fairies in place of another: a dolt, an idiot.
Oaf′ish, idiotic, doltish.
Oak, ōk, n. a tree of about 300 species, the most
famous the British oak, valued for its timber in shipbuilding,
—ns. Oak′-app′le, a spongy substance on the
leaves of the oak, caused by insects—also Oak′leaf-gall; Oak′-bark, the bark of some species of oak
used in tanning.
—adjs. Oak′-cleav′ing (Shak.), cleaving
oaks; Oak′en, consisting or made of
—ns. Oak′-gall, a
gall produced on the oak; Oak′-leath′er, a fungus mycelium in the
fissures of old oaks; Oak′ling, a
young oak; Oak′-pā′per,
paper for wall-hangings veined like oak.
—adj. Oak′y, like oak, firm.
Day, the 29th of May, the anniversary of the Restoration in 1660,
when country boys used to wear oak-apples in commemoration of Charles II.
skulking in the branches of an oak (the Royal Oak) from Cromwell's
troopers after Worcester.
—Sport one's oak, in English
university slang, to signify that one does not wish visitors by closing
the outer door of one's rooms; The Oaks, one of the three great
English races—for mares—the others being the Derby and St
Leger. [A.S. ác; Ice. eik, Ger. eiche.]
Oaker, ōk′ėr, n. (Spens.) ochre.
Oakum, ōk′um, n. old ropes untwisted and teased into loose hemp for caulking the seams of ships. [A.S. ácumba, ǽcemba—cemban, to comb.]
Oar, ōr, n. a light pole with a flat feather or
spoon-shaped end (the blade) for propelling a boat: an oar-like
appendage for swimming, as the antennæ of an insect or crustacean,
&c.: an oarsman.
—v.t. to impel by
—v.i. to row.
—n. Oar′age, oars collectively.
Oared, furnished with oars.
—ns. Oar′lap, a rabbit with its ears standing out
at right-angles to the head; Oar′-lock, a rowlock; Oars′man, one who rows with an oar; Oars′manship, skill in
—adj. Oar′y,
having the form or use of oars.
—Boat oars, to bring the oars
inboard; Feather oars, to turn the blades parallel to the water
when reaching back for another stroke; Lie on the oars, to cease
rowing without shipping the oars: to rest, take things easily: to cease
from work; Put in one's oar, to give advice when not wanted;
Ship, or Unship, oars, to place the oars in the
rowlocks, or to take them out. [A.S. ár.]
Oarium, ō-ā′ri-um, n. an ovary or ovarium.
Oasis, ō-ā′sis, n. a fertile spot in a sandy desert: any place of rest or pleasure in the midst of toil and gloom:—pl. Oases (ō-ā′sēz). [L.,—Gr. oasis, an Egyptian word; cf. Coptic ouahe.]
Oast, ōst, n. a kiln to dry hops or
—n. Oast′-house.
[A.S. ást.]
Oat, ōt (oftener in pl. Oats, ōts),
n. a well-known grassy plant, the seeds of which are much used as
food: its seeds: a musical pipe of oat-straw: a shepherd's pipe, pastoral
song generally.
—n. Oat′cake, a thin broad cake made of
—adj. Oat′en,
consisting of an oat stem or straw: made of oatmeal.
Oat′-grass, two species of oat,
useful more as fodder than for the seed; Oat′meal, meal made of oats.
one's wild oats, to indulge in the usual youthful dissipations. [A.S.
áta, pl. átan.]
Oath, ōth, n. a solemn statement with an appeal to
God as witness, and a calling for punishment from Him in case of
falsehood or of failure, also the form of words in which such is
made—oath of abjuration, allegiance, &c.: an
irreverent use of God's name in conversation or in any way: any merely
exclamatory imprecation, &c.:—pl. Oaths
—adj. Oath′able (Shak.), capable of having
an oath administered to.
—n. Oath′-break′ing (Shak.), the
violation of an oath, perjury.
—Upon one's oath, sworn to
speak the truth. [A.S. áth; Ger. eid, Ice.
Ob., for objection, just as sol. for
solution, on the margins of old books of controversial
—n. Ob′-and-sol′er, a disputant,
Obang, ō-bang′, n. an old Japanese oblong gold coin.
Obbligato, ob-li-gä′to, adj. that cannot be done
—n. a musical accompaniment, itself of independent
importance, esp. that of a single instrument to a vocal piece.
Obliga′to. [It.]
Obconic, -al, ob-kon′ik, -al, adj. inversely conical.
Obcordate, ob-kor′dāt, adj. (bot.) inversely heart-shaped, as a leaf.
Obdurate, ob′dū-rāt, adj. hardened in
heart or in feelings: difficult to influence, esp. in a moral sense:
stubborn: harsh.
—n. Ob′dūracy, state of being obdurate:
invincible hardness of heart.
—adv. Ob′dūrately.
—ns. Ob′dūrateness, Obdūrā′tion.
Obdūred′, hardened. [L.
obdurāre, -ātum—ob, against,
durāre, to harden—durus, hard.]
Obedience, ō-bē′di-ens, n. state of
being obedient: willingness to obey commands: dutifulness: the collective
body of persons subject to any particular authority: a written
instruction from the superior of an order to those under him: any
official position under an abbot's jurisdiction.
Obē′dient, willing to obey;
Obēdien′tial, submissive:
—adv. Obē′diently.
obedience, the obedience, as regulated by the canons, of an
ecclesiastic to another of higher rank; Passive obedience,
unresisting and unquestioning obedience to authority, like that taught by
some Anglican divines as due even to faithless and worthless kings like
Charles II. and James II.
Obeisance, ō-bā′sans, or ō-bē′sans, n. obedience: a bow
or act of reverence: an expression of respect.
—adj. Obē′isant.
[Fr.,—obéir—L. obedīre, to obey.]
Obelion, ō-bē′li-on, n. a point in the sagittal suture of the skull, between the two parietal foramina. [Gr. obelos, a spit.]
Obelisk, ob′e-lisk, n. a tall, four-sided,
tapering pillar, usually of one stone, finished at the top like a flat
pyramid: (print.) a dagger ( † ).
Ob′elise, to mark with an obelisk,
to condemn as spurious, indelicate, &c.
—n. Ob′elus, a mark ( — or ÷ ) used in
ancient MSS. to mark suspected passages, esp. in the Septuagint to
indicate passages not in the Hebrew:—pl. Ob′eli. [Through Fr. and L., from Gr.
obeliskos, dim. of obelos, a spit.]
Oberhaus, ō′ber-hows, n. the upper house in those German legislative bodies that have two chambers. [Ger. ober, upper, haus, house.]
Oberland, ō′ber-lant, n. highlands, as the Bernese Oberland in Switzerland.
Oberon, ō′ber-on, king of the fairies, husband of Titania.
Obese, ō-bēs′, adj. fat:
—ns. Obese′ness,
Obes′ity, fatness: abnormal fatness.
[L. obesus—ob, up, edĕre, esum,
to eat.]
Obex, ō′beks, n. a barrier: a thickening at the calamus scriptorius of the medulla oblongata. [L., objicĕre, to throw before.]
Obey, ō-bā′, v.t. to do as told by: to
be ruled by: to yield to: to carry out or perform.
—v.i. to
submit to power, &c.: (B.) to yield obedience (followed by
—n. Obey′er.
—adv. Obey′ingly, obediently. [Fr.
obéir—L. obedīre—ob, near,
audīre, to hear.]
Obfuscate, ob-fus′kāt, v.t. to darken: to
—n. Obfuscā′tion. [L.
obfuscāre, -ātum—ob, inten., fuscus,
Obi, ō′bi, n. a kind of sorcery practised by
obeah-men and obeah-women among the negroes of the West
Indies and United States, a survival of African magic: a fetish or
charm—also O′bea, O′beah, O′by.
—n. O′biism. [Prob. Afr.]
Obi, ō′bi, n. a broad, gaily embroidered sash worn by Japanese women. [Jap.]
Obit, ō′bit, or ob′it, n. death: the
fact or the date of death: funeral ceremonies: the anniversary of a
person's death, or a service at such time.
—adj. Obit′ual, pertaining to
—adv. Obit′uarily.
—n. Obit′uarist, a writer of
—adj. Obit′uary, relating to the death of a person
or persons.
—n. a register of deaths (orig.) in a
monastery: an account of a deceased person, or a notice of his death.
[Fr.,—L. obitus—obīre—ob,
to, īre, to go.]
Object, ob-jekt′, v.t. to place before the view:
to throw in the way of: to offer in opposition: to
—v.i. to oppose: to give a reason
—n. Objectificā′tion.
Object′ify, to make
—n. Objec′tion, act of objecting: anything said
or done in opposition: argument against.
—adj. Objec′tionable, that may be objected to:
requiring to be disapproved of.
—adv. Objec′tionably, in an objectionable manner or
—adj. Object′ive, relating to an object: being
exterior to the mind: substantive, self-existent: setting forth what is
external, actual, practical, apart from the sensations or emotions of the
speaker: as opposed to Subjective, pertaining to that which is
real or exists in nature, in contrast with what is ideal or exists merely
in thought: (gram.) belonging to the case of the
—n. (gram.) the case of the object: in
microscopes, &c., the lens which brings the rays to a focus: the
point to which the operations of an army are directed.
Object′iveness; Object′ivism.
—adj. Objectivist′ic.
—ns. Objectiv′ity, state of being objective;
Object′or. [Fr.,—L.
objectāre, a freq. of objicĕre, -jectum—ob, in the way of,
jacĕre, to throw.]
Object, ob′jekt, n. anything perceived or set
before the mind: that which is sought after, or that toward which an
action is directed: end: motive: (gram.) that toward which the
action of a transitive verb is directed.
—ns. Ob′ject-find′er, a device in
microscopes for locating an object in the field before examination by a
higher power; Ob′ject-glass, the
glass at the end of a telescope or microscope next the object; Ob′jectist, one versed in the objective
—adj. Ob′jectless, having no object:
—ns. Ob′ject-less′on, a lesson in which the
object to be described, or a representation of it, is shown; Ob′ject-soul, a vital principle attributed by
the primitive mind to inanimate objects.
Objure, ob-jōōr′, v.i. to
—n. Objurā′tion, act of binding by
Objurgation, ob-jur-gā′shun, n. act of
chiding: a blaming, reproof: reprehension.
—v.t. Objur′gate, to chide.
Objur′gatory, expressing blame or
reproof. [Fr.,—L.,—ob, against, jurgāre,
to sue at law—jus, law, agĕre, to drive.]
Oblanceolate, ob-lan′se-o-lāt, adj. (bot.) shaped like the head of a lance reversed, as a leaf.
Oblate, ob-lāt′, n. a secular person devoted
to a monastery, but not under its vows, esp. one of the Oblate Fathers or
Oblate Sisters: one dedicated to a religious order from childhood, or who
takes the cowl in anticipation of death: a loaf of altar-bread before its
—n. Oblā′tion, act of offering: anything
offered in worship or sacred service, esp. a eucharistic offering: an
offering generally.
—Great oblation, the solemn offering or
presentation in memorial before God of the consecrated elements, as
sacramentally the body and blood of Christ; Lesser oblation, the
offertory. [L. oblatus, offered up.]
Oblate, ob-lāt′, adj. flattened at opposite
sides or poles: shaped like an orange.
—ns. Oblate′ness, flatness at the poles; Oblate′-spher′oid, a spherical body
flattened at the poles. [L. oblatus, pa.p. of offerre, to
offer—ob, against, ferre, to bring.]
Oblige, ō-blīj′, v.t. to bind or
constrain: to bind by some favour rendered, hence to do a favour
—adj. Ob′ligable,
that can be held to a promise or an undertaking: true to a promise or a
—n. Ob′ligant,
one who binds himself to another to pay or to perform
—v.t. Ob′ligāte, to constrain: to bind by
contract or duty:—pr.p. ob′ligāting; pa.p. ob′ligāted.—n. Obligā′tion, act of obliging: the power
which binds to a promise, a duty, &c.: any act which binds one to do
something for another: that to which one is bound: state of being
indebted for a favour: (law) a bond containing a penalty in case
of failure.
—adv. Ob′ligatorily.
—n. Ob′ligatoriness.
—adj. Ob′ligātory, binding: imposing
—ns. Obligee (ob-li-jē′), the person to whom another is
obliged; Oblige′ment, a favour
—adj. Oblig′ing, disposed to confer favours: ready
to do a good turn.
—adv. Oblig′ingly.
—ns. Oblig′ingness; Ob′ligor (law), the person who binds
himself to another. [Fr.,—L. obligāre, -ātum—ob, before,
ligāre, to bind.]
Oblique, ob-lēk′, adj. slanting: not
perpendicular: not parallel: not straightforward: obscure: (geom.)
not a right-angle: (gram.) denoting any case except the
—v.i. to deviate from a direct line or from the
perpendicular, to slant: to advance obliquely by facing half right or
left and then advancing.
—ns. Obliquā′tion, Oblique′ness, Obliq′uity, state of being oblique: a
slanting direction: error or wrong: irregularity.
Obliq′uid (Spens.),
—Oblique cone or cylinder, one whose axis is
oblique to the plane of its base; Oblique narration or
speech (L. oratio obliqua), indirect narration, the actual
words of the speaker, but, as related by a third person, having the first
person in pronoun and verb converted into the third, adverbs of present
time into the corresponding adverbs of past time, &c.; Oblique
sailing, the reduction of the position of a ship from the various
courses made good, oblique to the meridian or parallel of latitude;
Obliquity of the ecliptic, the angle between the plane of the
earth's orbit and that of the earth's equator. [Fr.,—L.
obliquus—ob, before, liquis, slanting.]
Obliterate, ob-lit′ėr-āt, v.t. to blot
out, so as not to be readable: to wear out: to destroy: to reduce to a
very low state.
—n. Obliterā′tion, act of obliterating: a
blotting or wearing out: extinction.
—adj. Oblit′erātive. [L.
obliterāre, -ātum—ob, over, litera, a
Oblivion, ob-liv′i-un, n. act of forgetting or
state of being forgotten: remission of punishment.
Obliv′ious, forgetful: prone to
forget: causing forgetfulness.
—adv. Obliv′iously.
—ns. Obliv′iousness; Oblivisc′ence. [Fr.,—L.
oblivion-em—oblivisci, to forget.]
Oblong, ob′long, adj. long in one way: longer than
—n. (geom.) a rectangle longer than broad: any
oblong figure.
—adj. Ob′longish.
—adv. Ob′longly.
—n. Ob′longness. [Fr.,—L. ob, over,
longus, long.]
Obloquy, ob′lo-kwi, n. reproachful language: censure: calumny: disgrace. [L. obloquium—ob, against, loqui, to speak.]
Obmutescence, ob-mū-tes′ens, n. loss of speech, dumbness. [L. obmutescĕre, to become dumb.]
Obnoxious, ob-nok′shus, adj. liable to hurt or
punishment: exposed to: guilty: blameworthy: offensive: subject:
—adv. Obnox′iously.
—n. Obnox′iousness. [L.,—ob, before,
noxa, hurt.]
Obnubilation, ob-nū-bi-lā′shun, n. the
act of making dark or obscure.
—v.t. Obnū′bilāte. [Low L.
obnubilare, to cloud over—L. ob, over,
nubilus, cloudy.]
Oboe, ō′bō-e, n. a treble reed musical
instrument, usually with fifteen keys, with a rich tone, giving the pitch
to the violin in the orchestra: a treble stop on the organ, its bass
being the bassoon—also Hautboy.—n. O′bōist, a player on the
—Oboe d'Amore, an obsolete alto oboe; Oboe di
Caccia, an obsolete tenor oboe, or rather tenor bassoon. [Fr.
Obol, ob′ol, n. in ancient Greece, a small coin,
worth rather more than three-halfpence: also a weight, the sixth part of
a drachma—also Ob′olus:—pl. Ob′oli (ī).
—adj. Ob′olary, consisting of obols: extremely
poor. [Gr. obelos, a spit.]
Obovate, ob-ō′vāt, adj. (bot.)
egg-shaped, as a leaf, with the narrow end next the
—adv. Obō′vātely.
Obō′void, solidly obovate.
Obreption, ob-rep′shun, n. obtaining of gifts of
escheat by falsehood—opp. to Subreption
—adj. Obreptit′ious.
Obscene, ob-sēn′, adj. offensive to
chastity: unchaste: indecent: disgusting: ill-omened.
Obscene′ness, Obscen′ity, quality of being obscene:
lewdness. [L. obscenus.]
Obscure, ob-skūr′, adj. dark: not distinct:
not easily understood: not clear, legible, or perspicuous: unknown:
humble: unknown to fame: living in darkness.
—v.t. to darken:
to make less plain: to render doubtful.
—ns. Obscū′rant, one who labours to prevent
enlightenment or reform; Obscū′rantism, opposition to inquiry or
reform; Obscū′rantist, an
—adj. pertaining to obscurantism.
Obscūrā′tion, the act of
obscuring or state of being obscured.
—adv. Obscūre′ly.
—ns. Obscūre′ment; Obscūre′ness; Obscū′rer; Obscū′rity, state or quality of being
obscure: darkness: an obscure place or condition: unintelligibleness:
humility. [Fr.,—L. obscurus.]
Obsecrate, ob′se-krāt, v. to beseech: to
—n. Obsecrā′tion, supplication: one of the
clauses in the Litany beginning with by.—adj.
Ob′secrātory, supplicatory.
[L. obsecrāre, -ātum,
to entreat; ob, before, sacrāre—sacer,
Obsequies, ob′se-kwiz, funeral rites and
solemnities:—sing. Ob′sequy (Milt.)—rarely
—adj. Obsē′quial. [Fr.
obsèques—L. obsequiæ—ob, before, upon,
sequi, to comply.]
Obsequious, ob-sē′kwi-us, adj. compliant to
excess: meanly condescending.
—adv. Obsē′quiously.
—n. Obsē′quiousness. [Fr.,—L.
obsequiosus, compliant, obsequium, compliance.]
Observe, ob-zėrv′, v.t. to keep in view: to
notice: to subject to systematic observation: to regard attentively: to
remark, refer to in words: to comply with: to heed and to carry out in
practice: to keep with proper ceremony: to keep or
—v.i. to take notice: to attend: to
—adj. Observ′able, that may be observed or noticed:
worthy of observation: remarkable: requiring to be
—n. Observ′ableness.
—adv. Observ′ably.
—ns. Observ′ance, act of observing or paying
attention to: performance: attention: that which is to be observed: rule
of practice, a custom to be observed: reverence: homage; Observ′ancy, observance:
—adj. Observ′ant, observing: having powers of
observing and noting: taking notice: adhering to: carefully
—n. (Shak.) an obsequious attendant: one
strict to comply with a custom, &c.; or Observ′antine, one of those Franciscan monks
of stricter rule who separated from the Conventuals in the 15th
—adv. Observ′antly.
—n. Observā′tion, act of observing: habit
of seeing and noting: attention: the act of recognising and noting
phenomena as they occur in nature, as distinguished from
experiment: that which is observed: a remark: performance: the
fact of being observed.
—adj. Observā′tional, consisting of, or
containing, observations or remarks: derived from observation, as
distinguished from experiment.
—adv. Observā′tionally.
—ns. Ob′servātor, one who observes: a
remarker; Observ′atory, a place for
making astronomical and physical observations, usually placed in some
high and stable place; Observ′er.
—adj. Observ′ing, habitually taking notice:
—adv. Observ′ingly. [Fr.,—L.
observāre, -ātum—ob, before,
servāre, to keep.]
Obsession, ob-sesh′un, n. persistent attack, esp. of an evil spirit upon a person: the state of being so molested from without—opp. to Possession, or control by an evil spirit from within. [L. obsession-em—obsidēre, to besiege.]
Obsidian, ob-sid′i-an, n. a natural glass—the vitreous condition of an acid lava. [From Obsidius, who, according to Pliny, discovered it in Ethiopia.]
Obsidional, ob-sid′i-ō-nal, adj. pertaining
to a siege.
—Also Obsid′ionary.
Obsignate, ob-sig′nāt, v.t. to seal,
—n. Obsignā′tion.
Obsolescent, ob-so-les′ent, adj. going out of
—n. Obsolesc′ence.
—adj. Ob′solete, gone out of use: antiquated:
(zool.) obscure: not clearly marked or developed:
—adv. Ob′soletely.
—ns. Ob′soleteness; Obsolē′tion (rare); Ob′soletism. [L. obsolescens, -entis, pr.p. of obsolescĕre,
obsoletum—ob, before, solēre, to be
Obstacle, ob′sta-kl, n. anything that stands in
the way of or hinders progress: obstruction.
—Obstacle race,
a race in which obstacles have to be surmounted or circumvented.
[Fr.,—L. obstaculum—ob, in the way of,
stāre, to stand.]
Obstetric, -al, ob-stet′rik, -al, adj.
pertaining to midwifery.
—ns. Obstetric′ian, one skilled in obstetrics;
Obstet′rics, the science of
midwifery, or the delivery of women in childbed; Obstet′rix, a midwife. [L.
obstetricius—obstetrix, -icis, a midwife—ob, before,
stāre, to stand.]
Obstinate, ob′sti-nāt, adj. blindly or
excessively firm: unyielding: stubborn: not easily subdued or
—ns. Ob′stinacy, Ob′stinateness, the condition of being
obstinate: excess of firmness: stubbornness: fixedness that yields with
difficulty, as a disease.
—adv. Ob′stinately. [L. obstināre,
-ātum—ob, in the way
of, stāre, to stand.]
Obstipation, ob-sti-pā′shun, n. extreme costiveness.
Obstreperous, ob-strep′ėr-us, adj. making a
loud noise: clamorous: noisy.
—v.i. Obstrep′erāte
—adv. Obstrep′erously.
—n. Obstrep′erousness. [L.
obstreperus—ob, before, strepĕre, to
make a noise.]
Obstriction, ob-strik′shun, n. obligation. [L. obstringĕre, obstrictum, to bind up.]
Obstropulous, ob-strop′ū-lus, adj. a vulgar form of obstreperous.
Obstruct, ob-strukt′, v.t. to block up, to hinder
from passing, to retard.
—ns. Obstruc′ter, Obstruc′tor, one who obstructs; Obstruc′tion, act of obstructing: that which
hinders progress or action: opposition, esp. in a legislative assembly;
Obstruc′tive, tending to obstruct:
—n. one who opposes progress.
Ob′struent, obstructing: blocking
—n. (med.) anything that obstructs, esp. in the
passages of the body. [L. obstruĕre,
obstructum—ob, in the way of, struĕre,
structum, to pile up.]
Obtain, ob-tān′, v.t. to lay hold of: to
hold: to procure by effort: to gain: to keep possession
—v.i. to be established: to continue in use: to become
customary or prevalent: to hold good: (rare) to
—adj. Obtain′able, that may be obtained, procured,
or acquired.
—ns. Obtain′er; Obtain′ment; Obten′tion, procurement.
to (Bacon), to attain to. [Fr.,—L.
obtinēre—ob, upon, tenēre, to
Obtected, ob-tek′ted, adj. covered, protected by a chitonous case, as the pupæ of most flies. [L. obtegĕre, obtectum, to cover over.]
Obtemper, ob-tem′per, v.t. to yield obedience to (with to, unto). [L. obtemperāre.]
Obtend, ob-tend′, v.t. (obs.) to oppose: to allege. [L. obtendĕre, to stretch before.]
Obtest, ob-test′, v.t. to call upon, as a witness:
to beg for.
—v.i. to protest.
—n. Obtestā′tion, act of calling to
witness: a supplication. [L. obtestāri, to call as a
witness—ob, before, testis, a witness.]
Obtrude, ob-trōōd′, v.t. to thrust in
upon when not wanted: to urge upon against the will of.
to thrust one's self or be thrust upon.
—ns. Obtrud′er; Obtrud′ing, Obtru′sion, a thrusting in or upon against
the will of.
—adj. Obtrus′ive, disposed to thrust one's self
among others.
—adv. Obtrus′ively.
—n. Obtrus′iveness. [L.
obtrudĕre—ob, before, trudĕre,
trusum, to thrust.]
Obtruncate, ob-trung′kāt, v.t. to cut or lop off. [L. obtruncāre, -ātum—ob, before, truncāre, cut off.]
Obtund, ob-tund′, v.t. to dull or blunt, to
—adj. Obtund′ent, dulling.
—n. an oily
mucilage for sores: an application to deaden the nerve of a tooth. [L.
obtundĕre, to strike upon.]
Obturate, ob′tū-rāt, v.t. to close or
stop up.
—ns. Obturā′tion, the act of stopping up,
esp. in gunnery, of a hole to prevent the escape of gas; Ob′tūrātor, that which stops or
closes up, as a device of this kind in gunnery, &c.: in surgery, an
artificial plate for closing an abnormal aperture or fissure, as with
cleft palate, &c., or for distending an opening, as in lithotomy: any
structure that shuts off a cavity or passage, esp. in anatomy, the
membrane vessels, &c., closing the obturator foramen, or
thyroid foramen, a large opening or fenestra in the anterior part
of the hip-bone. [L. obturāre, -ātum, to stop up.]
Obturbinate, ob-tur′bi-nāt, adj. inversely top-shaped.
Obtuse, ob-tūs′, adj. blunt: not pointed:
(bot.) blunt or rounded at the point, as a leaf: stupid: not
shrill: (geom.) greater than a right angle.
Obtuse′-ang′led, Obtuse′-ang′ular, having an angle
greater than a right angle.
—adv. Obtuse′ly.
—ns. Obtuse′ness, Obtus′ity. [Fr.,—L.
obtusus—obtundĕre, to blunt—ob,
against, tundĕre, to beat.]
Obumbrate, ob-um′brāt, v.t. to overshadow,
to darken.
—adj. lying under some projecting part, as the
abdomen of certain spiders.
—adj. Obum′brant, overhanging. [L.
obumbrāre, -ātum, to
Obvallate, ob-val′āt, adj. walled up. [L. obvallāre, -ātum, to wall round.]
Obvelation, ob-vē-lā′shun, n. concealment.
Obvention, ob-ven′shun, n. (obs.) any incidental occurrence, or advantage, esp. an offering.
Obverse, ob-vėrs′, adj. turned towards one:
bearing the head, as one face of a coin—opp. to Reverse: a
second or complemental aspect of the same fact, a correlative proposition
identically, implying another: (bot.) having the base narrower
than the top.
—n. Ob′verse, the side of a coin containing the
head, or principal symbol.
—adv. Obverse′ly.
—n. Obver′sion, the act of turning toward the
front of anything: in logic, a species of immediate inference—viz.
the predicating of the original subject, the contradictory of the
original predicate, and changing the quality of the
proposition—e.g. to infer from all A is B that no A
is not B—also called Permutation and
—v.t. Obvert′, to turn towards the front. [L.
obversus—ob, towards, vertĕre, to
Obviate, ob′vi-āt, v.t. to meet on the way, hence to remove, as difficulties. [L. obviāre, -ātum—ob, in the way of, viāre, viātum, to go—via, a way.]
Obvious, ob′vi-us, adj. meeting one in the way:
easily discovered or understood: evident.
—adv. Ob′viously.
—n. Ob′viousness. [L. obvius.]
Obvolute, -d, ob′vo-lūt, -ed, adj.
rolled or turned in, as two leaves in a bud, one edge of each out and the
other in, as in the poppy.
—adj. Obvol′vent, curved downward or inward. [L.
obvolutus—ob, before, volvĕre,
volutum, to roll.]
Ocarina, ok-a-rē′na, n. a kind of musical instrument with a whistling sound, made of terra-cotta, with finger-holes and a mouthpiece. [It.]
Occamism, ok′am-mizm, n. the doctrine of the
nominalist schoolman, William of Occam or Ockham (c.
—n. Occ′amist, a follower of Occam.
Occamy, ok′a-mi, n. a silvery alloy. [Alchemy.]
Occasion, o-kā′zhun, n. a case of something
happening: a special time or season: a chance of bringing about something
desired: an event which, although not the cause, determines the time at
which another happens: a reason or excuse: opportunity: requirement,
business: a special ceremony.
—v.t. to cause indirectly: to
—adj. Occā′sional, falling in the way or
happening: occurring only at times: resulting from accident: produced on
some special event.
—ns. Occā′sionalism, the philosophical
system of the Cartesian school for explaining the action of mind upon
matter, or the combined action of both by the direct intervention of God,
who on the occasion of certain modifications in our minds, excites the
corresponding movements of body, and on the occasion of certain changes
in our body, awakens the corresponding feelings in the mind; Occā′sionalist; Occasional′ity.
—adv. Occā′sionally.
—n. Occā′sioner.
—On occasion,
in case of need: as opportunity offers, from time to time; Take
occasion, to take advantage of an opportunity. [Fr.,—L.
occasion-em—occidĕre—ob, in the
way of, cadĕre, casum, to fall.]
Occident, ok′si-dent, n. the western quarter of
the sky where the sun goes down or sets: the west
—adj. Occiden′tal, noting the quarter where the sun
goes down or sets: western: relatively less precious, as a
—n. a native of some occidental country—opp. to
—v.t. Occiden′talise, to cause to conform to
western ideas or customs.
—ns. Occiden′talism, habits, &c., of
occidental peoples; Occiden′talist,
a student of occidental languages—opp. to Orientalist: an
individual belonging to an oriental country who favours western ideas,
customs, &c.
—adv. Occiden′tally. [Fr.,—L.
occidens, -entis, pr.p. of
occidĕre, to fall down.]
Occiput, ok′si-put, n. the back part of the head
or skull.
—adj. Occip′ital, pertaining to the occiput or back
part of the head.
—n. the occipital bone.
Occip′ito-ax′ial, of or
pertaining to the occipital bone and to the axis or second cervical
vertebra; Occip′ito-front′al,
pertaining to the occiput and to the forehead; Occip′ito-tem′poral, pertaining to the
occipital and temporal regions. [L.,—ob, over against,
caput, head.]
Occlude, o-klōōd′, v.t. to absorb, as
a gas by a metal.
—adj. Occlu′dent, serving to close.
Occlu′sion, a closing of an opening,
passage, or cavity: the act of occluding or absorbing.
Occlu′sive, serving to
—n. Occlu′sor,
that which closes, esp. an organ for closing an opening in a body. [L.
occludĕre,—ob, before, claudĕre,
to shut.]
Occult, ok-kult′, adj. covered over: escaping
observation: hidden: not discovered without test or experiment: secret,
unknown, transcending the bounds of natural knowledge.
Occultā′tion, a concealing,
esp. of one of the heavenly bodies by another: state of being
—adj. Occult′ed
(Shak.), hidden, secret: (astron.) concealed, as by a body
coming between.
—ns. Occult′ism, the doctrine or study of things
hidden or mysterious—theosophy, &c.; Occult′ist, one who believes in occult
—adv. Occult′ly.
—n. Occult′ness.
—Occult sciences,
alchemy, astrology, magic, &c. [Fr.,—L. occulĕre,
occultum, to hide.]
Occupy, ok′ū-pī, v.t. to take or hold
possession of: to take up, as room, &c.: to fill, as an office: to
employ: (B.) to use: to trade with: (Shak.) to possess,
—v.i. to hold possession: (B.) to
trade:—pa.t. and pa.p. occ′ūpied.—ns. Occ′upancy, the act of occupying, or of
taking or holding possession: possession: the time during which one
occupies; Occ′upant, one who takes
or has possession.
—v.t. Occ′upāte (Bacon), to hold: to
possess:—pr.p. occ′ūpāting; pa.p. occ′ūpāted.—n. Occupā′tion, the act of occupying or
taking possession: possession: state of being employed or occupied: that
which occupies or takes up one's attention: employment.
Occ′upier, one who takes or holds
possession of: an occupant: (B.) a trader. [Fr.,—L.
occupāre, -ātum—ob, to, on,
capĕre, to take.]
Occur, o-kur′, v.i. to come or be presented to the
mind: to happen: to appear: to be found here and there: to coincide in
time:—pr.p. occur′ring;
pa.p. occurred′.—ns.
Occur′rence, anything that occurs:
an event, esp. one unlooked for or unplanned: occasional presentation;
Occur′rent, one who comes to meet
another: (B.) an occurrence or chance.
(B.) coming in the way. [Fr.,—L.
occurrĕre—ob, towards, currĕre, to
Ocean, ō′shan, n. the vast expanse of salt
water that covers the greater part of the surface of the globe: one of
its five great divisions (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, Antarctic):
any immense expanse or vast quantity.
—adj. pertaining to the
great sea.
—n. O′cean-bā′sin, the depression of
the earth's surface in which the waters of an ocean are
—adjs. Ocean′ian, pertaining to Oceania,
which includes Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australasia, and
Malaysia; Ocean′ic, pertaining to
the ocean: found or formed in the ocean or high seas, pelagic: wide like
the ocean.
— Ocean′ic-is′lands, islands far from the
mainland, situated in the midst of the ocean; Ocean′ides, marine molluscs or
—ns. O′cean-lane (see Lane); Oceanog′rapher, one versed in
—adj. Oceanograph′ic.
—ns. Oceanog′raphy, the scientific description of
the ocean; Oceanol′ogy, the science
of the ocean: a treatise on the ocean. [Fr.,—L.
oceanus—Gr. ōkeanos, perh. from
ōkys, swift.]
Ocellate, -d, ō′sel-lāt, -ed,
adj. resembling an eye: marked with spots resembling eyes, as the
feathers of a peacock.
—adjs. Ocel′lar, Oc′ellary, ocellate, pertaining to ocelli;
Ocellif′erous, Ocellig′erous, bearing spots like small
—n. Ocel′lus, a
little eye, an eye-spot: one of the round spots of varied colour in the
tail of a peacock, &c.:—pl. Ocel′lī. [L.
ocellatus—ocellus, dim. of oculus, an
Ocelot, ō′se-lot, n. the name of several
species of animals in tropical America allied to the leopard, but much
—adj. O′celoid.
Och hone, oh hōn, an exclamation of lamentation. [Ir.]
Ochidore, ok′i-dōr, n. a shore-crab.
Ochlesis, ok-lē′sis, n. an unhealthy
condition due to overcrowding.
—adj. Ochlet′ic. [Gr. ochlos, a crowd.]
Ochlocracy, ok-lok′ra-si, n. mob-rule: government
by the populace.
—adjs. Ochlocrat′ic, -al.
—adv. Ochlocrat′ically. [Gr.
ochlokratia—ochlos, the mob, kratia,
Ochre, ō′kėr, n. a fine clay, mostly
pale yellow, used for colouring walls, &c.: (slang) money,
esp. gold.
—adjs. O′cherous, Ochrā′ceous, O′chreous, O′chroid, O′chry, consisting of, containing, or
resembling ochre. [Fr.,—L. ochra—Gr.
ōchra—ōchros, pale yellow.]
Ocrea, ō′kre-a, n. (bot.) a sheath
formed of two stipules united round a stem:—pl. O′chreæ, O′creæ.
—adj. O′chreāte. [L. ochrea, a
Octachord, ok′ta-kord, n. a musical instrument with eight strings: a diatonic series of eight tones.
Octagon, ok′ta-gon, n. a plane figure of eight
sides and eight angles.
—adj. Octag′onal. [Gr. oktō, eight,
gōnia, an angle.]
Octahedron, ok-ta-hē′dron, n. a solid
bounded by eight faces.
—adj. Octahē′dral. [Gr. oktō,
eight, hedra, a base.]
Octandrous, ok-tan′drus, adj. (bot.) having
eight stamens.
— Octan′dria.
—adj. Octan′drian. [Gr. oktō, eight,
anēr, andros, a man.]
Octangular, ok-tang′gū-lar, adj. having eight angles.
Octant, ok′tant, n. the eighth part of a circle:
an instrument for measuring angles: the aspect of two planets when 45°,
or one-eighth of a circle, apart.
—Also Oc′tile. [L. octans,
octantis—octo, eight.]
Octapla, ok′ta-pla, n. something eightfold: a Bible in eight languages. [Gr. oktaplous, eightfold.]
Octapody, ok-tap′ō-di, n. (pros.) a
metre or verse of eight feet.
—adj. Octapod′ic.
—n. Oc′tastich, a strophe of eight verses or
lines—also Octas′tichon.
—adj. Octastroph′ic, consisting of eight
Octave, ok′tāv, adj. eight: consisting of
—n. an eighth: that which consists of eight: the
eighth day after a church festival, counting the feast-day itself as the
first: the period between a festival and its octave: (mus.) an
eighth, or an interval of twelve semitones: the eighth part of a pipe of
wine. [Fr.,—L. octavus, eighth—octo,
Octavo, ok-tā′vō, adj. having eight
leaves to the sheet.
—n. a book printed on sheets folded into
eight leaves, contracted 8vo—usually meaning a medium octavo, 6×9½
inches. Smaller octavos are—post 8vo, 5½×8½ in.; demy 8vo, 5¼×8
in.; crown 8vo, 5×7½ in.; cap 8vo, 4½×7 in. Larger octavos
are—royal 8vo, 6½×10 in.; super-royal 8vo, 7×11 in.; imperial 8vo,
8¼×11 in.:—pl. Octā′vos.
Octennial, ok-ten′i-al, adj. happening every
eighth year: lasting eight years.
—adv. Octenn′ially.
—n. Octocen′tenary, the 800th anniversary of an
event. [L. octennis—octo, eight, annus, a
Octillion, ok-til′yun, n. the number produced by raising a million to the eighth power, expressed by a unit with forty-eight ciphers: in France and the United States, one thousand raised to the ninth power, expressed by a unit with twenty-seven ciphers. [L. octo, eight, million.]
October, ok-tō′bėr, n. the eighth month of the Roman year, which began in March: the tenth month in our calendar. [L. octo, eight.]
Octobrachiate, ok-tō-brā′ki-āt, adj. having eight brachia, arms, or rays.
Octocerous, ok-tos′e-rus, adj. having eight arms or rays.
Octodecimo, ok-tō-des′i-mō, adj.
having eighteen leaves to the sheet, contracted 18mo.
Octodec′imal (crystal.),
having eighteen faces. [L. octodecim, eighteen—octo,
eight, decem, ten.]
Octodentate, ok-tō-den′tāt, adj. having eight teeth.
Octofid, ok′tō-fid, adj. (bot.) cleft into eight segments.
Octogenarian, ok-tō-je-nā′ri-an, n.
and adj. one who is eighty years old, or between eighty and
—adj. Octog′enary.
Octogynous, ok-toj′i-nus, adj. (bot.) having eight pistils or styles. [Gr. oktō, eight, gynē, wife.]
Octolateral, ok-tō-lat′e-ral, adj. having eight sides.
Octonary, ok′tō-nā-ri, adj. consisting of eight.
Octonocular, ok-tō-nok′ū-lar, adj. having eight eyes.
Octopede, ok′tō-pēd, n. an eight-footed animal.
Octopetalous, ok-tō-pet′a-lus, adj. having eight petals.
Octopod, ok′tō-pod, adj. eight-footed or
eight-armed—also Octop′odous.
—n. an octopus.
Octopus, ok′tō-pus, n. a widely distributed genus of eight-armed cuttle-fishes, covered with suckers, a devil-fish. [Gr. oktō, eight, pous, podos, foot.]
Octoradiate, -d, ok-tō-rā′di-āt, -ed, adj. having eight rays.
Octoroon, ok-tō-rōōn′, n. the offspring of a quadroon and a white person: one who has one-eighth negro blood. [L. octo, eight.]
Octosepalous, ok-tō-sep′a-lus, adj. having eight sepals.
Octospermous, ok-tō-sper′mus, adj. having eight seeds.
Octosporous, ok-tō-spō′rus, adj. eight-spored.
Octostichous, ok-tos′ti-kus, adj. (bot.) eight-ranked.
Octostyle, ok′tō-stīl, n. an edifice or portico with eight pillars in front.
Octosyllabic, ok-tō-sil-lab′ik, adj.
consisting of eight syllables.
—n. Oc′tosyllable, a word of eight syllables.
Octroi, ok-trwä′, n. a grant of the exclusive right of trade: a toll or tax levied at the gates of a city on articles brought in: the place where such taxes are paid. [Fr.,—octroyer, to grant—L. auctorāre, to authorise—auctor, author.]
Octuple, ok′tū-pl, adj.
—n. Oc′tūplet (mus.), a group of
eight notes to be played in the time of six.
Octyl, ok′til, n. a hypothetical organic radical,
known only in combination—also Capryl.
Oc′tylēne, a hydrocarbon
obtained by heating octylic alcohol with sulphuric
—adj. Octyl′ic.
Ocular, ok′ū-lar, adj. pertaining to the
eye: formed in, or known by, the eye: received by actual
—adv. Oc′ularly.
—adjs. Oc′ulāte, -d, having eyes, or spots like eyes; Oculau′ditory, representing an eye and an ear
together; Oculif′erous, Oculig′erous, bearing an eye or eyes;
Oc′uliform, ocular in form; Oc′ulimōtor, -y, ocular and motory.
—n. Oc′ulist, one skilled in diseases of the eye.
[L. ocularius—oculus, the eye.]
Od, ōd, or od, n. a peculiar force acting on the
nervous system, assumed by Reichenbach to exist in light, heat,
electricity, living bodies, and all material substances whatever, and to
produce the phenomena of mesmerism.
—adj. O′dic.
—ns. Od′-force, od; O′dism, belief in od. [Gr. hodos, a
Od, od, n. for God—sometimes
—interjs. Od's-bodikins, God's body;
Od's life, God's life; Od's-pitikins (Shak.), a
corr. of God's pity.
Odal, Odaller, same as Udal, Udaller.
Odalisque, Odalisk, ō′da-lisk, n. a female slave in a harem. [Fr.,—Turk. oda, a chamber.]
Odd, od, adj. not paired with another: not even: left
over after a round number has been taken: additional to a certain amount
in round numbers: not exactly divisible by two: strange: unusual in kind
or appearance: trifling: remote: (Shak.) at
—ns. Odd′-come-shortly, an early day, any time;
Odd′fellow, a member of a secret
benevolent society called Oddfellows; Odd′ity, the state of being odd or singular:
strangeness: a singular person or thing.
—adj. Odd′-look′ing, having a singular
—adv. Odd′ly.
—ns. Odd′ment, something remaining over: one of a
broken set—often used in the plural; Odd′ness.
— Odds
(odz), inequality: difference in favour of one against another: more than
an even wager: the amount or proportion by which the bet of one exceeds
that of another: advantage: dispute: scraps, miscellaneous pieces, as in
the phrase Odds and ends (lit. 'points' and ends).
odds, at variance. [Scand., Ice. oddi, a triangle, odd
number—Ice. oddr, point; cf. A.S. ord, point.]
Ode, ōd, n. a song: a poem written to be set to
music: the music written for such a poem.
—adj. O′dic.
—n. O′dist, a writer of odes. [Fr.
ode—Gr. ōdē, contr. from
aoidē—aeidein, to sing.]
Odeum, ō-dē′um, n. in ancient Greece a
theatre for musical contests, &c., sometimes applied to a modern
—Also Odē′on.
Odin, ō′din, n. the chief of the gods in Norse mythology.
Odious, ō′di-us, adj. hateful: offensive:
repulsive: causing hatred.
—adv. O′diously.
—ns. O′diousness; O′dium, hatred: offensiveness: blame: quality
of provoking hate.
—Odium theologicum, the proverbial hatred
of controversial divines for each other's errors—and persons.
[L.,—odi, to hate.]
Odontoglossum, ō-don-tō-glos′um, n. a genus of tropical American orchids with showy flowers.
Odontoid, o-don′toid, adj. tooth-shaped:
—ns. Odontal′gia, Odontal′gy, toothache.
Odontī′asis, the cutting of
the teeth.
—adj. Odon′tic, dental.
—n. Odon′toblast, a cell by which dentine is
—adjs. Odon′tocete, toothed, as a cetacean; Odontogen′ic.
—ns. Odontog′eny, the origin and development of
teeth; Odontog′raphy, description of
—adjs. Odontolog′ic, -al.
—ns. Odontol′ogist, one skilled in odontology;
Odontol′ogy, the science of the
teeth; Odontolox′ia, irregularity of
teeth; Odontō′ma, a small
tumour composed of dentine.
—adjs. Odon′tomous, pertaining to odontoma; Odontoph′oral, Odontoph′oran.
—n. Odon′tophore, the radula, tongue, or lingual
ribbon of certain molluscs.
—adjs. Odontoph′orous, bearing teeth; Odontostom′atous, having jaws which bite like
—ns. Odontotherapī′a, the treatment or care
of the teeth; Odon′trypy, the
operation of perforating a tooth to draw off purulent matter from the
cavity of the pulp. [Gr. odous, odontos, a tooth.]
Odour, ō′dur, n. smell: perfume: estimation:
—adj. Odorif′erous, bearing odour or scent:
diffusing fragrance: perfumed.
—adv. Odorif′erously.
—n. Odorif′erousness, the quality of being
—adj. O′dorous, emitting an odour or scent:
sweet-smelling: fragrant.
—adv. O′dorously.
—n. O′dorousness, the quality of exciting the
sensation of smell.
—adjs. O′doured, perfumed; O′dourless, without odour.
—Odour of
sanctity (see Sanctity); In bad odour, in bad repute.
[Fr.,—L. odor.]
Odyle, ō′dil, n. Same as Od (1).
Odyssey, od′is-si, n. a Greek epic poem, ascribed to Homer, describing the return of the Greeks from the Trojan war, and esp. of Odysseus (Ulysses) to Ithaca after ten years' wanderings.
Œcology, ē-kol′ō-ji, n. the
science of animal and vegetable economy.
—n. Œ′cium, the household common to the
individuals of a compound organism.
—adj. Œcolog′ical.
Œconomy, Œcumenic, -al, &c. See Economy, Ecumenic.
Œdema, ē-dē′ma, n. (med.) the swelling occasioned by the effusion or infiltration of serum into cellular or areolar structures, usually the subcutaneous cellular tissue. [Gr. oidēma, swelling.]
Œdemia, ē-dē′mi-a, n. a genus of Anatidæ, the scoters, surf-ducks, or sea-coots. [Gr. oidēma.]
Œillade, ėl-yad′, n. (Shak.) a
glance or wink given with the eye.
Œil-de-bœuf, a round or oval opening for admitting
light: a small, narrow window, or bull's-eye:—pl.
Œils-de-bœuf; Œil-de-perdrix, a small,
round figure in decorative art, a dot. [Fr.
œillade—œil, eye.]
Œnanthic, ē-nan′thik, adj. having or
imparting the characteristic odour of wine.
—ns. Œnol′ogy, the science of wines;
Œ′nomancy, divination from the
appearance of wine poured out in libations; Œnomā′nia, dipsomania; Œnom′eter, a hydrometer for measuring
the alcoholic strength of wines; Œnoph′ilist, a lover of wine. [Gr.
oinos wine.]
Œnomel, ē′no-mel, n. wine mixed with honey: mead. [Gr. oinos, wine, and meli, honey.]
Œnothera, ē-nō-thē′ra, n. a genus of leafy branching plants, with yellow or purplish flowers, called also Evening, or Tree, primrose. [Gr. oinos, wine, and perh. thēran, to hunt.]
O'er, ōr, contracted from over.
O'ercome, owr′kum, n. (Scot.) the burden of
a song: overplus.
—n. O'er′lay, a large cravat.
Oes, ōz, n. (Bacon) circlets of gold or silver.
Œsophagus, Esophagus, ē-sof′a-gus, n. the gullet, a
membranous canal about nine inches in length, extending from the pharynx
to the stomach, thus forming part of the alimentary
—n. Œsophagal′gia, pain, esp. neuralgia, in
the œsophagus.
—adj. Œsophageal (-faj′-).—ns. Œsophagec′tomy, excision of a portion
of the œsophagus; Œsophagis′mus, œsophageal spasm;
inflammation of the œsophagus; Œsophag′ocele, hernia of the mucous
membrane of the œsophagus through its walls; Œsophagodyn′ia, pain in the
œsophagus; Œsophagop′athy, disease of the
œsophagus; Œsophagoplē′gia, paralysis of the
œsophagus; Œsophagorrhā′gia, hemorrhage from
the œsophagus; Œsoph′agoscope, an instrument for
inspecting the interior of the œsophagus; Œsophagospas′mus, spasm of the
œsophagus; Œsophagostenō′sis, a constriction
of the œsophagus. [Gr.]
Œstrum, ēs′trum, n. violent
—adj. Œs′trual, in heat,
—v.i. Œs′truāte, to be in
—ns. Œstruā′tion; Œs′trus, a gadfly. [L.]
Of, ov, prep. from or out from: belonging to: out of:
among: proceeding from, so in the Litany and Nicene Creed: owing to:
with: over: concerning: during: (B. and Pr. Bk.)
sometimes=by, from, on, or over.
—Of purpose (B.),
intentionally. [A.S. of; Dut. af, Ger. ab, also L.
ab, Gr. apo.]
Off, of, adv. from: away from: on the opposite side of a
—adj. most distant: on the opposite or farther
side: on the side of a cricket-field right of the wicket-keeper and left
of the bowler: not devoted to usual business, as an Off
—prep. not on.
—interj. away!
depart!—adj. and adv. Off′-and-on′,
—adj. Off′-col′our, of inferior value:
—n. Off′-come (Scot.), an apology,
pretext: any exhibition of temper, &c.
—adv. Off′-hand, at once: without
—adj. without study: impromptu: free and
—adj. Off′ish,
reserved in manner.
—ns. Off′-print, a reprint of a single article
from a magazine or other periodical—the French tirage à
part, German Abdruck; Off′-reck′oning, an allowance formerly
made to certain British officers from the money appropriated for army
—v.t. Off′saddle, to unsaddle.
Off′scouring, matter scoured off:
refuse: anything vile or despised; Off′-scum, refuse or scum; Off′set (in accounts), a sum or value
set off against another as an equivalent: a short lateral shoot or bulb:
a terrace on a hillside: (archit.) a horizontal ledge on the face
of a wall: in surveying, a perpendicular from the main line to an
outlying point.
—v.t. (in accounts) to place against
as an equivalent.
—n. Off′shoot, that which shoots off from the
main stem, stream, &c.: anything growing out of
—adv. Off′shore, in a direction from the shore, as
a wind: at a distance from the shore.
—adj. from the
—ns. Off′side,
the right-hand side in driving: the farther side; Off′spring, that which springs from another:
a child, or children: issue: production of any kind.
—Off one's
chump, head, demented; Off one's feed, indisposed to
—Be off, to go away quickly; Come off, Go
off, Show off, Take off, &c. (see Come,
Go, Show, Take, &c.); Ill off, poor or
unfortunate; Tell off, to count: to assign, as for a special duty;
Well off, rich, well provided. [Same as Of.]
Offal, of′al, n. waste meat: the part of an animal which is unfit for use: refuse: anything worthless. [Off and fall.]
Offend, of-fend′, v.t. to displease or make angry:
to do harm to: to affront: (B.) to cause to sin.
to sin: to cause anger: (B.) to be made to sin.
Offence′, any cause of anger or
displeasure: an injury: a crime: a sin: affront:
—adjs. Offence′ful (Shak.) giving offence or
displeasure: injurious; Offence′less
(Milt.), unoffending: innocent.
—ns. Offend′er, one who offends or injures: a
trespasser: a criminal:—fem. Offend′ress; Offense′, &c., same as Offence,
—adj. Offens′ive, causing offence, displeasure, or
injury: used in attack: making the first attack.
—n. the act
of the attacking party: the posture of one who attacks.
and defensive, requiring all parties to make war together, or to
defend each other if attacked.
—Give offence, to cause
displeasure; Take offence, to feel displeasure, be offended.
[Fr.,—L. ob, against, fendĕre, to strike.]
Offer, of′ėr, v.t. to bring to or before: to
hold out for acceptance or rejection: to make a proposal to: to lay
before: to present to the mind: to attempt: to propose to give, as a
price or service: to present in worship.
—v.i. to present
itself: to be at hand: to declare a willingness.
—n. act of
offering: first advance: that which is offered: proposal
—adj. Off′erable,
that may be offered.
—ns. Off′erer; Off′ering, act of making an offer: that which
is offered: a gift: (B.) that which is offered on an altar: a
sacrifice: (pl.) in Church of England, certain dues payable at
Easter; Off′ertory, act of offering,
the thing offered: the verses or the anthem said or sung while the
offerings of the congregation are being made and the celebrant is placing
the unconsecrated elements on the altar: the money collected at a
religious service: anciently a linen or silken cloth used in various
ceremonies connected with the administration of the eucharist. [L.
offerre—ob, towards, ferre, to bring.]
Office, of′is, n. settled duty or employment: a
position imposing certain duties or giving a right to exercise an
employment: business: act of worship: order or form of a religious
service, either public or private: that which a thing is designed or
fitted to do: a place where business is carried on: (pl.) acts of
good or ill: service: the apartments of a house in which the domestics
discharge their duties.
—ns. Off′ice-bear′er, one who holds office:
one who has an appointed duty to perform in connection with some company,
society, &c.; Off′icer, one who
holds an office: a person who performs some public duty: a person
entrusted with responsibility in the army or navy.
—v.t. to
furnish with officers: to command, as officers.
Offic′ial, pertaining to an office:
depending on the proper office or authority: done by
—n. one who holds an office: a subordinate public
officer: the deputy of a bishop, &c.
—ns. Offic′ialism, official position: excessive
devotion to official routine and detail; Official′ity, Offic′ialty, the charge, office, or
jurisdiction of an official: the official headquarters of an
ecclesiastical or other deliberative and governing
—adv. Offic′ially.
—n. Offic′iant, one who officiates at a religious
service, one who administers a sacrament.
—v.i. Offic′iāte, to perform the duties of an
office: (with for) to perform official duties in place of
—n. Offic′iātor.
—Give the
office (slang), to suggest, supply information; Holy
office, the Inquisition. [Fr.,—L. officium.]
Officinal, of-fis′i-nal, adj. belonging to, or used in, a shop: denoting an approved medicine kept prepared by apothecaries. [Fr.,—L. officina, a workshop—opus, work, facĕre, to do.]
Officious, of-fish′us, adj. too forward in
offering services: overkind: intermeddling.
—adv. Offic′iously.
—n. Offic′iousness. [Fr.,—L.
Offing, of′ing, n. the part of the sea more than half-way between the shore and the horizon.
Oft, oft, Often, of′n, adv. frequently:
many times.
—adj. Oft′en
(B.), frequent.
—n. Oft′enness, frequency.
Oft′times, Oft′entimes, many times: frequently. [A.S.
oft; Ger. oft, Goth. ufta.]
Ogee, ō-jē′, n. a wave-like moulding formed of a convex curve continued or followed by a concave one. [Fr. ogive.]
Ogham, Ogam, og′am, n. an ancient Irish
writing, in straight lines crossing each other; one of the characters,
twenty in number, of which it is formed.
—adjs. Ogh′amic, Og′amic.
Ogive, ō′jiv, n. (archit.) a pointed
arch or window.
—adj. Ogī′val. [Fr.,—Sp.,—Ar.
áwj, summit.]
Ogle, ō′gl, v.t. to look at fondly with side
—v.i. to cast amorous glances.
O′gle; O′gler; O′gling. [Dut.
oogen—ooge, the eye.]
Ogre, ō′gėr, n. a man-eating monster
or giant of fairy tales:—fem. O′gress.
—adj. O′greish. [Fr. ogre—Sp.
ogro—L. orcus, the lower world.]
Ogygian, ō-jij′i-an, adj. pertaining to the mythical Attic king Ogўges, prehistoric, primeval.
Oh, ō, interj. denoting surprise, pain, sorrow, &c.
Ohm, ōm, n. the unit by which electrical
resistance is measured, being nearly equal to that caused by a thousand
feet of copper wire one-tenth of an inch in diameter.
law (see Law). [Georg Simon Ohm, a German electrician,
Oidium, ō-id′i-um, n. a genus of parasitic fungi, including the vine-mildew, &c. [Gr. ōon, an egg.]
Oil, oil, n. the juice from the fruit of the olive-tree:
any greasy liquid.
—v.t. to smear or anoint with
—ns. Oil′bag, a bag
or cyst in animals containing oil; Oil′cake, a cake made of flax seed from which
the oil has been pressed out; Oil′cloth, a painted floorcloth; Oil′-col′our, a colouring substance
mixed with oil; Oil′er, one who, or
that which, oils: an oil-can: (coll.) a coat of oilskin; Oil′ery, the commodities of an oil-man;
Oil′-gas, illuminating gas or
heating gas made by distilling oil in closed retorts; Oil′iness; Oil′-man, one who deals in oils; Oil′-mill, a grinding-mill for expressing oil
from seeds, nuts, &c.; Oil′nut,
the butter-nut of North America; Oil′-paint′ing, a picture painted in
oil-colours: the art of painting in oil-colours; Oil′-palm, a palm whose fruit-pulp yields
palm-oil; Oil′-press, a machine for
expressing oils from seeds or pulp; Oil′skin, cloth made waterproof by means of
oil: a garment made of oilskin; Oil′-spring, a spring whose water contains
oily matter: a fissure or area from which petroleum, &c. oozes;
Oil′stone, a fine-grained kind of
stone used, when wetted with oil, for sharpening tools; Oil′-well, a boring made for
—adj. Oil′y,
consisting of, containing, or having the qualities of oil:
—Strike oil (see Strike). [O. Fr. oile
(Fr. huile)—L. oleum—Gr.
elaion—elaia, the olive.]
Ointment, oint′ment, n. anything used in anointing: (med.) any greasy substance applied to diseased or wounded parts: (B.) a perfume. [O. Fr.,—L. unguentum—ungĕre, to smear.]
Okapi, ō′ka-pi, n. a giraffe-like animal of the Semliki forests of Central Africa.
Oke, ōk, n. a Turkish weight of 2¾ lb. avoirdupois.
Old, ōld, adj. advanced in years: having been long
in existence: worn out: out of date, old-fashioned: ancient, former,
antique, early: (coll.) great, high: having the age or duration
of: long practised: sober, wise.
—n. Old-clothes′man, one who buys cast-off
—v.i. Old′en,
to grow old, to become affected by age.
—adj. old,
—adj. Old-fash′ioned, of a fashion like that used
long ago: out of date: clinging to old things and old styles: with
manners like those of a grown-up person (said of a
—n. Old-fash′ionedness.
Old-fō′gyish, like an old
fogy; Old-gen′tlemanly,
characteristic of an old gentleman; Old′ish, somewhat old; Old′-light, denoting those of the Seceders
from the Church of Scotland who continued to hold unchanged the principle
of the connection between church and state—the position maintained
by the first Seceders in 1733.
—n. one of this
—ns. Old-maid′hood, Old-maid′ism.
—adj. Old-maid′ish, like the conventional old maid,
—ns. Old′ness;
Old′ster (coll.), a man
getting old: a midshipman of four years' standing, a master's
—adj. Old′-time,
of or pertaining to times long gone by: of long standing:
—n. Old′-tim′er, one who has lived in a
place or kept a position for a long time.
—adjs. Old-wom′anish, like an old woman; Old′-world, belonging to earlier times,
antiquated, old-fashioned.
—n. the Eastern
—Old age, the later part of life; Old
bachelor, an unmarried man somewhat advanced in years; Old
English (see English): the form of black letter used by
16th-century English printers; Old gold, a dull gold colour like
tarnished gold, used in textile fabrics; Old Harry, Nick,
One, &c., the devil; Old Hundred, properly Old
Hundredth, a famous tune set in England about the middle of the 16th
century to Kethe's version of the 100th Psalm, marked 'Old Hundredth' in
Tate and Brady's new version in 1696; Old maid, a woman who has
not been married, and is past the usual age of marriage: a simple game
played by matching cards from a pack from which a card (usually a queen)
has been removed; Old man, unregenerate human nature:
(coll.) one's father, guardian, or employer (usually with 'the');
Old Red Sandstone (see Sand); Old salt, an
experienced sailor; Old school, of, or resembling, earlier days,
old-fashioned; Old song, a mere trifle, a very small price; Old
squaw, a sea-duck of the northern hemisphere—also Old
wife; Old Style (often written with a date O.S.), the mode of
reckoning time before 1752, according to the Julian calendar or year of
365¼ days; Old Testament (see Testament); Old Tom, a
strong kind of English gin; Old wife, a prating old woman, or even
a man: a chimney-cap for curing smoking.
—Of old, long ago,
in ancient times, or belonging to such. [A.S. eald; Dut.
oud; Ger. alt.]
Oleaginous, ō-lē-aj′in-us, adj. oily:
(bot.) fleshy and oily: unctuous, sanctimonious,
—n. Oleag′inousness. [L.
oleaginus—oleum, oil.]
Oleander, ō-lē-an′dėr, n. an evergreen shrub with lance-shaped leathery leaves and beautiful red or white flowers, the Rose Bay or Rose Laurel. [Fr., a corr. of Low L. lorandrum. Cf. Rhododendron.]
Oleaster, ō-lē-as′tėr, n. the wild olive. [L.,—olea, an olive-tree—Gr. elaia.]
Olecranon, ō-lē-krā′non, n. a
process forming the upper end of the ulna.
—adj. Olecrā′nal. [Gr.]
Olein, ō′lē-in, n. a natural fat,
found in the fatty oils of animals and vegetables.
O′leāte, a salt of oleic
—adj. Olefī′ant, producing
—ns. Olefī′ant-gas, ethylene; O′lefine, any one of a group of hydrocarbons
homologous with ethylene.
—adjs. O′leic; Oleif′erous, producing oil, as
—ns. Oleomar′garine, artificial butter at first
made from pure beef-fat, now from oleo-oil, neutral lard, milk, cream,
and pure butter, worked together, with a colouring matter; Oleom′eter, an instrument for determining the
density of oils; O′leon, a liquid
obtained from the distillation of olein and lime; Oleores′in, a native compound of an essential
oil and a resin: a preparation of a fixed or volatile oil holding resin
in solution; Oleosac′charum, a
mixture of oil and sugar.
—adjs. O′leōse, O′leous, oily. [L. oleum, oil.]
Olent, ō′lent, adj. smelling. [L. olēre, to smell.]
Oleograph, ō′lē-ō-graf, n. a
print in oil-colours to imitate an oil-painting.
—n. Oleog′raphy, the art of preparing such. [L.
oleum, oil, Gr. graphein, to write.]
Oleraceous, ol-e-rā′shus, adj. of the nature of a pot-herb, for kitchen use. [L.]
Olfactory, ol-fak′tor-i, adj. pertaining to, or used in, smelling. [L. olfactāre, to smell—olēre, to smell, facĕre, to make.]
Olibanum, ō-lib′a-num, n. a gum-resin flowing from incisions in several species of Boswellia in Somaliland and southern Arabia—the Lebonah of the Hebrews, Libanos and Libanōtos of the Greeks.
Oligæmia, ol-i-jē′mi-a, n. abnormal deficiency of blood.
Oligarchy, ol′i-gärk-i, n. government by a small
exclusive class: a state governed by such: a small body of men who have
the supreme power of a state in their hands.
—n. Ol′igarch, a member of an
—adjs. Oligarch′al, Oligarch′ic, -al, pertaining to an oligarchy. [Fr.,—Gr.,
oligos, few, archein, to rule.]
Oligist, ol′i-jist, n. a crystallised variety of hematite.
Oligocene, ol′i-gō-sēn, adj. (geol.) pertaining to a division of the Tertiary series, the rocks chiefly of fresh and brackish water origin, with intercalations of marine beds. [Gr. oligos, little, kainos, new.]
Oligochrome, ol′i-gō-krōm, adj. and n. painted in few colours. [Gr. oligos, few, chrōma, colour.]
Oligoclase, ol′i-gō-klās, n. a soda-lime triclinic feldspar.
Olio, ō′li-ō, n. a savoury dish of different sorts of meat and vegetables: a mixture: a medley, literary miscellany. [Sp. olla—L. olla, a pot.]
Oliphant, ol′i-fant, n. an ancient ivory hunting-horn: an obsolete form of elephant.
Olitory, ol′i-tō-ri, adj. and n. pertaining to kitchen-vegetables:—pl. Ol′itories. [L. olitor, gardener.]
Olive, ol′iv, n. a tree cultivated round the
Mediterranean for its oily fruit: its fruit: peace, of which the olive
was the emblem: a colour like the unripe olive.
—adj. of a
brownish-green colour like the olive.
—adjs. Olivā′ceous, olive-coloured:
olive-green; Ol′ivary, like
—ns. Ol′ivenite,
a mineral consisting chiefly of arsenic acid and protoxide of iron;
Ol′ive-oil, oil pressed from the
fruit of the olive; Ol′ive-yard, a
piece of ground on which olives are grown; Ol′ivine, chrysolite.
branch, a symbol of peace: (pl.) children (Ps. cxxviii. 4;
Pr. Bk.). [Fr.,—L. oliva—Gr. elaia.]
Oliver, ol′i-vėr, n. a forge-hammer worked by foot.
Oliverian, ol-i-vē′ri-an, adj. an adherent of the great Protector, Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658).
Olivet, ol′i-vet, n. an imitation pearl manufactured for trade with savages.
Olivetan, ol′i-vet-an, n. one of an order of Benedictine monks founded in 1313, the original house at Monte Oliveto, near Siena.
Olla, ol′la, n. a jar or urn.
Ol′la-podrida (-po-drē′da), a Spanish mixed stew or hash
of meat and vegetables: any incongruous mixture or miscellaneous
collection. [Sp.,—L. olla, a pot.]
Ollam, ol′am, n. a doctor or master among the
ancient Irish.
—Also Oll′amh.
Ology, ol′ō-ji, n. a science whose name ends in -ology, hence any science generally.
Olpe, ol′pē, n. a small Greek even-rimmed spoutless vase or jug. [Gr.]
Olympiad, ō-lim′pi-ad, n. in ancient Greece,
a period of four years, being the interval from one celebration of the
Olympic games to another, used in reckoning time (the date of the first
Olympiad is 776 B.C.).
Olym′pian, Olym′pic, pertaining to Olympia in Elis,
where the Olympic games were celebrated, or to Mount Olympus in Thessaly,
the seat of the gods.
—n. a dweller in Olympus, one of the
twelve greater gods of Greek mythology.
— Olym′pics, Olym′pic games, games celebrated every four
years at Olympia, dedicated to Olympian Zeus; Olym′pus, the abode of the gods, supposed to
have been Mount Olympus in Thessaly. [Gr. olympias, -ados, belonging to Olympia in Elis.]
Omadhaun, om′a-dawn, n. a stupid, silly creature. [Ir.]
Omasum, ō-mā′sum, n. a ruminant's
third stomach, the psalterium or manyplies.
—adj. Omā′sal.
Ombre, om′bėr, n. a game of cards played with a pack of forty cards, usually by three persons. [Fr.,—Sp. hombre—L. homo, a man.]
Ombrometer, om-brom′e-tėr, n. a rain-gauge.
Omega, ō′meg-a, or ō-mē′ga,
n. the last letter of the Greek alphabet: (B.) the
—Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end: the chief
point or purpose (Rev. i. 8). [Gr. ō mega, the great or long
Omelet, Omelette, om′e-let, n. a pancake chiefly of eggs, beaten up with flour, &c., and fried in a pan. [O. Fr. amelette (Fr. omelette), which through the form alemette is traced to alemelle, the O. Fr. form of Fr. alumelle, a thin plate, a corr. of lemelle—L. lamella, lamina, a thin plate.]
Omen, ō′men, n. a sign of some future event,
either good or evil: a foreboding.
—v.i. and v.t. to
prognosticate: to predict.
—adj. O′mened, containing omens, mostly with
prefixes, as ill-omened. [L. for osmen, that which is
uttered by the mouth—L. os; or for ausmen, that
heard—audīre, to hear.]
Omentum, ō-men′tum, n. a fold of peritoneum,
proceeding from one of the abdominal viscera to another:—pl.
—adj. Omen′tal.
—Great omentum, the
epiploon. [L.]
Omer, ō′mėr, n. a Hebrew dry measure containing about half a gallon, 1⁄10 ephah.
Omicron, ō-mī′kron, n. the short o in the Greek alphabet.
Ominous, om′in-us, adj. pertaining to, or
containing, an omen: foreboding evil: inauspicious.
—n. Om′inousness.
Omit, ō-mit′, v.t. to leave out: to neglect:
to fail: to make no use of:—pr.p. omit′ting; pa.t. and pa.p. omit′ted.—adj. Omiss′ible, that may be
—n. Omiss′ion,
act of omitting: the neglect or failure to do something required: that
which is left out.
—adj. Omiss′ive, omitting or leaving
—n. Omit′tance, the
act of omitting: the state of being omitted: forbearance. [L.
omittĕre, omissum—ob, away,
mittĕre, to send.]
Omlah, om′la, n. a staff of native clerks or officials in India. [Ar.]
Omni-, om′ni, from L. omnis, all, a combining
form, as in adjs. Omnifā′rious, of all varieties or
kinds; Omnif′erous, bearing or
producing all kinds; Omnif′ic,
all-creating; Om′niform, of, or
capable of, every form.
—n. Omniform′ity.
—v.t. Om′nify (rare), to make
—adj. Omnig′enous, consisting of all
—n. Omnipar′ity,
general equality.
—adjs. Omnip′arous, producing all things; Omnipā′tient, enduring all
—ns. Omnip′otence, Omnip′otency, unlimited power—an
attribute of God.
—adj. Omnip′otent, all-powerful, possessing
unlimited power.
—adv. Omnip′otently.
—n. Omnipres′ence, quality of being present
everywhere at the same time—an attribute of God.
Omnipres′ent, present everywhere at
the same time.
—n. Omnisc′ience, knowledge of all
things—an attribute of God.
—adj. Omnisc′ient, all-knowing: all-seeing:
infinitely wise.
—adv. Omnisc′iently.
—adj. Omniv′orous, all-devouring: (zool.)
feeding on both animal and vegetable food.
—The Omnipotent,
Omnibus, om′ni-bus, adj. including all: covering many different cases or objects, as 'an omnibus clause.'—n. a large four-wheeled vehicle for passengers, chiefly between two fixed points:—pl. Om′nibuses. [Lit. 'for all,' L. dative pl. of omnis, all.]
Omnium, om′ni-um, n. a Stock Exchange term for the
aggregate value of the different stocks in which a loan is
—n. Om′nium-gath′erum (coll.), a
miscellaneous collection of things or persons. [L., 'of all;' gen. pl. of
omnis, all.]
Omohyoid, ō-mō-hī′oid, adj.
pertaining to the shoulder-blade, and to the lingual or hyoid
bone—also Omohyoi′dean.
—n. Omoi′deum, the pterygoid bone. [Gr.
ōmos, the shoulder.]
Omophagous, ō-mof′a-gus, adj. eating raw
flesh—also Omophag′ic.
—n. Omophā′gia. [Gr. ōmos,
raw, phagein, to eat.]
Omophorion, ō-mō-fō′ri-on, n. an eastern ecclesiastical vestment like the western pallium, worn over the phenolion by bishops and patriarchs at the eucharist, &c. [Gr. ōmos, the shoulder, pherein, to carry.]
Omoplate, ō′mō-plāt, n. the
shoulder-blade or scapula.
—n. Omoplatos′copy, scapulimancy. [Gr.
Omosternum, ō-mō-ster′num, n. a median ossification of the coraco-scapular cartilages of a batrachian. [Gr. ōmos, the shoulder, sternon, the chest.]
Omphacite, om′fa-sīt, n. a grass-green
granular variety of pyroxene, one of the constituents of
—adj. Om′phacine, pertaining to unripe fruit.
Omphalos, om′fal-us, n. the navel: a raised
central point: a boss.
—adj. Omphal′ic.
—ns. Om′phalism, tendency to place the capital of
a country at its geographical centre, or to increase the powers of
central at the expense of local government; Omphalī′tis, inflammation of the
umbilicus; Om′phalocele, umbilical
—adj. Om′phaloid.
—ns. Om′phalomancy, divination from the number of
knots in the navel-string as to how many children the mother will bear;
Omphalop′agus, a double monster
united at the umbilicus; Omphalot′omy, cutting of the umbilical cord
at birth. [Gr., the navel.]
On, on, prep., in contact with the upper part of: to and
toward the surface of: upon or acting by contact with: not off: at or
near: at or during: in addition to: toward, for: at the peril of: in
consequence: immediately after: (B.) off.
—adv. above,
or next beyond: forward, in succession: in continuance: not
—interj. go on! proceed!—adj. denoting the
part of the field to the left of a right-handed batter, and to the right
of the bowler—opp. to Off. [A.S. on; Dut. aan,
Ice. á, Ger. an.]
On, on, prep. (Scot.) without.
Onager, on′ā-jėr, n. the wild ass of Central Asia. [L.,—Gr. onagros—onos, an ass, agros, wild.]
Onanism, ō′nan-izm, n.
—n. O′nanist.
—adj. Onanist′ic. [See Gen. xxxviii. 9.]
Once, ons, n. Same as Ounce, the animal.
Once, wuns, adv. a single time: at a former time: at any
time or circumstances.
—n. one time.
—Once and
again, more than once: repeatedly; Once for all, once only and
not again; Once in a way, on one occasion only: very
—At once, without delay: alike: at the same time;
For once, on one occasion only. [A.S. ánes, orig. gen. of
án, one, used as adv.]
Oncidium, on-sid′i-um, n. a widely-spread American genus of orchids. [Gr. ogkos, a hook.]
Oncology, ong-kol′o-ji, n. the science of
—n. Oncot′omy,
incision into, or excision of, a tumour.
Oncome, on′kum, n. (prov.) a sudden fall of
rain or snow: the beginning of attack by some insidious
—n. On′coming,
Oncometer, ong-com′e-tėr, n. an instrument
for recording variations in volume, as of the kidney,
—n. On′cograph,
an apparatus for recording such. [Gr. ogkos, bulk, metron,
Oncost, on′kost, n. all charges for labour in
getting mineral, other than the miners' wages: payment to the collier in
addition to the rate per ton.
— On′costmen, men who work in or about a mine
at other work than cutting coal. [On and cost.]
Ondine, on′din, n. a water-spirit, an undine.
Onding, on′ding, n. a sudden fall of rain or snow.
One, wun, pron. a person (indefinitely), as in 'one
says:' any one: some one.
—n. a single person or thing: a
unit. [A special use of the numeral one; not conn. with Fr.
on—L. homo, a man.]
One, wun, adj. single in number, position, or kind:
undivided: the same: a certain, some, implying a name unknown or denoting
insignificance or contempt, as 'one Guy Fawkes, a
Spaniard!'—adjs. One′-eyed, having but one eye: limited in
vision; One′-hand′ed,
single-handed; One′-horse, drawn by
a single horse: petty, mean, inferior; One′-idea'd, entirely possessed by one
—ns. One′ness,
singleness, unity; Oner (wun′ėr), one possessing some special
skill, an adept (slang).
—pron. Oneself′, one's self: himself or
—adj. One′-sid′ed, limited to one side:
partial: (bot.) turned to one side.
—adv. One′-sid′edly.
—n. One′-sid′edness.
another, each other; One by one, singly: in order; One
day, on a certain day: at an indefinite time.
—All one,
just the same: of no consequence; At one, of one mind. [A.S.
an; Ice. einn, Ger. ein.]
Oneiromancy, ō-nī′rō-man-si, n.
the art of divining by dreams.
—ns. Oneirocrit′ic, Onirocrit′ic, one who interprets
—adjs. Oneirocrit′ic, -al.
—ns. Oneirodyn′ia, nightmare; Oneirol′ogy, the doctrine of dreams; Onei′roscopist, an interpreter of dreams.
[Gr. oneiros, a dream, manteia, divination.]
Onely, ōn′li, adv. (Spens.) only.
Onerous, on′ėr-us, adj. burdensome:
—adj. On′erary, fitted or intended for carrying
burdens: comprising burdens.
—adv. On′erously.
—n. On′erousness. [L.
Oneyer, wun′yėr, n. (1 Hen. IV., II. i. 84) probably a person that converses with great ones—hardly, as Malone explains, an accountant of the exchequer, a banker. [No doubt formed from one, like lawyer, sawyer, &c. Malone over-ingeniously refers to the mark, an abbreviation of the Latin form oneretur, nisi habeat sufficientem exonerationem ('let him be charged unless he have a sufficient discharge'), or explains as a misprint for moneyer.]
Ongoing, on′gō-ing, n. a going on: course of conduct: event: (pl.) proceedings, behaviour.
Onicolo, ō-nik′ō-lō, n. a variety of onyx for cameos, a bluish-white band on the dark ground. [It.]
Onion, un′yun, n. the name given to a few species
of genus Allium, esp. Allium cepa, an edible biennial
bulbous root.
—adj. On′ion-eyed (Shak.), having the eyes
full of tears.
—n. On′ion-skin, a very thin variety of
—adj. On′iony.
[Fr. oignon—L. unio, -onis—unus, one.]
Onlooker, on′lōōk-ėr, n. a
looker on, observer.
—adj. On′looking.
Only, ōn′li, adj. single in number or kind:
this above all others: alone.
—adv. in one manner: for one
purpose: singly: merely: barely: entirely.
—conj. but: except
—n. On′liness.
[A.S. ánlíc (adj.)—án, one, líc, like.]
Onocentaur, on-o-sen′tawr, n. a kind of centaur, half-man, half-ass.
Onoclea, on-ō-klē′a, n. a genus of aspidioid ferns, with contracted fertile fronds. [Gr. onos, a vessel, kleiein, to close.]
Onology, ō-nol′ō-ji, n. foolish talk.
Onomantic, on-ō-man′tik, adj. pertaining to On′omancy or (obs.) Onomat′omancy, divination by names. [Gr. onoma, a name, manteia, divination.]
Onomastic, on-ō-mas′tik, adj. pertaining to
a name, esp. pertaining to the signature to a paper written in another
—n. Onomas′ticon,
a list of words: a vocabulary. [Gr., from onoma, a name.]
Onomatology, on-ō-ma-tol′o-ji, n. the
science of, or a treatise on, the derivation of names.
Onomatol′ogist, one versed in such.
[Gr. onoma, onomatos, name,
logia—legein, to discourse.]
Onomatopœia, on-ō-mat-o-pē′ya,
n. the formation of a word so as to resemble the sound of the
thing of which it is the name: such a word itself, also the use of such a
word, as 'click,' 'cuckoo'—also Onomatopoē′sis, or Onomatopoiē′sis.
Onomatopœ′ic, Onomatopoet′ic. [Gr. onoma, -atos, a name, poiein, to make.]
Onset, on′set, n. violent attack: assault: storming. [On and set.]
Onshore, on′shōr, adj. toward the land.
Onslaught, on′slawt, n. an attack or onset: assault. [A.S. on, on, sleaht, a stroke.]
Onst, wunst, adv. a vulgar form of once.
Onstead, on′sted, n. (Scot.) a farmstead, the farm buildings. [M. E. wone—A.S. wunian, to dwell, stead, place.]
Ontogenesis, on-tō-jen′e-sis, n. the history
of the individual development of an organised being as distinguished from
phylogenesis and biogenesis—also Ontog′eny.
—adjs. Ontogenet′ic, -al, Ontogen′ic.
—adv. Ontogenet′ically. [Gr. onta, things
being, neut. pl. of ōn, pr.p. of einai, to be,
genesis, generation.]
Ontology, on-tol′o-ji, n. the science that treats
of the principles of pure being: that part of metaphysics which treats of
the nature and essence of things.
—adjs. Ontolog′ic, -al.
—adv. Ontolog′ically.
—n. Ontol′ogist, one versed in ontology. [Gr.
ōn, ontos, being pr.p. of einai, to be,
logia—legein, to discourse.]
Onus, ō′nus, n. burden:
—Onus probandī, the burden of proving.
[L. onus, burden.]
Onward, on′ward, adj. going on: advancing:
—adv. (also On′wards) toward a point on or in front:
Onym, on′im, n. (zool.) the technical name
of a species or other group.
—adjs. On′ymal, Onymat′ic.
—v.i. On′ymise.
—n. On′ymy, the use of onyms.
Onyx, on′iks, n. (min.) an agate formed of
layers of chalcedony of different colours, used for making
—ns. Onych′ia,
suppurative inflammation near the finger-nail; Onychī′tis, inflammation of the soft
parts about the nail; Onych′ium, a
little claw; On′ychomancy,
divination by means of the finger-nails; Onychonō′sos, disease of the
—adj. Onychopath′ic, affected with
—n. Onychō′sis, disease of the nails.
[L.,—Gr. onyx, onychos, a finger-nail.]
Oodles, ōō′dlz, n. (U.S.)
—Also Ood′lins.
Oögenesis, ō-ō-jen′e-sis, n. the
genesis and development of the ovum—also Oög′eny.
—adj. Oögenet′ic.
Oöidal, ō-oi′dal, adj. egg-shaped.
Oölite, ō′o-līt, n. (geol.) a
kind of limestone, composed of grains like the eggs or roe of a
—adjs. Oölit′ic;
Oölitif′erous. [Gr.
ōon, an egg, lithos, stone.]
Oölogy, ō-ol′o-ji, n. the science or study
of birds' eggs.
—n. O′ögraph, a mechanical device for drawing the
outline of a bird's egg.
—adjs. Oölog′ic, -al.
—adv. Oölog′ically.
—ns. Oöl′ogist, one versed in oology; Oöm′eter, an apparatus for measuring
—adj. Oömet′ric.
—n. Oöm′etry, the measurement of eggs. [Gr.
ōon, an egg.]
Oolong, ōō′long, n. a variety of black
tea, with the flavour of green.
—Also Ou′long.
Oorie, Ourie, ōō′ri, adj. (Scot.) feeling cold or chill, shivering.
Ooze, ōōz, n. soft mud: gentle flow, as of
water through sand or earth: a kind of mud in the bottom of the ocean:
the liquor of a tan vat.
—v.i. to flow gently: to percolate,
as a liquid through pores or small openings.
—adj. Ooz′y, resembling ooze: slimy. [M. E.
wose—A.S. wase, mud; akin to A.S. wos, juice,
Ice. vas, moisture.]
Opacity, ō-pas′i-ti, n. opaqueness: obscurity.
Opacous, ō-pā′kus, adj. Same as Opaque.
Opah, ō′pa, n. a sea-fish of the Dory family—also called Kingfish.
Opal, ō′pal, n. a precious stone of a milky
hue, remarkable for its changing colours.
—n. Opalesc′ence.
—adjs. Opalesc′ent, reflecting a milky or pearly
light from the interior; O′paline,
relating to, or like, opal.
—v.t. O′palise. [Fr. opale—L.
Opaque, ō-pāk′, adj. shady: dark: that
cannot be seen through: not transparent.
—adv. Opaque′ly.
—n. Opaque′ness, quality of being opaque: want of
transparency. [Fr.,—L. opacus.]
Ope, ōp, v.t. and v.i. (poet.) short for open.
Opeidocope, ō-pī′dō-skōp, n. an instrument for illustrating sound by means of light.
Open, ō′pn, adj. not shut: allowing one to
pass out or in: free from trees: not fenced: not drawn together: spread
out: not frozen up: not frosty: free to be used, &c.: public: without
reserve: frank: easily understood: generous: liberal: clear: unbalanced,
as an account: attentive: free to be discussed.
—v.t. to make
open: to remove hinderances: to bring to view: to explain: to
—v.i. to become open: to unclose: to be unclosed: to
begin to appear: to begin.
—n. a clear space.
—adjs. O′pen-eyed (Shak.), watchful; O′pen-hand′ed, with an open hand:
generous: liberal.
—n. O′pen-hand′edness.
O′pen-heart′ed, with an open
heart: frank: generous.
—ns. O′pen-heart′edness, liberality:
generosity: frankness: candour; O′pening, an open place: a breach: an
aperture: beginning: first appearance: opportunity.
—adj. O′pen-mind′ed, free from prejudice:
ready to receive and consider new ideas.
—n. O′pen-mind′edness.
O′pen-mouthed, gaping: greedy:
—ns. O′penness; O′pen-ses′ame, a form of words which
makes barriers fly open—from the story of Ali Baba and the Forty
Thieves in the Arabian Nights' Entertainments; O′pen-steek (Scot.), a kind of
open-work stitching; O′pen-work, any
work showing openings through it for ornament.
open-cast, of mining work in open air.
—Open verdict (see
Verdict). [A.S. open—up, up; cf. Dut.
open—op, Ice. opinn—upp, and Ger.
Opera, op′ėr-a, n. a musical drama: a place
where operas are performed.
—adj. used in or for an opera, as
an opera-glass, &c.
Op′era-cloak, a cloak of elegant
form and material for carrying into the auditorium of a theatre or
opera-house as a protection against draughts; Op′era-danc′er, one who dances in
ballets introduced into operas; Op′era-glass, a small glass or telescope for
use at operas, theatres, &c.; Op′era-hat, a hat which can be made flat by
compression and expanded again to its full size; Op′era-house, a theatre where operas are
represented; Op′era-sing′er.
Operat′ic, -al, pertaining to or resembling the opera.
[It.,—L. opera. Cf. Operate.]
Opera-bouffe, op′ėr-a-bōōf, n. a comic opera. [Fr.,—It. opera-buffa. Cf. Buffoon.]
Operate, op′ėr-āt, v.i. to work: to
exert strength: to produce any effect: to exert moral power:
(med.) to take effect upon the human system: (surg.) to
perform some unusual act upon the body with the hand or an
—v.t. to effect: to produce by
—n. Operam′eter,
an instrument for indicating the number of movements made by a part of a
—adj. Op′erant,
—n. an operator.
—n. Operā′tion, art or process of
operating, or of being at work: that which is done or carried out:
agency: influence: method of working: action or movements: surgical
—adj. Op′erātive, having the power of
operating or acting: exerting force: producing effects:
—n. a workman in a manufactory: a
—adv. Op′erātively.
—ns. Op′erātiveness; Op′erātor, one who, or that which,
operates or produces an effect: (math.) a letter, &c.,
signifying an operation to be performed. [L. operāri,
-ātus—opera, work,
closely conn. with opus, operis, work.]
Operculum, ō-pėr′kū-lum, n.
(bot.) a cover or lid: (zool.) the plate over the entrance
of a shell: the apparatus which protects the gills of
fishes:—pl. Oper′cula.
—adjs. Oper′cular, belonging to the operculum;
Oper′culate, -d, having an operculum; Operculif′erous; Oper′culiform; Operculig′enous; Operculig′erous.
[L.,—operīre, to cover.]
Operetta, op-ėr-et′a, n. a short, light musical drama. [It., dim. of opera.]
Operose, op′ėr-ōz, adj. laborious:
—adv. Op′erosely.
—ns. Op′eroseness, Operos′ity.
Ophicleide, of′i-klīd, n. a large bass trumpet, with a deep pitch. [Fr.; coined from Gr. ophis, a serpent, kleis, kleidos, a key.]
Ophidian, o-fid′i-an, n. one of the true serpents,
in which the ribs are the only organs of locomotion.
Ophid′ian, Ophid′ious, pertaining to serpents: having
the nature of a serpent.
—ns. Ophidiā′rium, a place where serpents
are confined; Ophiog′raphy, the
description of serpents; Ophiol′ater, a
—adj. Ophiol′atrous.
—n. Ophiol′atry,
—adjs. Ophiolog′ic, -al.
—ns. Ophiol′ogist, one versed in ophiology;
Ophiol′ogy, the study of serpents;
Oph′iomancy, divination by
—adjs. Ophiomor′phic, Ophiomor′phous, having the form of a serpent;
Ophioph′agous, feeding on
—n. Oph′ite,
one of a Gnostic sect who worshipped the serpent. [Gr. ophidion,
dim. of ophis, opheōs, a serpent.]
Ophiura, of-i-ū′ra, n. a genus of
—ns. and adjs. Ophiū′ran; Ophiū′roid. [Gr. ophis, serpent,
oura, tail.]
Ophthalmia, of-thal′mi-a, n. inflammation of the
eye—also Ophthal′my.
—adj. Ophthal′mic, pertaining to the
—ns. Ophthal′mist,
Ophthalmol′ogist, one skilled in
ophthalmology; Ophthalmī′tis,
inflammation of the eyeball; Ophthalmodyn′ia, pain, esp. rheumatic pain,
of the eye; Ophthalmog′raphy, a
description of the eye.
—adjs. Ophthalmolog′ic, -al.
—ns. Ophthalmol′ogy, the science of the eye, its
structure and functions; Ophthalmom′eter, an instrument for
eye-measurements; Ophthalmom′etry,
the making of such; Ophthalmoplē′gia, paralysis of one or
more of the muscles of the eye; Ophthal′moscope, an instrument for examining
the interior of the eye.
—adjs. Ophthalmoscop′ic, -al.
—adv. Ophthalmoscop′ically.
Ophthal′moscopy, examination of the
interior of the eye with the ophthalmoscope; Ophthalmot′omy, dissection of the eye: an
incision into the eye. [Gr.,—ophthalmos, eye.]
Opiate, ō′pi-āt, n. a drug containing
opium to induce sleep: that which dulls sensation, physical or
—adj. inducing sleep.
—adj. O′piated.
Opine, o-pīn′, v.i. to
—adj. Opin′able, capable of being
—ns. Opī′nant, one who forms an opinion;
Opin′icus (her.), a
half-lion, half-dragon. [Fr.,—L. opināri, to
Opinion, ō-pin′yun, n. one's belief,
judgment: favourable estimation: (Shak.)
—adjs. Opin′ionable, that may be matter of opinion;
Opin′ionāted, Opin′ioned, firmly adhering to one's own
—adv. Opin′ionātely
—adj. Opin′ionātive, unduly attached to one's
own opinions: stubborn.
—adv. Opin′ionātively.
Opin′ionātiveness; Opin′ionist. [L.]
Opisometer, op-i-som′e-tėr, n. an instrument for measuring curved lines on a map. [Gr. opisō, backward, metron, measure.]
Opisthobranchiate, ō-pis-thō-brang′ki-āt, adj. having the gills behind the heart—n. Opisthobranch′ism.
ō-pis-thō-sē′li-an, adj. hollow or concave
behind, as a vertebra.
—Also Opisthocœ′lous.
Opisthocomous, op-is-thok′ō-mus, adj. having an occipital crest.
Opisthodomos, op-is-thod′ō-mos, n. a rear-chamber or treasury at the back of the cella in some temples. [Gr.]
Opisthodont, ō-pis′thō-dont, adj. having back teeth only.
Opisthogastric, ō-pis-thō-gas′trik, adj. behind the stomach.
Opisthognathous, op-is-thog′nā-thus, adj. having retreating jaws or teeth.
Opisthograph, ō-pis′thō-graf, n. a
manuscript or a slab inscribed on the back as well as the
—adj. Opisthograph′ic, written on both
—n. Opisthog′raphy.
Opium, ō′pi-um, n. the narcotic juice of the
white poppy.
—n. O′pium-eat′er, one who makes a habitual
use of opium. [L.,—Gr. opion, dim. from opos,
Opobalsam, op-ō-bal′sam, n. a resinous juice, balm of Gilead.
Opodeldoc, op-ō-del′dok, n. a solution of soap in alcohol, with camphor and essential oils, soap-liniment. [Fr., perh. from Gr. opos, juice.]
Opopanax, ō-pop′a-naks, n. a gum-resin used in perfumery and formerly in medicine. [Gr., opos, juice, panax, a plant, panakēs, all-healing.]
Oporice, ō-por′i-sē, n. a medicine prepared from quinces, pomegranates, &c.
Opossum, o-pos′um, n. a small American marsupial mammal, nocturnal, mainly arboreal, with prehensile tail: an Australian marsupial. [West Indian.]
Oppidan, op′i-dan, n. at Eton, a student who is not a foundationer or colleger. [L. oppidanus—oppidum, town.]
Oppilation, op-i-lā′shun, n.
—v.t. Opp′ilate, to crowd
—adj. Opp′ilātive, obstructive. [L.]
Opponent, ō-pō′nent, adj. opposing in
action, speech, &c.: placed in front.
—n. one who
Opportune, op-or-tūn′, adj. present at a
proper time: timely: convenient.
—adv. Opportune′ly.
—ns. Opportune′ness; Opportun′ism, practice of regulating
principles by favourable opportunities without regard to consistency;
Opportun′ist, a politician who waits
for events before declaring his opinions: a person without settled
principles; Opportun′ity, an
opportune or convenient time: a good occasion or chance. [Fr.,—L.
opportunus—ob, before, portus, a harbour.]
Oppose, o-pōz′, v.t. to place before or in
the way of: to set against: to place as an obstacle: to resist: to check:
to compete with.
—v.i. to make objection.
Oppos′able, that may be opposed;
Oppose′less (Shak.), not to
be opposed, irresistible.
—n. Oppos′er, one who opposes.
and v.i. Oppos′it, to
negative. [Fr.,—L. ob, Fr. poser, to place.]
Opposite, op′ō-zit, adj. placed over
against: standing in front: situated on opposite sides: contrasted with:
opposed to: of an entirely different nature.
—n. that which
is opposed or contrary: an opponent.
—adv. Opp′ositely.
—n. Opp′ositeness.
—Be opposite with
(Shak.), to be perverse and contradictory in dealing with.
[Fr.,—L. oppositus—ob, against,
ponĕre, positum, to place.]
Opposition, op-ō-zish′un, n. state of being
placed over against: position over against: repugnance: contrariety:
contrast: act or action of opposing: resistance: that which opposes:
obstacle: (logic) a difference of quantity or quality between two
propositions having the same subject and predicate: the party that
opposes the ministry or existing administration: (astron.) the
situation of heavenly bodies when 180 degrees apart.
Opposi′tionist, one who belongs to
an opposing party, esp. that opposed to the government.
Oppress, o-pres′, v.t. to press against or upon:
to use severely: to burden: to lie heavy upon: to constrain: to
overpower: to treat unjustly: to load with heavy burdens.
Oppress′ion, act of oppressing or
treating unjustly or harshly: severity: cruelty: state of being
oppressed: misery: hardship: injustice: dullness of spirits:
(Shak.) pressure.
—adj. Oppress′ive, tending to oppress:
overburdensome: treating with severity or injustice: heavy: overpowering:
difficult to bear.
—adv. Oppress′ively.
—ns. Oppress′iveness; Oppress′or, one who oppresses. [Fr.,—L.
opprimĕre, oppressum—ob, against,
premĕre, to press.]
Opprobrious, o-prō′bri-us, adj. expressive
of opprobrium or disgrace: reproachful: infamous:
—adv. Opprō′briously.
Opprō′briousness; Opprō′brium, reproach expressing
contempt or disdain: disgrace: infamy. [L.,—ob, against,
probrum, reproach.]
Oppugn, o-pūn′, v.t. to fight against, esp.
by argument: to oppose: to resist.
—n. Oppugn′er. [Fr.,—L.
oppugnāre, to fight against—ob, against,
pugna, a fight.]
Oppugnancy, o-pug′nan-si, n. (Shak.)
opposition, resistance.
—adj. Oppug′nant, opposing:
—n. an opponent. [L. oppugnans, -antis, pr.p. of
Opsimathy, op-sim′a-thi, n. learning obtained late in life. [Gr.,—opse, late, mathein, to learn.]
Opsiometer, op-si-om′e-tėr, n. an optometer.
Opsonium, op-sō′ni-um, n. anything eaten
with bread as a relish, esp. fish.
—ns. Opsomā′nia, any morbid love for some
special kind of food; Opsomā′niac, one who manifests the
foregoing. [Gr. opsōnion—opson, strictly boiled
meat, any relish.]
Optative, op′ta-tiv, or op-tā′tiv,
adj. expressing desire or wish.
—n. (gram.) a
mood of the verb expressing wish.
—adv. Op′tatively. [L.
optativus—optāre, -ātum, to wish.]
Optic, -al, op′tik, -al, adj. relating to
sight, or to optics.
—n. Op′tic (Pope), an organ of sight: an
—adv. Op′tically.
—ns. Optic′ian, one skilled in optics: one who
makes or sells optical instruments; Op′tics (sing.), the science of the
nature and laws of vision and light; Optim′eter, Optom′eter, an instrument for measuring the
refractive powers of the eye; Optom′etry, the measurement of the visual
—Optic axis, the axis of the eye—that is, a
line going through the middle of the pupil and the centre of the eye.
[Fr. optique—Gr. optikos.]
Optime, op′ti-mē, n. in the university of
Cambridge, one of those in the second or third rank of honours
(senior and junior optimes respectively), next to the
— Optimā′tes, the Roman aristocracy. [L.
optimus, best.]
Optimism, op′ti-mizm, n. the doctrine that
everything is ordered for the best: a disposition to take a hopeful view
of things—opp. to Pessimism.
—v.i. Op′timise, to take the most hopeful view of
—n. Op′timist,
one who holds that everything is ordered for the best.
Op′timum (bot.), that point
of temperature at which metabolic—i.e. vegetative and
fructificative processes are best carried on. [L. optimus,
Option, op′shun, n. act of choosing: power of
choosing or wishing: wish.
—adj. Op′tional, left to one's option or
—adv. Op′tionally.
—n. Op′tions, a mode of speculating, chiefly in
stocks and shares, which is intended to limit the speculator's risk. It
consists in paying a sum down for the right to put (make delivery)
or call (call for delivery) a given amount of stock at a fixed
future date, the price also being fixed at the time the contract is
entered into.
—Local option (see Local). [L.
optio, optionis—optāre, to choose.]
Optometer, Optometry. See Optic.
Opulent, op′ū-lent, adj.
—n. Op′ulence,
means: riches: wealth.
—adv. Op′ulently. [Fr.,—L.
Opuntia, ō-pun′shi-a, n. a genus of cacti.
Opus, ō′pus, n. work, a work.
magnum, the great work of one's life; Opus operantis
(theol.), the effect of a sacrament ascribed chiefly, if not
exclusively, to the spiritual disposition of the recipient, the grace
flowing ex opere operantis—the Protestant view; Opus
operatum, the due celebration of a sacrament necessarily involving
the grace of the sacrament, which flows ex opere operato from the
sacramental act performed independent of the merit of him who administers
it—the R.C. view.
Opuscule, ō-pus′kūl, n. a little
—Also Opus′cle, Opus′culum. [L. opusculum, dim. of
opus, work.]
Or, or, adv. ere, before. [Ere.]
Or, or, conj. marking an alternative, and sometimes
opposition [short for other, modern Eng.
—prep. (B.) before. [In this sense a
corr. of ere.]
Or, or, n. (her.) gold. [Fr.,—L. aurum, gold.]
Orach, Orache, or′ach, n. one of several European plants used as spinach. [Fr. arroche.]
Oracle, or′a-kl, n. the answer spoken or uttered
by the gods: the place where responses were given, and the deities
supposed to give them: a person famed for wisdom: a wise decision:
(B.) the sanctuary: (pl.) the revelations made to the
prophets: the word of God.
—adj. Orac′ular, delivering oracles: resembling
oracles: grave: venerable: not to be disputed: ambiguous:
obscure—also Orac′ulous.
—ns. Oracular′ity, Orac′ularness.
—adv. Orac′ularly. [Fr.,—L. ora-culum,
double dim. from orāre, to speak—os,
oris, the mouth.]
Oragious, ō-rā′jus, adj. stormy. [Fr.]
Oraison, or′i-zun, n. (Shak.). Same as Orison.
Oral, ō′ral, adj. uttered by the mouth:
spoken, not written.
—adv. O′rally. [L. os, oris, the
Orale, or-ā′le, n. a white silk veil, with coloured stripes, sometimes worn by the Pope.
Orang, ō-rang′, n. See Orang-outang.
Orange, or′anj, n. a delightful gold-coloured
fruit with a thick, rough skin, within which are usually from eight to
ten juicy divisions: the tree on which it grows: a colour composed of red
and yellow.
—adj. pertaining to an orange:
—ns. Orangeāde′, a drink made with orange
juice; Or′ange-bloss′om, the
white blossom of the orange-tree, worn by brides.
Or′ange-col′oured, having the
colour of an orange.
—ns. Or′ange-lil′y, a garden-plant with
large orange flowers; Or′ange-peel,
the rind of an orange separated from the pulp; Or′angery, a plantation of orange-trees: an
—adj. Or′ange-taw′ny (Shak.), of a
colour between orange and brown.
—n. the colour
—n. Or′ange-wife
(Shak.), a woman who sells oranges. [Fr.,—It.
arancio—Pers. naranj, the n being dropped; it
was thought to come from L. aurum, gold, hence Low L.
Orangeman, or′anj-man, n. a member of a society
instituted in Ireland in 1795 to uphold Protestantism, or the cause of
William of Orange—a secret society since its formal
suppression in 1835 after a protracted parliamentary
—adj. Or′ange.
—n. Or′angeism. [From the principality of
Orange (L. Arausio), near Avignon, ruled by its own
sovereigns from the 11th to the 16th century, passing by the last heiress
in 1531 to the Count of Nassau, father of William the Silent.]
Orang-outang, ō-rang′-ōō-tang′,
n. an anthropoid ape, found only in the forests of Sumatra and
Borneo, reddish-brown, arboreal in habit.
—Also Orang′ and Orang′-utan′. [Malay, 'man of the
Orant, ō′rant, n. a worshipping figure in ancient Greek and early Christian art.
Orarian, ō-rā′ri-an, adj. pertaining to the coast. [L. ora, the shore.]
Orarion, ō-rā′ri-on, n. a deacon's stole in the Eastern Church.
Orarium, ō-rā′ri-um, n. a linen neckcloth or handkerchief: a scarf attached to a bishop's staff. [L. os, oris, the mouth.]
Orarium, ō-rā′ri-um, n. a collection of private devotions. [L. orāre, to pray.]
Oration, ō-rā′shun, n. a public speech
of a formal character: an eloquent speech.
—n. Oratiun′cle, a brief speech. [Fr.,—L.
oratio—orāre, to pray.]
Orator, or′a-tor, n. a public speaker: a man of
eloquence: a spokesman or advocate:—fem. Or′atress, Or′atrix.
—v.i. Or′āte, to deliver an
—adjs. Oratō′rial; Orator′ical, pertaining to oratory: becoming
an orator.
—adv. Orator′ically.
—n. Or′atory, the art of speaking well, or so as
to please and persuade, esp. publicly: the exercise of eloquence: an
apartment or building for private worship: one of various congregations
in the R.C. Church, esp. the Fathers of the Oratory, established by St
Philip Neri (1515-95): a religious house of theirs.
Oratorio, or-a-tō′ri-ō, n. a sacred story set to music, which, as in the opera, requires soloists, chorus, and full orchestra for its performance, the theatrical adjuncts, however, of scenery, costumes, and acting bring dispensed with. [It., so called because first performed in the Oratory of the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, near Rome, under the care of St Philip Neri (1571-94).]
Orb, orb, adj. (obs.) bereft, esp. of children. [L. orbus.]
Orb, orb, n. a circle: a sphere: a celestial body: a
wheel: any rolling body: the eye: (archit.) a blank window or
panel: the globe forming part of regalia, the monde or mound: the space
within which the astrological influence of a planet
—v.t. to surround: to form into an
—adjs. Or′bate;
Orbed, in the form of an orb; circular; Orbic′ular, having the form of an orb or
sphere: spherical: round.
—n. Orbiculā′ris, a muscle surrounding an
—adv. Orbic′ularly.
—n. Orbic′ularness.
—adjs. Orbic′ulate, -d, made in the form of an orb.
Or′by, orbed. [L. orbis,
Orbilius, or-bil′i-us, n. a flogging schoolmaster—from Horace's master.
Orbit, or′bit, n. the path in which one of the
heavenly bodies, as a planet, moves round another, as the sun: the hollow
in the bone in which the eyeball rests—also Or′bita: the skin round the
—adjs. Or′bital,
Or′bitary. [L.
orbita—orbis, a ring.]
Orc, ork, n. any whale, the grampus. [L. orca.]
Orcadian, or-kā′di-an, adj. of or pertaining
to the Orkney Islands.
—n. an inhabitant or a native of the
Orkneys. [L. Orcades.]
Orchard, or′chard, n. a garden of fruit-trees,
esp. of apple-trees, also the enclosure containing such.
Or′chard-house, a glass house for
cultivating fruits without artificial heat; Or′charding; Or′chardist. [A.S. orceard—older
form ort-geard.]
Orcheocele, or-ke-o-sēl′, n. a tumour or
inflammation of the testicle.
—ns. Orchial′gia, pain, esp. neuralgia, in a
testicle; Orchidec′tomy, Orchot′omy, the excision of a testicle;
Orchiodyn′ia, pain in a testicle;
Orchī′tis, inflammation of a
—adj. Orchit′ic. [Gr. orchis, a testicle,
kēlē, a tumour.]
Orchestra, or′kes-tra, n. in the Greek theatre,
the place where the chorus danced: now the part of a theatre or
concert-room in which the musicians are placed: the performers in an
—ns. Orchē′sis, the art of dancing or
rhythmical movement of the body; Orchesog′raphy, the theory of
—adjs. Or′chestral, Orches′tric, of or pertaining to an
orchestra: performed in an orchestra.
—v.t. Or′chestrāte, to arrange for an
—ns. Orchestrā′tion, the arrangement of
music for an orchestra: instrumentation; Orches′trion, a musical instrument of the
barrel-organ kind, designed to imitate an orchestra. [L.,—Gr.
orchēstra—orchesthai, to dance.]
Orchid, or′kid, n. a plant with a rich, showy,
often fragrant flower, frequently found growing, in warm countries, on
rocks and stems of trees.
—adjs. Orchidā′ceous, Orchid′ēous, pertaining to the
—ns. Orchidol′ogy, the knowledge of orchids;
Or′chis, a genus containing ten of
the British species of orchids. [Gr. orchis, a testicle.]
Orchil, or′kil, n. the colouring matter derived from archil (q.v.).
Orcine, or′sin, n. a colouring matter obtained from orchella-weed and other lichens.
Ordain, or-dān′, v.t. to put in order: to
appoint: to dispose or regulate: to set apart for an office: to invest
with ministerial functions.
—adj. Ordain′able.
—ns. Ordain′er; Ordain′ment.
—adj. Or′dinal, showing order or
—n. a number noting order or place among others:
a body of regulations, a book containing forms and rules for
—n. Or′dinance, that which is ordained by
authority: a law: a religious practice or right established by
—adj. Or′dinant (Shak.), ordaining,
—n. one who ordains, as a bishop—opp. to
Or′dinand, or one who is to be
—n. Ordinā′tion, the act of ordaining:
admission to the Christian ministry by the laying on of hands of a bishop
or a presbytery: established order. [O. Fr. ordener (Fr.
ordonner)—L. ordināre, -ātum—ordo.]
Ordeal, or′de-al, n. a dealing out or giving of just judgment: an ancient form of referring a disputed question to the judgment of God, by lot, fire, water, &c.: any severe trial or examination. [A.S. or-dél, or-dál; cf. Dut. oor-deel, Ger. ur-theil.]
Order, or′dėr, n. regular arrangement,
method: degree, rank, or position: rule, regular system or government:
command: a class, a society of persons of the same profession, &c.: a
religious fraternity: a dignity conferred by a sovereign, &c., giving
membership in a body, after the medieval orders of knighthood, also the
distinctive insignia thereof: social rank generally: a number of genera
having many important points in common: a commission to supply, purchase,
or sell something: (archit.) one of the different ways in which
the column, with its various parts and its entablature, are moulded and
related to each other: due action towards some end, esp. in old phrase
'to take order:' the sacerdotal or clerical function: (pl.) the
several degrees or grades of the Christian ministry.
—v.t. to
arrange: to conduct: to command.
—v.i. to give
—ns. Or′der-book, a book for entering the orders
of customers, the special orders of a commanding officer, or, the motions
to be put to the House of Commons; Or′derer; Or′dering, arrangement: management: the act
or ceremony of ordaining, as priests or deacons.
Or′derless, without order:
—n. Or′derliness.
—adj. Or′derly, in good order: regular: well
regulated: of good behaviour: quiet: being on duty.
regularly: methodically.
—n. a non-commissioned officer who
carries official messages for his superior officer, formerly the first
sergeant of a company.
—adj. Or′dinate, in order: regular.
the distance of a point in a curve from a straight line, measured along
another straight line at right angles to it—the distance of the
point from the other of the two lines is called the abscissa, and
the two lines are the axes of co-ordinates.
—Order-in-Council, a
sovereign order given with advice of the Privy Council;
Order-of-battle, the arrangement of troops or ships at the
beginning of a battle; Order-of-the-day, in a legislative
assembly, the business set down to be considered on any particular day:
any duty assigned for a particular day.
—Close order, the
usual formation for soldiers in line or column, the ranks 16 inches
apart, or for vessels two cables'-length (1440 ft.) apart—opp. to
Extended order; Full orders, the priestly order; Minor
orders, those of acolyte, exorcist, reader, and doorkeeper; Open
order, a formation in which ships are four cables'-length (2880 ft.)
apart; Sailing orders, written instructions given to the commander
of a vessel before sailing; Sealed orders, such instructions as
the foregoing, not to be opened until a certain specified time;
Standing orders or rules, regulations for procedure adopted
by a legislative assembly.
—In order, and Out of
order, in accordance with regular and established usage of procedure,
in subject or way of presenting it before a legislative assembly,
&c., or the opposite; In order to, for the end that; Take
order (Shak.), to take measures. [Fr. ordre—L.
ordo, -inis.]
Ordinaire, or-din-ār′, n. wine for ordinary use—usually vin ordinaire: a soldier's mess: a person of common rank.
Ordinary, or′di-na-ri, adj. according to the
common order: usual: of common rank: plain: of little merit:
(coll.) plain-looking.
—n. a judge of ecclesiastical
or other causes who acts in his own right: something settled or
customary: actual office: a bishop or his deputy: a place where regular
meals are provided at fixed charges: the common run or mass:
(her.) one of a class of armorial charges, called also
honourable ordinaries, figures of simple outline and geometrical
form, conventional in character—chief, pale,
fess, bend, bend-sinister, chevron,
cross, saltire, pile, pall, bordure,
orle, tressure, canton,
—adv. Or′dinarily.
—Ordinary of the
mass, the established sequence or fixed order for saying
—In ordinary, in regular and customary attendance.
Ordnance, ord′nans, n. great guns: artillery:
(orig.) any arrangement, disposition, or
—Ordnance survey, a preparation of maps and plans
of Great Britain and Ireland, or parts thereof, undertaken by government
and carried out by men selected from the Royal Engineers—so called
because in earlier days the survey was carried out under the direction of
the Master-general of the Ordnance. [Ordinance.]
Ordonnance, or′do-nans, n. co-ordination, esp. the proper disposition of figures in a picture, parts of a building, &c.
Ordure, or′dūr, n. dirt: dung: excrement:
also fig. anything unclean.
—adj. Or′durous. [Fr.,—O. Fr. ord,
foul—L. horridus, rough.]
Ore, ōr, n. metal as it comes from the mine: metal mixed with earthy and other substances. [A.S. ór, another form of ár, brass; Ice. eir, L. æs, ær-is, bronze.]
Oread, ō′rē-ad, n. (myth.) a mountain nymph:—pl. O′reads, or Orē′ades. [Gr. oreias, oreiados—oros, a mountain.]
Organ, or′gan, n. an instrument or means by which
anything is done: a part of a body fitted for carrying on a natural or
vital operation: a means of communication, or of conveying information or
opinions from one to another of two parties, as an ambassador, a
newspaper, &c.: a musical wind instrument consisting of a collection
of pipes made to sound by means of compressed air from bellows, and
played upon by means of keys: a system of pipes in such an organ, having
an individual keyboard, a partial organ: a musical instrument having some
mechanism resembling the pipe-organ, as the barrel-organ,
—ns. Or′gan-build′er, one who constructs
organs; Or′gan-grind′er, a
fellow who plays a hand-organ by a crank; Or′gan-harmō′nium, a large
harmonium used instead of a pipe-organ.
—adjs. Organ′ic, -al,
pertaining to an organ: organised: instrumental.
Organ′ify, to add organic matter
—n. Organisabil′ity.
—adj. Organis′able, that may be
—n. Organisā′tion, the act of organising:
the state of being organised.
—v.t. Or′ganīse, to supply with organs: to
form several parts into an organised whole, to arrange.
Or′ganīser; Or′ganism, organic structure, or a body
exhibiting such: a living being, animal or vegetable.
Or′ganist, one who plays on an
organ; Or′gan-loft, the loft where
an organ stands; Organog′eny,
Organogen′esis, history of the
development of living organs; Organog′raphy, a description of the organs of
plants or animals; Organol′ogy, the
study of structure and function; Or′gan-pipe, one of the sounding pipes of a
pipe-organ (flue-pipes and reed-pipes); Or′gan-point, a note sustained through a
series of chords, although only in harmony with the first and last;
Or′ganry, the music of the organ;
Or′gan-screen, an ornamental stone
or wood screen, on which a secondary organ is sometimes placed in
cathedrals; Orguinette′, a
mechanical musical instrument, with reeds and
—Organic chemistry, the chemistry of
substances of animal or vegetable origin, prior to 1828 supposed to be
capable of formation only as products of vital processes: the chemistry
of the compounds of carbon; Organic disease, a disease accompanied
by changes in the structures involved; Organic remains, fossil
remains of a plant or animal.
—Hydraulic organ, one whose
bellows is operated by a hydraulic motor. [Fr. organe—L.
organum—Gr. organon.]
Organon, or′ga-non, n. an instrument: a system of rules and principles for scientific investigation: a system of thought: the logic of Aristotle—also Or′ganum:—pl. Or′gana. [Gr., from ergon, a work.]
Organzine, or′gan-zin, n. a silk thread of several twisted together, a fabric of the same. [Fr.]
Orgasm, or′gasm, n. immoderate excitement or
—adj. Orgas′tic.
[Gr. orgasmos, swelling.]
Orgeat, or′zhat, n. a confectioner's syrup made from almonds, sugar, &c. [Fr. orge—L. hordeum, barley.]
Orgulous, or′gū-lus, adj. (Shak.) haughty.
Orgy, or′ji, n. any drunken or riotous rite or
revelry, esp. by night—(rare) Orge:—pl.
Or′gies, riotous secret rites
observed in the worship of Bacchus.
—v.i. Orge, to
indulge in riotous jollity.
—n. Or′giast.
—adjs. Orgias′tic, Or′gic. [Fr.,—L.
Orichalc, or′i-kalk, n. (Spens.) a
gold-coloured alloy resembling brass.
—adj. Orichal′ceous. [Fr., from Gr.
oreichalkos, mountain copper—oros, a mountain,
chalkos, copper.]
Oriel, ō′ri-el, n. a portico or recess in the form of a window built out from a wall, supported on brackets or corbels—distinguished from a bay window. [O. Fr. oriol, a porch—Low L. oriolum, a highly ornamented recess—L. aureolus, gilded—aurum, gold.]
Orient, ō′ri-ent, adj. rising, as the sun:
eastern: bright or pure in colour.
—n. the part where the sun
rises: the east, or the countries of the east: purity of lustre, as in a
—v.t. to set so as to face the east: to build, as a
church, with its length from east to west.
—adj. Orien′tal, eastern: pertaining to, in, or
from the east.
—n. a native of the east.
Orien′talism, an eastern word,
expression, or custom; Orien′talist,
one versed in the eastern languages: an oriental; Oriental′ity.
—v.t. and
v.i. Orien′tāte.
—ns. Orientā′tion, the act of turning or
state of being turned toward the east, the process of determining the
east in taking bearings: the situation of a building relative to the
points of the compass: the act of making clear one's position in some
matter: the homing instinct, as in pigeons; O′rientātor, an instrument for
orientating. [L. oriens, -entis,
pr.p. of orīri, to rise.]
Orifice, or′i-fis, n. something made like a mouth or opening. [Fr.,—L. orificium—os, oris, mouth, facĕre, to make.]
Oriflamme, or′i-flam, n. a little banner of red silk split into many points, borne on a gilt staff—the ancient royal standard of France. [Fr.,—Low L. auriflamma—L. aurum, gold, flamma, a flame.]
Origan, or′i-gan, n. wild marjoram.
Orig′anum. [Fr.,—L.
—Gr. origanon—oros, mountain,
ganos, brightness.]
Origenist, or′ij-en-ist, n. a follower of
Origen (c. 186-254 A.D.), his
allegorical method of scriptural interpretation, or his theology, esp.
his heresies—the subordination though eternal generation of the
Logos, pre-existence of all men, and universal restoration, even of the
—n. Or′igenism.
—adj. Origenist′ic.
Origin, or′i-jin, n. the rising or first existence
of anything: that from which anything first proceeds: (math.) the
fixed starting-point: cause: derivation.
—adjs. Orig′inable; Orig′inal, pertaining to the origin or
beginning: first in order or existence: in the author's own words or from
the artist's own pencil: not copied: not translated: having the power to
originate, as thought.
—n. origin: first copy: the precise
language used by a writer: an untranslated tongue: a person of marked
—ns. Original′ity, Orig′inalness, quality or state of being
original or of originating ideas.
—adv. Orig′inally.
—v.t. Orig′ināte, to give origin to: to bring
into existence.
—v.i. to have origin: to
—n. Originā′tion, act of originating or of
coming into existence: mode of production.
—adj. Orig′inātive, having power to originate
or bring into existence.
—n. Orig′inātor. [Fr.
origine—L. origo,
originis—orīri, to rise.]
Orillon, o-ril′lon, n. a semicircular projection at the shoulder of a bastion intended to cover the guns and defenders on the flank. [Fr.,—oreille, an ear—L. auricula, dim. of auris, ear.]
Oriole, ōr′i-ōl, n. the golden thrush. [O. Fr. oriol—L. aureolus, dim. of aureus, golden—aurum, gold.]
Orion, ō-rī′on, n. (astron.) one of the constellations containing seven very bright stars, three of which, in a straight line, form Orion's belt. [Orion, a hunter placed among the stars at his death.]
Orismology, or-is-mol′ō-ji, n. the science
of defining technical terms.
—adjs. Orismolog′ic, -al. [Gr. horismos—horizein, to
Orison, or′i-zun, n. a prayer. [O. Fr. orison (Fr. oraison)—L. oratio, -ōnis—orāre, to pray.]
Orle, orl, n. (archit.) a fillet under the ovolo of a capital—also Or′let: (her.) a border within a shield at a short distance from the edge. [O. Fr., border, from Low L. orlum, dim. of L. ora, border.]
Orleanist, or′lē-an-ist, n. one of the
family of the Duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIV. of France: a
supporter of the claims of this family to the throne of
—adj. favourable to the claims of the Orleans
—ns. Or′leanism;
Or′leans, a wool and cotton cloth
for women's dresses.
Orlop, or′lop, n. the deck below the berth-deck in a ship where the cables, &c., are stowed. [Dut. overloop, the upper deck—overlopen, to run over.]
Ormer, or′mėr, n. an ear-shell or sea-ear.
Ormolu, or′mo-lōō, n. an alloy of copper, zinc, and tin: gilt or bronzed metallic ware: gold-leaf prepared for gilding bronze, &c. [Fr. or—L. aurum, gold, moulu, pa.p. of moudre, to grind—L. molāre, to grind.]
Ormuzd, or′muzd, n. the name of the chief god of the ancient Persians: the creator and lord of the whole universe: (later) the good principle, as opposed to Ahriman, the bad. [A corr. of Pers. Ahura-Mazdâh=the Living God or Lord (ahu='the living,' 'life,' or 'spirit,' root ah='to be'), the Great Creator (maz+dâ=Sans. mahâ+dhâ), or the Wise One.]
Ornament, or′na-ment, n. anything that adds grace
or beauty: additional beauty: a mark of honour: (pl., Pr.
Bk.) all the articles used in the services of the
—v.t. to adorn: to furnish with
—adj. Ornament′al, serving to adorn or
—adv. Ornament′ally.
—ns. Ornamentā′tion, act or art of
ornamenting: (archit.) ornamental work; Or′namenter; Or′namentist.
—adj. Ornate′, ornamented: decorated: highly
finished, esp. applied to a style of writing.
—adv. Ornate′ly.
—n. Ornate′ness. [Fr. ornement—L.
ornamentum—ornāre, to adorn.]
Ornis, or′nis, n. the birds collectively of a
region, its avifauna.
—adj. Ornith′ic.
—ns. Ornithich′nite (geol.), the footmark
of a bird found impressed on sandstone, &c.; Ornithodel′phia, the lowest of the three
sub-classes of mammals, same as Monotremata—from the
ornithic character of the urogenital organs.
—adjs. Ornithodel′phian (also n.), Ornithodel′phic, Ornithodel′phous; Or′nithoid, somewhat
—ns. Ornith′olite (geol.), the fossil
remains of a bird: a stone occurring of various colours and forms bearing
the figures of birds.
—adj. Ornitholog′ical, pertaining to
—adv. Ornitholog′ically.
—ns. Ornithol′ogist, one versed in ornithology, or
who makes a special study of birds; Ornithol′ogy, the science and study of birds;
Or′nithomancy, divination by means
of birds, by observing their flight, &c.
—adjs. Ornithoman′tic; Ornithoph′ilous, bird-fertilised; Or′nithopod, Ornithop′odous, having feet like a
—ns. Ornithorhyn′chus, an animal in Australia,
with a body like an otter and a snout like the bill of a duck, also
called Duck-bill; Ornithos′copy, observation of birds or of
their habits; Ornithot′omy, the act
of dissecting birds. [Gr. ornis, ornithos, a bird.]
Orography, or-og′ra-fi, n. the description of
mountains—also Orol′ogy.
—n. Orog′eny, the origin and formation of
—adjs. Orograph′ic, -al; Orolog′ical, of or pertaining to
—ns. Orol′ogist, one versed in orology; Orom′eter, a mountain-barometer. [Gr.
oros, a mountain.]
Oroide, ō′rō-īd, n. an alloy of
copper, tin, and other metals used for watch-cases, cheap jewellery,
—Also O′rēide.
[Fr. or—L. aurum, gold, Gr. eidos, form.]
Orotund, ō′rō-tund, adj. full, clear,
and musical, as speech.
—n. full, clear, and musical speech,
as when directly from the larynx. [L. os, oris, the mouth,
rotundus, round.]
Orphan, or′fan, n. a child bereft of father or
mother, or of both.
—adj. bereft of
—v.t. to bereave of parents.
Or′phanage, the state of being an
orphan: a house for orphans; Or′phan-asy′lum; Or′phanhood, Or′phanism; Orphanot′rophy, the supporting of orphans.
[Gr. orphanos, akin to L. orbus, bereaved.]
Orpharion, or-fā′ri-on, n. a large lute with
six to nine metal strings.
—Also Orpheō′reon.
Orphean, or′fē-an, adj. pertaining to
Orpheus, a poet who could move inanimate objects by the music of
his lyre.
—adj. Or′phic,
pertaining to Orpheus, or the mysteries connected with the cult of
—v.i. Or′phise.
—n. Or′phism.
Orphrey, or′fri, n. gold or other rich embroidery attached to vestments, esp. chasuble and cope. [Fr. orfroi—or—L. aurum, gold, Fr. fraise, fringe.]
Orpiment, or′pi-ment, n. arsenic trisulphide,
giving king's yellow and realgar (red).
—ns. Or′pine, Or′pin, a deep-yellow colour: the Sedum
Telephium, a popular vulnerary. [Fr.,—L.
auripigmentum—aurum, gold, pigmentum,
Orra, or′a, adj. (Scot.) odd: not matched: left over: doing odd pieces of work: worthless.
Orrery, or′ėr-i, n. an apparatus for illustrating, by balls mounted on rods and moved by clockwork around a centre, the size, positions, motions, &c. of the heavenly bodies. [From Charles Boyle, fourth Earl of Orrery (1676-1731).]
Orris, or′is, n. a species of iris in the south of
Europe, the dried root of which has the smell of violets, used in
—Also Orr′ice.
Orris, or′is, n. a peculiar kind of gold or silver lace: upholsterers' galloon and gimp. [Orphrey.]
Orseille, or-sāl′, n. a colouring matter
(cf. Archil and Litmus).
—adj. Orsel′lic. [Fr.]
Ort, ort, n. a fragment, esp. one left from a meal—usually pl. [Low Ger. ort, refuse of fodder.]
Orthocephaly, or-thō-sef′a-li, n. the
character of a skull in which the ratio between the vertical and
transverse diameters is from 70 to 75.
—adj. Orthocephal′ic.
Orthoceras, or-thos′e-ras, n. a genus of fossil cephalopods, having the shell straight or but slightly curved.
Orthochromatic, or-thō-krō-mat′ik, adj. correct in rendering the relation of colours, without the usual photographic modifications. [Gr. orthos, right, chrōma, colour.]
Orthoclase, or′tho-klāz, n. common or potash
—adj. Orthoclas′tic. [Gr. orthos, straight,
klasis, a fracture.]
Orthodox, or′tho-doks, adj. sound in doctrine:
believing the received or established opinions, esp. in religion:
according to the received doctrine.
—adv. Or′thodoxly.
—ns. Or′thodoxness; Or′thodoxy, soundness of opinion or doctrine:
belief in the commonly accepted opinions, esp. in religion. [Through Fr.
and Late L. from Gr. orthodoxos—orthos, right,
doxa, opinion—dokein, to seem.]
Orthodromic, or-thō-drom′ik, adj. pertaining to Or′thodromy, the art of sailing on a great circle or in a straight course.
Orthoëpy, or′tho-e-pi, n. (gram.) correct
pronunciation of words.
—adjs. Orthoëp′ic, -al.
—adv. Orthoëp′ically.
—n. Or′thoëpist, one versed in orthoëpy. [Gr.
orthos, right, epos, a word.]
Orthogamy, or-thog′a-mi, n. (bot.) direct or immediate fertilisation.
Orthognathous, or-thog′nā-thus, adj.
straight-jawed—also Orthognath′ic.
—n. Orthog′nathism. [Gr. orthos, straight,
gnathos, the jaw.]
Orthogon, or′tho-gon, n. (geom.) a figure
with all its angles right angles.
—adj. Orthog′onal, rectangular.
Orthog′onally. [Gr. orthos,
right, gōnia, angle.]
Orthographer, or-thog′ra-fėr, n. one who
spells words correctly—also Orthog′raphist.
—adjs. Orthograph′ic, -al, pertaining or according to orthography: spelt
—adv. Orthograph′ically.
—n. Orthog′raphy (gram.), the art or
practice of spelling words correctly. [Gr.
orthographia—orthos, right, graphein, to
Orthometry, or-thom′et-ri, n. the art of constructing verse correctly.
Orthopædia, or-thō-pē-dī′a, n.
the art or process of curing deformities of the body, esp. in
childhood—also Or′thopædy,
Orthopæ′dic, -al, Orthoped′ic, -al.
—ns. Orthopæ′dics, Orthoped′ics, orthopædic surgery; Or′thopædist, Or′thopedist, one skilled in the foregoing.
[Gr. orthos, straight, pais, paidos, a child.]
Orthophony, or′thō-fō-ni, n. the art of correct speaking: the proper culture of the voice. [Gr. orthos, straight, phōnein, to speak—phōnē, voice.]
Orthopnœa, or-thop-nē′a, n.
—n. Orthop′nic, one who can breathe in an upright
posture only. [Gr. orthos, straight, pnein, to
Orthopraxy, or′thō-prak-si, n. correct practice or procedure.
Orthoptera, or-thop′tėr-a, n. an order of
insects with wing-covers, that overlap at the top when shut, under which
are the true wings, which fold lengthwise like a fan.
Orthop′ter, Orthop′teran, an insect of the order
orthoptera; Orthopterol′ogy.
—adj. Orthop′terous, pertaining to the orthoptera.
[Gr. orthos, straight, ptera, pl. of pteron,
Orthoscopic, or-thō-skop′ik, adj. seeing correctly: appearing normal to the eye. [Gr. orthos, straight, skopein, to see.]
Orthostyle, or′thō-stīl, n. (archit.) an arrangement of columns or pillars in a straight line. [Gr. orthos, straight, stylos, a column.]
Orthotonic, or-thō-ton′ik, adj. retaining an
accent in certain positions, but not in others—also Or′thotone.
—n. Orthotonē′sis, accentuation of a
proclitic or enclitic—opp. to Enclisis. [Gr. orthos,
straight, tonos, accent.]
Orthotropism, or-thot′rō-pizm, n. vertical
growth in plants.
—adjs. Orthot′ropal, Orthotrop′ic, Orthot′ropous. [Gr. orthos, straight,
trepein, to turn.]
Orthotypous, or′thō-tī-pus, adj. in mineralogy, having a perpendicular cleavage.
Orthros, or′thros, n. one of the Greek canonical hours, corresponding to the Western lauds. [Gr. orthros, dawn.]
Ortive, or′tiv, adj. rising: eastern.
Ortolan, or′tō-lan, n. a kind of bunting, common in Europe, and considered a great table delicacy. [Fr.,—It. ortolano—L. hortulanus, belonging to gardens—hortulus, dim. of hortus, a garden.]
Orvietan, or-vi-ē′tan, n. a supposed
antidote or counter-poison.
—n. Orviē′to, an esteemed still white
Oryctics, ō-rik′tiks, n. the branch of
geology relating to fossils.
—adjs. Oryctograph′ic, -al.
—n. Oryctozoöl′ogy, palæontology. [Gr.
oryctos, fossil.]
Oryx, or′iks, n. a genus of antelopes. [Gr., a pick-axe.]
Oryza, ō-rī′za, n. a small tropical genus of true grasses, including rice.
Oscan, os′kan, n. and adj. one of an ancient Italic race in southern Italy: a language closely akin to Latin, being a ruder and more primitive form of the same central Italic tongue.
Oscheal, os′kē-al, adj. pertaining to the
—ns. Oscheī′tis, inflammation of the
scrotum; Os′cheocele, a scrotal
hernia; Os′cheoplasty, plastic
surgery of the scrotum. [Gr. oschē, the scrotum.]
Oscillate, os′sil-lāt, v.i. to move
backwards and forwards like a pendulum: to vary between certain
—n. Os′cillancy,
a swinging condition.
—adj. Os′cillāting.
—n. Oscillā′tion, act of oscillating: a
swinging like a pendulum: variation within limits.
Os′cillātive, having a
tendency to vibrate; Os′cillātory, swinging: moving as a
pendulum does. [L. oscillāre, -ātum, to swing—oscillum, a
Oscines, os′si-nēz, a sub-order of
birds of the order Passeres.
—adj. Os′cine—also n. [L.
oscen, oscinis, a singing-bird.]
Oscitancy, os′si-tan-si, n. sleepiness,
—adj. Os′citant.
—adv. Os′citantly.
—v.i. Os′citate, to yawn.
—n. Oscitā′tion, act of yawning or gaping
from sleepiness. [L. oscitāre, to yawn.]
Osculant, os′kū-lant, adj. kissing: adhering
closely: (biol.) situated between two other genera, and partaking
partly of the character of each.
—v.t. Os′culāte, to kiss: to touch, as two
curves: to form a connecting-link between two genera.
of or pertaining to kissing.
—n. Osculā′tion.
—adj. Os′culātory, of or pertaining to
kissing: (geom.) having the same curvature at the point of
—n. a tablet with a picture of the Virgin or of
Christ, which was kissed by the priest and then by the
—ns. Os′cule, a
little mouth: a small bilabiate aperture; Os′cūlum, a mouth in sponges: one of
the suckers on the head of a tapeworm. [L. osculāri,
-ātus—osculum, a little
mouth, a kiss, dim. of os, mouth.]
Osier, ō′zhėr, n. the popular name for
those species of willow whose twigs are used in making baskets,
—adj. made of or like osiers.
O′siered, adorned with
—n. O′siery, a
place where osiers are grown. [Fr.; perh. from Gr. oisos.]
Osiris, ō-sī′ris, n. the greatest of Egyptian gods, son of Seb and Nut, or Heaven and Earth, married to Isis, slain by Set but avenged by his son Horus, judge of the dead in the nether-world.
Osite, os′īt, n. Sombrero guano.
Osmanli, os-man′li, adj. of or belonging to
—n. a member of the reigning family of Turkey: a
subject of the emperor of Turkey. [Osman or Othman, who
founded the Turkish empire in Asia, and reigned 1288-1326.]
Osmeterium, os-mē-tē′ri-um, n. an organ devoted to the production of an odour, esp. the forked process behind the head of certain butterfly-larvæ:—pl. Osmetē′ria.
Osmidrosis, os-mi-drō′sis, n. the secretion
of strongly smelling perspiration.
—Also Bromidrosis. [Gr.
osmē, smell, hidrōsis, sweat.]
Osmium, ōs′mi-um, n. a gray-coloured metal
found in platinum ore, the oxide of which has a disagreeable
—adjs. Os′mic,
Os′mious. [Gr. osmē,
smell, orig. od-mē—ozein, to smell.]
Osmose, os′mōs, n. the tendency of fluids to
mix or become equally diffused when in contact, even through an
intervening membrane or porous structure—also Osmō′sis.
—adj. Osmot′ic, pertaining to, or having, the
property of osmose.
—adv. Osmot′ically. [Gr.
ōsmos=ōsis, impulse—ōthein,
to push.]
Osmunda, os-mun′da, n. a genus of ferns, the chief species being Osmunda regalis, the royal fern—also called Bog-onion, King-fern, &c.
Osnaburg, oz′na-burg, n. a coarse kind of linen, originally brought from Osnaburg in Germany.
Osprey, os′prā, n. the fish-hawk, a species of eagle very common on the coast of North America. [Corr. from ossifrage, which see.]
Osseous, os′ē-us, adj. bony: composed of, or
resembling, bone: of the nature or structure of bone.
Ossā′rium, an ossuary;
Oss′ēin, the organic basis of
bone; Oss′elet, a hard substance
growing on the inside of a horse's knee; Oss′icle, a small bone.
Ossif′erous, producing bone:
(geol.) containing bones; Ossif′ic.
—n. Ossificā′tion, the process or state of
being changed into a bony substance.
—v.t. Oss′ify, to make into bone or into a
bone-like substance.
—v.i. to become bone:—pa.p.
oss′ified.—adj. Ossiv′orous, devouring or feeding on
—ns. Os′teoblast,
a cell concerned in the formation of bone; Os′teoclast, an apparatus for fracturing
bones; Osteocol′la, a deposited
carbonate of lime encrusted on the roots and stems of plants; Osteoden′tine, one of the varieties of
dentine, resembling bone; Osteogen′esis, the formation or growth of
bone—also Osteog′eny; Osteog′rapher; Osteog′raphy, description of
—adj. Os′teoid,
like bone: having the appearance of bone.
—ns. Osteol′epis, a genus of fossil ganoid fishes
peculiar to the Old Red Sandstone, so called from the bony appearance of
their scales; Osteol′oger, Osteol′ogist, one versed in
—adjs. Osteolog′ic, -al, pertaining to osteology.
Osteol′ogy, the science of the
bones, that part of anatomy which treats of the bones; Osteomalā′cia, a disease in which the
earthy salts disappear from the bones, which become soft and misshapen;
Os′teophyte, an abnormal bony
—adjs. Osteophyt′ic; Osteoplast′ic.
—ns. Os′teoplasty, a plastic operation by which a
loss of bone is remedied; Osteosarcō′ma, a tumour composed of
intermingled bony and sarcomatous tissue; Os′teotome (surg.), a saw-like
instrument for cutting bones; Osteot′omy, the division of, or incision
into, a bone; Ostī′tis,
inflammation of bone. [L. osseus—os, ossis,
bone; Gr. osteon, bone.]
Ossianic, os-i-an′ik, adj. pertaining to Ossian or the poems dubiously attributed to him.
Ossifrage, os′i-frāj, n. the sea or bald eagle, common in the United States: (B.) the bearded vulture, the largest of European birds. [L. ossifragus, breaking bones—os, frag, root of frangĕre, fractum, to break.]
Ossuary, os′ū-ar-i, n. a place where the bones of the dead are deposited: a charnel-house. [L. ossuarium, a charnel-house—os, a bone.]
Ostensible, os-tens′i-bl, adj. that may be shown:
declared: put forth as real: apparent.
—n. Ostensibil′ity.
—adv. Ostens′ibly.
—adj. Ostens′ive, showing:
—adv. Ostens′ively.
—ns. Osten′sory, a monstrance; Os′tent (Shak.), appearance, manner:
token: portent, prodigy; Ostentā′tion, act of making a display:
ambitious display: display to draw attention or admiration:
—adj. Ostentā′tious, given to show: fond of
self-display: intended for display.
—adv. Ostentā′tiously.
Ostentā′tiousness. [L.
ostendĕre, ostensum, to show.]
Ostiary, os′ti-ar-i, n. the doorkeeper of a church.
Ostium, os′ti-um, n. an opening: the mouth of a
—n. Ostiō′le, a small
—adjs. Os′tiolar; Os′tiolāte, furnished with an ostiole.
Ostler, os′lėr. Same as Hostler.
Ostmen, ost′men. the Danish settlers in Ireland.
Ostracea, os-trā′sē′a, the
oyster family.
—adjs. Ostrā′cean, Ostrā′ceous.
—ns. Os′tracite, a fossil oyster; Os′trēa, the typical genus of the
oyster family; Ostrēicul′ture,
oyster-culture; Ostrēicul′turist.
Ostracise, os′tra-sīz, v.t. in ancient
Greece, to banish by the vote of the people written on an earthenware
tablet: to banish from society.
—n. Os′tracism, banishment by ostracising:
expulsion from society. [Gr. ostrakizein—ostrakon, an
earthenware tablet.]
Ostrich, os′trich, n. the largest of birds, found
in Africa, remarkable for its speed in running, and prized for its
—n. Os′trich-farm, a place where ostriches are
bred and reared for their feathers. [O. Fr. ostruche (Fr.
autruche)—L. avis-, struthio,
ostrich—Gr. strouthiōn, an ostrich, strouthos,
a bird.]
Ostrogoth, os′trō-goth, n. an eastern Goth:
one of the tribe of east Goths who established their power in Italy in
493, and were overthrown in 555.
—adj. Os′trogothic.
Otacoustic, ot-a-kows′tik, adj. assisting
—n. an instrument to assist hearing—also
Otacous′ticon. [Gr.
akoustikos—akouein, to hear—ous,
ōtos, ear.]
Otalgia, ō-tal′ji-a, n. earache—also
—ns. Otog′raphy, descriptive anatomy of the ear;
Otorrhē′a, a purulent
discharge from the ear; O′toscope,
an instrument for viewing the interior of the ear.
Otary, ō′tar-i, n. a genus of seals with an
external ear:—pl. O′taries.
—adj. Ot′arine. [Gr. ōtaros,
large-eared—ous, ōtos, ear.]
Other, uth′ėr, adj. and pron.
different, not the same: additional: second of two.
Oth′erwhere, elsewhere; Oth′erwhile, Oth′erwhiles, at other times: sometimes;
Oth′erwise, in another way or
manner: by other causes: in other respects.
—conj. else:
under other conditions.
—Every other, each alternate;
Rather ... than otherwise, rather than not; The other day,
on some day not long past, quite recently. [A.S. other; cf. Ger.
ander, L. alter.]
Othergates, uth′ėr-gātz, adv. (obs.) in another way—also adj. [Other, and gate, way, manner.]
Otic, ō′tik, adj. of or pertaining to the
—ns. Otī′tis,
inflammation of the internal ear; Ot′ocyst, an auditory vesicle; Ot′olith, a calcareous concretion within the
membranous labyrinth of the ear; Otol′ogist, one skilled in otology; Otol′ogy, knowledge of the ear. [Gr.
ous, ōtos, ear.]
Otiose, o′shi-ōs, adj. unoccupied: lazy:
done in a careless way, perfunctory, futile.
—n. Otios′ity, ease, idleness. [L.
otiosus—otium, rest.]
Ottava, ot-tä′vä, n. an octave.
rima, an Italian form of versification consisting of eight lines, the
first six rhyming alternately, the last two forming a couplet—used
by Byron in Don Juan. [It.]
Otter, ot′ėr, n. a large kind of weasel living entirely on fish. [A.S. otor, oter; cf. Dut. and Ger. otter.]
Otto, ot′o, Ottar, ot′ar (better Att′ar), n. a fragrant oil obtained from certain flowers, esp. the rose. [Ar. ‛itr—‛atira, to smell sweetly.]
Ottoman, ot′o-man, adj. pertaining to the Turkish
Empire, founded by Othman or Osman about
—n. a Turk (Shak. Ott′omite): a cushioned seat for several
persons sitting with their backs to one another: a low, stuffed seat
without a back: a variety of corded silk. [Fr.]
Oubit, ōō′bit, n. a hairy caterpillar. [Prob. the A.S. wibba, a crawling thing.]
Oubliette, ōō-bli-et′, n. a dungeon with no opening but at the top: a secret pit in the floor of a dungeon into which a victim could be precipitated. [Fr.,—oublier, to forget—L. oblivisci.]
Ouch, owch, n. a jewel or ornament, esp. one in the form of a clasp: the socket of a precious stone. [O. Fr. nouche, nosche, from Teut., cf. Old High Ger. nusca, a clasp.]
Oudenarde, ōō′de-närd, n. a kind of decorative tapestry, representing foliage, &c., once made at Oudenarde in Belgium.
Ought, awt, n. (same as Aught) a vulgar corr. of
—adv. (Scot.) Ought′lings, at all, in any degree.
Ought, awt, v.i. to be under obligation: to be proper or
—n. Ought′ness, rightness. [A.S. áhte,
pa.t. of ágan, to owe.]
Ouistiti, wis′ti-ti, n. a wistit or marmoset.
Ounce, owns, n. the twelfth part of a pound troy=480 grains: 1⁄16 of a pound avoirdupois=437½ troy grains. [O. Fr. unce—L. uncia, the twelfth part.]
Ounce, owns, n. a carnivorous animal of the cat kind, found in Asia, allied to the leopard—(obs.) Once. [Fr. once, prob. Pers. yúz, a panther.]
Oundy, own′di, adj. wavy: scalloped: (her.) undé.
Ouphe, ōōf, n. (Shak.). Same as Oaf.
Our, owr, adj. and pron. pertaining or belonging
to us—prov. Ourn.
—prons. Ours,
possessive of We; Ourself′,
myself (as a king or queen would say):—pl. Ourselves
(-selvz′), we, not others: us. [A.S.
úre, gen. pl. of wé, we.]
Ourang-outang. Same as Orang-outang.
Ourology, Ouroscopy, &c. See Urology under Urine.
Oust, owst, v.t. to eject or expel.
Oust′er (law), ejection:
dispossession. [O. Fr. oster (Fr. ôter), to remove; acc. to
Diez, from L. haurīre, haustum, to draw (water).]
Out, owt, adv. without, not within: gone forth: abroad:
to the full stretch or extent: in a state of discovery, development,
&c.: in a state of exhaustion, extinction, &c.: away from the
mark: completely: at or to an end: to others, as to hire out:
freely: forcibly: at a loss: unsheltered: uncovered.
forth from: outside of: exterior: outlying, remote.
—n. one
who is out, esp. of office—opp. to In: leave to go out, an
—v.i. to go or come out.
—interj. away!
begone!—n. Out′-and-out′er, a thoroughgoer, a
first-rate fellow.
—adjs. Out′-of-door, open-air; Out-of-the-way′, uncommon: singular:
—Out and away, by far; Out and out,
thoroughly: completely—also as adj. thorough, complete;
Out-at-elbows, worn-out, threadbare; Out of character,
unbecoming: improper; Out of course, out of order; Out of
date, unfashionable: not now in use; Out of favour, disliked;
Out of hand, instantly; Out of joint, not in proper
connection: disjointed; Out of one's mind, mad; Out of
pocket, having spent more than one has received; Out of print,
not to be had for sale, said of books, &c.; Out of sorts, or
temper, unhappy: cross-tempered; Out of the common,
unusual, pre-eminent; Out of the question, that cannot be at all
considered; Out of time, too soon or too late: not keeping time in
music; Out with, away with: (Scot.) outside of: say, do,
&c., at once. [A.S. úte, út; Goth. ut, Ger.
aus, Sans. ud.]
Outask, owt-ask′, v.t. to ask or proclaim, as to be married, in church for the last time.
Outbalance, owt-bal′ans, v.t. to exceed in weight or effect: to outweigh.
Outbar, owt-bär′, v.t. (Spens.) to bar out, esp. to shut out by fortifications.
Outbargain, owt-bär′gin, v.t. to get the better of in a bargain.
Outbid, owt-bid′, v.t. to offer a higher price than another.
Outblush, owt-blush′, v.t. to exceed in rosy colour.
Outbluster, owt-blus′tėr, v.t. to exceed in blustering: to get the better of in this way.
Outbound, owt′bownd, adj. bound for a distant port.
Outbounds, owt′bowndz, (Spens.) boundaries.
Outbrag, owt-brag′, v.t. to surpass in bragging or boasting: to surpass in beauty or splendour.
Outbrave, owt-brāv′, v.t. (Shak.) to excel in bravery or boldness, to defy.
Outbreak, owt′brāk, n. a breaking out:
eruption: a disturbance of the peace.
—v.i. Outbreak′, to burst forth.
Out′breaker, a wave which breaks on
the shore or on rocks; Out′breaking.
Outbreathe, owt-brēth′, v.t. (Spens.)
to breathe out as breath or life: to exhaust or deprive of
—v.i. to be breathed out: (Shak.) to
Outbud, owt-bud′, v.i. (Spens.) to sprout forth.
Outbuilding, owt′bild-ing, n. a building separate from, but used in connection with, a dwelling-house or a main building: an outhouse.
Outburn, owt-burn′, v.t. to exceed in
—v.i. to burn away.
Outburst, owt′burst, n. a bursting out: an explosion.
Outby, owt′bī, adv. (Scot.) out of doors: (min.) towards the shaft—opp. to Inby.—Also Out′bye.
Outcast, owt′kast, adj. exiled from home or
country: rejected.
—n. a person banished: a vagabond: an
exile: (Scot.) a quarrel: the amount of increase in bulk of grain
in malting.
Outcome, owt′kum, n. the issue: consequence: result.
Outcrafty, owt-kraft′i, v.t. (Shak.) to exceed in craft.
Outcrop, owt′krop, n. the appearance, at the
surface, of a layer of rock or a vein of metal, caused by tilting or
inclination of the strata: the part of a layer which appears at the
surface of the ground.
—v.i. to appear at the surface.
Outcry, owt′krī, n. a loud cry of distress:
a confused noise: a public auction.
—v.t. to cry louder
Outdare, owt-dār′, v.t. to surpass in daring: to defy.
Outdistance, owt-dis′tans, v.t. to distance, leave far behind in any competition.
Outdo, owt-dōō′, v.t. to surpass: excel.
Outdoor, owt′dōr, adj. outside the door or
the house: in the open air.
—adv. Out′doors, out of the house:
—Outdoor relief, help given to a pauper who does not
live in the workhouse.
Outdwell, owt-dwel′, v.t. (Shak.) to dwell
or stay beyond.
—n. Out-dwell′er, one who owns land in a parish
but lives outside it.
Out-edge, owt′-ej, n. the farthest bound.
Outer, owt′ėr, adj. more out or without:
external—opp. to Inner.
—n. the part of a target
outside the rings, a shot striking here.
—adj. Out′ermost, most or farthest out: most
—Outer bar, the junior barristers who plead outside
the bar in court, as distinguished from King's Counsel and others who
plead within the bar. [Comp. of out.]
Outface, owt-fās′, v.t. to stare down: to bear down by bravery or impudence: to confront boldly.
Outfall, owt′-fawl, n. the place of discharge of a river, sewer, &c.: (prov.) a quarrel.
Outfield, owt′fēld, n. (Scot.) arable
land continually cropped without being manured—opp. to
Infield: any open field at a distance from the farm-steading: any
undefined district or sphere: at cricket and baseball, the players
collectively who occupy the outer part of the field.
Out′fielder, one of such
Outfit, owt′fit, n. the act of making ready
everything required for a journey or a voyage: complete equipment: the
articles or the expenses for fitting out: the means for an
—v.t. to fit out, equip.
—ns. Out′fitter, one who furnishes outfits;
Out′fitting, an outfit: equipment
for a voyage.
Outflank, owt-flangk′, v.t. to extend the flank of one army beyond that of another: to get the better of.
Outflash, owt-flash′, v.t. to outshine.
Outfling, owt′fling, n. a sharp retort or gibe.
Outflow, owt-flō′, v.i. to flow
—n. issue.
Outflush, owt′flush, n. any sudden glow of heat.
Outfly, owt-flī′, v.t. to surpass in flying: to fly faster than: to escape by swiftness of flight.
Outfoot, owt-fōōt′, v.i. to outsail.
Outfrown, owt-frown′, v.t. (Shak.) to frown down.
Outgarth, owt′gärth, n. an outer yard or garden.
Outgaze, owt-gāz′, v.t. to stare out of countenance: to gaze farther than.
Outgeneral, owt-jen′ėr-al, v.t. to outdo in generalship: to prove a better general than.
Outgive, owt-giv′, v.t. and v.i. to surpass in liberality.
Outgo, owt-gō′, v.t. to advance before in
going: to surpass: to overreach.
—v.i. to go out: to come to
an end.
—ns. Out′go,
that which goes out: expenditure—opp. to Income; Out′goer; Out′going, act or state of going out: extreme
limit: expenditure.
—adj. departing—opp. to
Incoming, as a tenant.
Outgrow, owt-grō′, v.t. to surpass in
growth: to grow out of.
—n. Out′growth, that which grows out of a thing:
growth to excess.
Outguard, owt′gärd, n. a guard at a distance or at the farthest distance from the main body.
Outgush, owt-gush′, v.i. to issue with
—n. Out′gush, a
gushing out.
Outhaul, owt′hawl, n. a rope for hauling out the
clew of a sail.
—Also Out′hauler.
Out-Herod, owt-her′od, v.t. to surpass (Herod) in cruelty: to exceed, esp. in anything bad.
Outhire, owt-hīr′, v.t. to hire or let out.
Outhouse, owt′hows, n. a small building outside a dwelling-house.
Outing, owt′ing, n. the act of going out, or the distance gone out: an excursion or airing.
Outjest, owt-jest′, v.t. (Shak.) to overpower by jesting: to excel in jesting.
Outjet, owt′jet, n. that which projects from
—n. Outjut′ting, a projection.
Outland, owt′land, n. land beyond the limits of
—adj. (Tenn.) foreign.
Out′lander, a foreigner, a person
not naturalised.
—adj. Outland′ish, belonging to an out or foreign
land: foreign: not according to custom: strange: rustic: rude:
—adv. Outland′ishly.
—n. Outland′ishness.
Outlash, owt′lash, n. any sudden outburst.
Outlast, owt-last′, v.t. to last longer than.
Outlaw, owt′law, n. one deprived of the protection
of the law: a robber or bandit.
—v.t. to place beyond the
law: to deprive of the benefit of the law: to proscribe.
Out′lawry, the act of putting a man
out of the protection of the law: state of being an outlaw. [A.S.
útlaga; cf. Ice. útlági—út, out, lög,
Outlay, owt′lā, n. that which is laid out:
—v.t. to lay out to view.
Outleap, owt′lēp, n. a sally, flight.
Outlearn, owt-lėrn′, v.t. to learn: to excel in learning: to get beyond the instruction of.
Outlet, owt′let, n. the place or means by which anything is let out: the passage outward, vent.
Outlier, owt′lī-ėr, n. (geol.)
a portion of a stratum: anything, as detached from the principal mass,
and lying some distance from it.
—v.t. Outlie′, to beat in lying.
to live in the open air.
Outline, owt′līn, n. the outer line: the
lines by which any figure is bounded: a sketch showing only the main
lines: a draft: a set-line in fishing.
—v.t. to draw the
exterior line of: to delineate or sketch.
—adj. Outlin′ear, like an outline.
Outlive, owt-liv′, v.t. to live longer than: to
—n. Outliv′er.
Outlodging, owt′loj-ing, n. a lodging outside a college bounds at Oxford and Cambridge.
Outlook, owt′lōōk, n. vigilant watch:
view obtained by looking out: prospect, or (fig.) one's prospects:
a watch-tower.
—v.t. to face courageously.
Outlustre, owt-lus′tėr, v.t. to excel in brightness.
Outlying, owt′lī-ing, adj. lying out or beyond: remote: on the exterior or frontier: detached.
Outman, owt-man′, v.t. to outdo in manliness: to outnumber in men.
Outmanœuvre, owt-ma-nū′vėr, v.t. to surpass in manœuvring.
Outmantle, owt-man′tl, v.t. to excel in dress or ornament.
Outmarch, owt-märch′, v.t. to march faster than: to leave behind by marching.
Outmate, owt-māt′, v.t. to outmatch.
Outmeasure, owt-mezh′ūr, v.t. to exceed in extent.
Outmost, owt′mōst. Same as Outermost.
Outmove, owt-mōōv′, v.t. to move faster than.
Outname, owt-nām′, v.t. to surpass in name, reputation, or importance.
Outness, owt′nes, n. state of being out, externality to the perceiving mind, objectiveness.
Outnumber, owt-num′bėr, v.t. to exceed in number.
Outpace, owt-pās′, v.t. to walk faster than.
Out-paramour, owt-par′a-mōōr, v.t. (Shak.) to exceed in number of mistresses.
Outparish, owt′par-ish, n. a rural parish, as distinguished from an urban one.
Outpart, owt′part, n. a part remote from the centre.
Outpassion, owt-pash′un, v.t. (Tenn.) to go beyond in passionateness.
Outpatient, owt′pā-shent, n. a patient who receives aid from a hospital, but lives outside of it.
Outpeer, owt-pēr′, v.t. (Shak.) to surpass or excel.
Out-pensioner, owt′-pen′shun-ėr, n. a non-resident pensioner.
Outport, owt′pōrt, n. a port out of or remote from the chief port: a place of export.
Outpost, owt′pōst, n. a post or station beyond the main body of an army: the troops placed there.
Outpour, owt-pōr′, v.t. to pour out: to send
out in a stream.
—ns. Outpour′; Outpour′er; Out′pouring, a pouring out: an abundant
Outpower, owt-pow′ėr, v.t. to surpass in power.
Outpray, owt-prā′, v.t. to exceed in earnestness of prayer.
Outprize, owt-prīz′, v.t. (Shak.) to exceed in the value set upon it.
Output, owt′pōōt, n. the quantity of metal made by a smelting furnace, or of coal taken from a pit, within a certain time, production generally.
Outquarters, owt-kwär′tėrz, quarters situated away from headquarters.
Outquench, owt-kwensh′, v.t. (Spens.) to extinguish.
Outrage, owt′rāj, n. violence beyond
measure: excessive abuse: wanton mischief.
—v.t. to treat
with excessive abuse: to injure by violence, esp. to violate, to
—v.i. to be guilty of outrage.
Outrā′geous, violent: furious:
turbulent: atrocious: enormous, immoderate.
—adv. Outrā′geously.
—n. Outrā′geousness. [O. Fr.
oultrage (mod. outrage)—Low L.
ultragium—L. ultra, beyond.]
Outrance, owt′rans, n. the utmost extremity: the
bitter end.
—À outrance, to the bitter end of a
combat—usually in Eng. use, À l'outrance. [Fr.]
Outré, ōōt-rā′, adj. beyond what is customary or proper: extravagant: overstrained. [Fr. pa.p. of outrer—outre—L. ultra, beyond.]
Outreach, owt-rēch′, v.t. to reach or extend beyond: to cheat or overreach.
Outredden, owt-red′n, v.t. (Tenn.) to grow redder than.
Outreign, owt-rān′, v.t. (Spens.) to reign longer than: to reign through the whole of (a period).
Outremer, ōōtr-mār′, n. the region beyond sea. [Fr.]
Outride, owt-rīd′, v.t. to ride beyond: to
ride faster than.
—n. Out′rider, one who rides abroad: a servant on
horseback who attends a carriage.
Outrigger, owt′rig-ėr, n. a projecting spar for extending sails or any part of the rigging: a projecting contrivance ending in a float fixed to the side of a canoe against capsizing: an iron bracket fixed to the outside of a boat carrying a rowlock at its extremity to increase the leverage of the oar: a light racing-boat with projecting rowlocks.
Outright, owt′rīt, adv. immediately: at
once: completely.
—adj. free from reserve: positive,
Outrival, owt-rī′val, v.t. to surpass, excel.
Outroad, owt′rōd, n. (obs.) a foray into an enemy's country, a hostile attack—opp. to Inroad.
Outroar, owt-rōr′, v.t. (Shak.) to
exceed in roaring.
—n. Out′roar, an uproar.
Outroot, owt-rōōt′, v.t. to root out.
Outroper, owt-rō′pėr, n. formerly an officer in London who seized the goods of foreigners sold elsewhere than in the public market.
Outrun, owt-run′, v.t. to go beyond in running: to
exceed: to get the better of or to escape by running.
Outrush, owt-rush′, v.i. to rush out:—n. a rushing out.
Outsail, owt-sāl′, v.t. to leave behind in sailing.
Outscold, owt-skōld′, v.t. (Shak.) to exceed in scolding.
Outscorn, owt-skorn′, v.t. to bear down or confront by contempt: to disregard or despise.
Outscouring, owt′skowr-ing, n. substance washed or scoured out.
Outsell, owt-sel′, v.t. to sell for a higher price than: to exceed in the number or amount of sales.
Out-sentry, owt′-sen-tri, n. a sentry who guards
the entrance to a place at a distance.
—n. Out′scout, an advance scout.
Outset, owt′set, n. a setting out:
—Also Out′setting.
Outsettlement, owt′set′l-ment, n. a settlement away from the main one.
Outshine, owt-shīn′, v.i. to shine out or
—v.t. to excel in shining: to be brighter than.
Outshot, owt′shot, n. (Scot.) a projection in a building: (pl.) in paper-making, rags of second quality.
Outside, owt′sīd, n. the outer side: the
farthest limit: the surface: the exterior: one who is without, as a
passenger on a coach, &c.: the outer or soiled sheets of a package of
—adj. on the outside: exterior: superficial: external:
extreme, beyond the limit.
—adv. on the outside: not
—prep. beyond.
—ns. Out′side-car, an Irish jaunting-car; Out′sider, one not admitted to a particular
company, profession, &c., a stranger, a layman: a racehorse not
included among the favourites in the betting: (pl.) a pair of
nippers for turning a key in a keyhole from the outside.
country, districts beyond the line of settlements in Australia;
Outside of, outside: (coll.) besides.
—Get outside
of (vulgar), to comprehend: to eat or drink.
Outsight, owt′sīt, n. power of seeing
things, outlook.
—Outsight plenishing (Scot.), outdoor
Outsit, owt-sit′, v.t. to sit beyond the time of.
Outskirt, owt′skėrt, n. the outer skirt: border: suburb—often used in pl.
Outsleep, owt-slēp′ v.t. (Shak.) to sleep longer than.
Outslide, owt-slīd′, v.t. to slide forward.
Outsoar, owt-sōr′, v.t. to soar beyond.
Outsole, owt′sōl, n. the outer sole of a boot or shoe which rests on the ground.
Outspan, owt-span′, v.t. and v.i. to unyoke or unharness draught-oxen, &c., from a vehicle, to encamp—opp. to Inspan.
Outspeak, owt-spēk′, v.t. to say aloud: to
speak more, louder, or longer than.
—v.i. to speak boldly, to
speak up.
—adj. Outspō′ken, frank or bold of speech:
uttered with boldness.
—n. Outspō′kenness.
Outspeckle, owt′spek'l, n. (Scot.) a laughing-stock.
Outspent, owt-spent′, adj. thoroughly tired out.
Outsport, owt-sport′, v.t. (Shak.) to outdo in sporting.
Outspread, owt-spred′, v.t. to spread out or
—adj. Outspread′ing.
Outspring, owt′spring, n. the outcome, result, or issue.
Outstand, owt-stand′, v.t. to resist or withstand:
to stand beyond the proper time.
—v.i. to stand out or
project from a mass: to remain unpaid or unsettled in any
—adj. Outstand′ing,
prominent: uncollected: remaining unpaid.
Outstare, owt′stār, v.t. (Shak.) to stare down or abash with effrontery.
Outstay, owt-stā′, v.t. (Shak.) to stay beyond.
Outstep, owt-step′, v.t. to step beyond, overstep.
Outstretch, owt-strech′, v.t. to spread out, extend.
Outstrike, owt-strīk′, v.t. to exceed in striking, so as to overpower.
Outstrip, owt-strip′, v.t. to outrun: to leave behind: to escape beyond one's reach.
Outsum, owt-sum′, v.t. to outnumber.
Outswear, owt-swār′, v.t. to exceed in swearing.
Outsweeten, owt-swēt′n, v.t. to excel in sweetness.
Outswell, owt-swel′, v.t. (Shak.) to overflow.
Outtalk, owt-tawk′, v.t. to talk down.
Outtongue, owt-tung′, v.t. (Shak.) to bear down by talk or noise.
Outtop, owt-top′, v.t. to reach higher than: to excel.
Out-travel, owt-trav′el, v.t. to surpass in travelling, to go more swiftly than.
Outvalue, owt-val′ū, v.t. to exceed in value.
Outvenom, owt-ven′um, v.t. (Shak.) to exceed in poison.
Outvie, owt-vī′, v.t. to go beyond in vying with: to exceed: to surpass.
Outvillain, owt-vil′ān, v.t. (Shak.) to exceed in villainy.
Outvoice, owt-vois′, v.t. (Shak.) to exceed in clamour or noise: to drown the voice of.
Outvote, owt-vōt′, v.t. to defeat by a greater number of votes.
Outwalk, owt-wawk′, v.t. to walk farther, longer, or faster than.
Outwall, owt′wawl, n. the outside wall of a building: (Shak.) external appearance.
Outward, owt′ward, adj. toward the outside:
external: exterior: not inherent, adventitious: (theol.) worldly,
carnal—opp. to Inward or spiritual: (B.)
—adv. toward the exterior: away from port: to a
foreign port: superficially—also Out′wards.
—n. Out′ward (Shak.), external form: the
—adj. Out′ward-bound, bound outwards or to a
foreign port.
—adv. Out′wardly, in an outward manner: externally:
in appearance.
—n. Out′wardness.
—adj. Out′ward-saint′ed, appearing outwardly
to be a saint.
Outward, owt-wawrd′, n. a ward in a detached building connected with a hospital.
Outwatch, owt-wawch′, v.t. to watch longer than.
Outwear, owt-wār′, v.t. to wear out: to spend tediously: to last longer than: to consume.
Outweary, owt-wē′ri, v.t. to weary out completely.
Outweed, owt-wēd′, v.t. (Spens.) to root out.
Outweigh, owt-wā′, v.t. to exceed in weight or importance: to overtask.
Outwell, owt-wel′, v.t. and v.i. to pour or well out.
Outwent, owt-went′, v.t. went faster than, outstripped.
Outwin, owt-win′, v.t. (Spens.) to get out of.
Outwind, owt-wīnd′, v.t. to extricate by winding, to unloose.
Outwing, owt-wing′, v.t. to outstrip in flying: to outflank.
Outwit, owt-wit′, v.t. to surpass in wit or ingenuity: to defeat by superior ingenuity:—pr.p. outwit′ting; pa.t. and pa.p. outwit′ted.
Outwith, owt′with, prep. (Scot.), without, outside of.
Outwork, owt′wurk, n. a work outside the principal
wall or line of fortification: work done in the fields, out of doors, as
distinguished from indoor work.
—v.t. Outwork′ (Shak.), to surpass in work
or labour: to work out or bring to an end: to finish.
Out′worker, one who works out of
doors, or who takes away work to do at home.
Outworth, owt-wurth′, v.t. (Shak.) to exceed in value.
Outwrest, owt-rest′, v.t. (Spens.) to extort by violence.
Ouvrage, ōōv′razh, n.
—ns. (masc.) Ouvrier (ōōv′ri-ā), (fem.)
Ouvrière (ōōv′ri-ār), a working man or
—adj. working. [Fr.]
Ouzel, ōō′zl, n. a kind of thrush—also Ou′sel. [A.S. ósle; cog. with Ger. amsel.]
Oval, ō′val, adj. having the shape of an
—n. anything oval, a plot of ground, &c.: an
—adv. O′vally.
[Fr. ovale—L. ovum, an egg.]
Ovary, ō′var-i, n. the part of the female
animal in which the egg of the offspring is formed, the female genital
gland: (bot.) the part of the pistil which contains the
— O′va,
—adjs. Ovā′rial, Ovā′rian, of or pertaining to the
—ns. Ovā′riōle; Ovariot′omist; Ovariot′omy (surg.), the removal of a
diseased tumour from the ovary.
—adj. Ovā′rious, consisting of
—n. Ovarī′tis, inflammation of the ovary.
[Low L. ovaria.]
Ovate, ō′vāt, n. an Eisteddfodic graduate who is neither a bard nor a druid. [W. ofydd, a philosopher.]
Ovate, -d, ō′vāt, -ed, adj. egg-shaped.
Ovation, ō-vā′shun, n. an outburst of popular applause, an enthusiastic reception: in ancient Rome, a lesser triumph. [Fr.,—L.,—ovāre, -ātum, to shout.]
Oven, uv′n, n. an arched cavity over a fire for
baking, heating, or drying: any apparatus used as an
—ns. Ov′en-bird, a
South American tree-creeper which builds an oven-shaped nest; Ov′en-tit, the willow-warbler; Ov′en-wood, brushwood.
oven, a baking-pot, heated by heaping coals round it. [A.S.
ofen; Ger. ofen.]
Over, ō′vėr, prep. higher than in
place, rank, value, &c.: across: on the surface of: upon the whole
surface of: through: concerning: on account of: longer
—adv. on the top: above: across: from one side, person,
&c. to another: above in measure: too much: in excess: left
remaining: at an end: completely.
—adj. upper or superior
(often used as a prefix, as in overcoat, overlord,
&c.): beyond: past.
—n. the number of balls delivered at
cricket between successive changes of bowlers: an excess,
—v.t. to go, leap, or vault over.
to go over.
—Over again, afresh, anew; Over against,
opposite; Over and above, in addition to: besides; Over and
over, several times: repeatedly; Over head and ears, beyond
one's depth: completely; Over seas, to foreign lands.
over, completely: at an end. [A.S. ofer; Ger. über, L.
super, Gr. huper.]
Overact, ō-vėr-akt′, v.t. to act
overmuch, to overdo any part.
—v.i. to act more than
Over-all, ō′vėr-awl, adv.
(Spens.) everywhere, all over.
— O′veralls, loose trousers of canvas, &c.,
worn over the others to keep them sound or clean, waterproof
Over-anxious, ō-vėr-angk′shus, adj.
anxious beyond what is right or reasonable.
—n. Over-anxī′ety.
Overarch, ō-vėr-ärch′, v.t. to arch
—v.i. to hang over like an arch.
Overawe, ō-vėr-aw′, v.t. to restrain by fear or by superior influence.
Overbalance, ō-vėr-bal′ans, v.t. to
exceed in weight, value, or importance: to cause to lose (one's)
—n. excess of weight or value.
Overbattle, ō-vėr-bat′tl, adj. (obs.) too fertile.
Overbear, ō-vėr-bār′, v.t. to
bear down or overpower: to overwhelm.
—adj. Overbear′ing, inclined to domineer, esp. in
manner or conduct: haughty and dogmatical: imperious.
Overbid, ō-vėr-bid′, v.t. to offer a
price greater than.
—v.i. offer more than the value of.
Overblow, ō-vėr-blō′, v.i. to
blow over or to be past its violence: to blow with too much
—v.t. to blow away: to blow
—adj. Overblown′, blown over or past, at an end:
burnt by an excessive blast, in the Bessemer steel process.
Overblow, ō-vėr-blō′, v.t. to
cover with blossoms or flowers.
—adj. Overblown′, past the time of flower,
Overboard, ō′vėr-bōrd, adv. over
the board or side: from on board: out of a ship.
overboard, deserted, discarded, betrayed.
Overbody, ō-vėr-bod′i, v.t. to give too much body to.
Overboil, ō′vėr-boil′, v.i. and v.t. to boil excessively.
Overbold, ō-vėr-bōld′, adj.
(Shak.) excessively bold: impudent.
—adv. Overbold′ly.
Overbridge, ō′vėr-brij, n. a bridge over a road.
Overbrim, ō-vėr-brim′, v.t. to fill to
—v.i. to be so full as to
—adj. Overbrimmed′, having too large a brim.
Overbrood, ō-vėr-brōōd′, v.t. to brood over.
Overbrow, ō-vėr-brow′, v.t. to overhang like a projecting brow.
Overbuild, ō-vėr-bild′, v.t. to build
over: to build more than is needed.
—v.i. to build beyond
one's means.
Overbulk, ō-vėr-bulk′, v.t. (Shak.) to oppress by bulk.
Overburden, ō-vėr-bur′dn, v.t. to
burden overmuch.
—n. alluvial soil overlying a bed of
Overburn, ō-vėr-burn′, v.t. to burn
too much.
—v.i. to be too zealous.
Overbusy, ō-vėr-biz′i, adj. too busy, over-officious.
Overbuy, ō-vėr-bī′, v.t. to buy at too dear a rate: to buy more than is needed.
Overby, ō-vėr-bī′, adv. a little way over—(Scot.) Owerby′, O'erby′.
Overcanopy, ō-vėr-kan′o-pi, v.t. (Shak.) to cover as with a canopy.
Overcareful, ō-vėr-kār′fool, adj. careful to excess.
Overcarry, ō-vėr-kar′i, v.t. to carry
too far, to go beyond.
—v.i. to go to excess.
Overcast, ō-vėr-kast′, v.t. to cast
over: to cloud: to cover with gloom: to sew over or stitch the edges (of
a piece of cloth) slightly.
—v.i. to grow dull or
—n. Overcast′ing, the action of the verb
overcast: in bookbinding, a method of oversewing single leaves in
hem-stitch style to give the pliability of folded double leaves.
Overcatch, ō-vėr-kach′, v.t. (Spens.) to overtake.
Overcharge, ō-vėr-chärj′, v.t. to load
with too great a charge: to charge too great a price.
O′vercharge, an excessive load or
burden: too great a charge, as of gunpowder or of price.
Overcheck, ō-vėr-chek′, n. a check-rein passing over a horse's head between the ears.
Overcloud, ō-vėr-klowd′, v.t. to cover over with clouds: to cause gloom or sorrow to.
Overcloy, ō-vėr-kloi′, v.t. (Shak.) to fill beyond satiety.
Overcoat, ō′vėr-kōt, n. an
outdoor coat worn over all the other dress, a top-coat.
O′vercoating, cloth from which such
is made.
Overcold, ō′vėr-kōld, adj. too cold.
Overcolour, ō-vėr-kul′ur, v.t. to colour to excess, to exaggerate.
Overcome, ō-vėr-kum′, v.t. to get the
better of: to conquer or subdue: (obs.) to spread over,
—v.i. to be victorious.
Over-confident, ō-vėr-kon′fi-dent,
adj. too confident.
—n. Over-con′fidence.
—adv. Over-con′fidently.
Overcount, ō-vėr-kownt′, v.t. to outnumber.
Overcover, ō-vėr-kuv′ėr, v.t. to cover completely.
Overcredulous, ō-vėr-kred′ū-lus, adj. too easily persuaded to believe.
Overcrow, ō-vėr-krō′, v.t. to crow over, insult.
Overcrowd, ō-vėr-krowd′, v.t. to fill or crowd to excess.
Overdaring, ō-vėr-dār′ing, adj. foolhardy.
Overdate, ō′vėr-dāt, v.t. to post-date.
Over-develop, ō-vėr-de-vel′op, v.t. in
photography, to develop a plate too much, as by too long a process or by
too strong a developer.
—n. Over-devel′opment.
Overdight, ō-vėr-dīt′, adj. (Spens.) dight or covered over: overspread.
Overdo, ō-vėr-dōō′, v.t.
to do overmuch: to carry too far: to harass, to fatigue: to cook too
much: to excel.
—n. Overdo′er.
—adj. Overdone′, overacted: fatigued: cooked too
Overdose, ō-vėr-dōs′, v.t. to
dose overmuch.
—n. an excessive dose.
Overdraw, ō-vėr-draw′, v.t. to draw
overmuch: to draw beyond one's credit: to exaggerate.
O′verdraft, the act of overdrawing,
the amount by which the cheque, &c., exceeds the sum against which it
is drawn: a current of air passing over, not through, the ignited fuel in
a furnace: an arrangement of flues by which the kiln is heated from the
top toward the bottom—also O′verdraught.
Overdress, ō-vėr-dres′, v.t. to dress
too ostentatiously.
—n. O′verdress, any garment worn over
Overdrive, ō-vėr-drīv′, v.t. to drive too hard.
Overdrop, ō-vėr-drop′, v.t. to drop over: to overhang.
Overdue, ō-vėr-dū′, adj. due beyond the time: unpaid at the right time.
Overdye, ō-vėr-dī′, v.t. to dye too deeply.
Overearnest, ō′vėr-ėr′nest, adj. too earnest.
Overeat, ō-vėr-ēt′, v.t. to surfeit with eating (generally reflexive): (Shak.) to eat over again.
Overentreat, ō-vėr-en-trēt′, v.t. to entreat to excess.
Overestimate, ō-vėr-es′tim-āt,
v.t. to estimate too highly.
—n. an excessive
—n. Overestimā′tion.
Overexcite, ō′vėr-ek-sīt′,
v.t. to excite unduly.
—n. Overexcite′ment.
Over-exertion, ō′vėr-eg-zėr′shun, n. too great exertion.
ō′vėr-eks-pō′zhūr, n.
excessive exposure: (photography) the exposure to light for too
long a time of the sensitive plate.
—v.t. Over-expose′.
Over-exquisite, ō′vėr-eks′kwi-zit, adj. excessively exquisite: over exact or nice: too careful.
Overeye, ō-vēr-ī′, v.t. (Shak.) to overlook or superintend: (Shak.) to observe or remark.
Overfall, ō′vėr-fawl, n. a rippling or race in the sea, where, by the peculiarities of bottom, the water is propelled with immense force, esp. when the wind and tide, or current, set strongly together.
Overfar, ō-vėr-fär′, adv. (Shak.) to too great an extent.
Overfast, ō-vėr-fast′, adj. too fast: at too great speed.
Overfeed, ō-vėr-fēd′, v.t. and v.i. to feed to excess.
Overfill, ō-vėr-fil′, v.t. to fill to excess.
Overfineness, ō′vėr-fīn′nes, n. excessive fineness.
Overfired, ō-vėr-fīrd′, adj. overheated in firing.
Overfish, ō-vėr-fish′, v.t. to fish to excess: to diminish unduly the stock of fish.
Overflourish, ō′vėr-flur′ish, v.t. to make excessive flourish of: to decorate superficially.
Overflow, ō-vėr-flō′, v.t. to
flow over: to flood: to overwhelm: to cover, as with
—v.i. to run over: to abound.
O′verflow, a flowing over: that
which flows over: a pipe or channel for spare water, &c.: an
inundation: superabundance: abundance: copiousness.
flowing over: over full: abundant.
—adj. Overflow′ing, exuberant, very
—adv. Overflow′ingly.
meeting, a supplementary meeting of those unable to find room in the
main meeting.
Overfly, ō′vėr-flī′, v.t. to soar beyond.
Overfold, ō′vėr-fōld, n. (geol.) a reflexed or inverted fold in strata.
Overfond, ō-vėr-fond′, adj. fond to
—adv. Overfond′ly.
Overforward, ō-vėr-for′wärd, adj. too
forward or officious.
—n. Overfor′wardness.
Overfreight, ō-vėr-frāt′, v.t. to overload.
Overfull, ō-vėr-fool′, adj.
(Shak.) too full.
—n. Overfull′ness.
Overgaze, ō-vėr-gāz′, v.t. to gaze or look over.
Overget, ō-vėr-get′, v.t. (obs.) to reach, overtake: to get over.
Overgive, ō-vėr-giv′, v.t.
(Spens.) to give over or surrender.
—v.i. to give too
Overglance, ō-vėr-glans′, v.t. (Shak.) to look hastily over.
Overglaze, ō-vėr-glāz′, v.t. to
glaze over: decorate superficially.
—adj. suitable for
painting on glazed articles.
—n. O′verglaze, an additional glaze given to
porcelain, &c.
Overgloom, ō-vėr-glōōm′, v.t. to cover with gloom.
Overgo, ō-vėr-gō′, v.t. to
exceed: excel: to go over: to cover.
—v.i. to go over: to
pass away.
Overgorge, ō-vėr-gorj′, v.t. (Shak.) to gorge to excess.
Overgrain, ō-vėr-grān′, v.t. and
v.i. to grain over a surface already grained.
Overgrain′er, a long-bristled brush
used in graining wood.
Overgrassed, ō-vėr-grast′, adj. (Spens.) overstocked or overgrown with grass.
Overgreedy, ō-vėr-grēd′i, adj. excessively greedy.
Overgreen, ō-vėr-grēn′, v.t. (Shak.) to cover over so as to hide blemishes.
Overground, ō′vėr-grownd, adj. being above ground.
Overgrow, ō-vėr-grō′, v.t. to
grow beyond: to rise above: to cover with growth.
—v.i. to
grow beyond the proper size.
—adj. Overgrown′, grown beyond the natural
—n. O′vergrowth.
Overhail, ō-vėr-hāl′, v.t. Same as Overhaul.
Overhair, ō′vėr-hār, n. the long hair overlying the fur of many animals.
Overhand, ō′vėr-hand, adj. having the
hand raised above the elbow or over the ball at cricket (also O′verhanded): above the shoulder at baseball:
(min.) done from below upward.
—adv. with the hand
over the object.
—v.t. to sew over and over.
Overhandle, ō-vėr-han′dl, v.t. (Shak.) to handle or mention too often.
Overhang, ō-vėr-hang′, v.t. to hang
over: to project over: to impend: to overlade with
—v.i. to hang over.
—n. O′verhang, a projecting part, the degree of
projection, of roofs, &c.
—adj. Overhung′, covered over, adorned with
Overhappy, ō-vėr-hap′i, adj. excessively or too happy.
Overhasty, ō-vėr-hās′ti, adj.
too hasty or rash.
—adv. Overhas′tily.
—n. Overhas′tiness.
Overhaul, ō-vėr-hawl′, v.t. to haul or
draw over: to turn over for examination: to examine: to re-examine:
(naut.) to overtake in a chase.
—n. O′verhaul, a hauling over: examination:
—Overhaul a ship, to overtake a ship: to search her
for contraband goods.
Overhead, ō′vėr-hed, adv. over the
head: aloft: in the zenith: per head.
—adj. situated
Overhear, ō-vėr-hēr′, v.t. to hear what was not intended to be heard: to hear by accident: (Shak.) to hear over again.
Overheat, ō-vėr-hēt′, v.t. to
heat to excess.
—n. O′verheat, extreme heat.
Overhend, ō-vėr-hend′, v.t. (Spens.) to overtake.
Overhold, ō-vėr-hōld′, v.t. (Shak.) to overvalue.
Overhours, ō′vėr-owrz, time beyond the regular number of hours: overtime in labour.
Overhouse, ō′vėr-hows, adj. stretched along the roofs, rather than on poles or underground.
Overinform, ō-vėr-in-form′, v.t. to animate too much.
Overissue, ō-vėr-ish′ū, v.t. to
issue in excess, as bank-notes or bills of exchange.
O′verissue, any excessive issue.
Overjoy, ō-vėr-joi′, v.t. to fill with
great joy: to transport with delight or gladness.
O′verjoy, joy to excess:
Overjump, ō-vėr-jump′, v.t. to jump beyond: to pass by: neglect.
Overkind, ō-vėr-kīnd′, adj.
excessively kind.
—n. Overkind′ness.
Overking, ō′vėr-king, n. a king holding sway over inferior kings or princes.
Overknee, ō′vėr-nē, adj. reaching above the knee, as waders, &c.
Overlabour, ō-vėr-lā′bur, v.t. to labour excessively over: to be too nice with: to overwork.
Overlade, ō-vėr-lād′, v.t. to load with too great a burden.
Overlaid, ō-vėr-lād′, adj. (her.) lapping over.
Overland, ō′vėr-land, adj. passing entirely or principally by land, as a route, esp. that from England to India by the Suez Canal, rather than by the Cape of Good Hope.
Overlap, ō-vėr-lap′, v.t. to lap over:
to lay so that the edge of one rests on that of another.
O′verlap (geol.), a
disposition of strata where the upper beds extend beyond the bottom beds
of the same series.
Overlaunch, ō-vėr-lawnsh′, v.t. to unite timbers by long splices or scarfs.
Overlay, ō-vėr-lā′, v.t. to
spread over or across: to cover completely: to smother by lying on (for
overlie): to use overlays in printing: to cloud: to overwhelm or
oppress: to span by means of a bridge.
—ns. O′verlay, a piece of paper pasted on the
impression-surface of a printing-press, so as to increase the impression
in a place where it is too faint: (Scot.) a cravat; Overlay′ing, a superficial covering: that
which overlays: plating.
Overleaf, ō′vėr-lēf, adv. on the other side of the leaf of a book.
Overleap, ō-vėr-lēp′, v.t. to
leap over: to pass over without notice.
—Overleap one's self,
to make too much effort in leaping: to leap too far.
Overleather, ō′vėr-leth-ėr, n. (Shak.) the upper part of a shoe or boot.
Overleaven, ō-vėr-lev′n, v.t. to leaven too much: to mix too much with.
Overlie, ō-vėr-lī′, v.t. to lie above or upon: to smother by lying on.
Overlive, ō-vėr-liv′, v.t. (B.)
to live longer than: to survive.
—v.i. to live too long: to
live too fast, or so as prematurely to exhaust the fund of life.
Overload, ō-vėr-lōd′, v.t. to
load or fill overmuch.
—n. an excessive load.
Overlock, ō-vėr-lok′, v.t. to make the bolt of a lock go too far.
Overlong, ō-vėr-long′, adj. too long.
Overlook, ō-vėr-look′, v.t. to look
over: to see from a higher position: to view carefully: to neglect by
carelessness or inadvertence: to pass by without punishment: to pardon:
to slight: to bewitch by looking upon with the Evil Eye.
Overlord, ō-vėr-lawrd′, n. a lord over
other lords: a feudal superior.
—n. Overlord′ship.
Overlusty, ō-vėr-lust′i, adj. (Shak.) too lusty.
Overly, ō′vėr-li, adv. (coll.) excessively, too.
Overlying, ō′vėr-lī′ing, adj. lying on the top.
Overman, ō′vėr-man, n. in mining, the person in charge of the work below ground.
Overman, ō-vėr-man′, v.t. to keep more men than necessary on a ship, farm, &c.
Overmantel, ō′vėr-man-tl, n. a frame containing shelves and other decorations, and often a mirror, set on a mantel-shelf.
Overmasted, ō-vėr-mast′ed, adj. furnished with a mast or masts too long or too heavy.
Overmaster, ō-vėr-mas′tėr, v.t. to subdue, to govern: to get and keep in one's power.
Overmatch, ō-vėr-mach′, v.t. to be
more than a match for: to conquer.
—n. O′vermatch, one who is more than a match: one
who cannot be overcome.
Overmeasure, ō′vėr-mezh-ūr, n.
something given over the due measure.
—v.t. to measure too
Overmellow, ō-vėr-mel′lō, adj. (Tenn.) excessively or too mellow.
Overmount, ō-vėr-mownt′, v.t. to
surmount: to go higher than.
—n. O′vermount, a piece of cardboard cut in
proper shape, to prevent the glass of the frame from lying too closely
upon an engraving or a picture.
Overmuch, ō-vėr-much′, adj. and adv. too much.
Overmultitude, ō-vėr-mul′ti-tūd,
v.t. (Milt.) to outnumber.
—v.t. Overmul′tiply, to repeat too
—v.i. to increase to excess.
Overname, ō-vėr-nām′, v.t.
(Shak.) to name over: to name in a series, to
—n. O′vername,
a surname, nickname.
Overneat, ō-vėr-nēt′, adj. unnecessarily neat.
Overnet, ō-vėr-net′, v.t. to cover with a net.
Overnice, ō-vėr-nīs′, adj.
—adv. Overnice′ly.
Overnight, ō′vėr-nīt, n. the
forepart of the evening, esp. that of the day just
—adv. during the night: on the evening of the day just
Overoffice, ō-vėr-of′is, v.t. (Shak.) to lord it over by virtue of an office.
Overpart, ō-vėr-part′ v.t. to assign too difficult a part to.
Overpass, ō-vėr-pas′, v.t. to pass
over: to pass by without notice.
—pa.p. Overpast′ (B.), that has already
Overpay, ō-vėr-pā′, v.t. to pay
too much: to be more than an ample reward for.
—n. Overpay′ment.
Overpeer, ō-vėr-pēr′, v.t. (Shak.) to overlook: to look down on: to hover above.
Overpeople, ō-vėr-pē′pl, v.t. to
fill with too many inhabitants.
—Also Overpop′ulate.
Overperch, ō-vėr-pėrch′, v.t. (Shak.) to perch or fly over.
Overpersuade, ō-vėr-pėr-swād′, v.t. to persuade a person against his inclination.
Overpicture, ō-vėr-pik′tūr, v.t. to exceed the picture of: to exaggerate.
Overplate, ō′vėr-plāt, n. in armour, a large pauldron protecting the shoulder, or a cubitière protecting the elbow.
Overplus, ō′vėr-plus, n. that which is more than enough: surplus.
Overply, ō-vėr-plī′, v.t. to ply to excess.
Overpoise, ō′vėr-poiz, v.t. to
—n. O′verpoise, a weight sufficient to weigh
another down.
Overpost, ō-vėr-post′, v.t. (Shak.) to hasten over quickly.
Overpower, ō-vėr-pow′ėr, v.t. to
have or gain power over: to subdue, defeat: to
—adj. Overpow′ering, excessive in degree or amount:
—adv. Overpow′eringly.
Overpraise, ō-vėr-prāz′, v.t. to
praise too much.
—n. Overprais′ing, excessive praise.
Overpress, ō-vėr-pres′, v.t. to
overwhelm, to crush: to overcome by importunity.
—n. Overpress′ure, excessive pressure.
Overprize, ō-vėr-prīz′, v.t. to value too highly: to surpass in value.
Overproduction, ō′vėr-pro-duk-shun, n. the act of producing a supply of commodities in excess of the demand.
Overproof, ō′vėr-proof, adj. containing more than a certain amount of alcohol, stronger than proof-spirit, the standard by which all mixtures of alcohol and water are judged—containing 57.27 per cent. by volume, and 49.50 per cent. by weight, of alcohol.
Overproud, ō-vėr-prowd′, adj. too proud.
Overpurchase, ō-vėr-pur′chās, n.
a dear bargain.
—v.i. (obs.) to pay too dear a
Overrack, ō-vėr-rak′, v.t. to torture beyond bearing.
Overrake, ō-vėr-rāk′, v.t. to sweep over, as a vessel by a wave.
Overrank, ō-vėr-rangk′, adj. too rank or luxurious.
Overrate, ō-vėr-rāt′, v.t. to
rate or value too high.
—n. O′verrate, an excessive estimate or rate.
Overreach, ō-vėr-rēch′, v.t. to
reach or extend beyond: to cheat or get the better of.
to strike the hindfoot against the forefoot, as a horse.
Overread, ō-vėr-rēd′, v.t.
(Shak.) to read over, to peruse.
—adj. Overread
(ō-vėr-red′), having read too
Over-reckon, ō-vėr-rek′n, v.t. and v.i. to compute too highly.
Overred, ō-vėr-red′, v.t. (Shak.) to smear with a red colour.
Overrefine, ō-vėr-rē-fīn′,
v.i. to refine too much.
—n. Overrefine′ment, any over subtle or affected
Overrent, ō-vėr-rent′, v.i. to exact too high a rent.
Override, ō-vėr-rīd′, v.t. to
ride too much: to pass on horseback: to trample down or set
—Override one's commission, to act with too high a
hand: to stretch one's authority too far.
Overripen, ō-vėr-rīp′n, v.t.
(Shak.) to make too ripe.
—adj. Overripe′, too ripe, more than ripe.
Overroast, ō-vēr-rōst′, v.t. to roast too much.
Overrule, ō-vėr-rōōl′,
v.t. to rule over: to influence or to set aside by greater power:
(law) to reject or declare to be invalid.
—v.i. to
—n. Overrul′er.
—adv. Overrul′ingly.
Overrun, ō-vėr-run′, v.t. to run or
spread over: to grow over: to spread over and take possession of: to
crush down: (B.) to run faster than: to pass in running: to extend
composed types beyond their first limit.
—v.i. to run over:
to extend beyond the right length, as a line or page in
—n. Overrun′ner, one that overruns.
Overscore, ō-vėr-skōr′, v.t. to score or draw lines over anything: to erase by this means.
Overscrupulous, ō-vėr-skroop′ū-lus,
adj. scrupulous to excess.
—n. Overscrup′ulousness.
Overscutched, ō-vėr-skucht′, adj. (Shak.) over switched or whipped, or more probably worn out in the service.
Oversea, ō′vėr-sē, adj. foreign,
from beyond the sea.
—adv. to a place beyond the sea,
—Also O′verseas.
Overseam, ō′vėr-sēm, n. a seam
in which the thread is at each stitch passed over the edges sewn
—n. O′verseaming, the foregoing kind of
Oversee, ō-vėr-sē′, v.t. to see
or look over, to superintend.
—n. Oversē′er, one who oversees: a
superintendent: an officer who has the care of the poor, and other
duties, such as making out lists of voters, of persons who have not paid
rates, &c.: one who manages a plantation of slaves: (obs.) a
—Overseers of the poor, officers in England who
manage the poor-rate.
—Be overseen (obs.), to be
deceived: to be fuddled.
Oversell, ō-vėr-sel′, v.t. and v.i. to sell too dear: to sell more than exists, of stock, &c.
Overset, ō-vėr-set′, v.t. to set or
turn over: to upset: to overthrow.
—v.i. to turn or be turned
Overshade, ō-vėr-shād′, v.t. to throw a shade over.
Overshadow, ō-vėr-shad′ō, v.t. to throw a shadow over: to shelter or protect.
Overshine, ō-vėr-shīn′, v.t. (Shak.) to shine upon, illumine: to outshine.
Overshoe, ō′vėr-shōō, n. a shoe, esp. of waterproof, worn over another.
Overshoot, ō-vėr-shōōt′,
v.t. to shoot over or beyond, as a mark: to pass swiftly
—v.i. to shoot or fly beyond the
—adj. O′vershot,
having the water falling on it from above, as a water-wheel: surpassed:
—Overshoot one's self, to venture too far, to
overreach one's self.
Overside, ō-vėr-sīd′, adj.
acting over the side.
—adv. over the side.
Oversight, ō′vėr-sīt, n. a failing to notice: mistake: omission: (orig.) superintendence.
Oversize, ō-vėr-sīz′, v.t. (Shak.) to cover with any gluey matter: to plaster over.
Overskip, ō-vėr-skip′, v.t. to skip, leap, or pass over: (Shak.) to fail to see or find: to escape.
Overslaugh, ō-vėr-slaw′, v.t. (U.S.) to pass over in favour of another: to supersede: to hinder: to oppress. [Dut. overslaan (cf. Ger. überschlagen), to skip over.]
Oversleep, ō-vėr-slēp′, v.t. and v.i. to sleep beyond one's usual time.
Overslip, ō-vėr-slip′, v.t. to pass without notice.
Oversman, ō′vėrz-man, n. an overseer: (Scot.) an umpire appointed to decide between the differing judgment of two arbiters.
Oversoul, ō′vėr-sōl, n. the divine principle forming the spiritual unity of all being.
Oversow, ō-vėr-sō′, v.t. to sow too much seed on: to sow over.
Overspent, ō-vėr-spent′, adj. excessively fatigued.
Overspread, ō-vėr-spred′, v.t. to
spread over: to scatter over.
—v.i. to be spread over.
Overstain, ō-vėr-stān′, v.t. to besmear the surface of.
Overstand, ō-vėr-stand′, v.t. to stand too strictly on the conditions of.
Overstare, ō-vėr-stār′, v.t. to outstare.
Overstate, ō-vėr-stāt′, to state over
and above: to exaggerate.
—n. Overstate′ment.
Overstay, ō-vėr-stā′, v.t. to stay too long.
Overstep, ō-vėr-step′, v.t. to step beyond: to exceed.
Overstock, ō-vėr-stok′, v.t. to stock
overmuch: to fill too full.
—n. superabundance.
Overstrain, ōvėr-strān′, v.t.
and v.i. to strain or stretch too far.
—n. too great
—adj. Overstrained′, strained to excess:
Overstream, ō-vėr-strēm′, v.t. to stream or flow over.
Overstretch, ō-vėr-strech′, v.t. to stretch to excess: to exaggerate.
Overstrew, ō-vėr-strōō′, v.t. to scatter over.
Overstrung, ō-vėr-strung′, adj. too highly strung.
Oversupply, ō′vėr-sup-plī, n. an excessive supply.
Oversway, ō-vėr-swā′, v.t. to overrule, to bear down.
Overswell, ō-vėr-swel′, v.t. (Shak.) to swell or rise above: to overflow.
Overt, ō′vėrt, adj. open to view:
public: apparent.
—adv. O′vertly.
—Overt act, something
actually done in execution of a criminal intent.
overt, open or public market. [Fr. ouvert, pa.p. of
ouvrir, to open; acc. to Diez, from O. Fr. a-ovrir, through
Prov. adubrir, from L. de-operīre, to
uncover—de=un-, and operīre, to cover; acc. to
Littré, from L. operīre, to cover, confounded in meaning
with aperīre, to open.]
Overtake, ō-vėr-tāk′, v.t. to
come up with: to catch: to come upon: to take by
—p.adj. Overtā′ken, fuddled.
Overtask, ō-vėr-task′, v.t. to task overmuch: to impose too heavy a task on.
Overtax, ō-vėr-taks′, v.t. to tax overmuch.
Overtedious, ō-vėr-tē′di-us, adj. (Shak.) too tedious.
Overthrow, ō-vėr-thrō′, v.t. to
throw down: to upset: to bring to an end: to demolish: to defeat
—ns. O′verthrow, act of overthrowing or state of
being overthrown: ruin: defeat: a throwing of a ball beyond the player;
Overthrust, ō′vėr-thrust, adj. (geol.) belonging to earlier strata, pushed by faulting over later and higher strata.
Overthwart, ō-vėr-thwawrt′, v.t. to
lie athwart: to cross.
—adj. opposite, transverse: contrary,
—prep. across, on the other side of.
Overtilt, ō-vėr-tilt′, v.t. to upset.
Overtime, ō′vėr-tīm, n. time employed in working beyond the regular hours.
Overtoil, ō-vėr-toil′, v.i. to overwork one's self.
Overtone, ō′vėr-tōn, n. a harmonic, because heard above its fundamental tone.
Overtop, ō-vėr-top′, v.t. to rise over the top of: to make of less importance: to surpass: to obscure.
Overtower, ō-vėr-tow′er, v.t. to tower
—v.i. to soar too high.
Overtrade, ō-vėr-trād′, v.i. to
trade overmuch or beyond capital: to buy in more than can be sold or paid
—n. Overtrad′ing,
the buying of a greater amount of goods than one can sell or pay for.
Overtrip, ō-vėr-trip′, v.t. to trip nimbly over.
Overture, ō′vėr-tūr, n. a
proposal, an offer for acceptance or rejection: (mus.) a piece
introductory to a greater piece or ballet: a discovery or disclosure: the
method in Presbyterian usage of beginning legislation and maturing
opinion by sending some proposition from the presbyteries to the General
Assembly, and vice versâ, also the proposal so
—v.t. to lay a proposal before. [Fr.]
Overturn, ō-vėr-turn′, v.t. to throw
down or over: to subvert: to conquer: to ruin.
—ns. O′verturn, state of being overturned;
Overvalue, ō-vėr-val′lū, v.t. to
set too high a value on.
—n. Overvaluā′tion, an overestimate.
Overveil, ō-vėr-vāl′, v.t. to veil or cover.
Overview, ō′vėr-vū, n. (Shak.) an inspection.
Overwash, ō′vėr-wawsh, adj. (geol.) carried by glacier-streams over a frontal moraine, or formed of material so carried.
Overwatch, ō-vėr-wawch′, v.t. to watch excessively: to overcome with long want of rest.
Overwear, ō-vėr-wār′, v.t. to
wear out: to outwear, outlive.
—n. O′verwear, clothes for wearing out of
Overweather, ō-vėr-weth′ėr, v.t. (Shak.) to batter by violence of weather.
Overween, ō-vėr-wēn′, v.i.
(Shak.) to think too highly or favourably, esp. of one's
—adj. Overween′ing, thinking too highly of:
conceited, vain.
—n. conceit: presumption.
Overweigh, ō-vėr-wā′, v.t. to be
heavier than: to outweigh.
—n. O′verweight, weight beyond what is required
or what is just.
—v.t. Overweight′, to weigh down: to put too heavy
a burden on.
Overwhelm, ō-vėr-hwelm′, v.t. to
overspread and crush by something heavy or strong: to flow over and bear
down: to overcome.
—p.adj. Overwhel′ming, crushing with weight, &c.:
—adv. Overwhel′mingly.
Overwind, ō-vėr-wīnd′, v.t. to wind too far.
Overwise, ō-vėr-wīz′, adj. wise
overmuch: affectedly wise.
—adv. Overwise′ly.
Overwork, ō-vėr-wurk′, v.t. and
v.i. to work overmuch or beyond the strength: to
—n. O′verwork,
excess of work: excessive labour.
Overworn, ō-vėr-wörn′, adj. worn out: subdued by toil: spoiled by use: worn or rubbed till threadbare.
Overwrest, ō-vėr-rest′, v.t. (Shak.) to wrest or twist from the proper position.
Overwrestle, ō-vėr-res′l, v.t. (Spens.) to overcome by wrestling.
Overwrite, ō-vėr-rīt′, v.t. to cover over with other writing.
Overwrought, ō-vėr-rawt′, pa.p. of Overwork, worked too hard: too highly excited: worked all over: overdone.
Overyear, ō-vėr-yēr′, adj. (prov.) kept over from last year.
Ovidian, ō-vid′i-an, adj. belonging to, or resembling the style of, the Latin poet Ovid (43 B.C.-17 A.D.).
Oviduct, ō′vi-dukt, n. a duct or passage for the egg in animals, from the ovary.
Oviferous, ō-vif′ėr-us, adj.
—n. O′vifer, a small wire cage on a solid base,
for carrying an egg safely. [L. ovum, an egg, ferre, to
Oviform, ō′vi-form, adj. having the form of an oval or egg. [L. ovum, an egg.]
Oviform, ō′vi-form, adj. like a sheep: ovine. [L. ovis, a sheep.]
Ovigerous, ov-ij′ėr-us, adj. egg-bearing. [L. ovum, an egg, gerĕre, to bear.]
Ovine, ō′vīn, adj. pertaining to the
Ovinæ, sheep-like.
—n. Ovinā′tion, inoculation of sheep with
ovine virus against sheep-pox.
Oviparous, ō-vip′a-rus, adj. bringing forth
or laying eggs instead of fully formed young.
— Ovip′ara, animals that lay
—ns. Ovipar′ity,
Ovip′arousness. [L. ovum,
egg, parĕre, to bring forth.]
Ovipositor, ō-vi-poz′i-tor, n. the organ at
the extremity of the abdomen of many insects, by which the eggs are
—v.i. Ovipos′it, to deposit eggs with an
—n. Oviposit′ion. [L. ovum, egg,
positor—ponĕre, to place.]
Ovisac, ōv′i-sak, n. the cavity in the ovary which immediately contains the ovum. [L. ovum, an egg, and sac.]
Ovoid, -al, ō′void, -al, adj. oval:
—n. an egg-shaped body. [L. ovum, egg, Gr.
eidos, form.]
Ovolo, ō′vō-lō, n. (archit.) a moulding with the rounded part composed of a quarter of a circle, or of an arc of an ellipse with the curve greatest at the top. [It.,—L. ovum, an egg.]
Ovoviviparous, ō-vō-vi-vip′ar-us, adj. producing eggs which are hatched in the body of the parent. [L. ovum, an egg, vivus, living, parĕre, to bring forth.]
Ovule, ōv′ūl, n. a little egg: the
seed of a plant in its rudimentary state, growing from the
—adj. Ov′ular.
—ns. Ovulā′tion, the formation of ova, or
the period when this takes place; Ov′ulite, a fossil egg. [Dim. of L.
ovum, an egg.]
Ovum, ō′vum, n. an egg: (biol.) the egg-cell, in all organisms the starting-point of the embryo, development beginning as soon as it is supplemented by the male-cell or spermatozoon:—pl. O′va. [L.]
Owe, ō, v.t. to possess or to be the owner of: to
have what belongs to another: to be bound to pay: to be obliged
—v.i. to be in debt.
—Be owing, to be due or
ascribed (to). [A.S. ágan, pres. indic. áh, pret.
áhte, pa.p. ágen; Ice. eiga, Old High Ger.
eigan, to possess.]
Owelty, ō′el-ti, n. equality. [O. Fr. oelte.]
Owenite, ō′en-īt, n. a disciple of Robert Owen (1771-1858), a social reformer, who proposed to establish society on a basis of socialistic co-operation.
Ower, ow′ėr (Scot. for
—ns. Ow′ercome, Ow′erword, the refrain of a song.
Owing, ō′ing, adj. due: that has to be paid (to): happening as a consequence of: imputable to.
Owl, owl, n. a carnivorous bird that seeks its food by
night, noted for its howling or hooting noise.
—v.i. to
smuggle contraband goods.
—ns. Owl′ery, an abode of owls: (Carlyle)
an owl-like character; Owl′et, a
little or young owl.
—adj. Owl′-eyed, having blinking eyes like an
—n. Owl′-glass, a
malicious figure in a popular German tale, translated into English about
the end of the 16th century—the German Tyll
Eulenspiegel—also Owle′glass, Howle′glass, Owl′spiegle.
—adj. Owl′ish, like an owl: stupid:
—n. Owl′ishness. [A.S. úle; Ger.
eule, L. ulula; imit.]
Own, ōn, v.t. to grant: to allow to be true: concede: acknowledge. [A.S. unnan, to grant; Ger. gönnen, to grant.]
Own, ōn, v.t. to possess: to be the rightful owner of. [A.S. ágnian, with addition of casual suffix—ágen, one's own; cf. Own (adj.).]
Own, ōn, adj. possessed: belonging to one's self
and to no other: peculiar.
—ns. Own′er, one who owns or possesses; Own′ership, state of being an owner: right of
possession. [A.S. ágen, pa.p. of ágan, to possess. Cf.
Owre, owr, n. (Spens.). Same as Aurochs. [A.S. úr.]
Owsen, ow′sen, a dialectic form of oxen.
Ox, oks, n. a well-known animal that chews the cud, the
female of which supplies the chief part of the milk used as human food:
the male of the cow, esp. when castrated:—pl. Ox′en, used for both male and
—ns. Ox′-bot,
Ox′-war′bler, a bot-fly or its
larva, found under the skin of cattle; Ox′eye, a common plant in meadows, with a
flower like the eye of an ox.
—adj. Ox′-eyed, having large, full, ox-like
—ns. Ox′-goad (see
Goad); Ox′-peck′er,
Ox′-bird, an African bird, which
eats the parasites infesting the skins of cattle—also
Beefeater; Ox′-tail-soup, a
kind of soup made of several ingredients, one of which is an oxtail cut
in joints.
—Have the black ox tread on one's foot, to
experience sorrow or misfortune. [A.S. oxa, pl. oxan; Ice.
uxi; Ger. ochs, Goth. auhsa, Sans.
Oxalate, oks′a-lāt, n. a salt formed by a
combination of oxalic acid with a base.
—n. Ox′alite, a yellow mineral composed of
oxalate of iron.
Oxalis, oks′a-lis, n. wood-sorrel: (bot.) a
genus of plants having an acid taste.
—adj. Oxal′ic, pertaining to or obtained from
sorrel. [Gr.,—oxys, acid.]
Oxford clay, oks′ford klā, n. (geol.)
the principal member of the Middle Oolite series.
movement (see Tractarianism).
Oxgang, oks′gang, n. as much land as can be tilled by the use of an ox (averaging about 15 acres)—called also Ox′land or Ox′gate.
Ox-head, oks′-hed, n. (Shak.) blockhead, dolt.
Oxide, oks′īd, n. a compound of oxygen and
some other element or organic radical. Oxides are of three
kinds—acid-forming, basic, and
—n. Oxidabil′ity.
—adj. Ox′idable, capable of being converted into an
—v.t. Ox′idate
(same as Oxidise).
—ns. Oxidā′tion, Oxidise′ment, act or process of oxidising;
Ox′idātor, a contrivance for
drawing a current of air to the flame of a lamp.
Oxidis′able, capable of being
—v.t. Ox′idise, to convert into an
—v.i. to become an oxide.
—n. Oxidis′er.
Oxlip, oks′lip, n. a species of primrose, having its flowers in an umbel on a stalk like the cowslip.
Oxonian, oks-ō′ni-an, adj. of or pertaining
to Oxford or to its university.
—n. an inhabitant or a
native of Oxford: a student or graduate of Oxford.
Oxter, oks′tėr, n. (Scot.) the
—v.t. to hug with the arms: to support by taking the
Oxygen, oks′i-jen, n. a gas without taste, colour,
or smell, forming part of the air, water, &c., and supporting life
and combustion.
—n. Oxychlō′ride, a chemical compound
containing both chlorine and oxygen in combination with some other
—v.t. Ox′ygenāte, to unite, or cause to
unite, with oxygen.
—n. Oxygenā′tion, act of
—v.t. Ox′ygenise (same as
—adj. Oxyg′enous, pertaining to, or obtained from,
—adj. Oxyhy′drogen, pertaining to a mixture of
oxygen and hydrogen, as in a form of blowpipe in which jets of either
ignite as they issue from separate reservoirs. [Gr. oxys, sharp,
gen, the root of gennaein, to generate.]
Oxymel, oks′i-mel, n. a mixture of vinegar and honey. [Gr. oxys, sour, meli, honey.]
Oxymoron, ok-si-mō′ron, n. a figure of speech, by means of which two ideas of opposite meaning are combined, so as to form an expressive phrase or epithet, as cruel kindness, falsely true, &c. [Gr.,—oxys, sharp, mōros, foolish.]
Oxyopia, ok-si-ō′pi-a, n. unusual keenness of sight. [Gr.,—oxys, sharp, ōps, the eye.]
Oxyrhynchus, ok-si-ring′kus, n. an Egyptian fish, formerly sacred to the goddess Hathor, and represented on coins and sculptures. [Gr.,—oxys, sharp, rhyngchos, a snout.]
Oxytone, oks′i-tōn, adj. having an acute
sound: having the acute accent on the last syllable.
—n. a
word so accented. [Gr. oxys, sharp, tonos, tone.]
Oyer, ō′yėr, n. a hearing in a
law-court, an assize.
—Oyer and terminer, a royal commission
conferring upon a judge or judges the power to hear and determine
criminal causes pending in a particular county. [Norm. Fr. oyer
(Fr. ouir)—L. audīre, to hear.]
Oyez, Oyes, ō′yes, interj. the call of a public crier, or officer of a law-court, for attention before making a proclamation. [Norm. Fr., 2d pers. pl. imper. of oyer.]
Oyster, ois′tėr, n. a well-known bivalve
shellfish, used as food.
—ns. Oys′ter-bank, -bed, -farm,
-field, -park, a place where oysters breed or are bred;
Oys′ter-catch′er, the sea
pie—a sea wading bird of the family Hæmatopodidæ, having dark
plumage and red bill and feet; Oys′ter-fish′ery, the business of
catching oysters; Oys′ter-knife, a
knife for opening oysters.
— Oys′ter-pat′ties, small pies or pasties
made from oysters.
—n. Oys′ter-shell, the shell of an
— Oys′ter-tongs, a tool used to dredge up
oysters in deep water.
—ns. Oys′ter-wench, -wife, -wom′an, a woman who vends oysters. [O. Fr.
oistre (Fr. huître)—L. ostrea—Gr.
ostreon, an oyster—osteon, a bone.]
Ozocerite, ō-zō-sē′rīt, n.
a waxy-like substance, having a weak bituminous odour, found in Moldavia
and elsewhere, and used for making candles.
—Also Ozokē′rite. [Gr. ozein, to
smell, keros, wax.]
Ozœna, ō-zē′na, n. a term applied to any one of various diseased conditions of the nose accompanied by fetid discharge. [Gr. ozein, to smell.]
Ozone, ō′zōn, n. name given to a
supposed allotropic form of oxygen, when affected by electric discharges,
marked by a peculiar smell.
—ns. Ozonā′tion; Ozonisā′tion; Ozonom′eter.
—adj. Ozonomet′ric.
—ns. Ozonom′etry; Ozō′noscope.
Ozonoscop′ic; O′zonous. [Gr. ozein, to smell.]
Ozostomia, ō-zo-stō′mi-a, n. foul breath due to morbid causes. [Gr. ozein, to smell, stoma, the mouth.]
the sixteenth letter of our alphabet, its sound the sharp labial mute,
interchanging with other labials, esp. with b, the flat labial
mute: P=400; (P)=400,000: the
chemical symbol for phosphorus: (math.) the Greek Π=a continued product, while small π denotes the ratio of the circumference to the
—Mind one's p's and q's (see Mind).
Pa, pä, n. papa, a child's name for father.
Pabouche, pa-bōōsh′, n. a
—Also Baboosh.
Pabulum, pab′ū-lum, n. food of any kind,
especially that of animals and plants: provender: fuel: nourishment for
the mind.
—adjs. Pab′ular, Pab′ulous, of or pertaining to food: fit for
food: affording food. [L.,—pascĕre, to feed.]
Paca, pak′a, n. the spotted cavy of South America. [Sp. and Port., the spotted cavy—Braz. pak, paq.]
Pacable, pā′ka-bl, adj. that may be calmed
or quieted: willing to forgive.
—adj. Pacā′ted.
—n. Pacā′tion. [L. pacāre, to
make at peace—pax, peace.]
Pace, pās, n. a stride: the space between the feet
in walking, 30 inches, a step: gait: rate of walking (of a man or beast):
rate of speed in movement or work, often applied to fast living: mode of
stepping in horses in which the legs on the same side are lifted
together: amble: (obs.) a passage.
—v.t. to measure by
steps: to cause to progress: to train in walking or
—v.i. to walk: to walk slowly: to
—adj. Paced, having a certain pace or
—ns. Pace′-mak′er, one who sets the pace, as
in a race; Pac′er, one who paces: a
horse whose usual gait is a pace.
—Keep, or Hold,
pace with, to go as fast as: to keep up with. [Fr.
pas—L. passus, a step—pandĕre,
passum, to stretch.]
Pace, pā′sē, prep. with or by the leave of (expressing disagreement courteously). [L., abl. of pax, peace.]
Pacha, Pachalic. See Pasha, Pashalic.
Pachy-, pak′i-, thick, in combination, as adjs.
Pachydac′tyl, -ous, having thick digits; Pach′yderm, thick-skinned—n. one
of an order of non-ruminant, hoofed mammals, thick-skinned, as the
elephant:—pl. Pach′yderms, or Pachyder′mata.
—adj. Pachyder′matous, thick-skinned: insensible to
—n. Pachyder′mia, a form of elephantiasis in
which the skin becomes thick and warty.
—adj. Pachyder′moid.
—ns. Pachyē′mia, a thickening of the
blood—also Pachyæ′mia;
Pachy′ma, a genus of fungi
consisting of tuber-like growths, some of which are now referred to the
genus Polyporus—also Tuckahoe, Tuckahoe
truffle, or Indian bread; Pachymē′nia, a thickening of the
—adj. Pachymē′nic.
—n. Pachym′eter, an instrument for measuring
small thicknesses, as of paper.
—adjs. Pach′yodont, with thick teeth; Pach′yote, with thick ears, as a
bat—also n.; Pach′ypod,
having thick feet; Pachyp′terous,
having thick wings or fins.
—ns. Pachythē′rium, a South American fossil
genus of gigantic edentate mammals; Pachyt′ylus, a genus of locusts, embracing
the dreaded Migratory Locust (Pachytylus migratorius). [Gr.
pachys, thick.]
Pacify, pas′i-fī, v.t. to make peaceful: to
appease: to bring back peace to: to calm; to soothe.
Pac′ifiable, that may be pacified;
Pacif′ic, peacemaking: appeasing:
peaceful: mild: tranquil.
—n. the ocean between Asia and
America, so called by its discoverer Magellan because he sailed
peacefully over it after weathering Cape Horn.
—adj. Pacif′ical, pacific (obs. except in phrase
Letters pacifical, letters recommending the bearer as one in peace
and fellowship with the church—also Letters of peace,
—adv. Pacif′ically.
—v.t. Pacif′icāte, to give peace
—ns. Pacificā′tion, the act of making peace,
esp. between parties at variance; Pacif′icātor, Pac′ifier, a peacemaker.
Pacif′icātory, tending to make
peace. [Fr. pacifier—L.
pacificāre—pax, pacis, peace,
facĕre, to make.]
Pack, pak, n. a bundle made to be carried on the back: a
collection, stock, or store: a bundle of some particular kind or
quantity, as of wool, 480 or 240 lb.: the quantity of fish packed: a
complete set of cards: a number of animals herding together or kept
together for hunting: a number of persons combined for bad purposes: any
great number: a large extent of floating and broken ice: a wet sheet for
folding round the body to allay inflammation, fever,
—v.t. to press together and fasten up: to place in
order: to crowd: to assort, bring together, select, or manipulate
persons, cards, &c. for some unjust object: to send away, as from
one's presence or employment: to surround a joint, &c., with any
substance to prevent leaking, &c.
—v.i. to store things
away anywhere for safe keeping, &c.: to settle into a firm mass: to
admit of being put into compact shape: to depart in
—ns. Pack′age,
the act of packing, also something packed: a bundle or bale: a charge
made for packing; Pack′-an′imal, a beast of burden used
to carry goods on its back; Pack′-cinch (-sinsh), a wide girth of canvas,
&c., having a hook and ring attached for adjusting the load of a
pack-animal; Pack′-cloth, a cloth in
which goods are tied up: packsheet; Pack′er, one who packs: one who cures and
packs provisions: any device to fill the space between the tubing and the
sides of an oil-well, &c.; Pack′et, a small package: a ship or vessel
employed in carrying packets of letters, passengers, &c.: a vessel
plying regularly between one port and another (also Pack′et-boat, Pack′et-ship, &c.).
—v.t. to
bind in a packet or parcel: to send in a packet.
Pack′et-day, the day of the
departure or arrival of a mail-ship; Pack′et-note (see Note-paper);
Pack′-horse, a horse used to carry
goods in panniers: a drudge; Pack′-ice, a collection of large pieces of
floating ice; Pack′ing, the act of
putting into packs or of tying up for carriage: material for packing:
anything used to fill an empty space, or to make a joint close, as the
elastic ring round a moving rod or piston to make it a tight fit;
Pack′ing-box, -case, a box in which goods are packed: a hollow
place round the opening of a steam cylinder, filled with some soft
substance which, being pressed hard against the piston-rod, makes it a
tight fit; Pack′ing-need′le,
or Sack-needle, a strong needle for sewing up packages; Pack′ing-pā′per, a strong and
thick kind of wrapping-paper; Pack′ing-press, a press for squeezing goods
into small compass for packing; Pack′ing-sheet, or Pack′sheet, coarse cloth for packing goods;
Pack′-load, the load an animal can
carry on its back; Pack′man, a
peddler or a man who carries a pack; Pack′-mule, a mule used for carrying burdens;
Pack′-sadd′le, a saddle for
packs or burdens; Pack′-thread, a
coarse thread used to sew up packages; Pack′-train, a train of loaded pack-animals;
Pack′way, a narrow path fit for
—Pack a jury, meeting, &c., to fill
up with persons of a particular kind for one's own
—Send one packing, to dismiss summarily. [Prob.
Celt.; Gael. and Ir. pac, Bret. pak, a bundle; cf. Ger.
pack, Dut. pak.]
Pack, pak, adj. (Scot.) intimate, confidential.
Packfong, an incorrect form of paktong (q.v.)
Paco, pā′ko, n. same as Alpaca:—pl. Pā′cos.
Pact, pakt, n. that which is agreed on: an agreement: a
contract—also Pac′tion.
—adj. Pac′tional.
—Pactum illicitum, an
unlawful agreement. [L. pactum—pacisci,
pactus, to contract.]
Pad, pad, n. a thief on the high-road (more commonly
Footpad): (abbrev. from pad-horse) a horse for riding on
the road: an easy-paced horse.
—v.i. to walk on foot: to
trudge along: to rob on foot:—pr.p. pad′ding; pa.t. and pa.p. pad′ded.—adj. Pad′-clink′ing, keeping company with
—n. Pad′ding-ken, a low lodging-house inhabited
by thieves.
—Stand pad, to beg by the roadside. [Dut.
pad, a path.]
Pad, pad, n. anything stuffed with a soft material, to
prevent friction or pressure, or for filling out: a soft saddle, cushion,
&c.: a number of sheets of paper or other soft material fastened
together for writing upon: the fleshy, thick-skinned under-surface of the
toes of many animals, as the fox: a fox's foot generally: the large
floating leaf of an aquatic plant: (pl.) thick watered ribbon for
—v.t. to stuff with anything soft: to fix
colours in cloth:—pr.p. pad′ding; pa.t. and pa.p. pad′ded.—ns. Pad′-cloth, a cloth covering a horse's loins;
Pad′der, one who pads or cushions;
Pad′ding, the soft stuffing of a
saddle, &c.: matter of less value introduced into a book or article
in order to make it of the length desired: the process of mordanting a
fabric; Pad′-el′ephant, a
working elephant, distinguished from a war or hunting one; Pad′-sadd′le, a treeless, padded
saddle; Pad′-tree, the wooden or
metal frame to which harness-pads are attached. [A variant of pod,
orig. sig. 'a bag.']
Paddle, pad′l, v.i. to dabble in water with the
hands or the feet: to touch or toy with the fingers: to beat the water as
with the feet: to row: to move in the water as a duck does:
(slang) to make off.
—v.t. to move by means of an oar
or paddle: to finger, toy with.
—n. a short, broad,
spoon-shaped oar, used for moving canoes: the blade of an oar: one of the
boards at the circumference of a paddle-wheel.
—ns. Padd′le-beam, one of the large timbers at the
side of a paddle-wheel; Padd′le-board, one of the floats on the
circumference of a paddle-wheel; Padd′le-box, a wooden box covering the upper
part of the paddle-wheel of a steamer; Padd′ler, one who paddles; Padd′le-shaft, the axle on which the
paddle-wheels of a steamer turn; Padd′le-wheel, the wheel of a steam-vessel,
which by turning in the water causes it to move forward; Padd′le-wood, the light, strong wood of a
Guiana tree of the dogbane family. [For pattle, freq. of
Paddle, pad′l, n. (B.) a little
—n. Padd′le-staff, a spade for clearing a
ploughshare. [Prob. from spaddle; cf. Spade.]
Paddock, pad′uk, n. a toad or
—n. Padd′ock-stool, a toadstool. [Dim. of M. E.
padde, a toad—Ice. padda.]
Paddock, pad′uk, n. a small park under pasture, immediately adjoining the stables of a domain: a small field in which horses are kept. [A.S. pearroc, a park—sparran (Ger. sperren), to shut.]
Paddy, pad′i, n. rice in the
—ns. Padd′y-bird,
the Java sparrow or rice-bird; Padd′y-field, a field where rice is grown.
[East Ind.]
Paddy, pad′i, n. a familiar name for an Irishman,
from St Patrick: a drill used in boring wells, with cutters that
expand on pressure.
—n. Padd′y-whack, a nurse's word for a slap.
Padella, pa-del′la, n. a shallow vessel filled with fat, in the centre of which a wick has been placed—used in illuminations. [It., a frying-pan.]
Pademelon, pad′ē-mel-on, n. a brush kangaroo
or wallaby.
—Also Pad′ymelon,
Padishah, pä′di-sha, n. chief ruler: great king, a title of the Sultan of Turkey or of the Sovereign of Great Britain as ruler of India. [Pers. pād, master, shāh, king; cf. Pasha.]
Padlock, pad′lok, n. a movable lock with a link
turning on a hinge or pivot at one end, to enable it to pass through a
staple or other opening, and to be pressed down to catch the bolt at the
other end.
—v.t. to fasten with a padlock. [Prob. prov. Eng.
pad, a basket, and lock.]
Padma, pad′ma, n. the true lotus.
Pad-nag, pad′-nag, n. an ambling nag.
Padre, pä′dre, n. father, a title given to priests
in some countries.
—n. Padrō′ne, a person who jobs out
hand-organs, or who gets children to beg for him:—pl.
Padrō′ni. [It. and
Sp.,—L. pater, a father.]
Paduan, pad′ū-an, adj. and n. belonging to Padua: one of the clever imitations of old Roman bronze coins made at Padua in the 16th century: a Spanish dance, the pavan.
Paduasoy, pad′ū-a-soi, n. a smooth silk originally manufactured at Padua, used in the 18th century, also a garment of the same. [Fr. soie de Padoue.]
Pæan, pē′an, n. a song of triumph: any
joyous song: a song in honour of Apollo, later also of Dionysus and
—n. Pæ′on, a foot
of four syllables, one long, three short.
—adj. Pæon′ic. [L.,—Gr. Paian or
Paiōn, an epithet of Apollo.]
Pædagogy, Pædagogics, Pædobaptism, Pædobaptist. See Pedagogy, Pedagogics, Pedobaptism, Pedobaptist.
Pænula, pē′nū-la, n. a chasuble, esp. in its older form: a woollen outer garment covering the whole body, worn on journeys and in rainy weather.
Pæonin, pē′ō-nin, n. a red colouring matter obtained from yellow coralline.
Pæony, pē′o-ni, n. Same as Peony.
Paff, paf, n. a meaningless word, used with piff to indicate jargon.
Pagan, pā′gan, n. a heathen: one who does
not worship the true God.
—adj. heathenish: pertaining to the
worship of false gods.
—v.t. Pā′ganise, to render pagan or heathen:
to convert to paganism.
—adj. Pā′ganish, heathenish.
Pā′ganism, heathenism: the
beliefs and practices of the heathen. [L. paganus, a rustic,
heathen, because the country-people were later in becoming Christians
than the people of the towns—pagus, a
district—pangĕre, to fix.]
Page, pāj, n. a boy attending on a person of
distinction: a young lad employed as attendant: a contrivance for holding
up a woman's skirt in walking.
—n. Page′hood, condition of a page. [Fr.
page; acc. to Littré, prob. from Low L. pagensis, a
peasant—L. pagus, a village; acc. to Diez, but hardly with
probability, through the It. paggio, from Gr. paidion, dim.
of pais, paidos, a boy.]
Page, pāj, n. one side of a written or printed
leaf—4 pages in a folio sheet, 8 in a quarto, 16 in an octavo, 24
in a duodecimo, 36 in an octodecimo: a book, record, or source of
knowledge: the type, illustrations, &c. arranged for printing one
side of a leaf: (pl.) writings.
—v.t. to number the
pages of.
—adj. Pag′inal.
—v.t. Pag′ināte, to mark with consecutive
numbers, to page.
—ns. Paginā′tion, the act of paging a book:
the figures and marks that indicate the number of pages; Pā′ging, the marking or numbering of
the pages of a book. [Fr.,—L. pagina, a thing
fastened—pangĕre, to fasten.]
Pageant, paj′ant, or pā′-, n. a showy
exhibition: a spectacle: a fleeting show: (orig.) a platform on
four wheels for the purpose of representing plays,
—adj. showy: pompous.
—n. Page′antry, splendid display: pompous
spectacle. [M. E. pagent (with excrescent -t), from an older form pagen or
pagin—Low L. pagina, a stage—L. pagina,
a slab—pangĕre, to fix; cf. Page (2).]
Pagoda, pa-gō′da, n. an idol-house: an
Indian idol: its temple: a gold coin formerly current in India, so called
because the figure of a pagoda was stamped upon it—also Pagode′.
—n. Pagō′dite, the mineral which the
Chinese carve into figures of pagodas, &c. [Port., a corr. of Pers.
but-kadah, an idol-temple.]
Pagode, pa-gōd′, n. a funnel-shaped sleeve worn by both sexes in the first half of the 18th century.
Pagus, pā′gus, n. a country district with scattered hamlets, also its fortified centre: among the early Teutons, a division of the territory larger than a village, like a wapentake or hundred.
Pah, pä, interj. an exclamation expressing contempt or disgust.
Paid, pād, pa.t. and pa.p. of pay.
Paideutics, pā-dū′tiks, n.sing. the
science or theory of teaching.
—n. Paidol′ogy, the scientific study of the
child. [Gr. paideutikos—paideuein, to
teach—pais, paidos, a child.]
Paigle, Pagle, pā′gl, n. (obs.) the cowslip or primrose.
Paik, pāk, n. (Scot.) a beating.
Pail, pāl, n. an open vessel of wood, &c., for
holding or carrying liquids.
—n. Pail′ful, as much as fills a pail. [O. Fr.
paile, paele—L. patella, a pan, dim. of
patera—patēre, to be open.]
Paillasse, pa-lyas′, n. a small bed, originally
made of chaff or straw: an under mattress of straw.
Paillasson (pa-lya-song′), a form of
straw bonnet. [Fr.,—paille, straw—L. palea,
Paillette, pa-lyet′, n. a piece of metal or
coloured foil used in enamel-painting: a sponge.
Paillon (pa-lyong′), a bright metal
backing for enamel, &c. [Fr.]
Pain, pān, n. suffering coming as the punishment
of evil-doing: suffering either of body or mind: anguish: great care or
trouble taken in doing anything: (pl.) labour: care: trouble: the
throes of childbirth.
—v.t. to cause suffering to: to
distress: to torment: to grieve.
—adjs. Pained,
showing or expressing pain: (B.) in pain, in labour; Pain′ful, full of pain: causing pain:
requiring labour, pain, or care: (arch.) hard-working,
painstaking: distressing: difficult.
—adv. Pain′fully.
—n. Pain′fulness.
—adj. Pain′less, without pain.
Pain′lessness; Pains′taker, one who takes pains or care: a
laborious worker.
—adj. Pains′taking, taking pains or care:
laborious: diligent.
—n. careful labour:
—Under pain of, subject to the penalty of. [Fr.
peine—L. pœna, satisfaction—Gr.
poinē, penalty.]
Paint, pānt, v.t. to cover over with colour: to
represent in a coloured picture: to describe in words: to
—v.i. to practise painting: to lay colours on the
face, to blush: (slang) to tipple.
—n. a
colouring substance: anything fixed with caoutchouc to harden
—adj. Paint′able,
that may be painted.
—ns. Paint′-box, a box in which different paints
are kept in compartments; Paint′-bridge, a platform used by theatrical
scene-painters in painting scenery; Paint′-brush, a brush for putting on
—adj. Paint′ed,
covered with paint: ornamented with coloured figures: marked with bright
—ns. Paint′ed-grass, ribbon-grass; Paint′ed-lā′dy, the
thistle-butterfly, orange-red spotted with white and black; Paint′er, one whose employment is to paint:
one skilled in painting; Paint′er's-col′ic, lead colic; Paint′er-stain′er, one who paints coats
of arms, &c.; Paint′iness;
Paint′ing, the act or employment of
laying on colours: the act of representing objects by colours: a picture:
vivid description in words; Paint′ūre (Dryden), the art of
painting: a picture.
—adj. Paint′y, overloaded with paint, with the
colours too glaringly used: smeared with paint.
—Paint the town
red (U.S.), to break out in a boisterous spree. [O. Fr., pa.p.
of Fr. peindre, to paint—L. pingĕre,
pictum, to paint.]
Painter, pānt′ėr, n. a rope used to
fasten a boat.
—Cut the painter, to set adrift; Lazy
painter, a small painter for use in fine weather only. [A corr. of M.
E. panter, a fowler's noose, through O. Fr. from L.
panther, a hunting-net—Gr. panthēros, catching
all—pan, neut. of pas, every, thēr, wild
Pair, pār, v.t. (Spens.) to impair.
Pair, pār, n. two things equal, or suited to each
other, or used together: a set of two equal or like things forming one
instrument, as a pair of scissors, tongs, &c., a set of like things
generally: in building, a flight of stairs: a couple: a man and his wife:
two members of a legislative body, holding opposite opinions, who agree
with each other to abstain from voting for a certain time, so as to
permit one or both to be absent.
—v.t. to join in
—v.i. to be joined in couples: to fit as a
—adj. Paired, arranged in pairs: set by
twos of a like kind: mated.
—ns. Pair′ing, an agreement between two members of
a legislative body holding opposite opinions to refrain from voting, so
that both may absent themselves; Pair′ing-time, the time when birds go
together in pairs; Pair′-roy′al, three cards of the same
denomination, esp. in cribbage.
—adv. Pair′-wise, in pairs.
—Pair of
colours, two flags carried by a regiment, one the national ensign,
the other the flag of the regiment; Pair off (see Pairing
above). [Fr. paire, a couple—pair, like—L.
par, equal.]
Pais, pā, n. the people from whom a jury is
—Matter-in-pais, matter of fact. [O. Fr.]
Paise, pāz, n. (Spens.). Same as Poise.
Paitrick, pā′trik, n. (Scot.) a partridge.
Pajock, pä′jok, n. (Shak.). Same as Peacock.
Paktong, pak′tong, n. the Chinese name for German
—Also Pack′fong,
Pak′fong. [Chin.]
Pal, pal, n. (slang) a partner, mate. [Gipsy.]
Palabra, pa-lä′bra, n. talk, palaver. [Sp., a word.]
Palace, pal′ās, n. the house of a king or a
queen: a very large and splendid house: a bishop's official
—n. Pal′ace-car, a sumptuously furnished
railway-car. [Fr. palais—L. Palatium, the Roman
emperor's residence on the Palatine Hill at Rome.]
Paladin, pal′a-din, n. one of the twelve peers of Charlemagne's household: a knight-errant, or paragon of knighthood. [Fr.,—It. paladino—L. palatinus, belonging to the palace. Cf. Palatine.]
Palæarctic, pā-lē-ark′tik, adj.
pertaining to the northern part of the Old World.
region, a great division embracing Europe, Africa north of the Atlas,
and Asia north of the Himalaya.
Palæichthyology, pā-lē-ik-thī-ol′o-ji, n. the branch of ichthyology which treats of fossil fishes.
Palæobotany, pā-lē-ō-bot′a-ni,
n. the science or study of fossil plants.
Palæocrystic, pā-lē-ō-kris′tik, adj. consisting of ancient ice.
Palæography, Paleography, pā-lē-og′ra-fi, n. ancient
modes of writing: study of ancient writings and modes of
—n. Palæog′rapher, one skilled in
—adjs. Palæograph′ic, -al, of or pertaining to
—n. Palæog′raphist. [Gr. palaios, ancient,
graphein, to write.]
Palæolithic, pā-lē-ō-lith′ik,
adj. of or pertaining to the time when early stone implements were
used: the first half of the stone age.
—n. Palæol′ith, a rude stone implement or object
of the earlier stone age. [Gr. palaios, ancient, lithos, a
Palæology, pā-lē-ol′ō-ji, n. a
discourse or treatise on antiquities: archæology.
Palæol′ogist, one versed in
palæology: a student of antiquity. [Gr. palaios, ancient,
logia, discourse.]
Palæontography, pā-lē-on-tog′ra-fi, n.
the description of fossil remains.
—adj. Palæontograph′ical, pertaining to
palæontography. [Gr. palaios, ancient, onta, existences,
graphein, to write.]
Palæontology, pā-lē-on-tol′ō-ji,
n. the science of the ancient life of the earth: description of
fossil remains: archæology.
—adj. Palæontolog′ical, belonging to
—n. Palæontol′ogist, one versed in palæontology.
[Gr. palaios, ancient, onta, existences, logia,
Palæophytology, pā-lē-ō-fī-tol′ō-ji, n. palæobotany.
Palæosaurus, pā-lē-ō-saw′rus, n. a genus of fossil saurian reptiles belonging to the Permian period. [Gr. palaios, ancient, sauros, lizard.]
Palæotherium, pā-lē-ō-thē′ri-um, n. a genus of fossil pachydermatous mammalia in the Eocene beds. [Gr. palaios, ancient, thērion, a wild beast.]
Palæozoic, pā-lē-ō-zō′ik, adj. denoting the lowest division of the fossiliferous rocks, so called because they contain the earliest forms of life. [Gr. palaios, ancient, zoē, life.]
pā-lē-ō-zō-ol′ō-ji, n.
geologic zoology.
—adjs. Palæozoolog′ic, -al.
Palætiology, pā-lē-ti-ol′ō-ji,
n. the science which explains past conditions by the law of
—adj. Palætiolog′ical.
—n. Palætiol′ogist.
Palama, pal′a-ma, n. the webbing of the toes of a
bird:—pl. Pal′amæ.
—adj. Pal′amāte. [Gr.
Palampore, pal′am-pōr, n. a flowered chintz
bedcover common in the East.
—Also Pal′empore. [Prob. from the Ind. town of
Palanquin, Palankeen, pal-an-kēn′, n. a light covered carriage used in India, &c., for a single person, and borne on the shoulders of men. [Hind. palang, a bed—Sans. palyanka, a bed.]
Palapteryx, pal-ap′tėr-iks, n. a genus of fossil birds found in New Zealand, resembling the Apteryx. [Gr. palaios, ancient, and apteryx.]
Palas, pal′as, n. a small bushy Punjab bean, yielding a kind of kino, Butea gum.
Palate, pal′āt, n. the roof of the mouth,
consisting of two portions, the hard palate in front and the soft palate
behind: taste: relish: mental liking.
—v.t. to
—adj. Pal′atable,
agreeable to the palate or taste: savoury.
—n. Pal′atableness, the quality of being
agreeable to the taste.
—adv. Pal′atably.
—adj. Pal′atal, pertaining to the palate: uttered
by aid of the palate—also Pal′atine.
—n. a letter
pronounced chiefly by aid of the palate, as k, g, e,
—v.t. Pal′atalise, to make
—adj. Palat′ic.
—Cleft palate, a
congenital defect of the palate, leaving a longitudinal fissure in the
roof of the mouth. [O. Fr. palat—L. palatum.]
Palatial, pa-lā′shi-al, adj. of or pertaining to a palace: resembling a palace: royal: magnificent.
Palatine, pal′a-tin, adj. pertaining to a palace,
originally applied to officers of the royal household: possessing royal
—n. a noble invested with royal privileges: a
subject of a palatinate.
—n. Palat′inate, office or rank of a palatine:
province of a palatine, esp. an electorate of the ancient German
—Count palatine, a feudal lord with supreme judicial
authority over a province; County palatine, the province of a
count palatine. [Fr.,—L. palatinus. Cf. Palace.]
Palaver, pa-lav′ėr, n. talk or conversation,
esp. idle talk: talk intended to deceive: a public conference: in Africa,
a talk with the natives.
—v.i. to use conversation: to
flatter: to talk idly.
—n. Palav′erer. [Port. palavra—L.
parabola, a parable.]
Palay, pa-lā′, n. a small S. Indian tree of
the dogbane family, with hard white wood.
Pale, pāl, n. a narrow piece of wood driven into
the ground for use in enclosing grounds: anything that encloses or fences
in: any enclosed field or space: limit: district: a broad stripe from top
to bottom of a shield in heraldry.
—v.t. to enclose with
stakes: to encompass.
—n. Palificā′tion, act of strengthening by
—adj. Pal′iform.
—English pale, the
district in Ireland within which alone the English had power for
centuries after the invasion in 1172. [Fr. pal—L.
palus, a stake.]
Pale, pāl, adj. somewhat white in colour: not
ruddy or fresh: wan: of a faint lustre, dim: light in
—v.t. to make pale.
—v.i. to turn
—ns. Pale′-ale, a
light-coloured pleasant bitter ale; Pale′buck, an antelope, the
—adj. Pale′-eyed
(Shak.), having the eyes dimmed.
—n. Pale′-face, a white person.
Pale′-heart′ed (Shak.),
—adv. Pale′ly.
—n. Pale′ness.
—adjs. Pale′-vis′aged (Shak.), having
no colour in the face; Pā′lish, somewhat pale. [Fr.,—L.
pallidus, pale.]
Palea, pā′lē-a, n. (bot.) a
chaffy bract at the base of the florets in many Compositæ, also
one of the inner scales of a grass-flower opposite the flowering glume:
the throat-wattle, as in turkeys:—pl. Pā′leæ.
—adj. Paleā′ceous (bot.), resembling,
consisting of, or furnished with chaff: chaffy. [L. palea,
Paleotype, pā′lē-ō-tīp, n. a system of spelling invented by A. J. Ellis, according to which all spoken sounds can be represented by the letters in common use, some of them being used upside down as well as in the usual way, to express varieties of sound.
Pales, pā′lēz, n. an ancient Roman
divinity of flocks.
—n. Palil′ia, the festival of Pales, held on
April 21, the traditional date of the founding of Rome.
Palestinian, pal-es-tin′i-an, adj. pertaining to
—Palestine soup (see Artichoke).
Palestra, pā-les′tra, n. a wrestling school:
the exercise of wrestling: any training school: academic
—adjs. Pales′tral, Pales′trian, Pales′tric, -al, pertaining to wrestling: athletic.
[L.,—Gr. palaistra—palē, wrestling.]
Paletot, pal′e-tō, n. a loose overcoat. [Fr.]
Palette, pal′et, n. a little oval board on which a
painter mixes his colours: the special arrangement of colours for any
particular picture: a plate against which a person presses his breast to
give force to a drill worked by the hand: a small plate covering a joint
in armour.
—n. Pal′ette-knife, a thin round-pointed knife
for mixing colours on the grinding slab. [Fr.,—It.
paletta—pala, spade—L. pala, a
Palfrey, pal′fri, n. a saddle-horse, esp. for a
—adj. Pal′freyed,
riding on, or supplied with, a palfrey. [Fr. palefroi—Low L.
paraveredus, prob. from Gr. para, beside, Low L.
veredus, a post-horse—L. vehĕre, to draw,
rheda, a carriage.]
Pali, pä′lē, n. the sacred language of the Buddhists of eastern India, closely allied to Sanskrit.
Palillogy, pā-lil′ō-ji, n. a repetition of a word or phrase. [Gr. palillogia—palin, again, legein, to say.]
Palimpsest, pal′imp-sest, n. a manuscript which has been written upon twice, the first writing having been rubbed off to make room for the second: an engraved brass plate, with a new inscription on the reverse side. [Gr. palimpsēston—palin, again, psēstos, rubbed.]
Palinal, pal′i-nal, adj. moving backward. [Gr. palin.]
Palindrome, pal′in-drōm, n. a word, verse,
or sentence that reads the same either backward or forward, as Adam's
first words to Eve: 'Madam, I'm Adam.'—adjs. Palindrom′ic, -al.
—n. Pal′indromist, an inventor of palindromes.
[Gr. palindromia—palin, back, dromos, a
Paling, pāl′ing, n. pales collectively: a fence.
Palingenesis, pal-in-jen′e-sis, n. a new birth or
a second creation: regeneration: the development of an individual germ in
which it repeats that of its ancestors: the recurrence of historical
events in the same order in an infinite series of cycles—also
Pal′ingeny, Palingē′sia.
—adj. Palinget′ic.
—adv. Palinget′ically. [Gr. palin, again,
genesis, birth.]
Palinode, pal′i-nōd, n. a poem retracting a
former one: a recantation.
—adjs. Palinō′dial, Palinod′ic.
—n. Pal′inōdist, a writer of palinodes.
[Fr.,—L.,—Gr.,—palin, back,
ōdē, song.]
Palisade, pal-i-sād′ n. a fence of pointed
pales or stakes firmly fixed in the ground.
—v.t. to surround
with a palisade.
—Also Palisā′do:—pl. Palisā′does. [Fr.,—L.
palus, a stake.]
Palisander, pal-i-san′dėr, n. rosewood. [Fr.]
Palissée, pal-i-sā′, adj. (her.) battlemented, the indentations pointing both up and down. [Fr.]
Palkee, pal′kē, n. a
—n. Pal′kee-ghar′ry, a wheeled vehicle like
a palanquin. [Hind.]
Pall, pawl, n. a cloak or mantle, an outer garment: a
chalice-cover: (her.) a Y-shaped bearing charged with crosses
patté fitché, as in the arms of the see of
Canterbury—sometimes reversed: a pallium (q.v.): a curtain or
covering: the cloth over a coffin at a funeral: that which brings deep
—n. Pall′-bear′er, one of the mourners at a
funeral who used to hold up the corners of the pall. [A.S. pæll,
purple cloth—L. palla, a mantle; cf. Pallium, a
Pall, pawl, v.i. to become vapid, insipid, or
—v.t. to make vapid: to dispirit or depress. [W.
pallu, to fail, pall, failure.]
Palladian, pa-lā′di-an, adj. in the style of
architecture introduced by Andrea Palladio (1518-80), modelled on
Vitruvius, its faults a superfluity of pilasters and columns, broken
entablatures, and inappropriate ornament.
—n. Pallā′dianism.
Palladium, pal-lā′di-um, n. a statue of
Pallas, on the preservation of which the safety of ancient Troy
depended: any safeguard: a rare metal in colour and ductility resembling
—adj. Pallā′dian.
—v.t. Pallā′diumise, to coat with palladium.
[L.,—Gr. palladion—Pallas, Pallados,
Pallah, pal′a, n. a small African antelope.
Pallas, pal′as, n. the Greek goddess of wisdom and
war—the Roman Minerva.
—Also Pallas Athene.
Pallescence, pal-les′ens, n. paleness.
Pallet, pal′et, n. a palette: the tool used by potters for shaping their wares: an instrument for spreading gold-leaf: a tool used in lettering the backs of books: one of the points moved by the pendulum of a clock which check the motion of the escape or balance wheel: a disc in the endless chain of a chain-pump: a ballast-locker in a ship: a valve by which the admission of air from the bellows to an organ-pipe may be regulated from the keyboard: a board for carrying newly moulded bricks. [Palette.]
Pallet, pal′et, n. a mattress, or couch, properly a mattress of straw. [Prov. Fr. paillet, dim. of Fr. paille, straw—L. palea, chaff.]
Pallial, pal′i-al, adj. pertaining to a
—n. Pall′iament
(Shak.), a robe.
Palliasse, pa-lyas′, n. Same as Paillasse.
Palliate, pal′i-āt, v.t. to cover, excuse,
extenuate: to soften by pleading something in favour of: to
—n. Palliā′tion, act of palliating:
extenuation: mitigation.
—adj. Pall′iātive, serving to extenuate:
—n. that which lessens pain, disease,
—adj. Pall′iātory. [L. palliāre,
-ātum, to
cloak—pallium, a cloak.]
Pallid, pal′id, adj. pale, wan.
Pallid′ity, Pall′idness.
—adv. Pall′idly. [L. pallidus, pale.]
Pallium, pal′i-um, n. a large, square mantle, worn
by learned Romans in imitation of the Greeks: an annular white woollen
band, embroidered with black crosses, worn by the Pope, and on some
occasions by archbishops, to whom it is granted: (ornith.) the
mantle:—pl. Pall′ia.
—adj. Pall′ial. [L.]
Pall-mall, pel-mel′, n. an old game, in which a
ball was driven through an iron ring with a mallet: an alley where the
game used to be played, hence the street in London.
—adv. in
pall-mall fashion. [O. Fr. pale-maille—Old It.
palamaglio—palla—Old High Ger. pallá
(Ger. ball, Eng. ball), and maglio—L.
malleus, a hammer.]
Pallometric, pal-o-met′rik, adj. pertaining to the measurement of artificial vibrations in the earth's surface. [Gr. pallein, to shake, metron, a measure.]
Pallone, päl-lō′nā, n. a game like tennis played with a ball, which is struck by the arm covered by a guard. [It.]
Pallor, pal′or, n. quality or state of being pallid or pale: paleness. [L.,—pallēre, to be pale.]
Palm, päm, n. the inner part of the hand: a measure of
length equal to the breadth of the hand, or to its length from wrist to
finger-tip: a measure of 3 and sometimes of 4 inches: that which covers
the palm: the fluke of an anchor: the flattened portion of an
—v.t. to stroke with the palm or hand: to conceal in
the palm of the hand: (esp. with off, and on, or
upon) to impose by fraud.
—n. Pal′ma, the palm: the enlarged proximal joint
of the fore tarsus of a bee.
—adjs. Pal′mar, -y,
relating to the palm of the hand; Pal′māte, -d, shaped like the palm of the hand: (bot.)
divided into sections, the midribs of which run to a common centre:
entirely webbed, as the feet of a duck.
—adv. Pal′mātely.
—adjs. Palmat′ifid (bot.), shaped like the
hand, with the divisions extending half-way, or slightly more, down the
leaf; Palmat′iform, shaped like an
open palm; Palmed, having palms. [Fr. paume—L.
palma, the palm of the hand; Gr. palamē.]
Palm, päm, n. a tropical, branchless tree of many
varieties, bearing at the summit large leaves like the palm of the hand:
a leaf of this tree borne in token of rejoicing or of victory:
(fig.) triumph or victory.
—adjs. Palmā′ceous, belonging to the order of
palm-trees; Palmā′rian,
Pal′mary, worthy of the palm:
—ns. Palm′-butt′er, palm-oil; Palm′ery, a place for growing palms; Palm′house, a glass house for raising palms
and other tropical plants.
—adjs. Palmif′erous, producing palm-trees; Palmit′ic, pertaining to, or obtained from,
—ns. Pal′mitine, a white fat, usually occurring,
when crystallised from ether, in the form of scaly
crystals—abundant in palm-oil; Palm′-oil, an oil or fat obtained from the
pulp of the fruit of palms, esp. of the oil-palm, allied to the coco-nut
palm: (slang) a bribe or tip; Palm′-sū′gar, jaggery; Palm′-Sun′day, the Sunday before
Easter, in commemoration of the day on which our Saviour entered
Jerusalem, when palm-branches were strewed in His way by the people;
Palm′-wine, the fermented sap of
certain palms.
—adj. Palm′y, bearing palms: flourishing:
—Palma Christi, the castor-oil plant. [A.S. from
L., as above.]
Palmer, päm′ėr, n. a pilgrim from the Holy
Land, distinguished by his carrying a branch of palm: a cheat at cards or
—ns. Pal′merin,
any medieval knightly hero, from the Palmerin romances, the original hero
Palmerin de Oliva; Palm′er-worm (B.), a hairy worm which
wanders like a palmer, devouring leaves, &c.
Palmette, pal′met, n. an ornament, somewhat like a palm-leaf, cut or painted on mouldings, &c. [Fr.]
Palmetto, pal-met′ō, n. a name for several fan-palms, esp. the cabbage-palm of Florida, &c.: a hat made of palmetto-leaves. [Sp.,—L. palma.]
Palmigrade, pal′mi-grād, adj. noting animals that walk on the sole of the foot and not merely on the toes: plantigrade. [L. palma, palm, gradi, to walk.]
Palmiped, pal′mi-pēd, adj.
—n. a web-footed or swimming
bird:—pl. Palmip′edes
(-ēz). [L. palma, palm of the hand, pes,
pedis, the foot.]
Palmist, pal′mist, or pä′mist, n. one who tells fortunes by the lines and marks of the palm—also Pal′mister (or pä′-).—n. Pal′mistry (or pä′-), the practice of telling fortunes by the lines, &c., of the palm.
Palmyra, pal-mī′ra, n. an East Indian palm
furnishing the greater part of the palm-wine of India
—adj. and n. Palmyrene′, pertaining to the ancient Syrian
city of Palmyra or Tadmor.
Palolo, pa-lō′lō, n. an edible annelid allied to the lugworm, found near Polynesian coral-reefs.
Palp, palp, n. a jointed sensiferous organ attached in
pairs to the labium or maxilla of insects, and thus distinguished from
antennæ, which are on the top of the head—also Pal′pus:—pl. Pal′pi.
—adjs. Pal′pal; Palped; Pal′piform; Palpig′erous, bearing palpi; Palp′less.
—n. Pal′pūlus, a little palp. [Low L.
palpus—L. palpāre, to stroke.]
Palpable, pal′pa-bl, adj. that can be touched or
felt: easily perceived or found out, as lies, &c.: looking as if it
might be touched or felt: obvious, gross.
—ns. Palpabil′ity, Pal′pableness, quality of being palpable:
—adv. Pal′pably.
—v.t. Pal′pāte, to examine by
—n. Palpā′tion, the act of examining by
means of touch. [Fr.,—L.
palpabilis—palpāre, -ātum, to touch softly.]
Palpebral, pal′pe-bral, adj. of or pertaining to
the eyelids.
—adjs. Pal′pebrāte, having eyebrows; Pal′pebrous, having heavy eyebrows. [L.
palpebra, the eyelid.]
Palpifer, pal′pi-fėr, n. an outer lobe of
the maxilla.
—adj. Palpif′erous.
Palpitate, pal′pi-tāt, v.i. to move often
and quickly: to beat rapidly: to throb: to pulsate.
Pal′pitant (arch.),
—n. Palpitā′tion, act of palpitating:
irregular action of the heart, caused by excitement, excessive exertion,
or disease. [L. palpitāre, -ātum, freq. of palpāre. Cf.
Palsgrave, palz′grāv, n. one who has charge of a royal household: one of a special order of nobility, esp. one of the hereditary rulers of the Palatinate:—fem. Pals′gravine.
Palstaff, pal′staf, n. an old Celtic and Scandinavian weapon—a wedge of stone or metal fixed by a tongue in a staff. [Dan.,—Ice. pálstafr.]
Palsy, pawl′zi, n. a loss of power or of feeling,
more or less complete, in the muscles of the body:
—v.t. to affect with palsy: to deprive of action
or energy: to paralyse:—pa.p. pal′sied. [Fr. paralysie—Gr.
paralysis. Cf. Paralysis.]
Palter, pawl′tėr, v.i. to trifle in talk: to
use trickery: to dodge: to shuffle: to equivocate.
Pal′terer. [Prob. conn. with
Paltry, pawl′tri, adj. mean: vile:
—adv. Pal′trily.
—n. Pal′triness. [Teut.; Dan. pialter,
rags, Low Ger. paltrig, ragged.]
Paludal, pal′ū-dal, adj. pertaining to
marshes: marshy—also Pal′ūdine, Palū′dinous, Pal′ūdose, Palus′tral, Palus′trine.
—n. Pal′udism, marsh poisoning. [L. palus,
paludis, a marsh.]
Paludamentum, pā-lū-da-men′tum, n. a
military cloak worn by a Roman Imperator, or by members of his
—Also Palū′dament.
Paly, pā′li, adj. pale: wanting colour: (her.) divided by pales into equal parts.
Pam, pam, n. the knave of clubs at loo.
Pampas, pam′paz, vast plains, without trees,
in South America, south of the Amazon—north of that river they are
called llanos.
—n. Pam′pas-grass, a tall, ornamental, reed-like
grass with large thick silvery panicles.
—adj. Pam′pēan.
Pamper, pam′pėr, v.t. to feed with fine
food: to gratify to the full: to glut.
—ns. Pam′peredness; Pam′perer. [A freq. from pamp, a
nasalised form of pap; cf. Low Ger.
pampen—pampe, pap.]
Pampero, pam-pā′ro, n. a violent south-west wind which sweeps over the pampas of South America. [Sp.,—pampa, a plain.]
Pamphlet, pam′flet, n. a small book consisting of
one or more sheets stitched together, but not bound: a short essay on
some interesting subject.
—n. Pamphleteer′, a writer of
—p.adj. Pamphleteer′ing, writing
—n. the practice of writing pamphlets. [Ety. dub.;
acc. to Skeat, perh. through Fr. from Pamphila, a 1st cent. female
writer of epitomes; others suggest Fr. paume, the palm of the
hand, and feuillet, a leaf.]
Pamphract, pam′frakt, adj. (rare) protected completely, as by a coat of mail. [Gr. pam, pan, all, phraktos—phrassein, to fence in.]
Pamphysical, pam-fiz′ik-al, adj. pertaining to nature regarded as embracing all things.
Pampiniform, pam-pin′i-form, adj. curling like the tendril of a vine. [L. pampinus, a tendril.]
Pamplegia, pam-plē′ji-a, n. general paralysis. [Gr. pan, all, plēgē, a blow.]
Pan, pan, n. a broad, shallow vessel for domestic use,
or for use in the arts or manufactures: anything resembling a pan in
shape, as the upper part of the skull: the part of a firelock which holds
the priming.
—v.t. to treat with the panning process, as
earth, or to separate by shaking the auriferous earth with water in a
pan: to obtain in any way, to secure: to cook and serve in a
—v.i. to yield gold: to appear, as gold, in a pan: to
turn out well, according to expectation: to try to find gold with the pan
—Pan out, to yield or afford, to result; Panned
out (U.S.), exhausted, bankrupt.
—Flash in the
pan, to flash and go out suddenly, not igniting the charge—of
the powder in the pan of a flint-lock firearm: to fail after a fitful
effort, to give up without accomplishing anything; Hard-pan (see
Hard). [A.S. panne—prob. through the Celt., from Low
L. panna—L. patina, a basin.]
Pan, pan, n. the Greek god of pastures, flocks, and
woods, worshipped in Arcadia, and fond of music—with goat's legs
and feet, and sometimes horns and ears.
—n. Pan's′-pipes (see Pandean).
Panacea, pan-a-sē′a, n. a universal medicine: (bot.) the plant Allheal (Valeriana officinalis). [Gr. panakeia—pas, pan, all, akos, cure.]
Panache, pa-nash′, n. a plume of feathers, used as a head-dress. [Fr.]
Panada, pa-nä′da, n. a dish made by boiling bread to a pulp in water, with sweetening and flavour: a batter for forcemeats. [Sp.]
Panæsthesia, pan-es-thē′si-a, n. common
sensation, as distinct from special sensations or
—n. Pansæs′thetism.
Panagia, pa-nā′ji-a, n. an epithet of the
Virgin in the Eastern Church: an ornament worn hanging on the breast by
Russian bishops—also Panā′ghia.
—n. Panagiā′rion, a paten on which the loaf
is placed, used in the 'elevation of the Panagia.' [Gr., 'all
holy,' pas, all, hagios, holy.]
Pan-American, pan-a-mer′i-kan, adj. including all the divisions of America collectively.
Pan-Anglican, pan-ang′gli-kan, adj. representing or including all Christians everywhere who hold the doctrines and polity of the Anglican Church.
Panaritium, pan-a-rish′i-um, n. suppurative inflammation in a finger—same as whitlow.
Panarthritis, pan-är-thrī′tis, n. inflammation involving all the structures of a joint.
Panary, pan′a-ri, adj. of or pertaining to
—n. a storehouse for bread: a pantry. [L.
panis, bread.]
Panathenæa, pan-ath-ē-nē′a, the
chief national festival of ancient Athens—the lesser held annually,
the greater every fourth year.
—adjs. Panathenæ′an, Panathenā′ic. [Gr.]
Panax, pa-naks′, n. a genus of shrubs with radiately or pinnately compound leaves and small flowers in compound umbels, the ginseng. [Gr., 'all healing.']
Pancake, pan′kāk, n. a thin cake of eggs,
flour, sugar, and milk fried in a pan.
—n. Pan′cake-ice, thin ice forming in smooth
—Pancake Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday.
Panch, panch, n. a thick mat made of strands of rope,
used in ships in places to prevent chafing.
—Also Paunch.
Panchatantra, pan-chä-tänt′rä, n. the oldest extant collection of apologues and stories in Sanskrit literature, arranged in five books.
Pancheon, pan′chon, n. a coarse earthenware
—Also Panch′in.
Panclastite, pan-klas′tīt, n. an explosive substance of slightly less strength than dynamite, formed of a preparation of nitrogen and carbon. [Gr. pan, all, klastos, broken, klaein, to break.]
Pancratium, pan-krā′ti-um, n. a contest of
boxing and wrestling combined.
—adjs. Pancrā′tian, Pancrat′ic.
—ns. Pancrā′tiast, Pan′cratist. [Gr. pan, all,
kratos, strength.]
Pancreas, pan′krē-as, n. a conglomerate
gland, lying transversely across the posterior wall of the abdomen,
secreting the pancreatic juice which pours with the bile into the
digestive system.
—adj. Pancreat′ic, pertaining to the
—ns. Pan′creatin, the pancreatic juice; Pancreatīt′is, inflammation of the
pancreas. [Gr. pas, pan, all, kreas, flesh.]
Pand, pand, n. (Scot.) a narrow curtain over a bed.
Panda, pan′da, n. a remarkable animal in the bear
section of Carnivores found in the south-east Himalayas.
Chitwah, or Red bear-cat.
Pandanus, pan-dā′nus, n. the screw-pipe, the typical genus of the Pandaneæ. [Malay.]
Pandation, pan-dā′shun, n. a yielding or warping. [L. pandāre, to bend.]
Pandean, pan-dē′an, adj. of or relating to
the god Pan.
—n. Pandē′an-pipes, or Pan's′-pipes, a musical instrument composed
of reeds of various lengths, said to have been invented by Pan: a
Pandect, pan′dekt, n. a treatise containing the whole of any science: (pl.) the digest of Roman or civil law made by command of the Emperor Justinian in the 6th century. [L.,—Gr. pandectes—pas, pan, all, dechesthai, to receive.]
Pandemic, pan-dem′ik, adj. incident to a whole
people, epidemic.
—n. a pandemic disease.
Pandem′ia, a widespread disease.
[Gr. pandēmios—pas, pan, all,
dēmos, the people.]
Pandemonium, pan-dē-mō′ni-um, n. the great hall of evil spirits, described in Paradise Lost: any disorderly assembly, or loud tumultuous noise. [Gr. pas, pan, all, daimōn, a demon.]
Pander, pan′dėr, n. one who procures for
another the means of gratifying his passions: a pimp.
to play the pander for.
—v.i. to act as a pander: to minister
to the passions.
—ns. Pan′derage, act, employment, or vices of a
pander; Pan′deress, a procuress;
Pan′derism, the employment or
practices of a pander.
—adjs. Pan′derly (Shak.), acting as a pander;
Pan′derous. [Pandarus, the
pimp in the story of Troilus and Cressida in the versions of Boccaccio
(Filostrato), Chaucer, and Shakespeare.]
Pandiculation, pan-dik-ū-lā′shun, n.
the act of stretching one's self after sleep, &c.: restlessness
before fever, hysteria, &c.: yawning.
—adj. Pandic′ulāted, stretched out. [L.
pandiculāri, -ātus, to
stretch one's self out.]
Pandion, pan-dī′on, n. the genus of ospreys or fishing-hawks. [Gr., the father of Procne, who was changed into a swallow.]
Pandora, pan-dō′ra, n. a beautiful woman to whom Jupiter, in order to punish the theft of heavenly fire by Prometheus, gave a box containing all the ills of human life, which, on the box being opened, spread over all the earth. [Gr., pan, all, dōron, a gift.]
Pandore, pan-dōr′, n. a musical instrument
of the lute kind with three or four strings—also
—n. Pandū′ra, a Neapolitan musical
instrument with eight metal wires, played with a
—adjs. Pan′durate, -d, Pandū′riform, fiddle-shaped. [Gr.
pandoura, a 3-stringed instrument, invented by Pan.]
Pandore, pan′dōr, n. an esteemed variety of oysters found near Prestonpans on the Firth of Forth.
Pandour, pan′dōōr, n. a Hungarian
foot-soldier in the Austrian service: a robber.
—Also Pan′door. [From Pandur, a village in
Pandowdy, pan-dew′di, n. a pudding baked with bread and apples.
Pandy, pan′di, n. a stroke on the palm as a school
—v.t. to slap. [L. pande, hold out, imper.
of pandĕre, to hold out.]
Pane, pān, n. a plate of glass: a square in a
pattern: a flat division or side in any kind of work: a slash in a dress,
showing an under garment, or for the insertion of a piece of cloth of
different colour, &c.: a panel or piece of cloth of a different
colour from the rest, esp. in variegated work.
—v.t. to
insert panes or panels in.
—adj. Paned, composed of
panes or small squares: variegated. [Fr. pan, a lappet,
pane—L. pannus, a cloth, a rag, akin to Gr.
pēnos, the woof.]
Panegoism, pan-ē′gō-izm, n. Same as Solipsism (q.v.).
Panegyric, pan-ē-jir′ik, n. an oration or
eulogy in praise of some person or event: an encomium.
Panēgyr′ic, -al.
—adv. Panēgyr′ically.
Panēgyr′icon, in the Greek
Church, a collection of sermons for festivals.
—v.t. Pan′ēgyrise, to write or pronounce a
panegyric on: to praise highly.
—ns. Pan′ēgyrist; Pan′ēgyry (obs.). [L.,—Gr.
panēgyrikos, fit for a national festival—pas,
pan, all, agyris (agora), an assembly.]
Paneity, pā-nē′i-ti, n. the state of being bread. [L. panis, bread.]
Panel, pan′el, n. a rectangular piece of any
material: (archit.) a flat surface with raised margins, or with a
surrounding frame: a thin board on which a picture is painted:
(law) a schedule containing the names of those summoned to serve
as jurors: the jury: (Scots law) a prisoner at the bar: a frame
for carrying a mortar: a rail in a post-and-rail fence.
to furnish with panels:—pr.p. pan′elling; pa.p. pan′elled.—Also Pann′el.
—ns. Pan′el-game, the act of stealing articles by
means of a sliding panel; Pan′elling, panel-work; Pan′el-pic′ture, a picture painted on a
panel; Pan′el-plān′er, a
machine for dressing panels and feathering their edges to fit them to the
grooves in the stiles; Pan′el-saw, a
saw for cutting very thin wood; Pan′el-strip, a narrow piece of wood or metal
for covering a joint between two panels; Pan′el-work′ing, a method of working a
coal-mine by dividing it into compartments. [O. Fr.,—Low L.
pannellus—L. pannus, a rag.]
Paneulogism, pan-ū′lō-jizm, n. indiscriminate eulogy.
Panful, pan′fool, n. the quantity that a pan will hold:—pl. Pan′fuls.
Pang, pang, v.t. (Scot.) to cram, stuff with food.
Pang, pang, n. a violent but not long-continued pain: a
sudden and bitter feeling of sorrow: a throe.
—v.t. to cause
a pang, to torture.
—adj. Pang′less, free from pain. [A form of
prong, prob. modified by confusion with Fr. poing, a
fist—L. pugnus, the fist.]
Pangenesis, pan-jen′e-sis, n. the theory that
every separate part of the whole organisation reproduces
—adj. Pangenet′ic. [Gr. pas, pan,
all, genesis, production.]
Pangolin, pang′gō-lin, n. the scaly ant-eater, a name given to the various species of the genus Manis belonging to the mammalian order Edentata. [Malay.]
Pangrammatist, pan-gram′a-tist, n. one who twists all the letters of the alphabet into sentences, as in the following example: 'John P. Brady, give me a black walnut box of quite a small size.'
Pan-handle, pan′-han′dl, n. the handle of a pan: a long narrow strip projecting like this.
Panharmonicon, pan-har-mon′i-kon, n. a mechanical
musical instrument of the orchestrion class.
Panhellenic, pan-hel-en′ik, adj. pertaining to all
—ns. Panhellē′nion, or Panhellē′nium, a council representing
all the sections of the Greeks; Panhell′enism, a scheme for forming all
Greeks into one political body; Panhell′enist, one who favours Panhellenism.
[Gr. pas, pan, all, Hellēnikos,
Greek—Hellas, Greece.]
Panic, pan′ik, n. extreme or sudden fright: great
terror without any visible ground or foundation: a state of terror about
investments produced by some startling collapse in credit, impelling men
to rush and sell what they possess.
—adj. of the nature of a
panic: extreme or sudden: imaginary.
—adj. Pan′icky (coll.), inclined to panic or
sudden terror, affected by financial panic.
—n. Pan′ic-mong′er, one who creates
—adjs. Pan′ic-strick′en, Pan′ic-struck, struck with a panic or sudden
fear. [Orig. an adj.; Gr. panikon (deima), 'panic' (fear),
from panikos, belonging to Pan, god of the woods.]
Panicle, pan′i-kl, n. (bot.) a form of the
arrangement of flowers on a stalk, in which the cluster is irregularly
branched, as in oats.
—n. Pan′ic, a grass of the genus
—adjs. Pan′icled (bot.), furnished with
panicles: arranged in or like panicles; Panic′ulāte, -d, furnished with, arranged in, or like
—adv. Panic′ulātely.
—n. Pan′icum, a large genus of true grasses
having the one or two-flowered spikelets in spikes, racemes, or
panicles—including the common millet. [L. panicula, double
dim. of panus, thread wound on a bobbin, akin to L. pannus
and Gr. pēnos. See Pane.]
Panidrosis, pan-i-drō′sis, n. a perspiration over the whole body. [Gr. pas, pan, all, hidrōs, perspiration.]
Panification, pan-i-fi-kā′shun, n. a
conversion into bread.
—adj. Paniv′orous, eating bread.
Panionic, pan-ī-on′ik, adj. pertaining to all the Ionian peoples.
Panisc, pan′isk, n. the god Pan, represented as a satyr.
Panislamic, pan-is-lam′ik, adj. relating to all
Islam, or all the Mohammedan races.
—n. Panis′lamism, the idea of union amongst the
Mohammedan races.
Panjandrum, pan-jan′drum, n. an imaginary figure
of great power and importance, a burlesque potentate.
—Also Panjan′darum. [A gibberish word.]
Panlogism, pan′lō-jizm, n. the theory that the universe is an outward manifestation of the Logos.
Panmelodion, pan-mē-lō′di-on, n. a keyboard musical instrument whose tone is produced by wheels rubbing on metal bars.
Panmixia, pan-mik′si-a, n. (biol.) cessation of natural selection, as on a useless organ.
Pannade, pa-nād′, n. the curvet of a horse.
Pannage, pan′āj, n. food picked up by swine in the woods, mast; also the right to this.
Panniculus, pa-nik′ū-lus, n. a thin, sheet-like investment. [L., dim. of pannus, a cloth.]
Pannier, pan′yėr, or pan′i-ėr,
n. a bread-basket: one of two baskets thrown across a horse's
back, for carrying light produce to market: (archit.) a corbel: a
contrivance for puffing out a woman's dress at the hips: a piece of
basket-work for protecting archers, or, when filled with gravel or sand,
for forming and protecting dikes, embankments, &c.
Pann′iered, loaded with panniers.
[Fr. panier—L. panarium, a
bread-basket—panis, bread.]
Pannikel, pan′i-kl, n. the brain-pan: (Spens.) the skull. [Dim. of pan.]
Pannikin, pan′i-kin, n. a small pan or saucer.
Pannose, pan′ōs, adj. (bot.) like felt in texture. [L. pannosus—pannus, cloth.]
Pannus, pan′us, n. an opaque vascular membrane over the cornea: a tent for a wound: a birth-mark on the skin. [L., 'cloth.']
Pannuscorium, pan-us-kō′ri-um, n. a leather-cloth for boots. [L. pannus, cloth, corium, leather.]
Panocha, pa-nō′cha, n. a Mexican coarse sugar.
Panochia, pa-nō′chi-a, n. bubo in the groin or armpit. [Gr. cheia, a hole.]
Panoistic, pan-ō-is′tik, adj. producing ova only—opp. to Meroistic. [Gr. ōon, an egg.]
Panophobia, pan-ō-fō′bi-a, n. a morbid fear of everything. [Gr. pas, pan, all, phobos, fear.]
Panophthalmitis, pan-of-thal-mī′tis, n. suppurative inflammation of the whole eye.
Panoply, pan′ō-pli, n. complete armour: a
full suit of armour.
—adj. Pan′oplied, dressed in panoply: completely
—n. Pan′oplist,
one so armed. [Gr. panoplia—pas, pan, all,
hopla (pl.), arms.]
Panopticon, pan-op′ti-kon, n. a prison so constructed that all the prisoners can be watched from one point: an exhibition room. [Gr. pas, pan, all, horaein, fut. opsesthai, to see.]
Panorama, pan-ō-rä′ma, n. a wide or complete
view: a picture giving views of objects in all directions: a picture
representing a number of scenes unrolled and made to pass before the
—adj. Panora′mic. [Gr. pan, all,
horama, a view, from horaein, to see.]
Panotitis, pan-ō-tī′tis, n. inflammation in both the middle and internal ear.
Panotype, pan′ō-tīp, n. a picture made by the collodion process.
Panpharmacon, pan-far′ma-kon, n. a universal remedy.
Pan-Presbyterian, pan-pres-bi-tē′ri-an, adj.
of or pertaining to the whole body of
—Pan-Presbyterian Council, a council
representing all the Presbyterian churches throughout the world.
Pansclerosis, pan-skle-rō′sis, n. complete thickening and hardening of the interstitial tissue of a part.
Panser, pan′sėr, n. an ancient piece of armour for the abdomen. [O. Fr. pansiere—panse, the belly—L. pantex, the belly.]
Pan-Slavic, pan′-slav′ik, adj. pertaining to
all the Slavic races.
—ns. Pan′-Slav′ism, a movement for the
amalgamation of all the Slavonic races into one body, with one language,
literature, and social polity; Pan′-Slav′ist, one who favours
—adjs. Pan-Slavō′nian, Pan-Slavon′ic.
Pansophy, pan′sō-fi, n. a scheme of
universal knowledge, esp. that of the educational reformer, John Amos
Comenius (1592-1671): the pretence of universal
—adjs. Pansoph′ic, -al. [Gr. pas, pan, all,
sophia, wisdom.]
Panspermatism, pan-sper′ma-tizm, n. the theory of
the widespread diffusion of germs—also Pansper′my.
—n. Pansper′matist, a holder of
—adj. Pansper′mic.
[Gr. pas, pan, all, sperma, seed.]
Panstereorama, pan-ster-ē-ō-rä′ma, n. a model showing every part in proportional relief, as of a building. [Gr. pas, pan, all, stereos, solid, horama, a view.]
Pansy, pan′zi, n. a species of violet developed by
cultivation into large blossoms of great variety of colour—also
Heart's-ease, Love-in-idleness:—pl. Pan′sies.
—adj. Pan′sied. [Fr.
pensée—penser, to think—L.
pensāre, to weigh.]
Pant, pant, v.i. to breathe hard and quickly: to show
excitement by quickness of breathing: to gasp: to throb: to desire
ardently: to heave, as the breast: to bulge and shrink successively, of
iron hulls, &c.
—v.t. to gasp out: to long
—ns. Pant, Pant′ing, rapid breathing: palpitation:
—adv. Pant′ingly, in a panting manner: with hard
and rapid breathing. [Imit.; or nasalised from pat (v.t.).]
Pantagamy, pan-tag′a-mi, n. a system of communistic marriage, once practised in the Oneida community. [Gr. panta, all, gamos, marriage.]
Pantagogue, pan′ta-gōg, n. a medicine once believed capable of purging away all morbid humours. [Gr. panta, pas, all, agōgos, drawing out—agein, to lead.]
Pantagraph, Pantagraphic, -al. Same as Pantograph, &c.
Pantagruelism, pan-ta-grōō′el-izm, n.
the theories and practice of Pantagruel as described by Rabelais
(1483-1553)—burlesque ironical buffoonery as a cover for serious
satire: empirical medical theory and practice.
—adj. Pantagruel′ian.
—ns. Pantagruel′ion, a magic herb allegorising
fortitude, patience, industry; Pantagru′elist, a cynic who uses the medium
of burlesque.
Pantaleon, pan-tal′ē-on, n. a musical instrument invented about 1700 by Pantaleon Hebenstreit, a very large dulcimer.
Pantalets, pan-ta-lets′, long frilled drawers, once worn by women and children: a removable kind of ruffle worn at the feet of women's drawers.
Pantaloon, pan-ta-lōōn′, n. in
pantomimes, a ridiculous character, a buffoon: (orig.) a
ridiculous character in Italian comedy, also a garment worn by him,
consisting of breeches and stockings all in one piece: (pl.) a
kind of trousers.
—n. Pantaloon′ery, buffoonery. [Fr.
pantalon—It. pantalone, from Pantaleon (Gr.
'all-lion'), the patron saint of Venice.]
Pantatrophy, pan-tat′ro-fi, n. general atrophy of the whole body.
Pantechnicon, pan-tek′ni-kon, n. a place where every species of workmanship is sold, or where furniture, &c., is stored. [Gr. pas, pan, all, technē, art.]
Panter, pan′tėr, n. (obs.). Same as Panther.
Pantheism, pan′thē-izm, n. the form of
monism which identifies mind and matter, making them manifestations of
one absolute being: the doctrine that there is no God apart from nature
or the universe, everything being considered as part of God, or a
manifestation of Him.
—n. Pan′thēist, a believer in
—adjs. Panthēist′ic, -al.
—ns. Panthēol′ogist, one versed in
pantheology; Panthēol′ogy, a
system of theology embracing all religions and the knowledge of all
Pantheon, pan′thē-on, n. a temple dedicated to all the gods, esp. the round one at Rome, built by Agrippa in 27 B.C.: all the gods of a nation considered as one body: a complete mythology. [L. panthēon—Gr. pantheion (hieron), (a temple) for all gods—pas, pan, all, theos, a god.]
Panther, pan′thėr, n. a fierce, spotted, carnivorous quadruped of Asia and Africa:—fem. Pan′theress. [Fr. panthère—L.,—Gr. panthēr.]
Pantile, pan′tīl, n. a tile with a curved
surface, convex or concave with reference to its width: a tile whose
cross-section forms a double curve, forming a tegula and imbrex both in
—adj. dissenting—chapels being often roofed with
—n. Pan′tiling, a
system of tiling with pantiles.
Pantisocrasy, pan-ti-sok′ra-si, n. a Utopian community in which all are of equal rank or social position. [Gr. pas, pantos, all, isos, equal, kratein, to rule.]
Pantler, pant′lėr, n. (Shak.) the officer in a great family who had charge of the bread and other provisions. [Fr. panetier—L. panis, bread.]
Pantochronometer, pan-tō-kro-nom′e-tėr, n. a combination of compass, sun-dial, and universal sun-dial.
Pantoffle, pan′tof'l, n. a slipper. [Fr.]
Pantograph, pan′tō-graf, n. an instrument
for copying drawings, plans, &c. on the same, or a different, scale
from the original.
—adjs. Pantograph′ic, -al, pertaining to, or done by, a
—n. Pantog′raphy, general description: entire
view: process of copying by means of the pantograph. [Gr. pan,
all, graphein, to write.]
Pantology, pan-tol′o-ji, n. universal knowledge: a
view of all branches of knowledge: a book of universal
—adj. Pantolog′ic.
—n. Pantol′ogist. [Gr. pas, pantos,
all, logia, description.]
Pantometer, pan-tom′e-tėr, n. an instrument
for measuring angles and perpendiculars.
—n. Pantom′etry.
Pantomime, pan′tō-mīm, n. one who
expresses his meaning by action without speaking: a play or an
entertainment in dumb show: an entertainment in a theatre, usually about
Christmas-time, in which some well-known story is acted, amidst showy
scenery, with music and dancing, concluding with buffoonery by
conventional characters—the clown, pantaloon, harlequin, and
—adj. representing only by action without
—adjs. Pantomim′ic, -al.
—adv. Pantomim′ically.
—n. Pan′tomimist, an actor in a pantomime.
—Gr. pantomimos, imitator of
all—pas, pantos, all, mimos, an imitator.]
Pantomorph, pan′tō-morf, n. that which
exists in all shapes.
—adj. Pantomor′phic.
Panton, pan′ton, n. a horse-shoe for curing a narrow and hoof-bound heel: an idle fellow.
Pantophagy, pan-tof′a-ji, n. morbid hunger for all
kinds of food.
—n. Pantoph′agist.
—adj. Pantoph′agous. [Gr. panta, all,
phagein, to eat.]
Pantoscope, pan′tō-skōp, n. a
panoramic camera: a very wide-angled photographic lens.
Pantoscop′ic, giving a wide range of
Pantostomatous, pan-tō-stom′a-tus, adj. ingesting food at any point on the surface of the body.
Pantry, pan′tri, n. a room or closet for provisions and table furnishings, or where plate, knives, &c. are cleaned. [Fr. paneterie, a place where bread is distributed—Low L. panitaria—L. panis, bread.]
Pants, (coll.) trousers, abbrev. of pantaloons.
Panurgic, pan-ur′jik, adj. able to do all kinds of work. [Gr. pan, all, ergon, work.]
Panzoism, pan-zō′izm, n. the sum of the elements that make up vital force. [Gr. pas, pan, all, zōē, life.]
Pap, pap, n. soft food for infants: pulp of fruit:
nourishment: (slang) the emoluments or perquisites of public
—v.t. to feed with pap.
—adjs. Papes′cent, Pap′py.
—ns. Pap′meat, soft food for infants; Pap′spoon, a spoon for infants. [Imit.]
Pap, pap, n. a nipple or teat: a woman's breast: a round conical hill, as the Paps of Jura.
Papa, pa-pä′, or pä′pa, n. father: a bishop: a priest of the Greek Church. [Imit.]
Papacy, pā′pa-si, n. the office of the Pope:
the authority of the Pope: popery: the Popes, as a
—adj. Pā′pal, belonging to, or relating to,
the Pope or to popery: popish.
—v.t. Pā′palise, to make
—v.i. to conform to popery.
—ns. Pā′palism; Pā′palist.
—adv. Pā′pally.
—ns. Pāpaphō′bia, extreme fear of the
Pope, or the progress of papacy; Pā′parchy, papal government. [Low L.
papatia—papa, a father.]
Papain, pä′pa-in, n. a nitrogenous body, isolated from the juice of the papaw, one of the digestive ferments applied in some cases of dyspepsia, either internally or for the predigestion of food.
Papaverous, pa-pav′ėr-us, adj. resembling or
having the qualities of the poppy.
—adj. Papaverā′ceous, of or like the poppy.
[L. papaver, the poppy.]
Papaw, pa-paw′, n. the tree Carica papaya, or its fruit, native to South America, but common in the tropics, the trunk, leaves, and fruit yielding papain (q.v.), the leaves forming a powerful anthelmintic: the tree Asimina triloba, or its fruit, native to the United States. [The Malabar native name.]
Paper, pā′pėr, n. the material made
from rags or vegetable fibres on which we commonly write and print: a
piece of paper: a written or printed document or instrument, note,
receipt, bill, bond, deed, &c.: a newspaper: an essay or literary
contribution, generally brief: paper-money: paper-hangings for walls: a
set of examination questions: free passes of admission to a theatre,
&c., also the persons admitted by such.
—adj. consisting
or made of paper.
—v.t. to cover with paper: to fold in
paper: to treat in any way by means of paper, as to sand-paper, &c.:
to paste the end-papers and fly-leaves at the beginning and end of a book
before fitting it into its covers.
—ns. Pā′per-bar′on, or -lord, one who holds a title that is merely
official, like that of a Scotch Lord of Session, &c., or whose title
is merely by courtesy or convention; Pā′per-case, a box for holding writing
materials, &c.; Pā′per-chase, the game of hounds and
hares, when the hares scatter bits of paper to guide the hounds; Pā′per-cigar′, a cigarette;
Pā′per-clamp, a frame for
holding newspapers, sheets of music, &c., for easy reference;
Pā′per-clip, or
Letter-clip, an appliance with opening and closing spring, for
holding papers together; Pā′per-cloth, a fabric prepared in many
of the Pacific islands from the inner bark of the mulberry, &c.;
Pā′per-cred′it, credit
given to a person because he shows by bills, promissory notes, &c.
that money is owing to him; Pā′per-cut′ter, a machine for
cutting paper in sheets, for trimming the edges of books, &c.;
Pā′per-day, one of certain
days in each term for hearing causes down in the paper or roll of
business; Pā′per-enam′el, an enamel for
cards and fine note-paper.
—adj. Pā′per-faced (Shak.), having a
face as white as paper.
—ns. Pā′per-feed′er, an apparatus for
delivering sheets of paper to a printing-press, &c.; Pā′per-file, an appliance for holding
letters, &c., for safety and readiness of reference; Pā′per-gauge, a rule for measuring the
type-face of matter to be printed, and the width of the margin; Pā′per-hang′er, one who hangs
paper on the walls of rooms, &c.
— Pā′per-hang′ings, paper, either
plain or with coloured figures, for hanging on or covering
—ns. Pā′pering, the operation of covering or
hanging with paper: the paper itself; Pā′per-knife, -cut′ter, -fold′er, a thin, flat blade of ivory,
&c., for cutting open the leaves of books and other folded papers;
Pā′per-mak′er, one who
manufactures paper; Pā′per-mak′ing; Pā′per-mar′bler, one engaged in
marbling paper; Pā′per-mill, a
mill where paper is made; Pā′per-mon′ey, pieces of paper
stamped or marked by government or by a bank, as representing a certain
value of money, which pass from hand to hand instead of the coin itself;
Pā′per-mus′lin, a glazed
muslin for dress linings, &c.; Pā′per-nau′tilus, or -sail′or, the nautilus; Pā′per-off′ice, an office in
Whitehall where state-papers are kept; Pā′per-pulp, the pulp from which paper
is made; Pā′per-punch, an
apparatus for piercing holes in paper; Pā′per-reed (B.), the papyrus;
Pā′per-rul′er, one who,
or an instrument which, makes straight lines on paper; Pā′per-stain′er, one who prepares
paper-hangings; Pā′per-test′er, a machine for
testing the stretching strength of paper; Pā′per-wash′ing (phot.),
water in which prints have been washed; Pā′per-weight, a small weight for
laying on a bundle of loose papers to prevent them from being
—adj. Pā′pery, like paper.
paper or board, a strong smooth paper for drawing on;
Brown-paper (see Brown); Chinese paper, rice-paper:
a fine soft slightly brownish paper made from bamboo bark, giving fine
impressions from engravings; Cream-laid paper, a smooth paper of
creamy colour, much used for note-paper; Distinctive paper, a fine
silk-threaded fibre paper used in the United States for bonds, &c.;
Filter-paper (see Filter); Hand-made paper, that
made wholly by hand, as still with some kinds of printing and drawing
papers; Height-to-paper, in typefounding, the length of a type
from its face to its foot (11⁄12 inch); Hot-pressed paper, paper polished by
pressure between heated plates; Imperfect paper, sheets of poorer
quality, as the two outside quires of a ream; India paper (see
Indian); Japanese paper, a soft fine paper made from the
bark of the paper-mulberry, giving good impressions of plate engravings;
Lithographic paper, paper used for taking impressions from
lithographic stones; Litmus paper (see Litmus); Marbled
paper (see Marble); Parchment paper, a tough paper,
prepared in imitation of parchment by dipping in diluted sulphuric acid
and washing with weak ammonia; Plain paper, unruled paper:
(phot.) any unglossy paper; Plate paper, the best class of
book paper; Printing paper (see Print); Rag-paper,
that made from the pulp of rags; Ruled paper, writing-paper ruled
with lines for convenience; Sensitised paper (phot.), paper
chemically treated so that its colour is affected by the action of light;
State-paper (see State); Test-paper (see
Test); Tissue-paper, a very thin soft paper for wrapping
delicate articles, protecting engravings in books, &c.
Silk-paper; Tracing-paper, transparent paper used for
copying a design, &c., by laying it over the original, and copying
the lines shown through it; Transfer-paper (see Transfer);
Vellum paper, a heavy ungrained smooth paper, sometimes used in
fine printing; Whatman paper, a fine quality of English paper,
with fine or coarse grain, used for etchings, engravings, &c.;
Wove paper, paper laid on flannel or felt, showing no marks of
wires; Wrapping-paper, coarse paper used for wrapping up parcels,
&c. [A shortened form of papyrus.]
Papeterie, pap-e-trē′, n. a box containing paper, &c., for writing purposes: stationery. [Fr.]
Paphian, pā′fi-an, adj. pertaining to
Paphos in Cyprus, sacred to Aphrodite: lascivious.
a native of Paphos, a votary of Aphrodite: a whore.
Papier-mâché, pap′yā-mä′shā, n. a material consisting either of paper-pulp or of sheets of paper pasted together, which by a peculiar treatment resembles varnished or lacquered wood in one class of articles made of it, and in another class (chiefly architectural ornaments) somewhat resembles plaster. [Fr. papier—L. papyrus; mâché is pa.p. of Fr. mâcher, to chew—L. masticāre, to masticate.]
Papilionaceous, pa-pil-yo-nā′shus, adj. (bot.) having a flower shaped somewhat like a butterfly, as the bean, pea, &c. [L. papilio, -onis, a butterfly.]
Papilla, pa-pil′a, n. one of the minute elevations
on the skin, esp. on the upper surface of the tongue and on the tips of
the fingers, and in which the nerves terminate: (bot.) a
nipple-like protuberance:—pl. Papill′æ.
—adjs. Pap′illar, Pap′illary, like a papilla, provided with
papillæ; Pap′illāte, formed
into a papilla, studded with papillæ.
—v.i. and v.t.
to become a papilla, to cover with such.
—adjs. Papillif′erous, papillate: bearing one or
more fleshy excrescences; Papill′iform, like a papilla in
—ns. Papillī′tis, inflammation of the optic
papilla; Papillō′ma, a tumour
formed by the hypertrophy of one papilla, or of several, including warts,
corns, &c.
—adjs. Papillom′atous; Pap′illōse, full of papillæ,
warty—also Pap′illous;
Papill′ūlate, finely
—n. Pap′illūle, a very small papilla, a
verruca or a variole. [L., a small pustule, dim. of papula.]
Papillote, pap′il-ōt, n. a curl-paper, from its fancied resemblance to a butterfly. [Fr., from papillot, old form of papillon, butterfly—L. papilio.]
Papist, pā′pist, n. an adherent of the Pope:
a name slightingly given to a Roman Catholic—(prov.)
Pā′pish, Pā′pisher.
—n. Pā′pism, popery.
Pāpist′ic, -al, pertaining to popery, or to the Church of
Rome, its doctrines, &c.
—adv. Pāpist′ically.
—n. Pā′pistry, popery.
Papoose, pap-ōōs′, n. a N. Amer.
Indian infant, usually wrapped up, fixed to a board, and thus carried by
its mother or hung up for safety.
—Also Pappoose′.
Pappus, pap′us, n. (bot.) the fine hair or
down which grows on the seeds of some plants: the first hair on the
—adjs. Pappif′erous, bearing a pappus; Pappōse′, Papp′ous, provided or covered with down. [L.
pappus—Gr. pappos, down.]
Papuan, pap′ū-an, adj. pertaining to
Papua or New Guinea.
—n. an inhabitant of Papua: one
of a race of black colour, dolichocephalic, with rough and frizzly hair,
inhabiting many of the islands of the Pacific near Australia.
Papulose, pap′ū-lōs, adj. full of
pimples—also Pap′ūlous.
—n. Pap′ūla, a small inflammatory pustule,
a pimple:—pl. Pap′ūlæ.
—adj. Pap′ūlar.
—ns. Papūlā′tion, the development of
papules; Pap′ūle, a
—adj. Papulif′erous, pimply. [L. papula, a
Papyrus, pa-pī′rus, n. an Egyptian sedge,
now scarcely found there, from the inner pith (byblos) of which
the ancients made their paper: a manuscript on papyrus:—pl.
Papyrā′ceous, Pap′yral, Papyr′ēan, Pap′yrine, pertaining to the papyrus or to
papyri: like paper in appearance and consistency; Papyrit′ious, resembling paper, as the nests
of certain wasps.
—n. Papyrograph (pā-pī′rō-graf), a hectograph
or apparatus for producing copies of a written or printed
—v.t. to produce by means of
—adj. Pāpyrograph′ic.
Papyrog′raphy. [L.
papyros, prob. Egyptian.]
Par, pär, n. state of equality: equal value, the norm or
standard: state or value of bills, shares, &c. when they sell at
exactly the price marked on them—i.e. without premium or
discount: equality of condition.
—v.t. to fix an
equality between.
—Par of exchange, the value of coin of one
country expressed in that of another.
—Above par, at a
premium, or at more than the nominal value; At par, at exactly the
nominal value; Below par, at a discount, or at less than the
nominal value; Nominal par, the value with which a bill or share
is marked, or by which it is known. [L. par, equal.]
Para, pa-rä′, n. a coin of copper, silver, or mixed metal in use in Turkey and Egypt, the 40th part of a piastre, and worth about 1⁄18th of a penny in Turkey and 1⁄16th in Egypt.
Parabaptism, par-a-bap′tizm, n. uncanonical baptism.
Parabasis, pa-rab′a-sis, n. the chief of the choral parts in ancient Greek comedy, usually an address from the poet to the public. [Gr., para, beside, basis—bainein, to walk.]
Parabema, par-a-bē′ma, n. in Byzantine
ecclesiastical architecture, the chapel of the prothesis or the
diaconicon, or sacristy, where divided by walls from the bema or
sanctuary:—pl. Parabē′mata.
—adj. Parabemat′ic.
Parablast, par′a-blast, n. the supplementary or
nutritive yolk of a meroblastic egg or metovum—as distinguished
from the archiblast, or formative yolk.
—adj. Parablast′ic. [Gr. para, beside,
blastos, a germ.]
Parable, par′a-bl, n. a comparison: a fable or
story of something which might have happened, told to illustrate some
doctrine, or to make some duty clear: (B.) an apologue, proverb
(Ps. lxxviii. 2, Hab. ii. 6).
—v.t. to represent by a
—adjs. Parabol′ic, -al, like a parable or a parabola: expressed by a
parable: belonging to, or of the form of, a parabola.
Parabol′ically. [Gr.
parabolē—paraballein, to
compare—para, beside, ballein, to throw.]
Parablepsis, par-a-blep′sis, n. false
—Also Par′ablepsy. [Gr.
para, beside, blepsis—bleptein, to see.]
Parabola, par-ab′o-la, n. (geom.) a curve
or conic section, formed by cutting a cone with a plane parallel to its
slope (for illustration, see Cone).
—adjs. Parabol′ic; Parabol′iform.
—n. Parab′oloid, the solid which would be
generated by the rotation of a parabola about its principal axis. [Gr.
parabolē; cf. Parable.]
Parabolanus, par-a-bō-lā′nus, n. in the early Eastern Church, a lay assistant to the clergy for waiting on the sick. [Gr. parabolos, reckless.]
Parabole, par-ab′o-le, n. (rhet.) a parable, a comparison or similitude. [Gr.; cf. Parable.]
Paracelsian, par-a-sel′si-an, adj. of or relating to the famous Swiss philosopher and physician, Paracelsus (1490-1541), or resembling his theories or practice. The name was coined for himself by Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, and apparently implied a claim to be greater than Celsus.
Paracentesis, par-a-sen-tē′sis, n. (surg.) the perforation of a cavity with a trocar, &c., tapping. [Gr., para, beside, kentein, to pierce.]
Paracentral, par-a-sen′tral, adj. situated next a
—adj. Paracen′tric, approaching to the centre or
receding from it.
Parachordal, par-a-kōr′dal, adj. (biol.) lying alongside the cranial part of the notochord. [Gr. para, beside, chordē, a chord.]
Parachromatism, par-a-krō′ma-tizm, n. colour-blindness. [Gr. para, beside, chroma, colour.]
Parachronism, par-ak′ron-izm, n. an error in dating an event by which it is made to appear later than it really was. [Gr., para, beside, chronos, time.]
Parachrose, par′a-krōs, adj. (min.) changing colour by exposure to weather. [Gr., para, beside, chroa, colour.]
Parachute, par′a-shōōt, n. an
apparatus like an umbrella for descending safely from a
—v.t. and v.i. to descend by means of
—n. Par′achutist.
[Fr., for par' à chute, from Fr. parer—L.
parāre, to prepare, chute, a fall—L.
Paraclete, par′a-klēt, n. the Comforter,
Advocate, or Intercessor of John, xiv. 16, 26, 1 John, ii. 1,
—the Holy Ghost or Spirit.
—ns. Paraclēt′ice, Paraclēt′icon, an
office-book in the Greek Church containing the troparia of the whole
ferial office for the year. [Through L., from Gr.
paraklētos—parakalein, para, beside,
kalein, to call.]
Paracme, pa-rak′mē, n. (biol.) the decadence of an evolutionary series of organisms after reaching its highest point of development. [Gr. para, beside, akmē, a point.]
Paracolpitis, par-a-kol-pī′tis, n. inflammation of the outer coat of the vagina. [Gr. para, beside, kolpos, the womb.]
Paracorolla, par-a-kō-rol′a, n. (bot.) a crown or appendage of a corolla, usually as a nectary. [Gr. para, beside, L. corolla.]
Paracrostic, par-a-krōs′tik, n. a poem with the first verse containing the initial letters of the others.
Paracusis, par-a-kū′sis, n. disordered hearing. [Gr. para, beside, akousis, hearing.]
Paracyanogen, par-a-sī-an′ō-jen, n. a substance obtained by heating mercury cyanide almost to redness.
Paracyesis, par-a-sī-ē′sis, n. extra-uterine pregnancy.
Paradactylum, par-a-dak′ti-lum, n. the side of a bird's toe. [Gr. para, beside, daktylos, a finger.]
Parade, par-ād′, n. the orderly arrangement
of troops for exercise or inspection: a review of troops: the place where
such a display takes place: that which is displayed: great or splendid
show of any kind: a public walk or promenade.
—v.t. to show
off: to marshal in military order.
—v.i. to march up and down
as if for show: to pass in military order: to march in procession.
—Sp. parada—parar, to halt—L.
parāre, -ātum, to
Paradigm, par′a-dim, n. an example: model:
(gram.) an example of the inflection of a word.
Paradigmat′ic, -al, consisting of, or resembling,
—n. Paradigmat′ic, one who narrates the lives of
religious persons by way of examples.
—adv. Paradigmat′ically. [Fr.,—L.,—Gr.
paradeigma—para, beside, deiknynai, to
Paradise, par′a-dīs, n. a park or
pleasure-ground, esp. in ancient Persia: the garden of Eden: heaven: any
place of great beauty or state of blissful delights: the happy abode of
the righteous in heaven: (slang) the upper gallery in a theatre:
(archit.) a small private apartment, a court in front of a
—adjs. Paradisā′ic, -al, Paradis′iac, -al, pertaining to, or resembling,
—n. Par′adise-fish, a Chinese species of Macropid
often kept in aquaria for its beauty of form and
—adjs. Paradis′ial, Paradis′ian, pertaining to, suitable to, or
resembling paradise; Paradis′ic,
-al, pertaining to paradise.
Of Paradise, an Eastern bird closely allied to the crow, with
splendid plumage. [Fr. paradis—L. paradisus—Gr.
paradeisos, a park, prob. Persian.]
Parados, par′a-dos, n. earthworks behind a fortified place, protecting against a rear attack.
Paradox, par′a-doks, n. that which is contrary to
received opinion, or that which is apparently absurd but really
—n. Par′adoxer.
—adjs. Paradox′ic, -al, of the nature of a paradox: inclined to
paradoxes, said of persons.
—adv. Paradox′ically.
—ns. Paradox′icalness; Paradox′ides, a genus of trilobites; Par′adoxist; Par′adoxy, the quality of being
—Hydrostatic paradox (see Hydrostatics).
[Through Fr. and L., from Gr. paradoxon—para,
contrary to, doxa, an opinion.]
Paradoxure, par-a-dok′sūr, n. a civet-like
carnivore of Southern Asia and Malaysia, the palm-cat of
—adj. Paradoxū′rine, having a paradoxical or
peculiarly curling tail.
Paræsthesia, par-es-thē′si-a, n. abnormal sensation. [Gr. para, beyond, aisthēsis, sensation.]
Paraffin, par′af-fin, n. a white, transparent,
crystalline substance, obtained from shale, coal-tar, &c., much used
instead of wax, tallow, &c. in making candles—so named as
having little affinity—for an alkali—also Par′affine.
—v.t. to coat or
impregnate with paraffin.
—ns. Par′affin-oil, any of the mineral burning
oils associated with the manufacture of paraffin; Par′affin-scale, unrefined paraffin.
[Fr.,—L. parum, little, affinis, allied.]
Paraffle, pa-raf′l, n. (Scot.) any pretentious display.
Paragastric, par-a-gas′trik, adj. lying alongside the gastric cavity: pertaining to the paragaster or the cavity of the sac of a sponge.
Parage, par′āj, n. equality in law: a woman's portion at marriage. [Par.]
Paragenesis, par-a-jen′e-sis, n.
—adjs. Paragenet′ic; Paragen′ic, originating with the germ or at
the genesis of an individual. [Gr. para, beside, genesis,
Parageusia, par-a-gū′si-a, n. perverted
sense of taste—also Parageu′sis.
—adj. Parageu′sic. [Gr. para, beside,
geusis, taste.]
Paraglenal, par-a-glē′nal, n. the coracoid of a fish—also adj. [Gr. para, beside, glēnē, a socket.]
Paraglobulin, par-a-glob′ū-lin, n. a
globulin found in blood-serum, fibrino-plastin.
—Also Paraglō′bin.
Paraglossa, par-a-glos′a, n. one of the two
appendages of the ligula in insects.
—adjs. Paragloss′al; Paragloss′ate, provided with paraglossæ. [Gr.
para, beside, glōssa, the tongue.]
Paragnathous, par-ag′nā-thus, adj. having
both mandibles of equal length.
—n. Parag′nāthism. [Gr. para,
beside, gnathos, the jaw.]
Paragoge, par-a-gō′jē, n. the addition
of a letter or a syllable to the end of a word, as amidst for
amid, generical for generic—also called
epithesis and ecstasis, as opposed to prosthesis and
—adjs. Paragog′ic, -al, forming a paragoge: relating to, or of the
nature of, paragoge: added on: additional.
—Paragogic future,
the cohortative tense in Hebrew grammar—a lengthened form of the
imperfect or future tense, usually confined to the first person, giving
the sense of 'let me' or 'let us.' [L.,—Gr. from para,
beyond, agein, to lead.]
Paragon, par′a-gon, n. a pattern or model with
which comparisons are made: (Spens.) a companion or a rival:
something supremely excellent: a size of printing-type intermediate
between great-primer and double pica, equal to 20 points in the newer
—v.t. to compare: to bring into comparison with:
(Shak.) to surpass. [O. Fr., from Sp. compound prep. para
con, in comparison with—L. pro, for, ad, to,
con=cum, with.]
Paragram, par′a-gram, n. a play upon words: a
—n. Paragram′matist, a punster. [Gr. para,
beside, gramma, something written, graphein, to write.]
Paragraph, par′a-graf, n. a distinct part of a
discourse or writing marked by ¶, or by being begun on a new line, at
more than the usual distance from the margin: a short passage, or a
collection of sentences with unity of purpose.
—v.t. to form
into paragraphs.
—ns. Par′agrapher, Par′agraphist, one who writes in paragraphs,
esp. for newspapers.
—adjs. Paragraph′ic, -al.
—adv. Paragraph′ically. [The mark ¶ is the reversed
initial of this word, which is, through Fr. and Low L., from Gr.
paragraphos—para, beside, graphein, to
Paraheliotropism, par-a-hē-li-ot′rō-pizm,
n. the diurnal sleep of plants.
—adj. Paraheliotrop′ic. [Gr. para, beside,
hēlios, the sun, trepein, to turn.]
Paraleipsis, par-a-līp′sis, n. (rhet.) a figure by which one fixes attention on a subject by pretending to neglect it, as, 'I will not speak of his generosity, his gentleness of disposition, or his reverence for sacred things.' [Gr., from paraleipein, to leave on one side—para, beside, leipein, to leave.]
Paralipomena, par-a-li-pom′e-na, things passed over, but given in a supplement, specially the name given in the Septuagint to the First and Second Books of Chronicles, a recapitulation of Second Samuel and the Books of Kings. [Late L.,—Gr. paraleipomena—paraleipein, to pass over.]
Parallax, par′a-laks, n. an apparent change in the
position of an object caused by change of position in the observer:
(astron.) the difference between the apparent and real place of a
star or other celestial object.
—adjs. Parallac′tic, -al. [Gr. parallaxis—para,
beside, allassein, to change—allos, another.]
Parallel, par′al-lel, adj. side by side:
(geom.) extended in the same direction and equi-distant in all
parts: with the same direction or tendency: running in accordance with:
resembling in all essential points: like or similar.
—n. a
line equi-distant from another at all points: a line drawn across a map
or round a globe at right angles to the axis, marking latitude: likeness:
a comparison: counterpart: (pl.) trenches, dug parallel to the
outline of a besieged fortress to protect the besiegers
—v.t. to place so as to be parallel: to
correspond, or to make to correspond, to:—pr.p. par′alleling or par′allelling; pa.p. par′alleled or par′allelled.—n. Par′allelism, state of being parallel:
resemblance: comparison: likeness of form or meaning, as of two
statements, clauses, or verses.
—adj. Parallelis′tic, of the nature of, or
involving, parallelism.
—adv. Par′allelly.
—Parallel bars, a
pair of bars securely fixed, 4 to 6 feet above the ground, and about 1½
feet apart, used in gymnastics to strengthen the arms; Parallel
forces, forces which act in parallel lines, having a single
resultant, readily found by the method of moments; Parallel
motion, a name given to any linkage by which circular motion may be
changed into straight-line motion; Parallel rulers, a mathematical
instrument for drawing parallel lines. [Fr.,—L.
parallelus—Gr. parallēlos—para,
beside, allēlōn, of one another—allos,
Parallelepiped, par-al-lel-e-pī′ped, n. a
regular solid, the opposite sides and ends of which form three pairs of
equal parallelograms.
—Also Parallelepī′pedon, improperly Parallelopī′ped, Parallelopī′pedon. [L.,—Gr.
epipedon, a plane surface—epi, on, pedon, the
Parallelogram, par-al-lel′ō-gram, n. a plane
four-sided figure, the opposite sides of which are parallel and
—adjs. Parallelogrammat′ic, -al, Parallelogram′mic, -al. [Fr.,—L.,—Gr.
parallēlos, side by side, gramma, a
line—graphein, to write.]
Paralogism, par-al′ō-jizm, n. reasoning
beside the point: a conclusion not following from the premises—also
Paral′ogise, to reason falsely.
[Fr.,—L.,—Gr. paralogismos—para, beside,
logismos—logos, discourse.]
Paralyse, par′a-līz, v.t. to strike with
paralysis or palsy: to make useless: to deaden the action of: to
—n. Paral′ysis,
a loss of the power of motion, sensation, or function in any part of the
body: palsy: loss of energy: state of being crippled.
Paralyt′ic, of or pertaining to
paralysis: afflicted with or inclined to paralysis.
—n. one
who is affected with paralysis.
—General paralysis, dementia
paralytica. [Fr.,—L.,—Gr. paralyein,
paralysein—para, beside, lyein, loosen.]
Paramagnetic, par-a-mag-net′ik, adj. See under Diamagnetic.
Paramastoid, par-a-mas′toid, adj. situated near
the mastoid, paroccipital.
—n. a paramastoid process.
Paramatta, par-a-mat′a, n. a fabric like merino made of worsted and cotton. [From Paramatta in New South Wales.]
Paramecium, par-a-mē′si-um, n. an infusorian in pond water or vegetable infusions—also Slipper Animalcule:—pl. Paramē′cia. [Gr. paramēkēs, long-shaped, para, beside, mēkos, length.]
Paramenia, par-a-mē′ni-a, disordered menstruation. [Gr. para, beside, mēn, a month.]
Paramere, par′a-mēr, n. (biol.) a
radiated part or organ: either half of a bi-laterally symmetrical
animal—usually Antimere.
—adj. Paramer′ic. [Gr. para, beside,
meros, a part.]
Parameter, par-am′ē-tėr, n. (geom.) the constant quantity which enters into the equation of a curve: in conic sections, a third proportional to any diameter and its conjugate diameter. [Gr. para, beside, metron, measure.]
Paramnesia, par-am-nē′si-a, n. false memory. [Gr. para, beside, mim-nēskein, to remind.]
Paramo, par′a-mō, n. a bare wind-swept elevated plain. [Sp.]
Paramorph, par′a-morf, n. (min.) a
pseudomorph formed by a change in molecular structure without change of
chemical composition.
—adjs. Paramorph′ic, Paramorph′ous.
—ns. Paramorph′ism, Paramorphō′sis. [Gr. para,
beside, morphē, form.]
Paramount, par′a-mownt, adj. superior to all
others: chief: of the highest order or importance—opp. to
—n. the chief: a superior.
Par′amountly. [O. Fr. par
amont, par—L. prep. per; cf. Amount.]
Paramour, par′a-mōōr, n. a lover of either sex, now usually in the illicit sense. [Fr. par amour, by or with love—L. per amorem.]
Paranema, par-a-nē′ma, n. (bot.)
—adj. Paranemat′ic. [Gr. para, about,
nēma, a thread.]
Parang, par′ang, n. a heavy Malay knife. [Malay.]
Parangon, pa-rang′gon, n. a jeweller's term for a gem of remarkable excellence. [Fr.]
Paranœa, par-a-nē′a, n. chronic mental
derangement—also Paranoi′a.
—ns. Paranœ′ac, Paranoi′ac.
—adj. Paranœ′ic. [Gr. para, beside,
noein, to think.]
Paranthelion, par-an-thē′li-on, n. a diffuse whitish image of the sun, having the same altitude, at an angular distance of about 120°—due to reflection from atmospheric ice-prisms. [Gr. para, beside, anti, against, hēlios, the sun.]
Paranucleus, par-a-nū′klē-us, n.
(biol.) an accessory nucleus in some
—adjs. Paranū′clear, Paranū′cleate.
—n. Paranūclē′olus, a mass of
substance extruded from the nucleus, in pollen and spore mother-cells
before division.
Paranymph, par′a-nimf, n. a friend of the bridegroom who escorted the bride on the way to her marriage: a bride's-man: one who countenances and supports another. [Gr. para, beside, nymphē, a bride.]
Parapeptone, par-a-pep′tōn, n. a proteid compound formed in gastric digestion, acid albumen.
Parapet, par′a-pet, n. a rampart breast-high, to
protect soldiers on a wall from the fire of an enemy: a breast-high wall
on a bridge, house-roof, a platform, &c., to prevent persons from
falling over.
—adj. Par′apeted, having a parapet. [Fr.,—It.
parapetto—It. parare, to adorn—L.
parāre, to prepare, It. petto—L. pectus,
the breast.]
Paraph, par′af, n. a mark or flourish under one's
—v.t. to append a paraph to, to sign with
initials. [Paragraph.]
Paraphasia, par-a-fā′zi-a, n. a form of aphasia in which one word is substituted for another.
Paraphernalia, par-a-fėr-nāl′i-a, ornaments of dress of any kind: trappings: that which a bride brings over and above her dowry: the clothes, jewels, &c. which a wife possesses beyond her dowry in her own right. [Late L. parapherna—Gr., from para, beyond, phernē, a dowry—pherein, to bring.]
Paraphimosis, par-a-fī-mō′sis, n. strangulation of the glans penis by constriction of the prepuce.
Paraphonia, par-a-fō′ni-a, n. in Byzantine music, a melodic progression by consonances (fourths and fifths): an abnormal condition of the voice: an alteration of the voice, as at puberty. [Gr. para, beside, phōnē, the voice.]
Paraphragm, par′a-fram, n. a kind of lateral
diaphragm in Crustacea.
—adj. Paraphrag′mal. [Gr. para, beside,
phrassein, to fence.]
Paraphrase, par′a-frāz, n. a saying of the
same thing in other words, often more fully and more clearly: an
explanation of a passage: a loose or free translation: (Scot.) one
of a certain number of Scripture passages turned into verse for use in
the service of praise.
—v.t. to say the same thing in other
words: to render more fully: to interpret or translate
—v.i. to make a paraphrase.
—n. Par′aphrast, one who
—adjs. Paraphrast′ic, -al, of the nature of a paraphrase: more clear and
ample than the original passage: free, loose, diffuse.
conjugation, one composed of the verb sum (am) with
participial forms of the verbs conjugated (amaturus sum, &c.).
[Fr.,—L.,—Gr. paraphrasis—para, beside,
phrasis, a speaking—phrazein, to speak.]
Paraphyllum, par-a-fil′um, n. (bot.) a small foliaceous organ between the leaves of some mosses. [Gr. para, beside, phyllon, a leaf.]
Paraphysis, pa-raf′i-sis, n. an erect sterile filament accompanying the sexual organs of some cryptogamous plants:—pl. Paraph′ysēs.
Paraplegia, par-a-plē′ji-a, n. a form of
spinal paralysis in which voluntary motion and sensation are interrupted
below the level of the affected part of the spinal cord, while reflex
movements may be preserved and certain forms even
—adjs. Paraplec′tic, Paraplē′gic. [Gr. para, beside,
plēssein, to strike.]
Parapleurum, par-a-plōō′rum, n. one of
the pleura or sternal side-pieces in a beetle, &c.
Parapleu′ron. [Gr. para,
beside, pleuron, side.]
Parapodium, par-a-pō′di-um, n. one of the jointless lateral appendages of an annelid:—pl. Parapō′dia. [Gr. para, beside, pous, podos, a foot.]
Parapophysis, par-a-pof′i-sis, n. the inferior or
anterior process on the side of a vertebra—the superior or
posterior one being a diapophysis.
—adj. Parapophys′ial. [Gr. para, beside,
apophysis, an offshoot.]
Parapsis, pa-rap′sis, n. (entom.) one of
the two lateral parts of the mesoscutum of the thorax.
Parap′sidal. [Gr. para,
beside, hapsis, a loop.]
Parapsis, pa-rap′sis, n. a disordered sense of
—Also Parā′phia.
[Gr. para, beside, hapsis, a touching.]
Parapterum, pa-rap′te-rum, n. (entom.) the
third sclerite of each pleuron, or lateral segment of each thoracic
somite—the first and second, the episternum, and the
epimeron: in birds, the scapular and adjoining feathers of the
—adj. Parap′teral.
[Gr. para, beside, pteron, a wing.]
Paraquito, par-a-kē′to, n. Same as Paroquet, Parrakeet.
Pararctalia, par-ark-tā′li-a, n. the
northern temperate realm of the waters of the globe.
Pararthria, pa-rär′thri-ä, n. disordered articulation of speech. [Gr. para, beside, arthron, a joint.]
Parasang, par′a-sang, n. a Persian measure of length, containing 30 stadia, equal to about 3¾ miles. [Gr. parasangēs—Pers. farsang.]
Parascenium, par-a-sē′ni-um, n. in the Greek theatre, one of the wings on either side of the proscenium:—pl. Parascē′nia. [Gr.]
Parasceve, par′a-sēv, n. the eve before the
Jewish Sabbath when the preparations are made: sometimes applied to
Good-Friday: (obs.) preparation.
—adj. Parascenas′tic. [Gr. paraskeuē,
preparation—para, beside, skeuē,
Paraschematic, par-a-skē-mat′ik, adj. imitative. [Gr. para, beside, schēma, a scheme.]
Paraselene, par-a-se-lē′nē, n. a mock
moon, seen in connection with a lunar rainbow (cf.
Parahelion):—pl. Paraselē′næ.
—adj. Paraselen′ic. [Gr. para, beside,
selēnē, the moon.]
Parasite, par′a-sīt, n. one who frequents
another's table: a hanger-on: a sycophant: (bot.) a plant growing
upon and nourished by the juices of another: (zool.) an animal
which lives on another—its host.
—adjs. Parasit′ic, -al, like a parasite: fawning: acting as a
sycophant: living on other plants or animals.
—adv. Parasit′ically.
—ns. Parasit′icalness; Parasit′icide, that which destroys parasites;
Par′asitism; Parasitol′ogist; Parasitol′ogy. [Fr.,—L.
parasītus—Gr. parasitos—para,
beside, sitos, corn.]
Parasol, par′a-sol, n. a small umbrella used by
women as a shade from the sun.
—v.t. to shelter from the sun.
[Fr.,—It. parasole—parare, to keep off—L.
parāre, to prepare, sol, solis, the sun.]
Parasphenoid, par-a-sfē′noid, n. a bone
which in some Vertebrata underlies the base of the skull from the
basi-occipital to the presphenoidal region.
—adj. lying under
or alongside the sphenoid.
Parasynthesis, par-a-sin′the-sis, n. the principle
of forming words by a combined process of derivation and composition with
a particle.
—adj. Parasynthet′ic.
—n. Parasyn′theton, a word so
formed:—pl. Parasyn′theta.
Parataxis, par-a-tak′sis, n. (gram.) the arrangement of clauses or propositions without connectives. [Gr.]
Parathesis, pa-rath′e-sis, n. (gram.) apposition: (philol.) the setting side by side of things of equivalent grade in the monosyllabic or isolating languages: (rhet.) a parenthetic notice of something to be afterwards explained: in the Eastern Church, a prayer of the bishop over converts or catechumens. [Gr.]
Paratonic, par-a-ton′ik, adj. retarding a plant's growth. [Gr. para, beside, teinein, to stretch.]
Paravail, par′a-vāl, adj. inferior: lowest, said of a feudal tenant: of least account—opp. to Paramount. [O. Fr. par aval, below—L. per, through, ad, to, vallem, a valley.]
Paravant, Paravaunt, par′a-vänt, adv. (Spens.) in front, first, beforehand. [O. Fr. paravant—par, through, avant, before—L. ab, from, ante, before.]
Parbake, pär′bāk, v.t. to bake partially. [Formed on analogy of parboil.]
Parboil, pär′boil, v.t. to boil slightly or in part—as if from part and boil.
Parbreak, pär′brāk, v.t. or v.i.
(Spens.) to throw out, to vomit.
—n. (Spens.)
vomit. [Fr. par—L. per, through, and
Parbuckle, pär′buk'l, n. a purchase made by
looping a rope in the middle to aid in rolling casks up or down an
incline, or in furling a sail by rolling the yards: a sling made by
passing both ends of a rope through its bight.
—v.t. to hoist
or lower by a parbuckle:—pr.p. par′buckling; pa.p. par′buckled. [Prob. L. par, equal, and
Parcæ, pär′sē, the Fates.
Parcel, pär′sel, n. a little part: a portion: a
quantity, as of single articles: a number forming a group or a lot: a
—v.t. to divide into portions:—pr.p.
par′celling; pa.t. and pa.p.
par′celled.—n. Par′cel-bawd (Shak.), one partly a
—adjs. Par′cel-beard′ed (Tenn.),
partially bearded; Par′cel-gilt,
partially gilded.
—n. Par′cel-off′ice, a place where parcels
are received for despatch and delivery.
—Parcels post, that
department of the post-office which takes charge of the forwarding and
delivery of small parcels. [Fr. parcelle (It.
particella)—L. particula, dim. of pars,
partis, a part.]
Parcenary, par′se-nā-ri, n.
—n. Par′cener, a co-heir.
Parch, pärch, v.t. to burn slightly: to
—v.i. to be scorched: to become very
—adj. Parched, scorched.
—n. Parch′edness. [M. E. parchen, either a
variety of per(s)chen=peris(c)hen, to kill, or from
perchen, to pierce.]
Parchment, pärch′ment, n. the skin of a sheep or
goat prepared for writing on.
—Parchment paper, or
Vegetable parchment (see Paper).
parchment, a fine kind of parchment made from the skins of new-born
lambs or kids. [Fr. parchemin—L. pergamena
(charta, paper)—from Gr. Pergamos.]
Pard, pärd, n. (slang) a partner, mate.
Pard, pärd, n. the panther: the leopard: in poetry, any
spotted animal.
—n. Pard′ale (Spens.). [L.
pardus—Gr. pardos, the panther, the leopard.]
Pardieu, pär′dū, Pardi, Pardy, pär′di, adv. (Spens.) in truth: certainly. [Fr., by God—par—L. per, through, by, Dieu—L. deus, God.]
Pardon, pär′don, v.t. to forgive, said either of
an offender or of a crime: to pass by without punishment or blame: to set
free from punishment: to let off without doing something.
forgiveness, either of an offender or of his offence: remission of a
penalty or punishment: a warrant declaring a pardon: a papal
—adj. Par′donable, that may be pardoned:
—n. Par′donableness.
—adv. Par′donably.
—n. Par′doner, one who pardons: formerly, one
licensed to sell papal indulgences.
—p.adj. Par′doning, disposed to pardon: forgiving:
exercising the right or power to pardon: conferring authority to grant
—Pardon me, excuse me—used in apology and to
soften a contradiction. [Fr. pardonner—Low L.
perdonāre—L. per, through, away,
donāre, to give.]
Pardy, pär′di, adv. A form of pardieu.
Pare, pār, v.t. to cut or shave off: to trim, or
to remove by cutting: to diminish by littles.
—n. Pār′er, one who, or that which, pares.
[Fr. parer—L. parāre, to prepare.]
Paregoric, par-ē-gor′ik, adj. soothing,
lessening pain.
—n. a medicine that soothes pain: tincture of
opium. [L.,—Gr.
parēgorikos—parēgorein, to exhort.]
Pareil, par-el′, n. an equal. [Fr.,—L. par, equal.]
Pareira, pa-rā′ra, n. a tonic diuretic drug derived from various South and Central American plants. [Braz.]
Parella, pa-rel′la, n. a crustaceous lichen
yielding archil, cudbear, and litmus.
—Also Parelle′. [Fr. parelle.]
Parembole, pa-rem′bō-lē, n. (rhet.) an inserted phrase modifying or explaining the thought of the sentence—closer to the context than a parenthesis. [Gr.]
Parenchyma, pa-reng′ki-mä, n. the soft cellular
tissue of glandular and other organs, as the pith in plants or the pulp
in fruits.
—adjs. Parench′ymal, Parenchym′atous, Parench′ymous. [Gr., para, beside,
engchein, to pour in.]
Parenesis, pa-ren′e-sis, n.
—adjs. Parenet′ic, -al, hortatory. [Gr. parainesis,
exhortation, para, beside, ainein, to praise.]
Parent, pār′ent, n. one who begets or brings
forth: a father or a mother: one who, or that which, produces: an author:
a cause.
—n. Par′entage,
descent from parents: birth: extraction: rank or character derived from
one's parents or ancestors: relation of parents to their
—adj. Parent′al, pertaining to, or becoming,
parents: affectionate: tender.
—adv. Parent′ally.
—ns. Par′enthood, state of being a parent: duty or
feelings of a parent; Parent′icide,
one who kills a parent.
—adj. Par′entless, without a parent. [Fr.,
'kinsman'—L. parens, for pariens, -entis, pr.p. of parĕre, to bring
Parenthesis, pa-ren′the-sis, n. a word, phrase, or
sentence put in or inserted in another which is grammatically complete
without it: (pl.) the marks ( ) used to mark off a
parenthesis:—pl. Paren′theses (-sēz).
Parenthet′ic, -al, of the nature of a parenthesis: expressed in a
parenthesis: using parentheses.
—adv. Parenthet′ically. [Gr.,—para,
beside, en, in, thesis, a placing—tithenai, to
Parergon, pa-rėr′gon, n. a by-work, any work subsidiary to another. [Gr.,—para, beside, ergon, work.]
Paresis, par′e-sis, n. a diminished activity of
function—a partial form of paralysis.
—adj. Paret′ic. [Gr., parienai, to
Parfay, pär-fā′, interj. by or in faith. [Fr.]
Parfilage, pär′fi-lāj, n. the unravelling of woven fabrics, to save gold or silver threads. [Fr.]
Parfleche, pär-flesh′, n. rawhide of buffalo-skin stripped of hair and dried on a stretcher: a wallet, tent, &c. of such material. [Canadian Fr.,—Ind.]
Pargasite, pär′ga-sīt, n. a dark-green crystallised variety of amphibole or hornblende.
Parget, pär′jet, n. (Spens.) the plaster of
a wall: paint.
—v.t. to plaster: to paint.
Par′geter; Par′geting, Parge′-work. [L. paries,
parietis, a wall; or Low L. spargitāre, to
sprinkle—L. spargĕre.]
Parhelion, par-hē′li-un, n. a bright light
caused by refraction of light through ice crystals floating in the air,
sometimes seen near the sun, and sometimes opposite to the sun, when it
is called anthelion:—pl. Parhē′lia.
—adjs. Parhel′ic, Parhelī′acal. [Gr. para, beside,
hēlios, the sun.]
Pariah, pār′i-a, n. a member of a caste in southern India, lower than the four Brahminical castes: one who has lost his caste: an outcast. [Tamil.]
Parian, pā′ri-an, adj. pertaining to or
found in the island of Paros, in the Ægean Sea.
—n. an
inhabitant of Paros: a fine porcelain for statuettes, resembling
—Parian marble, a fine marble found in Paros, much
used by the ancients for statues.
Paridigitate, par-i-dij′i-tāt, adj. having an even number of digits.
Parietal, pa-rī′et-al, adj. pertaining to a
wall or walls: (anat.) forming the sides: (bot.) growing
from the inner lining of an organ, and not from the axis, as seeds in the
—n. one of the bones of the skull. [L.
parietalis—paries, parietis, a wall.]
Paring, pār′ing, n. act of trimming or cutting off: that which is pared off: rind: the cutting off of the surface of grass land for tillage.
Paripinnate, par-i-pin′āt, adj. (bot.) equally pinnate.
Parish, par′ish, n. a district under one pastor:
an ecclesiastical district having officers of its own and supporting its
own poor: the people of a parish.
—adj. belonging or relating
to a parish: employed or supported by the parish.
Parish′ioner, one who belongs to or
is connected with a parish: a member of a parish church.
clerk, the clerk or recording officer of a parish: the one who leads
the responses in the service of the Church of England; Parish
priest, a priest who has charge of a parish; Parish register,
a book in which the births, marriages, and deaths of a parish are
registered. [Fr. paroisse—L. parœcia—Gr.
paroikia—paroikos, dwelling beside—para,
beside, oikos, a dwelling.]
Parisian, par-iz′i-an, adj. of or pertaining to
—n. a native or resident of
Paris:—fem. Parisienne′.
—Paris doll, a small
figure dressed in the latest fashions, sent out by Paris modistes.
Parisyllabic, par-i-si-lab′ik, adj. having the same number of syllables.
Paritor, par′i-tor, n. Same as Apparitor.
Parity, par′i-ti, n. state of being equal in rank, position, quality, &c.: resemblance: analogy. [Fr. parité—L. paritas—par, equal.]
Park, pärk, n. an enclosed piece of land for a special
purpose, as for wild beasts: a grass field: a tract of land surrounding a
mansion: a piece of ground enclosed for recreation: (mil.) a space
in an encampment occupied by the artillery; hence, a collection of
artillery, or stores in an encampment.
—v.t. to enclose: to
bring together in a body, as artillery.
—n. Park′er, the keeper of a park. [A.S.
pearroc, prob. modified by Fr. parc.]
Parlance, pär′lans, n. speaking: conversation:
peculiar manner of conversation.
—adj. and adv.
Parlan′do, declamatory in style: in
—v.i. Parle (Shak.), to
—n. (Shak.) talk,
—v.i. Par′ley, to speak with another: to confer on
some important point: to treat with an enemy.
—n. talk: a
conference with an enemy in war. [Fr. parler—L.
parabola—Gr. parabolē, a parable, word.]
Parliament, pär′li-ment, n. a meeting for
deliberation: the supreme legislature of Great Britain, also of some of
her colonies: in France, down to the Revolution, one of certain superior
and final courts of judicature, in which also the edicts of the king were
registered before becoming law.
—adjs. Parliamentā′rian, adhering to the
Parliament in opposition to Charles I.; Parliament′ary, pertaining to parliament:
enacted or done by parliament: according to the rules and practices of
legislative bodies.
—Parliamentary agent, a person employed
by private persons or societies for drafting bills or managing business
to be brought before parliament; Parliamentary borough, a borough
having the right of sending a member or members to parliament;
Parliamentary train, a train which, by act of parliament, runs
both ways along a line of railway, at least once each day, at the rate of
one penny per mile.
—Act of parliament, a statute that has
passed through both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and
received the formal royal assent. [Fr.
parlement—parler, to speak.]
Parlour, pär′lur, n. an ordinary family
sitting-room: a room for receiving guests in.
—n. Par′lour-board′er, a pupil at a
boarding-school who enjoys particular privileges. [Fr.,
parloir—parler, to speak.]
Parlous, pär′lus, adj. perilous, venturesome,
—adv. Par′lously. [Perilous.]
Parmacety, par-mas-it′i, n. (Shak.) a corr. of spermaceti.
Parmesan, par-me-zan′, adj. pertaining to
—n. Parmesan cheese.
Parnassus, par-nas′us, n. a mountain in Greece,
sacred to Apollo and the Muses.
—adj. Parnass′ian.
—Grass of Parnassus,
a plant with beautiful white or yellowish flowers.
Parnellism, pär′nel-izm, n. the plans and methods
of agitation used by Charles Stewart Parnell (1846-91) for the
purpose of promoting 'Home Rule' for Ireland.
—n. Par′nellite, one of the followers of C. S.
—adj. of or pertaining to the nationalist movement
led by Parnell.
Paroccipital, par-ok-sip′i-tal, adj. situated near the occiput.
Parochial, par-ō′ki-al, adj. of or relating
to a parish: restricted or confined within narrow limits—of
sentiments, tastes, &c.
—v.t. Parō′chialise, to form into
—n. Parō′chialism, a system of local
government which makes the parish the unit—hence provincialism,
narrowness of view.
—adv. Parō′chially.
Board (in Scotland), the board in each parish which relieves the
poor. [L. parochialis—parochia, a variant of
Parody, par′o-di, n. an imitation of a poem in
which its words and ideas are so far changed as to produce a ridiculous
—v.t. to turn into parody, to make a parody
of:—pa.p. par′odied.—adjs. Parod′ic, -al.
—n. Par′odist, one who writes a parody.
[L.,—Gr. parōdia—para, beside,
ōdē, an ode.]
Parole, par-ōl′, n. word of mouth:
(mil.) word of honour (esp. by a prisoner of war, to fulfil
certain conditions): the daily password in a camp or
—adj. given by word of mouth: oral—opp. to
Documentary, as parole evidence. [Fr.,—L.
parabola, a parable, saying.]
Paronomasia, par-ō-nō-mā′zhi-a,
n. a rhetorical figure in which words similar in sound but
different in meaning are set in opposition to each other: a play upon
words—also Paronom′asy.
—adjs. Paronomas′tic, -al.
—ns. Par′onyme, Par′onym, a paronymous word—opp. to
—adj. Paron′ymous, formed by a slight change of
word or name: derived from the same root: having the same sound, but
different in spelling and meaning.
—n. Paron′ymy, quality of being paronymous. [Gr.
para, beside, onoma, name.]
Paroquet, Parroquet, par′o-ket, n. a small
long-tailed tropical and subtropical parrot.
—Also Parr′akeet. [Fr.
perroquet—Pierrot, dim. of Pierre, Peter.]
Parosmia, pa-ros′mi-a, n. a perversion of the sense of smell. [Gr. para, beside, osmē, smell.]
Parotid, par-ot′id, n. the largest of the three
pairs of salivary glands, situated immediately in front of the
ear—also Parō′tis.
—adj. Parot′ic, auricular, situated about the outer
—ns. Parotidī′tis, Parotī′tis, inflammation of the parotic
gland. [L.,—Gr. parōtis, -idos—para, beside, ous,
ōtos, ear.]
Paroxysm, par′oks-izm, n. a fit of acute pain
occurring at intervals: a fit of passion: any sudden violent
—adjs. Paroxys′mal, Paroxys′mic, pertaining to, or occurring in,
paroxysms. [Fr.,—L.,—Gr. paroxysmos—para,
beyond, oxys, sharp.]
Paroxytone, par-ok′si-tōn, adj. having the
acute accent on the last syllable but one.
—n. a word with an
acute accent on the second last syllable.
—v.t. to accent a
word in this way.
Parquet, pär-ket′, n. the part of the floor of a
theatre, &c., behind the musicians' seats, but not under the gallery:
the pit or the whole of the floor of a theatre:
—n. Par′quetry, woodwork inlaid with figures, for
floors. [Fr. parquet, an inlaid floor, dim. of parc, an
Parrakeet, par′a-kēt, n. Same as Paroquet.
Parrhesia, pa-rē′si-a, n. boldness of speech. [Gr.]
Parricide, par′ri-sīd, n. the murder of
one's own father or mother: the murder of a parent: the murder of any one
to whom reverence is due.
—adj. Parricid′al, pertaining to, or committing,
parricide. [Fr.,—L. parricida (for
patri-cida)—pater, patris, father,
cædĕre, to slay.]
Parrot, par′rut, n. one of a family of tropical
and subtropical birds, with brilliant plumage and a hooked bill,
remarkable for their faculty of imitating the human voice: a repeater of
the words of others.
—v.t. and v.i. to repeat by
—ns. Par′rot-coal,
a kind of coal which crepitates in burning; Par′roter; Par′rot-fish, a name applied to various
fishes, from their colours or the shape of their jaws; Par′rotry, servile imitation. [Contr. of Fr.
Parry, par′i, v.t. to ward or keep off: to turn aside: to avoid:—pa.t. and pa.p. parr′ied.—n. a turning aside of a blow or a thrust: a defensive movement of any kind. [Fr. parer—L. parāre, to prepare, in Low L. to keep off.]
Parse, pärs, v.t. (gram.) to tell the parts of
speech of a sentence and the relations of the various words to each
—n. Pars′ing. [L.
pars (orationis), a part of speech.]
Parsee, Parsi, pär′sē, n. one of the
surviving remnant of Zoroastrianism which took refuge in India in the 7th
century: a fire-worshipper.
—n. Par′seeism. [Pers.
Pārsī—Pārs, Persia.]
Parsimony, pär′si-mun-i, n. sparingness in the
spending of money: frugality: niggardliness.
—adj. Parsimō′nious, sparing in the use of
money: frugal to excess: niggardly: covetous.
—adv. Parsimō′niously.
[Fr.,—L. parsimonia,
parcimonia—parcĕre, to spare.]
Parsley, pärs′li, n. a bright-green herb, with finely divided, strongly scented leaves, used in cookery. [Fr. persil—L. petroselinum—Gr. petroselinon—petros, a rock, selinon, a kind of parsley.]
Parsnip, Parsnep, pärs′nip, n. an edible plant with a carrot-like root. [O. Fr. pastenaque—L. pastinaca—pastinum, a dibble.]
Parson, pär′sn, n. the priest or incumbent of a
parish: a clergyman: one who is licensed to preach.
Par′sonage, the residence of the
minister of a parish: (orig.) the house, lands, tithes, &c.
set apart for the support of the minister of a parish.
Parson′ic, Par′sonish, pertaining to or like a parson.
[O. Fr. persone—L. persōna, a person.]
Part, pärt, n. something less than the whole: a portion:
a quantity or number making up with others a larger quantity or number: a
fraction: a member or essential part of a whole: a proportional quantity:
one's share: interest: side or party: action: character taken by an actor
in a play: (math.) a quantity which taken a certain number of
times will equal a larger quantity: an exact divisor: (mus.) one
of the melodies of a harmony: (pl.) qualities:
—v.t. to divide: to make into parts: to put or keep
—v.i. to be separated: to be torn asunder: to have a
part or share.
—adj. Part′ed (Shak.), endowed with parts or
abilities: (bot.) deeply cleft, as a leaf.
—adv. Part′ly, in part: in some
—Part of speech (gram.), one of the various
classes of words.
—For my part, as far as concerns me; For
the most part, commonly; In bad, or ill, part,
unfavourably; In good part, favourably; Take part in, to
share or to assist in; Take part with, to take one's side.
[Fr.,—L. pars, partis.]
Partake, pär-tāk′, v.i. to take or have a
part, either absolutely, or with of or in before the thing shared, as
food, &c.: to have something of the nature or properties, &c.: to
be admitted: (Shak.) to make common cause.
—v.t. to
have a part in: to share: (Shak.) to
communicate:—pr.p. partā′king; pa.t. partook′; pa.p. partā′ken.—ns. Partā′ker, one who shares in along with
others: a partner: an accomplice; Partā′king, a sharing: (law) a
combination in an evil design. [Part and take.]
Partan, par′tan, n. (Scot.) a small edible sea-crab. [Gael.]
Parterre, par-ter′, n. an arrangement of flower-plots with spaces of turf or gravel between for walks: the pit of a theatre, esp. beneath the galleries. [Fr.,—L. per terram, along the ground.]
Parthenogenesis, pär-the-nō-jen′e-sis, n.
reproduction without renewed impregnation by a male, as in aphids or
plant-lice, &c.
—also Parthenog′eny.
—adjs. Parthenogenet′ic, Parthenog′enous. [Gr. parthenos, a
virgin, genesis, production.]
Parthenon, pär′the-non, n. the temple of Athēnē Parthĕnos, on the Acropolis at Athens. [Gr. Parthenōn—parthenos, a virgin.]
Parthian, par′thi-an, adj. of or belonging to
Parthia, in Persia.
—A Parthian shot, a shot or blow
given while pretending to fly, a parting shot.
Partial, pär′shal, adj. relating to a part only:
not total or entire: inclined to favour one person or party: having a
preference: (bot.) subordinate.
—v.t. Par′tialise (Shak.), to render
—ns. Par′tialism, the doctrine of the Partialists;
Par′tialist, one who holds that the
atonement of Christ was made only for a part of mankind; Partial′ity, state or quality of being
partial: liking for one thing more than for others.
Par′tially.[Fr.,—Low L.
partialis—L. pars, a part.]
Partible, pär′ti-bl, adj. that may be parted:
—n. Partibil′ity.
Partibus, par′ti-bus, n. in Scots law, a note on
the margin of a summons, giving name and designation of the
—In partibus infidelium, a phrase applying formerly
to bishops who were merely titular, without regular jurisdiction, their
function to assist some other bishop or to act as delegates of the Pope
where no hierarchy had as yet been established.
Participate, pär-tis′i-pāt, v.i. to partake:
to have a share.
—v.t. to receive a part or share
—n. Pär′ticeps crim′inis, one who, although not present,
helps in any way the commission of a crime, or who after the deed assists
or hides the person who did it.
—adjs. Partic′ipable, capable of being participated
in or shared; Partic′ipant,
participating: sharing.
—n. a partaker.
Partic′ipātive, capable of
—n. Partic′ipātor, one who partakes with
another: a sharer. [L. participāre, -ātum—pars, part,
capĕre, to take.]
Participle, pär′ti-si-pl, n. a word having the
value of an adjective but regularly formed from a verb.
Particip′ial, having the nature of a
participle: formed from a participle.
—adv. Particip′ially.[L.,—participium—particeps—pars,
a part, capĕre, to take.]
Particle, pär′ti-kl, n. a little part: a very
small portion: (physics) the minutest part into which a body can
be divided: an atom: (gram.) an indeclinable word, as a
preposition, a conjunction, an interjection: a word that can only be used
in composition, as wise in sidewise: (R.C. Church) a
crumb of consecrated bread, also the 'smaller breads' used in the
communion of the laity.
—adj. Partic′ular, relating to a part of anything:
pertaining to a single person or thing: individual: special: worthy of
special attention: concerned with or marking things single or distinct:
exact: nice in taste: precise.
—n. a distinct or minute part:
a single point: a single instance: (pl.) details.
Partic′ularise, to mention the
particulars of: to enumerate in detail: to give a special description
—v.i. to mention or attend to single things or minute
—ns. Partic′ularism, attention to one's own
interest or party: a particular or minute description: the doctrine that
salvation is offered only to particular individuals, the elect, and not
freely to the whole race on condition of faith; Partic′ularist, one who holds the doctrine of
—adj. Particularist′ic.
—n. Particular′ity, quality of being particular:
minuteness of detail: a single act or case: a single or a minute
circumstance: something peculiar or singular.
—adv. Partic′ularly, in an especial manner: in a
high degree: (B.) in detail.
—n. Partic′ularness.
—adj. Partic′ulāte, having the form of a
small particle.
—In particular, specially, distinctly.
[Fr.,—L. particula, dim. of pars, partis, a
Partim, part′im, adv. in part. [L.]
Parting, pärt′ing, adj. putting apart: separating:
departing: given at parting.
—n. the act of parting: a
division: a point or a line of division: the division of the hair on the
head in dressing it: (geol.) a division of a mineral into layers:
a snapping or breaking under a great strain, as of a
—n. Part′ing-cup,
a drinking-cup with two handles on opposite sides.
Partisan, pär′ti-zan, n. an adherent of a party or
a faction: one who is too strongly devoted to his own party or sect to be
able to understand or to judge fairly of others.
adhering to a party.
—n. Par′tisanship. [Fr. (It.
partigiano),—L. partīri.]
Partisan, pär′ti-zan, n. a kind of halberd or long-handled weapon, common in the Middle Ages: a soldier armed with such a weapon. [O. Fr. pertuisane, which is perh. from Old High Ger. parta a battle-axe, seen in halberd.]
Partition, par-tish′un, n. act of parting or
dividing: state of being divided: separate part: that which divides: a
wall between apartments: the place where separation is
—v.t. to divide into shares: to divide into parts by
—adjs. Par′tīte, divided into parts:
(bot.) parted nearly to the base; Par′titive, parting: dividing:
—n. (gram.) a word denoting a part or
—adv. Par′titively. [Fr.,—L.
partitio—partīri, divide.]
Partlet, pärt′let, n. a ruff or band worn round the neck or shoulders by women: a hen, from its habit of ruffling the feathers round its neck. [Prob. O. Fr. Pertelote, a woman's name.]
Partner, pärt′nėr, n. a sharer: an
associate: one engaged with another in business: one who plays on the
same side in a game: one who dances with another: a husband or
—v.t. (Shak.) to join as a
—ns. Part′nership, state of being a partner: a
contract between persons engaged in any business; Sleep′ing-part′ner, one who has money
invested in a business, but takes no part in its management.
Partridge, pär′trij, n. a genus of gallinaceous
birds preserved for game.
—n. Par′tridge-wood, a hard variegated wood, from
Brazil and the West Indies, used in cabinet-work. [Fr.
perdrix—L. perdix, perdicis—Gr.
Part-singing, pärt′-sing-ing, n. act or practice
of singing different parts in harmony.
—n. Part′-song, a song sung in parts.
Parture, pärt′ūr, n. (Spens.) departure.
Parturient, pär-tū′ri-ent, adj. bringing, or
about to bring, forth young: fruitful.
—n. Partūri′tion, act of bringing
—adj. Partū′ritive. [L. parturiens,
-entis, pr.p. of
parturīre—parĕre, to bring forth.]
Party, pär′ti, n. a part of a greater number of
persons: a faction: a company met for a particular purpose, as a dinner
party, a pleasure party, &c.: an assembly: one concerned in any
affair: the person or persons on either side in a law-suit:
(colloq.) a single individual spoken of: (mil.) a
detachment of soldiers.
—adj. belonging to a party and not to
the whole: consisting of different parties, parts, or things:
(her.) parted or divided.
—adjs. Par′ti-coat′ed, having on a coat of
various colours; Par′ti-col′oured, coloured differently
at different parts.
—ns. Par′tyism, devotion to party; Par′ty-ju′ry, a jury half of natives
and half of aliens; Par′ty-man, a
member of a party: a partisan; Par′ty-pol′itics, politics viewed from
a party stand-point, or arranged to suit the views or interests of a
party; Par′ty-spir′it, the
unreasonable spirit shown by a party-man toward those who do not belong
to his party.
—adj. Par′ty-spir′ited.
Par′ty-ver′dict, a joint
verdict; Par′ty-wall, a wall between
two adjoining properties, built half on one and half on the other: a wall
separating one house from another. [O. Fr. partir—L.
partīri, to divide—pars, a part.]
Partzuf, Personification of the Divine, there are purely metaphysical partzufim (plural) related to the holy Sefirot, but partzufim include the person of Yeshua, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist, Lazarus and other characters in the Gospel. The envisioned image of any prophet, saint, or angel maybe a partzuf (a Divine persona or image) provides a vehicle that links an initiate to the Divine or through which an initiate may have something of a direct spiritual or mystical experience. The principal of the partzufim is far more complex and sublime than there is space to explain in a glossary. [Heb.]
Parure, pa-rür′, n. a set of ornaments, &c. [Fr.]
Parvanimity, par-va-nim′i-ti, n. littleness of mind.
Parvenu, pär′ve-nū, n. an upstart: one newly
risen into notice or power.
—adj. like a parvenu. [Fr., pa.p.
of parvenir—L. pervenīre, to arrive
at—per, through, venīre, to come.]
Parvis, Parvise, pär′vis, n. a porch, or an enclosed space before a church: a room over a church porch used as a store, or schoolroom, or as an ecclesiastic's chamber. [O. Fr.,—Low L. paravisus, corr. of Gr. paradeisos; cf. Paradise.]
Pas, pä, n. a step, as in dancing or marching: a dance,
as in 'Pas seul'=a dance by one person, 'Pas deux'=a dance of two
—Pas d'armes, a joust, a tilt, or a
—Have the pas of one, to take precedence of him.
Pasch, pask, n. the Jewish Passover:
—adj. Pasch′al,
pertaining to the Passover, or to Easter.
—ns. Pasch′al-can′dle, a large candle
blessed and placed on the altar on the day before Easter; Pasch′al-flow′er (see Pasque);
Pasch′al-lamb, the lamb slain and
eaten at the Jewish Passover; Pasch′-egg, an Easter-egg.
—Pasch of
the Cross, Good-Friday; Paschal controversy, a long dispute in
the early church about the proper time for celebrating Easter. [A.S.
pascha—L.,—Gr.,—Heb. pesach, the
Passover—pasach, to pass over.]
Pascuage, pas′kū-āj, n. the grazing or
pasturing of cattle.
—adjs. Pas′cūal, Pas′cūous. [L. pascuum,
pasture—pascĕre, to feed.]
Pash, pash, v.t. (Shak.) to strike, to dash, to
—n. a blow. [Perh. imit.]
Pash, pash, n. (Shak.) the head, the face.
Pasha, Pacha, pash′ä, n. a title given to
Turkish officers who are governors of provinces or hold high naval and
military commands.
—ns. Pash′alic, Pach′alic, the jurisdiction of a pasha.
[Turk.,—Pers. pāshā,
Pasigraphy, pa-sig′ra-fi, n. a system of
language-signs universally intelligible.
—adjs. Pasigraph′ic, -al.
—n. Pas′ilaly, universal speech. [Gr. pas,
all, graphein, to write.]
Pasque-flower, pask′-flow′ėr, n. one of several genera of anemone, blooming about Easter—also Campana and Dane-flower.
Pasquin, pas′kwin, n. a lampoon or
satire—also Pas′quil.
—v.t. and v.i.
to lampoon or satirise—also Pas′quil.
—ns. Pas′quilant, Pas′quiler, Pasquinā′der, a lampooner; Pasquināde′, a
—v.t. to lampoon. [Pasquino, a sarcastic
tailor in Rome in the 15th century, near whose house a mutilated statue
was dug up just after his death, on which lampoons were posted.]
Pass, pas, v.i. to pace or walk onward: to move from one
place or state to another: to travel: to change: to circulate: to be
regarded: to go by: to go unheeded or neglected: to elapse, as time: to
be finished: to move away: to disappear: (B.) to pass away: to go
through an examination or an inspection: to be approved: to meet with
acceptance: to happen: to fall, as by inheritance: to flow through: to
thrust, as with a sword: to run, as a road.
—v.t. to go by,
over, beyond, through, &c.: to spend: to omit: to disregard: to
surpass: to enact, or to be enacted by: to cause to move: to send: to
transfer: to give forth: to cause to go from one person or state to
another: to approve: to undergo successfully: to give circulation to:
(fencing) to thrust:—pa.p. passed and
—n. a way through which one passes: a narrow passage,
esp. over or through a range of mountains: a narrow defile: a passport:
state or condition: a written permission to go out or in anywhere: a
ticket: (fencing) a thrust: success in any examination or other
test, a certificate of having reached a certain standard—without
—adj. Pass′able, that may be passed, travelled
over, or navigated: that may bear inspection: that may be accepted or
allowed to pass: a little above the common: tolerable.
—ns. Pass′book, a book that passes between a
trader and his customer, in which credit purchases are entered: a
bank-book; Pass′-check, a ticket of
admission to a place, or of readmission when one goes out intending to
return; Pass′er, one who passes;
Pass′er-by, one who passes by or
near; Pass′key, a key enabling one
to enter a house: a key for opening several locks.
Pass′less, having no pass:
—ns. Pass′man, one who gains a degree or pass
without honours at a university; Pass′port, a warrant of protection and
permission to travel; Pass′word
(mil.), a private word by which a friend is distinguishable from a
stranger, enabling one to pass or enter a camp, &c.
muster, to go through an inspection without fault being found;
Pass off, to impose fraudulently, to palm off; Pass on, to
go forward: to proceed; Pass on, or upon, to come upon, to
happen to: to give judgment or sentence upon: to practise artfully, to
impose upon, to palm off; Pass over, or by, to go to the
other side of: to cross, to go past without visiting or halting: to
overlook, to disregard; Pass the time of day, to exchange any
ordinary greeting of civility; Pass through, to undergo,
—Bring to pass, to cause to happen; Come to
pass, to happen. [O. Fr. passer—It.
passare—passus, a step.]
Passade, pa-sād′, n. (Shak.) a push
or thrust with a sword: the motion of a horse turning backwards or
forwards on the same spot of ground.
—Also Passā′do.
Passage, pas′āj, n. act of passing: a moving
from one place or state to another: a journey, as in a ship: course: time
occupied in passing: means of passing in or out: a way: entrance:
enactment of a law: right of passing: price paid for passing or for being
conveyed between two places: occurrence, any incident or episode: a
single clause or part of a book, &c.: a modulation in music:
(B.) a mountain-pass: ford of a river: (zool.) migratory
—v.i. to cross: to walk sideways, of a
—Passage of arms, any feat of arms: a quarrel, esp. of
—Bird of passage, a bird that passes from one climate
to another at the change of the seasons.
Passamezzo. See Passy-measure.
Passant, pas′ant, adj. (her.) walking. [Fr.]
Passé, pas-sā′, adj. past one's best, faded, past the heyday of life: nearly out of date:—fem. Passée. [Fr., pa.p. of passer, to pass.]
Passementerie, pas-men-te-rē′, n. trimming for dresses, as beaded lace. [Fr.]
Passenger, pas′en-jėr, n. one who passes:
one who travels in some public conveyance.
—Passenger pigeon,
a species of pigeon, a native of North America, having a small head and
short bill, a very long, wedge-shaped tail, and long and pointed wings;
Passenger train, a railway-train for the conveyance of passengers.
[O. Fr. passagier (Fr. passager), with inserted n,
as in messenger, nightingale.]
Passe-partout, pas′-par-tōō′, n. a means of passing anywhere: a master-key: a kind of simple picture-frame, usually of pasteboard, within which the picture is fixed by strips of paper pasted over the edges. [Fr., a 'master-key,' from passer, to pass, par, over, tout, all.]
Passepied, pas′pyā, n. a dance like the minuet, but quicker. [Fr.]
Passeres, pas′e-rez, the name given by
Cuvier to the order of birds otherwise called Insessores,
comprising more than half of all the birds.
—adj. Pass′erine, relating to the Passeres,
an order of which the sparrow is the type. [L. passer, a
Passible, pas′i-bl, adj. susceptible of suffering,
or of impressions from external agents.
—ns. Passibil′ity, Pass′ibleness, the quality of being
—adv. Pass′ibly, in a passible manner. [L.
passibilis—pati, passus, to suffer.]
Passim, pas′im, adv. here and there. [L.]
Passimeter, pa-sim′e-ter, n. a pocket pedometer.
Passing, pas′ing, adj. going by, through, or away:
happening now: surpassing.
—adv. exceedingly:
—ns. Pass′ing-bell, a bell tolled immediately
after a person's death, originally to invite prayers for the soul passing
into eternity; Pass′ing-note
(mus.), a smaller note marking a tone introduced between two
others, to effect a smooth passage from the one to the other, but forming
no essential part of the harmony.
Passion, pash′un, n. power of feeling pain or
suffering: strong feeling or agitation of mind, esp. rage: ardent love:
eager desire: state of the soul when receiving an impression: suffering
or passive condition, as opposed to Action: the sufferings, esp.
the death, of Christ: (pl.) excited conditions of
—ns. Passiflō′ra, a genus of climbing herbs
or shrubs, the passion-flowers; Pass′ional, Pass′ionary, a book containing accounts of
the sufferings of saints and martyrs.
—adjs. Pass′ional, influenced by passion; Pass′ionate, moved by passion: showing strong
and warm feeling: easily moved to anger: intense.
Pass′ioned, moved by passion:
expressing passion.
—ns. Pass′ion-flow′er, a flower so called
from a fancied resemblance to a crown of thorns, the emblem of Christ's
passion; Pass′ionist (R.C.),
one of a religious congregation devoted to the commemoration of the
Passion of Christ by missions, &c.
—adj. Pass′ionless, free from passion: not easily
excited to anger.
—n. Pass′ion-mū′sic, music to which
words describing the sufferings and death of Christ are
—adj. Pass′ion-pale
(Tenn.), pale with passion.
—ns. Pass′ion-play, a religious drama representing
the sufferings and death of Christ; Pass′ion-Sun′day, the fifth Sunday in
Lent; Pass′ion-week, name commonly
given in England to Holy-week (as being the week of Christ's passion);
but, according to proper rubrical usage, the week preceding Holy-week.
[Fr.,—L. passio, passionis—passus, pa.p.
of pati, to suffer.]
Passive, pas′iv, adj. suffering, unresisting: not
acting: (gram.) expressing the suffering of an action by the
subject of the verb.
—adv. Pass′ively.
—ns. Pass′iveness, Passiv′ity, inactivity: patience: tendency of
a body to preserve a given state, either of motion or of rest.
[Fr.,—L. passivus—pati, suffer.]
Passover, pas′ō-vėr, n. annual feast
of the Jews, to commemorate the destroying angel passing over the houses
of the Israelites when he slew the first-born of the
—adj. pertaining to the Passover.
Passy-measure, pas′si-mezh′ūr, n. (Shak.) an old stately kind of dance, called also Passamezzo. [It. passamezzo—passare, to pass—passo—L. passus, a pace, mezzo—L. medius, the middle.]
Past, past, pa.p. of Pass.
—adj. gone
by: elapsed: ended: now retired from service: in time already
—prep. farther than: out of reach of: no longer
capable of.
—adv. by.
—The past, that which has
passed, esp. time.
Paste, pāst, n. a mass of anything made soft by
wetting: flour and water forming dough for pies, &c.: a cement made
of flour, water, &c.: a fine kind of glass for making artificial
—v.t. to fasten with paste.
—n. Paste′board, a stiff board made of sheets of
paper pasted together, &c.
—adj. made of such,
unsubstantial. [O. Fr. paste (Fr. pâte)—Late L.
pasta—Gr. pastē, a mess of
food—pastos, salted—passein, to sprinkle.]
Pastel, pas′tel, n. chalk mixed with other
materials and various colours for crayons, a drawing made with such, also
the art: woad.
—n. Pas′telist.[Fr. pastel—It.
pastello—L. pastillus, a small
loaf—pascĕre, pastum, to feed.]
Pastern, pas′tėrn, n. the part of a horse's foot from the fetlock to the hoof, where the shackle is fastened. [O. Fr. pasturon (Fr. pâturon)—O. Fr. pasture, pasture, a tether for a horse.]
Pasteurism, pas-tėr′izm, n. the method of
inoculation with the attenuated virus of certain diseases, esp.
hydrophobia, as introduced by Louis Pasteur
—adj. Pasteur′ian.
—n. Pasteurisā′tion, a method of arresting
the fermentation in beer, wine, &c. by heating to at least 140°
—v.t. Pasteur′ise.
Pastiche, pas-tēsh′, n. a mixture of many
parts of different kinds, used of music, painting, &c.:
a work in literature or art in direct imitation of another's
—Also Pastic′cio. [It.
Pastil, pas′til, n. Same as Pastel.
Pastille, pas-tēl′, n. a small cone of
charcoal and aromatic substances, burned either as incense, or as a means
of diffusing an agreeable odour: a small aromatic confection: a paper
tube containing a firework which causes a small wheel to rotate in
burning: (art) the same as pastel—also Pas′til.
—n. Pas′tillage.[Fr.,—L. pastillus,
a small loaf.]
Pastime, pas′tīm, n. that which serves to pass away the time: amusement: recreation.
Pastor, pas′tur, n. one who has care of a flock: a
shepherd: a clergyman.
—adj. Pas′toral, relating to shepherds or to
shepherd life: rustic: of or pertaining to the pastor of a church:
addressed to the clergy of a diocese by their bishop.
—n. a
poem which describes the scenery and life of the country: a letter or an
address by a pastor to his people, or by a bishop to his clergy:
(mus.) a simple melody.
—n. Pas′toralism, pastoral
—adv. Pas′torally.
—ns. Pas′torate, Pas′torship, the office of a pastor: the time
during which one has been a pastor: the whole body of pastors in one
church or district.
—adj. Pas′torly, becoming a
—Pastoral address, or letter (see
Pastoral, n.); Pastoral charge, position of a
pastor: the church, &c., over which a pastor is placed: an address to
a newly ordained minister; Pastoral epistles, those in the New
Test. to Timothy and Titus; Pastoral staff, a tall staff borne as
an emblem of episcopal authority, headed like a shepherd's crook, or
having a T-shaped head; Pastoral theology, that part of theology
which treats of the duties of pastors; Pastoral work, the work of
a pastor in visiting his people. [L., pascĕre,
pastum, to feed.]
Pastor, pas′tur, n. a beautiful bird allied to the starlings, native to Western Asia.
Pastorale, pas-tō-rä′le, n. a variety of
opera or cantata characterised by the idyllic or pastoral element: a
vocal or instrumental piece intended to suggest pastoral life: one of the
simple traditional open-air dramas still kept up among the Basques: one
of the figures of a quadrille.
—Also Pastourelle′.
Pastry, pās′tri, n. articles made of paste
or dough: crust of pies, tarts, &c.: act or art of making articles of
—n. Pās′trycook, one who cooks or sells
pastry. [Paste.]
Pasture, past′ūr, n. grass for grazing:
ground covered with grass for grazing.
—v.t. to feed on
pasture: to supply with grass.
—v.i. to feed on pasture: to
—adj. Past′ūrable, that can be pastured: fit
for pasture.
—ns. Past′ūrage, the business of feeding or
grazing cattle: pasture-land: grass for feeding; Past′ūre-land, land appropriated to
—adj. Past′ūreless, destitute of pasture. [O.
Fr. pasture (Fr. pâture)—L.
pastura—pascĕre, pastum, to feed.]
Pasty, pās′ti, adj. like
—n. a small pie of meat and crust baked without a
Pat, pat, n. a light, quick blow, as with the
—v.t. to strike gently: to tap:—pr.p.
pat′ting; pa.t. and pa.p.
pat′ted.—Pat on the back, to
mark approval by patting on the back, to patronise. [Imit.]
Pat, pat, n. a small, moulded lump of butter. [Celt., as Ir. pait, a lump.]
Pat, pat, adj. fitly: at the right time or
—adv. Pat′ly,
fitly, conveniently.
—n. Pat′ness, fitness, appropriateness.
[Pat, a light blow.]
Patagium, pat-ā-jī′um, n. the wing-membrane of a bat, &c.: the parachute of a flying squirrel, &c.: the fold of integument between the upper arm and the forearm of a bird: one of the scales affixed to the pronotum of lepidopterous insects—the tegula. [L., 'a gold edging.']
Patamar, pat′a-mär, n. a vessel on the Bombay coast, with arched keel, and great stem and stern rake.
Patavinity, pat-a-vin′i-ti, n. the style of Padua (L. Patavium), esp. the diction of Livy, a native of Patavium, hence provincialism generally.
Patch, pach, v.t. to mend by putting in a piece: to
repair clumsily: to make up of pieces: to make hastily.
—n. a
piece sewed or put on to mend a defect: anything like a patch: a small
piece of ground: a plot: (Shak.) a paltry fellow, a
fool—properly a jester: (print.) an overlay to obtain a
stronger impression: a small piece of black silk, &c., stuck by
ladies on the face, to bring out the complexion by contrast—common
in the 17th and 18th centuries.
—adj. Patch′able.
—ns. Patch′-box, a fancy box for holding the
patches worn on the face, generally having a mirror inside the lid;
Patch′er, one who patches; Patch′ery (Shak.), bungling work;
Patch′work, work formed of patches
or pieces sewed together: work patched up or clumsily
—adj. Patch′y,
covered with patches: inharmonious, incongruous.
—Not a patch
on, not fit to be compared with. [Low Ger. patschen; prob.
conn. with piece.]
Patchocke, pach′ok, n. (Spens.) a clown. [Patch.]
Patchouli, pa-chōō′li, n. a perfume
got from the dried branches of the patchouli shrub, 2-3 ft. high: the
plant itself.
—Also Patchou′ly.
[Tamil, patchei, gum, elei, a leaf.]
Pate, pāt, n. the crown of the head: the
—adj. Pāt′ed, having a pate. [Through O. Fr.,
from Ger. platte, a plate; cf. Low L. platta, tonsure.]
Pâté, pä-tā′, n. pie: pasty.
de foie gras, pasty of fat goose liver: Strasburg pie. [Fr.]
Patella, pa-tel′la, n. a little dish or vase: the
knee-pan: a genus of gasteropodous univalve molluscs: the
—adjs. Patel′lar, pertaining to the patella or
knee-cap; Patel′late or Patel′lulate; Patel′liform, of the form of a small dish or
saucer. [L., dim. of patina, a pan.]
Paten, pat′en, n. the plate for the bread in the Eucharist. [Fr.,—L. patina, a plate—Gr. patanē.]
Patent, pā′tent, or pat′ent, adj.
lying open: conspicuous: public: protected by a patent: (bot.)
spreading: expanding.
—n. an official document, open, and
having the Great Seal of the government attached to it, conferring an
exclusive right or privilege, as a title of nobility, or the sole right
for a term of years to the proceeds of an invention: something invented
and protected by a patent.
—v.t. Pā′tent, to grant or secure by
—adj. Pā′tentable, capable of being
—ns. Pātentee′, one who holds a patent, or
to whom a patent is granted—also Pā′tenter; Pā′tent-leath′er, a kind of
leather to which a permanently polished surface is given by a process of
japanning; Pā′tentor, one who
grants or who secures a patent; Pā′tent-right, the exclusive right
reserved by letters-patent.
— Pā′tent-rolls, the register of
letters-patent issued in England.
—Patent medicine, a
medicine sold under the authority of letters-patent, any proprietary
medicine generally on which stamp-duty is paid; Patent office, an
office for the granting of patents for inventions; Patent outside,
or inside, a newspaper printed on the outside or inside only, sold
to a publisher who fills the other side with his own material, as local
news, &c. [Fr.,—L. patens, -entis, pr.p. of patēre, to lie
Patera, pat′e-rä, n. a round flat dish for
receiving a sacrificial libation among the Romans: (archit.) the
representation of such in bas-relief in friezes, &c.
applied loosely to rosettes and other flat ornaments:—pl.
—adj. Pat′eriform. [L.,—patēre,
to lie open.]
Patercove, pat′ėr-kōv, n. Same as Patrico.
Paterero, pat-e-rā′ro, n.:—pl. Patere′roes (-rōz). Same as Pederero.
Paterfamilias, pā-tėr-fa-mil′i-as, n. the father or head of a family or household:—pl. Pātresfamil′ias. [L. pater, a father, familias, arch. form of familiæ, gen. of familia, a household.]
Paternal, pa-tėr′nal, adj. fatherly: showing
the disposition of a father: derived from a father:
—n. Pater′nalism.
—adv. Pater′nally.
—n. Pater′nity, state of being a father:
fatherhood: the relation of a father to his children: origination or
authorship. [Fr. paternel—Low L. paternalis—L.
paternus—pater (Gr. patēr), a
Paternoster, pā′tėr-nos-tėr, or pat-ėr-nos′tėr, n. the Lord's Prayer: every eleventh bead in a R.C. rosary, at which, in telling their beads, the Lord's Prayer is repeated: the whole rosary: anything made of objects strung together like a rosary, esp. a fishing-line with hooks at intervals: (archit.) an ornament shaped like beads, used in astragals, &c. [L. Pater noster, 'Our Father,' the first two words of the Lord's Prayer in Latin.]
Path, päth, n. a way trodden out by the feet: track:
road: course of action or conduct:—pl. Paths
—n. Path′finder, one who explores the route, a
—adj. Path′less, without a path: untrodden. [A.S.
pæth, path; Ger. pfad, Gr. patos, L.
pons, pontis, a bridge.]
Pathan, pa-than′, n. an Afghan proper, one of Afghan race settled in India.
Pathetic, -al, pa-thet′ik, -al, adj.
showing passion: affecting the tender emotions: causing pity, grief, or
sorrow: touching: (anat.) trochlear.
—adj. Pathemat′ic, pertaining to
—adv. Pathet′ically.
—ns. Pathet′icalness; Path′etism, animal magnetism; Path′etist, one who practises
—The pathetic, the style or manner fitted to excite
emotion. [Gr. pathētikos, subject to suffering.]
Pathic, path′ik, adj. pertaining to
—ns. Pathogen′esis, Pathog′eny, mode of production or development
of disease.
—adjs. Pathogenet′ic, Pathogen′ic, Pathog′enous, producing disease.
Pathognomonic, pā-thog-nō-mon′ik. adj.
characteristic of a disease.
—n. Pathog′nomy. [Gr. pathos, suffering,
gnōmōn, a judge.]
Pathology, pa-thol′o-ji, n. science of the nature,
causes, and remedies of diseases: the whole of the morbid conditions in a
—adjs. Patholog′ic, -al.
—adv. Patholog′ically.
—ns. Pathol′ogist, one versed in pathology;
Pathophō′bia, morbid dread of
disease. [Fr.,—Gr. pathos, suffering, logos,
Pathos, pā′thos, n. that in anything (as a
word, a look, &c.) which touches the feelings or raises the tender
emotions: the expression of deep feeling.
—n. Pathom′etry, the distinction of suffering
into different kinds. [Gr., from pathein, 2 aorist of
paschein, to suffer, feel.]
Pathway, päth′wā, n. a path or way: a footpath: course of action.
Patibulary, pā-tib′ū-la-ri, adj. of or pertaining to a gibbet or gallows. [L. patibulum, a gibbet.]
Patience, pā′shens, n. quality of being
patient or able calmly to endure: (Shak.) permission: a card-game,
same as Solitaire (q.v.).
—adj. Pā′tient, sustaining pain, &c.,
without repining: not easily provoked: not in a hurry: persevering:
expecting with calmness: long-suffering.
—n. one who bears or
suffers: a person under medical treatment.
—adv. Pā′tiently. [Fr.,—L.
patentia—patiens—pati, to bear.]
Patin, Patine, pat′in, n. Same as Paten.
Patina, pat′i-na, n. a bowl, pan, patella: the
encrustation which age gives to works of art: the peculiar varnish-like
rust which covers ancient bronzes and medals.
—adj. Pat′ināted.
—n. Patinā′tion. [It.,—L.
patina, a dish, a kind of cake.]
Patio, pat′i-ō, n. a courtyard connected with a house. [Sp.,—L. spatium, a space.]
Patois, pat′waw, n. a vulgar or provincial dialect. [Fr., orig. patrois—L. patriensis, indigenous—patria, one's native country.]
Patonce, pa-tons′, n. (her.) a cross whose
four arms expand in curves from the centre, with floriated
—adj. Patoncée. [Fr.,—L.
patēre, to expand.]
Patres conscripti, pā′tres kon-skrip′tī, conscript fathers: the senators of ancient Rome. [L. patres, pl. of pater, a father, conscripti, pl. of conscriptus,—conscribĕre, to enrol.]
Patrial, pā′tri-al, adj. designating a race
or nation.
—n. a noun derived from the name of a country.
Patria potestas, pā′tri-ä pō-tes′tas, n. a father's control over his family, in ancient Rome, which was almost unlimited. [L.]
Patriarch, pā′tri-ärk, n. one who governs
his family by paternal right: (B.) one of the early heads of
families from Adam downwards to Abraham, Jacob, and his sons: in Eastern
churches, a dignitary superior to an archbishop.
Patriarch′al, Patriarch′ic, belonging or subject to a
patriarch: like a patriarch: of the nature of a
—ns. Pā′triarchalism, the condition of
tribal government by a patriarch; Pā′triarchate, the office or
jurisdiction of a patriarch or church dignitary: the residence of a
patriarch; Pā′triarchism,
government by a patriarch; Pā′triarchy, a community of related
families under the authority of a patriarch. [O. Fr.,—L.,—Gr.
patriarchēs—patēr, father,
archē, beginning.]
Patrician, pa-trish′an, n. a nobleman in ancient
Rome, being a descendant of one of the fathers or first Roman senators: a
—adj. pertaining to the ancient senators of Rome or
to their descendants: of noble birth.
—n. Patric′iate, the position or duties of a
patrician: the patrician order. [L. patricius—pater,
patris, a father.]
Patricide, pat′ri-sīd, n. the murder or the
murderer of one's own father.
—adj. Pat′ricīdal, relating to patricide or
the murder of a father. [L. patricida—pater,
patris, father, cædĕre, to kill.]
Patrico, pat′ri-kō, n. (slang) a
gipsy or beggars' hedge-priest.
—Also Pat′ercove.
Patrimony, pat′ri-mun-i, n. a right or estate
inherited from a father or from one's ancestors: a church estate or
—adj. Patrimō′nial, pertaining to a
patrimony: inherited from ancestors.
—adv. Patrimō′nially. [Fr.
patrimoine—L. patrimonium, a paternal
estate—pater, patris, a father.]
Patriot, pā′tri-ot, or pat′-, n. one who truly loves and serves
his fatherland.
—adj. devoted to one's
—adj. Pātriot′ic, like a patriot: actuated by
a love of one's country: directed to the public
—adv. Pātriot′ically.
Pā′triotism, quality of being
patriotic: love of one's country. [Fr.,—Low L.,—Gr.
a father.]
Patripassian, pā-tri-pas′i-an, n. a member of one of the earliest classes of anti-Trinitarian sectaries (2d century), who denied the distinction of three persons in one God, maintaining that the sufferings of the Son could be predicated of the Father. [L. pater, father, pati, passus, to suffer.]
Patristic, -al, pa-tris′tik, -al, adj.
pertaining to the fathers of the Christian Church.
Pā′trist, one versed in
patristics; Patris′ticism, mode of
thought, &c., of the fathers.
— Patris′tics, the knowledge of the fathers as
a subject of study—sometimes Patrol′ogy. [Fr., coined from L.
pater, patris, a father.]
Patrol, pa-trōl′, v.i. to go the rounds in a
camp or garrison: to watch and protect.
—v.t. to pass round
as a sentry:—pr.p. patrōl′ling; pa.t. and pa.p.
patrōlled′.—n. the
marching round of a guard in the night: the guard or men who make a
patrol: (also Patrōl′man) a
policeman who walks about a certain beat for a specified time, such
policemen collectively. [O. Fr. patrouille, a patrol,
patrouiller, to march in the mud, through a form
patouiller, from pate (mod. patte), the paw or foot
of a beast, of Teut. origin, cf. Ger. patsche, little hand.]
Patron, pā′trun, n. a protector: one who
countenances or encourages: one who has the right to appoint to any
office, esp. to a living in the church: a guardian
saint:—fem. Pā′troness.
—v.t. to treat
as a patron.
—n. Pā′tronage, the support given by a
patron: guardianship of saints: the right of bestowing offices,
privileges, or church benefices.
—v.t. (Shak.) to
—adj. Pā′tronal.
—n. Pātronisā′tion.
Pā′tronīse, to act as a
patron toward: to give countenance or encouragement to: to assume the air
of a patron towards.
—n. Pā′tronīser.
Pā′tronless. [Fr.,—L.
patronus—pater, patris, a father.]
Patronymic, -al, pat-rō-nim′ik, -al,
adj. derived from the name of a father or an
—n. Patronym′ic, a name taken from one's father
or ancestor. [Gr. patēr, a father, onoma, a
Patroon, pā-trōōn′, n. one who
received a grant of land under the old Dutch governments of New York and
New Jersey.
—n. Patroon′ship. [Dut.; cf. Patron.]
Patte, pat, n. a narrow band keeping a belt or sash in its place. [Fr.]
Patté, Pattée, pa-tā′, adj. (her.) spreading toward the extremity. [O. Fr. patte, a paw.]
Patten, pat′en, n. a wooden sole with an iron
ring, worn under the shoe to keep it from the wet: the iron hoop attached
to the boot in cases of hip-joint disease: the base of a
—v.i. to go about on pattens.
Patt′ened, provided with pattens.
[O. Fr. patin, clog—patte.]
Patter, pat′ėr, v.i. to pat or strike often, as hailstones: to make the sound of short quick steps:—pr.p. patt′ering; pa.t. and pa.p. patt′ered. [A freq. of pat.]
Patter, pat′ėr, v.i. to repeat the Lord's
Prayer: to pray: to repeat over and over again indistinctly, to
—v.t. to repeat hurriedly, to mutter.
glib talk, chatter: the cant of a class.
—ns. Patt′erer, one who sells articles on the
street by speechifying; Patt′er-song, a comic song in which a great
many words are sung or spoken very rapidly.
—Patter flash, to
talk the jargon of thieves. [Pater-noster.]
Pattern, pat′ėrn, n. a person or thing to be
copied: a model: an example: style of ornamental work: anything to serve
as a guide in forming objects: the distribution of shot in a target at
which a gun is fired.
—ns. Patt′ern-book, a book containing designs of
lace, &c., or in which patterns of cloth, &c., are pasted;
Patt′ern-box, in weaving, a box at
each side of a loom containing the various shuttles that may be used;
Patt′ern-card, a piece of cardboard
on which specimens of cloth are fixed; Patt′ern-mak′er, one who makes the
patterns for moulders in foundry-work; Patt′ern-shop, the place in which patterns
for a factory are prepared; Patt′ern-wheel, the count-wheel in a clock
movement. [Fr. patron, a protector, pattern.]
Patty, pat′i, n. a little pie:—pl.
—n. Patt′y-pan, a pan in which to bake these.
[Fr. pâté.]
Patulous, pat′ū-lus, adj. spreading.
Paucity, paw′sit-i, n. fewness: smallness of number or quantity. [Fr.,—L. paucitas—paucus, few.]
Pauldron, pawl′dron, n. a separable shoulder-plate in medieval armour. [O. Fr. espalleron—espalle, the shoulder.]
Paulician, paw-lish′an, n. a member of a Dualistic Eastern sect, founded about 660, professing peculiar reverence for Paul and his writings.
Pauline, paw′līn, adj. of or belonging to
the Apostle Paul.
—ns. Paul′inism, the teaching or theology of Paul;
Paul′inist, a follower of Paul.
Paulo-post-future, paw′lō-pōst-fū′tūr, adj. and n. the future perfect tense in grammar.
Paunch, pawnsh, or pänsh, n. the belly: the first and
largest stomach of a ruminant.
—v.t. to
—adj. Paunch′y, big-bellied. [O. Fr. panche
(Fr. panse)—L. pantex, panticis.]
Pauper, paw′pėr, n. a very poor or destitute
person: one supported by charity or by some public
provision:—fem. Pau′peress.
—n. Pauperisā′tion.
Pau′perise, to reduce to
—n. Pau′perism, state of being a pauper. [L.]
Pause, pawz, n. a ceasing: a temporary stop: cessation
caused by doubt: suspense: a mark for suspending the voice: (mus.)
a mark showing continuance of a note or rest.
—v.i. to make a
—adjs. Paus′al;
Paus′er, one who pauses or
—adv. Paus′ingly, with pauses: by breaks:
deliberately. [Fr.,—L. pausa—Gr. pausis, from
pauein, to cause to cease.]
Pavan, pav′an, n. (Shak.) a slow dance,
much practised in Spain: music for this dance.
—Also Pav′en, Pav′in. [Fr.,—Sp. pavana,
pavon—L. pavo, peacock; or It., for Padovana,
pertaining to Padua.]
Pave, pāv, v.t. to lay down stone, &c., to
form a level surface for walking on: to prepare, as a way or passage: to
make easy and smooth in any way.
—ns. Pā′vage, Pā′viage, money paid towards paving
—adj. Pāved—also Pā′ven.
—ns. Pave′ment, a paved road, floor, or side-walk,
or that with which it is paved; Pā′ver, Pā′vier, Pā′vior, Pā′viour, one who lays pavements;
Pā′ving, the act of laying
pavement: pavement.
—adj. employed or spent for
—Pave the way, to prepare the way for. [Fr.
paver—L. pavīre, to beat hard; cog. with Gr.
paiein, to beat.]
Pavid, pav′id, adj. timid. [L. pavidus.]
Pavilion, pa-vil′yun, n. a tent: an ornamental
building often turreted or domed: (mil.) a tent raised on posts: a
canopy or covering: the outer ear: a flag or ensign carried at the gaff
of the mizzenmast.
—v.t. to furnish with pavilions: to
shelter, as with a tent.
—n. Pavil′ion-roof, a roof sloping equally on all
sides. [Fr. pavillon—L. papilio, a butterfly, a
Pavise, pav′is, n. a shield for the whole body. [Fr.,—Low L. pavensis, prob. from Pavia in Italy.]
Pavon, pav′on, n. a small triangular flag attached to a lance. [L. pavo, a peacock.]
Pavonine, pav′o-nīn, adj. pertaining to the
peacock: resembling the tail of a peacock or made of its feathers:
iridescent—also Pavō′nian.
—n. Pavōne′ (Spens.), the peacock.
[L. pavoninus—pavo, pavonis, a peacock.]
Paw, paw, n. the foot of a beast of prey having claws:
the hand, used in contempt.
—v.i. to draw the forefoot along
the ground like a horse.
—v.t. to scrape with the forefoot:
to handle with the paws: to handle roughly: to flatter.
Pawed, having paws: broad-footed. [O. Fr. poe, powe,
prob. Teut.; cf. Dut. poot, Ger. pfote. Perh. related to O.
Fr. pate (cf. Patrol). But perh. Celt., as W. pawen,
a paw.]
Pawky, pawk′i, adj. (Scot.) sly, arch, shrewd.
Pawl, pawl, n. a short bar lying against a toothed wheel
to prevent a windlass, &c., from running back: a catch or
—v.t. to stop by means of a pawl. [W. pawl, a
stake, conn. with L. palus, a stake.]
Pawn, pawn, n. something given as security for the
repayment of money or the performance of a promise: state of being
—v.t. to give in pledge.
—ns. Pawn′broker, a broker who lends money on
pawns or pledges; Pawn′broking, the
business of a pawnbroker; Pawnee′,
one who takes anything in pawn; Pawn′er, one who gives a pawn or pledge as
security for money borrowed; Pawn′shop, a shop of a pawnbroker; Pawn′ticket, a ticket marked with the name of
the article, the amount advanced, &c., delivered to the person who
has pawned anything.
—At pawn, pledged, laid away. [O. Fr.
pan, prob. from L. pannus, a cloth.]
Pawn, pawn, n. a common piece in chess. [O. Fr. paon, a foot-soldier—Low L. pedo, pedonis, a foot-soldier—L. pes, pedis, the foot.]
Pawnee, paw′nē, n. one of a tribe of Indians
in North America.
—adj. belonging to this tribe.
Pax, paks, n. the kiss of peace (Rom. xvi. 16): a plaque
or tablet used in giving the kiss of peace when the mass is celebrated by
a high dignitary—a crucifix, a tablet with the image of Christ on
the cross upon it, or a reliquary.
—Pax vobis, Pax
vobiscum, peace (be) with you. [L.]
Paxwax, paks′waks, n. the strong tendon in the neck of animals. [Orig. fax-wax—A.S. feax, fex, hair, weaxan, to grow.]
Pay, pā, v.t. to satisfy or set at rest: to
discharge, as a debt or a duty: to requite with what is deserved: to
reward: to punish: to give, render.
—v.i. to recompense: to
be worth one's trouble: to be profitable:—pa.t. and
pa.p. paid.
—n. that which satisfies: money given for
service: salary, wages.
—adj. Pay′able, that may be paid: that ought to be
paid: due.
—ns. Pay′-bill, a statement of moneys to be paid,
to workmen, soldiers, &c.; Pay′-clerk, a clerk who pays wages; Pay′-day, a regular day for payment, as of
wages; Pay′-dirt, -grav′el, gravel or sand containing enough
gold to be worth working; Payee′,
one to whom money is paid; Pay′er;
Pay′-list, -roll, a list of persons entitled to pay, with the
amounts due to each; Pay′master, the
master who pays: an officer in the army or navy whose duty it is to pay
soldiers, &c.; Pay′ment, the act
of paying: the discharge of a debt by money or its equivalent in value:
that which is paid: recompense: reward: punishment; Pay′-off′ice, the place where payments
are made; Full′-pay, the whole
amount of wages, &c., without deductions; Half′-pay (see Half).
down, to pay in cash on the spot; Pay for, to make amends for:
to bear the expense of; Pay off, to discharge: to take revenge
upon: to requite: (naut.) to fall away to leeward; Pay out,
to cause to run out, as rope; Pay round, to turn the ship's head;
Pay the piper, to have all expenses to pay.
—In the pay
of, hired by. [Fr. payer—L. pacāre, to
appease; cf. pax, peace.]
Pay, pā, v.t. (naut., and in the proverb 'the devil to pay') to smear with tar, pitch, &c. [Perh. through O. Fr. peier (Sp. empegar) from L. picāre, to pitch.]
Payne, pān, v.i. (Spens.) to take pains, exert one's self.
Paynim, Painim, pā′nim, n. a pagan: a heathen. [O. Fr. paienisme, paganism—L. paganismus—paganus, a pagan.]
Paynise, pā′nīz, v.t. to harden and preserve, as wood, by successive injections of solutions of calcium or barium sulphide followed by calcium sulphate. [Payne, inventor of the process.]
Paysage, pā′sāj, n. a
—n. Pay′sāgist, a landscape-painter.
Payse, pāz, v.i. (Spens.) to poise, to balance.
Pea, pē, n. a climbing annual herb of the bean
family, whose seeds are nutritious:—pl. Peas, a
definite number; Pease, a quantity not numbered.
Pea′-rī′fle, a rifle
throwing a very small bullet; Peas′cod, Pease′cod, the pod or pericarp of the pea;
Pea′-shoot′er, a small metal
tube for blowing peas through; Pea′-stone, pisolite.
pea, the chick-pea; French pea, the common garden pea:
(pl.) canned peas made up in France; Split peas, peas
stripped of their membraneous covering in a mill, used for making
pea-soup, or ground into meal; Sweet pea, a climbing annual with
large and fragrant flowers. [M. E. pese, pl. pesen and
peses—A.S. pisa, pl. pisan—L.
pisum, Gr. pison.]
Pea, pē, n. a pea-fowl. See Peacock.
Peace, pēs, n. a state of quiet: freedom from
disturbance: freedom from war: friendliness: calm: rest: harmony:
—interj. silence: be silent: hist!—adj.
Peace′able, disposed to peace: free
from war or disturbance: quiet: tranquil.
—n. Peace′ableness.
—adv. Peace′ably.
—n. Peace′-break′er, one who breaks or
disturbs the peace of others.
—adj. Peace′ful, full of peace: quiet: tranquil:
calm: serene.
—adv. Peace′fully.
—n. Peace′fulness.
—adj. Peace′less, without peace.
Peace′lessness; Peace′maker, one who makes or produces peace;
one who reconciles enemies; Peace′-off′ering, an offering bringing
about peace: among the Jews, an offering to God, either in gratitude for
past or petition for future mercies (see Lev. iii.; vii. 11-21):
satisfaction to an offended person; Peace′-off′icer, an officer whose duty
it is to preserve the peace: a police-officer.
—adj. Peace′-part′ed (Shak.),
dismissed from the world in peace.
—n. Peace′-par′ty, a political party
advocating the making or the preservation of peace; Peace′-pipe (see
—Peace establishment, the reduced military
strength maintained in time of peace; Peace of God, the ancient
cessation from suits between terms, and on Sundays and holy
—Breach of the peace (see Breach); Hold one's
peace, to be silent; Keep peace, abstain from breaking the
peace of others; Kiss of peace (see Kiss); Letters of
peace (see Pacify); Make one's peace with, to reconcile
or to be reconciled with; Queen's, or King's, peace,
the public peace, for the maintenance of which the sovereign as head of
the executive is responsible; Swear the peace, to take oath before
a magistrate that a certain person ought to be put under bond to keep the
peace. [O. Fr. pais (Fr. paix)—L. pax,
pacis, peace.]
Peach, pēch, v.i. to betray one's accomplice: to
become informer.
—n. Peach′er. [A corr. of impeach.]
Peach, pēch, n. a tree with a delicious, juicy
fruit: the fruit of this tree.
—ns. Peach′-bloss′om, a canary-yellow
colour: pink with a yellowish tinge: a collector's name for a moth, the
Thyatira batis; Peach′-brand′y, a spirit distilled from
the fermented juice of the peach.
—adj. Peach′-col′oured, of the colour of a
peach-blossom: pale red.
—ns. Peach′ery, a hothouse in which peaches are
grown; Peach′-stone, the hard nut
enclosing the seed within the fruit of the peach; Peach′-wa′ter, a flavouring extract
used in cookery, prepared from the peach.
—adj. Peach′y.
—n. Peach′-yell′ows, a disease that attacks
peach-trees in the eastern United States. [O. Fr. pesche (Fr.
pêche, It. persica, pesca)—L. Persicum
(malum), the Persian (apple).]
Peacock, pē′kok, n. a large gallinaceous
bird of the pheasant kind, remarkable for the beauty of its plumage, esp.
that of its tail:—fem. Pea′hen.
—v.t. to cause to strut
like a peacock.
—v.i. to strut about
—ns. Pea′chick,
the young of the pea-fowl; Pea′cock-fish, a variegated labroid fish;
Pea′-fowl, the peacock or peahen.
[A.S. pawe—L. pavo—Gr.
taōs—Pers. tāwus; and cock
Pea-crab, pē′-krab, n. a genus of small crustaceans, which live within the mantle-lobes of mussels, oysters, &c.
Peag, pēg, n. polished shell-beads used as money
among the North American Indians.
—Also Peak (pēk).
Pea-green, pē′-grēn, adj. a shade of green like the colour of green peas.
Pea-jacket, pē′-jak′et, n. a coarse
thick jacket worn esp. by seamen.
—Also Pea′-coat. [Dut. pij (pron. pī),
a coat of coarse thick cloth; jacket.]
Peak, pēk, n. a point: the pointed end of
anything: the top of a mountain: (naut.) the upper outer corner of
a sail extended by a gaff or yard, also the extremity of the
—v.i. to rise upward in a peak: to look thin or
—v.t. (naut.) to raise the point (of a gaff)
more nearly perpendicular.
—adjs. Peaked, pointed:
ending in a point: having a thin or sickly look; Peak′ing, sickly, pining, sneaking; Peak′ish, having peaks: thin or sickly
looking; Peak′y (Tenn.),
having or showing peaks. [M. E. pec—Ir. peac, a sharp
thing. Cf. Beak, Pike.]
Peal, pēl, n. a loud sound: a number of loud
sounds one after another: a set of bells tuned to each other: a chime or
carillon: the changes rung upon a set of bells.
—v.i. to
resound like a bell: to utter or give forth loud or solemn
—v.t. to cause to sound loudly: to assail with noise:
to celebrate. [For appeal; O. Fr.
apel—apeler—L. appellāre, inten.
of appellĕre, ap- (ad), to,
pellĕre, to drive.]
Pea-maggot, pē′-mag′ut, n. the caterpillar of a small moth which lays its eggs in pods of peas.
Pean, pēn, n. one of the heraldic furs, differing from ermine only in the tinctures, the ground being sable and the spots of gold. [O. Fr. panne, a fur. Cf. Pane.]
Pea-nut, or Ground-nut. See Ground.
Pear, pār, n. a common fruit of a somewhat conical
shape, and very juicy to the taste: the tree on which it grows, allied to
the apple.
—adj. Pear′iform, Pear′-shaped, shaped like a pear—that
is, thick and rounded at one end, and tapering to the
—n. Pear′-tree.
[A.S. pera or peru—L. pirum, a pear (whence
also Fr. poire).]
Pear, pē′ar, n. (Spens.). Same as Peer.
Pearl, pėrl, n. a well-known shining gem, found in
several kinds of shellfish, but most esp. in the mother-of-pearl oyster:
anything round and clear: anything very precious: a jewel: a while speck
or film on the eye: (print.) a size of type immediately above
diamond, equal to 5 points (about 15 lines to the
—adj. made of, or belonging to,
—v.t. to set or adorn with pearls: to make into small
round grains.
—v.i. to take a rounded form: to become like
—adj. Pearlā′ceous, resembling pearls or
mother-of-pearl: spotted with white.
—ns. Pearl′-ash, a purer carbonate of potash,
obtained by calcining potashes, so called from its pearly-white colour;
Pearl′-bar′ley, barley after
the skin has been ground off (prob. for 'pilled barley,' Fr. orge
perlé); Pearl′-butt′on, a
button made of mother-of-pearl; Pearl′-div′er, one who dives for
—adj. Pearled, set with pearls: like pearls:
having a border trimmed with narrow lace.
—ns. Pearl′-edge, a thread edging, a border on
some ribbons formed by projecting loops of the threads; Pearl′-eye, cataract.
Pearl′-eyed, having a white speck on
the eye.
—ns. Pearl′-fish′er, one who fishes for
pearls; Pearl′-fish′ery, the
occupation of fishing for pearls, or the place where it is carried on;
Pearl′-fish′ing; Pearl′-gray, a pale gray
—adj. of a pale gray colour, like the
—ns. Pearl′iness,
state of being pearly; Pearl′-nau′tilus, the pearly nautilus;
Pearl′-oys′ter, the oyster
which produces pearls; Pearl′-pow′der, a cosmetic for
improving the appearance of the skin; Pearl′-white, a material made from
fish-scales, used in making artificial pearls: a kind of
—adj. Pearl′y,
like a pearl, nacreous: yielding pearls: dotted with pearls: clear,
transparent: having a pure sweet tone. [Fr. perle, acc. to Diez,
prob. either a corr. of L. pirula, a dim. of pirum, a pear,
or of L. pilula, dim. of pila, a ball.]
Pearling, pėrl′ing, n. lace made of silk or
other kind of thread.
—Also Pearl′in. [Ir. peirlin, fine
Pearling, pėrl′ing, n. the process of removing the outer coat of grain.
Pearmain, pār′mān, n. a name of several varieties of apple.
Peart, pērt, adj. lively: saucy: in good health
and spirits.
—adv. Peart′ly. [Pert.]
Peasant, pez′ant, n. a countryman: a rustic: one
whose occupation is rural labour.
—adj. of or relating to
peasants, rustic, rural: rude.
—n. Peas′antry, the body of peasants or tillers
of the soil: rustics: labourers.
—Peasant proprietor, a
peasant who owns and works his own farm; Peasants' War, a popular
insurrection in Germany, in 1525, stamped out with horrible cruelty. [O.
Fr. paisant (Fr. paysan)—pays—L.
pagus, a district.]
Pease, pēz, n. (Spens.) a blow.
Pease, pēz, indef. pl. of
—ns. Pease′cod, Peas′cod, the pericarp of the pea: a peacod;
Pease′-meal, Pease′-porr′idge, Pease′-soup or Pea′-soup, meal, porridge, soup, made from
Peaseweep, pēz′wēp, n. (prov.) the pewit. [Imit.]
Peat, pēt, n. decayed vegetable matter like turf,
cut out of boggy places, and when dried used for fuel.
Peat′-bog, a district covered with
peat: a place from which peat is dug—also Peat′-bed, Peat′-moor, Peat′-moss; Peat′-hag, a ditch whence peat has been dug;
Peat′-reek, the smoke of peat,
supposed to add a delicate flavour to whisky; Peat′-spade, a spade having a side wing at
right angles for cutting peat in rectangular blocks.
Peat′y, like peat: abounding in, or
composed of, peat. [True form beat—M. E. beten, to
mend a fire—A.S. bétan, to make better—bót,
Peba, pē′ba, n. a South American armadillo.
Pebble, peb′l, n. a small roundish ball or stone:
transparent and colourless rock-crystal used for glass in spectacles, a
fine kind of glass: a large size of gunpowder.
—v.t. to give
(to leather) a rough appearance with small rounded
—adjs. Pebb′led, Pebb′ly, full of pebbles.
Pebb′le-pow′der, gunpowder
consisting of large cubical grains, and burning slowly—also
Cube-powder and Prismatic-powder; Pebb′le-ware, a kind of fine pottery made of
various coloured clays mixed together; Pebb′ling, a way of graining leather with a
ribbed or roughened appearance. [A.S. papol-(-stán), a
pebble(-stone); akin to L. papula, a pustule.]
Pebrine, peb′rin, n. a destructive disease of
—adj. Peb′rinous. [Fr.]
Pecan, pē-kan′, n. a North American tree whose wood is chiefly used for fuel, also the nut it yields.
Peccable, pek′a-bl, adj. liable to
—ns. Peccabil′ity;
Pecc′ancy, sinfulness:
—adj. Pecc′ant, sinning: transgressing: guilty:
morbid: offensive: bad.
—adv. Pecc′antly. [L.
peccabilis—peccāre, -ātum, to sin.]
Peccadillo, pek-a-dil′lo, n. a little or trifling sin: a petty fault:—pl. Peccadil′los, Peccadil′loes. [Sp. pecadillo, dim. of pecado—L. peccatum, a sin.]
Peccary, pek′ar-i, n. a hog-like quadruped of South America.
Peccavi, pe-kā′vī, I have sinned. [L. 1st pers. sing. perf. indic. act. of peccāre, I sin.]
Pech, Pegh, peh, v.i. (Scot.) to pant, to breathe hard. [Imit.]
Pecht, peht, n. a corruption of Pict.
Peck, pek, n. a measure of capacity for dry goods=2 gallons, or one-fourth of a bushel: a great amount. [M. E. pekke, prob. from peck, 'to pick up.']
Peck, pek, v.t. to strike with the beak: to pick up with
the beak: to eat: to strike with anything pointed: to strike with
repeated blows.
—ns. Peck′er, that which pecks: a woodpecker:
(slang) spirit, as in 'to keep one's pecker up'=to keep up one's
spirits; Peck′ing, the sport of
throwing pebbles at birds.
—adj. Peck′ish, somewhat hungry. [Pick.]
Pecksniff, pek′snif, n. one who talks large about
virtue and benevolence, while at heart a selfish and unprincipled
—adj. Peck′sniffian.
—n. Peck′sniffianism. [From Mr Pecksniff
in Dickens's Martin Chuzzlewit.]
Pecten, pek′ten, n. a genus of molluscs, one
species of which is the scallop—so called from the valves having
ribs radiating from the umbo to the margin like a comb: a membrane on the
eyes of birds.
—adjs. Pectinā′ceous, like the scallops;
Pec′tinal, of a comb: comb-like:
having bones like the teeth of a comb; Pec′tināte, -d, having teeth like a comb: resembling the teeth
of a comb.
—adv. Pec′tinātely.
—n. Pectinā′tion, the state of being
pectinated—adjs. Pectinē′al, having a comb-like crest;
Pec′tinibranchiate, having comb-like
gills; Pec′tiniform, comb-like. [L.
pecten, a comb.]
Pectic, pek′tik, adj. congealing,
—ns. Pec′tin,
Pec′tine, a soluble gelatinising
substance obtained from pectose; Pec′tōse, a substance yielding pectin,
contained in the fleshy pulp of unripe fruit. [Gr. pēktikos,
congealing—pēgnynai, to make solid.]
Pectoral, pek′tō-ral, adj. relating to the
breast or chest.
—n. armour for the breast: an ornament worn
on the breast, esp. the breastplate worn by the ancient Jewish
high-priest, and the square of gold, embroidery, &c. formerly worn on
the breast over the chasuble by bishops during mass: a pectoral cross: a
pectoral fin: a medicine for the chest.
—adv. Pec′torally.
—n. Pectoril′oquy, the sound of the patient's
voice heard through the stethoscope when applied to the chest in certain
morbid conditions of the lungs.
—Pectoral fins, the anterior
paired fins of fishes; Pectoral theology, a name sometimes applied
to the theology of those Christians who make much of experience and
emotion, as themselves guides to a knowledge of divine truth—in
Neander's phrase, 'Pectus est quod facit theologum.' [Fr.,—L.
pectoralis—pectus, pectoris, the breast.]
Peculate, pek′ū-lāt, v.t. to take for
one's own use money or property entrusted to one's care: to embezzle: to
—ns. Peculā′tion; Pec′ulātor. [L. peculāri,
private property, akin to pecunia, money.]
Peculiar, pē-kūl′yar, adj. one's own:
belonging to no other: appropriate: particular: odd, uncommon,
—n. (obs.) private property: a parish or
church exempt from the jurisdiction of the ordinary or bishop in whose
diocese it is placed.
—v.t. Pecul′iarise, to set apart.
Peculiar′ity, quality of being
peculiar or singular: that which is found in one and in no other: that
which marks a person off from others: individuality.
Pecū′lium, private property,
esp. that given by a father to a son, &c.
people, the people of Israel: a sect of faith-healers, founded in
London in 1838, who reject medical aid in cases of disease, and rely on
anointing with oil by the elders, and on prayer, with patient nursing.
[Fr.,—L. peculiaris—peculium, private
Pecuniary, pē-kū′ni-ar-i, adj.
relating to money: consisting of money.
—adv. Pecū′niarily.
Pecū′nious, rich.
[Fr.,—L. pecuniarius—pecunia,
money—pecu-, which appears in L. pecudes (pl.),
Ped, ped, n. (Spens.) a basket, a hamper. [Pad.]
Pedagogue, ped′a-gog, n. a teacher: a
—v.t. to teach.
—adjs. Pedagog′ic, -al, relating to teaching: belonging to, or
possessed by, a teacher of children.
—ns. Pedagog′ics, Ped′agogism, Ped′agogy, the science of teaching:
instruction: discipline. [Fr.,—L.,—Gr.
paidagōgos—pais, paidos, a boy,
agōgos, a leader—agein, to lead.]
Pedal, ped′al, adj. pertaining to a
—n. any part of a machine transmitting power from the
foot: in musical instruments, a lever moved by the
—v.i. to work a pedal.
—n. Pēdā′le, a foot-cloth in front of
an altar: a collection of canons of general councils in the Greek
—adjs. Pēdā′lian, relating to the foot,
or to a metrical foot; Ped′āte, divided like a foot:
(bot.) having the side lobes of a divided leaf also divided into
smaller parts, the midribs of which do not run to a common centre as in
the palmate leaf.
—adv. Ped′ātely.
—adj. Pedat′ifid, divided in a pedate manner, but
having the divisions connected at the base.
pedal, a metal pedal in organs controlling several stops at once. [L.
pedalis—pes, pedis, the foot.]
Pedant, ped′ant, n. one who makes a vain display
of learning: a pretender to knowledge which he does not possess:
(Shak.) a pedagogue.
—adjs. Pedant′ic, -al, displaying knowledge for the sake of
—adv. Pedant′ically, in a pedantic
—ns. Pedant′icism, Ped′antism.
—v.i. Ped′antise, to play the
—ns. Pedantoc′racy, government by pedants;
Ped′antry, acts, manners, or
character of a pedant: vain display of learning: (Swift) the
overrating of any kind of knowledge we pretend to. [Fr.,—It.
pedante—L. pædagogans, -antis, teaching—pædagogus, a
Peddle, ped′l, v.i. to travel about with a basket
or bundle of goods, esp. of smallwares, for sale: to
—v.t. to retail in small quantities.
Pedd′ler, Ped′lar, Ped′ler, a hawker or travelling merchant;
Pedd′lery, Ped′lary, the trade or tricks of a peddler:
wares sold by a peddler.
—adj. Pedd′ling, unimportant.
—n. the
trade or tricks of a peddler. [Peddar, pedder, one who
carries wares in a ped or basket.]
Pederasty, ped′e-rast-i, n. unnatural commerce of
males with males, esp. boys.
—n. Ped′erast, one addicted to this
—adj. Pederast′ic.
[Gr., pais, paidos, a boy,
erastēs—eraein, to love.]
Pederero, ped-e-rē′rō, n. an old gun for discharging stones, pieces of iron, &c., also for firing salutes.
Pedesis, ped-ē′sis, n. the rapid oscillation of small particles in a liquid.
Pedestal, ped′es-tal, n. anything that serves as a
foot or a support: the foot or base of a pillar, &c.: the fixed
casting which holds the brasses, in which a shaft turns, called also
Axle-guard or Pillow-block.
—v.t. to place on a
pedestal. [Sp.,—It. piedestallo—L. pes,
pedis, the foot, It. stallo, a place.]
Pedestrian, pē-des′tri-an, adj. going on
foot: performed on foot: pertaining to common people:
—n. one journeying on foot: an expert walker, one who
practises feats of walking or running.
—adj. Pēdes′trial, of or pertaining to the
foot: pedestrian.
—adv. Pēdes′trially.
Pēdes′trianise, to traverse on
—n. Pēdes′trianism, a going on foot:
walking: the practice of a pedestrian. [L.
pedestris—pes, pedis.]
Pedetentous, ped-ē-ten′tus, adj. proceeding slowly.
Pediatrics, ped-i-at′riks, that branch of
medical science which relates to children and their special
—Also Ped′iatry. [Gr.
pais, paidos, a child, iatrikos, relating to a
Pedicel, ped′i-sel, n. the little footstalk by
which a single leaf or flower is fixed on the twig or on the cluster of
which it forms a part—also Ped′icle.
—n. Pedicellā′ria, a minute structure on
the skin of sea-urchins and star-fish, like a stalk with a three or two
bladed snapping forceps at the summit.
—adjs. Ped′icellate, Pedic′ūlate, provided with a
—n. Ped′icle, a
fetter for the foot. [Fr. pédicelle—L. pediculus,
dim. of pes, pedis, the foot.]
Pediculus, pē-dik′ū-lus, n. a genus of
lice, or an individual of it.
—adjs. Pēdic′ular, Pēdic′ulous, lousy.
Pēdiculā′tion, Pēdiculō′sis, lousiness.
Pedicure, ped′i-kūr, n. the treatment of corns, bunions, or the like: one who treats the feet.
Pediferous, pē-dif′e-rus, adj.
footed—also Pēdig′erous.
—adj. Ped′iform, foot-shaped.
Pedigree, ped′i-grē, n. a line of ancestors:
a list, in order, of the ancestors from whom one has descended: lineage:
—adj. Ped′igreed, having a pedigree. [Skeat
suggests Fr. pied de grue, crane's-foot, from its use in the
drawing out of pedigrees.]
Pedimanous, pē-dim′a-nus, adj. having all
four feet like hands—of the opossums and lemurs.
Pediment, ped′i-ment, n. (archit.) a
triangular or circular ornament which crowns the fronts of buildings, and
serves as a finish to the tops of doors, windows, porticoes,
—adjs. Pediment′al; Ped′imented, furnished with a pediment: like
a pediment. [L. pedamentum—pes, pedis, the
Pedipalp, ped′i-palp, n. a maxillipalp or
maxillary palpus.
—adj. pertaining to the
— Pedipal′pi,
an order of Arachnida.
—adj. Pedipal′pous.
Pedobaptism, pē-dō-bap′tizm, n. infant
—n. Pedobap′tist, one who believes in infant
baptism. [Gr. pais, paidos, a child, baptism.]
Pedometer, pē-dom′et-ėr, n. an
instrument, somewhat like a watch, by which the number of the steps of a
pedestrian are registered, from which the distance he has walked is
—adj. Pedomet′ric. [L. pes, pedis, a
foot, Gr. metron, a measure.]
Pedomotor, ped-ō-mō′tor, n. a means
for applying the foot as a driving power.
—adj. Pedomō′tive.
Pedotrophy, pē-dot′rō-fi, n. the
rearing of children.
—adj. Pedotroph′ic.
—n. Pedot′rophist. [Gr. pais,
paidos, a child, trephein, to nourish.]
Pedum, pē′dum, n. a shepherd's crook. [L.]
Peduncle, pē-dung′kl, n. the stalk by which
a cluster of flowers or leaves is joined to a twig or
branch—sometimes same as pedicel—also Pedun′culus.
—adjs. Pedun′cular, Pedun′culate, -d. [Fr. pedoncule—Low L.
pedunculus—L. pes, pedis, the foot.]
Peece, pēs, n. (Shak.) a fabric, a fortified place.
Peeced, pēsd, adj. (Spens.) imperfect.
Peek, pēk, v.i. to peep.
—n. Peek′aboo, a children's game, from the cry
made when hiding one's eyes.
Peel, pēl, v.t. to strip off the skin or bark: to
—v.i. to come off as the skin: to lose the skin:
(slang) to undress.
—n. the skin, rind, or bark:
(print.) a wooden pole with short cross-piece for carrying printed
sheets to the poles on which they are to be dried: the wash or blade of
an oar—not the loom: a mark () for cattle, for persons who cannot write,
—adj. Peeled, stripped of skin, rind, or bark:
—ns. Peel′er,
one who peels, a plunderer; Peel′ing, the act of stripping: that which is
stripped off: (print.) the removing of the layers of a paper
overlay, to get a lighter impression. [O. Fr. peler, to
unskin—L. pilāre, to deprive of
hair—pilus, a hair; or pellis, a skin.]
Peel, pēl, n. a small Border fortress.
Peel, pēl, n. a baker's wooden shovel: a fire-shovel. [O. Fr. pele—L. pāla, a spade.]
Peel, pēl, v.t. to plunder: to pillage. [Pill (v.).]
Peeler, pēl′ėr, n. a policeman, from
Sir R. Peel, who established the Irish police (1812-18) and
improved those in Britain (1828-30).
—n. Peel′ite, a follower of Peel in the reform of
the Corn-laws in 1846.
Peen, pēn, n. the end of a hammer-head, usually
shaped for indenting.
—v.t. to strike with such. [Ger.
Peenge, pēnj, v.i. (Scot.) to complain childishly.
Peep, pēp, v.i. to chirp, or cry as a
—n. the cry of a young chicken. [Fr.
piper—L. pipāre.]
Peep, pēp, v.i. to look through a narrow opening:
to look out from concealment: to look slyly or cautiously: to begin to
—n. a sly look: a beginning to appear, a glimpse: a
narrow view, a slit.
—ns. Peep′er, one that peeps: a prying person: a
chicken just breaking the shell: (slang) the eye; Peep′-hole, a hole through which one may look
without being seen; Peep′-o'-day,
the first appearance of light in the morning; Peep′-show, a small show viewed through a
small hole, usually fitted with a magnifying-glass; Peep′-sight, a plate on the breach with a
small hole through which a gunner takes his sight.
Tom, a prying fellow, esp. one who peeps in at windows;
Peep-o'-day boys, a band of Protestants in the north of Ireland,
in the end of the 18th century—opposed to the Catholic
Defenders. [Same as above, Fr. piper, to chirp like a bird,
then to beguile, whence peep=to look out slyly.]
Peer, pēr, n. an equal in rank, ability,
character, &c.: an associate: a nobleman: a member of the House of
Lords:—fem. Peer′ess.
—n. Peer′age, the rank or dignity of a peer: the
body of peers: a book containing a description of the history,
connections, &c. of the different peers.
—adj. Peer′less, having no peer or equal:
—adv. Peer′lessly.
—n. Peer′lessness.
—House of Peers,
the House of Lords; Spiritual peer, one of the bishops or
archbishops qualified to sit as members of the House of Lords;
Temporal peer, one of the members of the House of Lords, other
than the bishops. [O. Fr. (Fr. pair),—L. par,
paris, equal.]
Peer, pēr, v.i. to look narrowly or closely: to
peep: to appear:—pa.t. and pa.p.
—adj. Peer′y,
prying, sly. [M. E. piren—Low Ger. piren, orig.
pliren, to draw the eyelids together.]
Peerie, Peery, pēr′i, n. a top spun with a string.
Peevers, pēv′ers, n. (Scot.) the game of hop-scotch.
Peevish, pēv′ish, adj. habitually fretful:
easily annoyed: hard to please: showing ill-nature:
—adv. Peev′ishly.
—n. Peev′ishness. [Prob. imit. of the puling of
fretful infants.]
Peg, peg, n. a wooden pin for fastening boards, or the
soles of shoes: one of the pins on which the strings of a musical
instrument are stretched: a reason or excuse for action: a drink of
soda-water with brandy, &c.: a degree or step.
—v.t. to
fasten with a peg: to keep up the market price by buying or selling at a
fixed price: to make points during the game of cribbage before the show
of hands.
—v.i. to work with unremitting
effort:—pr.p. peg′ging;
pa.t. and pa.p. pegged.
—ns. Peg′-fiched, an English game played with pegs
or pointed sticks; Peg′-float, a
machine for rasping away the ends of pegs inside shoes.
Pegged, fashioned of, or furnished with, pegs.
Peg′ging, the act of fastening with
a peg: pegs collectively: a thrashing: determined perseverance in work;
Peg′-leg, a wooden leg of the
simplest form, or one who walks on such; Peg′-strip, a ribbon of wood cut to the
width, &c., of a shoe-peg; Peg′-tank′ard, a drinking-vessel having
each one's share marked off by a knob; Peg′-top, a child's plaything made to spin
round by winding a string round it and then rapidly pulling it off:
(pl.) a kind of trousers, wide at the top and narrow at the
—adj. shaped like a top.
—Peg away, to
keep continually working.
—Take down a peg, to take down, to
humble. [Scand.; as in Dan. pig, a spike.]
Pegasus, peg′a-sus, n. a winged horse which arose
from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa, when she was slain by Perseus: a
genus of small fishes with large, wing-like, pectoral fins: one of the
constellations in the northern sky.
—adj. Pegasē′an.
Peggy, peg′i, n. one of several small warblers, the whitethroat, &c. [Peggy, from Peg=Meg—Margaret.]
Pegmatite, peg′ma-tīt, n. coarsely
crystallised granite.
—adj. Pegmatit′ic.
Pehlevi, pā′le-vē, n. an ancient West
Iranian idiom during the period of the Sassanides, largely mixed with
Semitic words, and poorer in inflections and terminations than Zend
(235-640 A.D.): the characters used in writing
this language.
—adj. of or pertaining to, or written in,
Pehlevi. [Pers.]
Peignoir, pēn-wär′, n. a loose wrapper worn by women during their toilet. [Fr.]
Peinct, pāngkt, v.t. (Spens.) to paint.
Peine, pān, n. a form of punishment by pressing to death—usually Peine forte et dure. [Fr.]
Peirastic, pī-ras′tik, adj.
—n. Peiram′eter, an instrument for measuring the
resistances of road-surface to traction. [Gr. peira, a trial.]
Peise, pāz, v.t. (Spens., Shak.) to
poise, to weigh.
—n. a weight. [Poise.]
Pejoration, pē-jō-rā′shun, n. a
becoming worse: deterioration.
—v.i. Pē′jorāte.
—adj. and
n. Pē′jorātive.
Pējor′ity. [L. pejor,
worse, comp. of malus, bad.]
Pekan, pek′an, n. an American species of Marten—called also Wood-shock, Fisher, and Black-fox.
Pekoe, pē′kō, n. a scented black tea. [Chinese.]
Pelage, pel′āj, n. the hair or wool of a mammal. [Fr.]
Pelagian, pē-lā′ji-an, n. one who
holds the views of Pelagius, a British monk of the 4th century,
who denied original sin.
—adj. pertaining to
—n. Pelā′gianism, the doctrines of
Pelagic, pē-laj′ik, adj. inhabiting the deep sea, marine, oceanic. [Gr. pelagos, the sea.]
Pelargonium, pel-ar-gō′ni-um, n. a vast
genus of beautiful flowering plants of order
—adj. Pēlar′gic, stork-like. [Gr.
pelargos, stork, the beaked capsules resembling a stork's
Pelasgic, pē-las′jik, adj. pertaining to the Pelasgians or Pelasgi, a race spread over Greece in prehistoric times, to whom are ascribed many enormous remains built of unhewn stones, without cement—the so-called Pelasgic architecture. Also Pelas′gian.
Pêle-mêle. See Pell-mell, adv.
Pelerine, pel′ėr-in, n. a woman's tippet or cape with long ends coming down in front. [Fr., a tippet—pèlerin, a pilgrim—L. peregrinus, foreign.]
Pelf, pelf, n. riches (in a bad sense): money. [O. Fr. pelfre, booty; allied to pilfer.]
Pelican, pel′i-kan, n. a large water-fowl, having an enormous distensible gular pouch: an alembic with tubulated head from which two opposite and crooked beaks extend and enter again the body of the vessel—used for continuous distillation: a dentist's instrument: (her.) a pelican above her nest, with wings indorsed, wounding her breast with her beak in order to feed her young with her blood. [Low L. pelicanus—Gr. pelikan—pelekus, an axe.]
Pelike, pel′i-kē, n. a large vase like the hydria, double-handled. [Gr.]
Pelisse, pe-lēs′, n. a cloak of silk or other cloth, with sleeves, worn by ladies: a garment lined with fur, a dragoon's jacket with shaggy lining. [Fr.,—Low L. pellicea (vestis)—L. pellis, a skin.]
Pell, pel, n. a skin or hide: a roll of parchment. [O. Fr. pel (Fr. peau)—L. pellis, a skin or hide.]
Pellagra, pe-lā′gra, n. a loathsome skin
disease supposed to be common in the rice-producing part of the north of
—n. Pellā′grin, one afflicted with
—adj. Pellā′grous, like or afflicted with
pellagra. [Gr. pella, skin, agra, seizure.]
Pellet, pel′et, n. a little ball, as of lint or
wax: a small rounded boss: a small pill: a ball of
—adj. Pell′eted,
consisting of pellets: pelted, as with bullets. [O. Fr.
pelote—L. pila, a ball.]
Pellicle, pel′i-kl, n. a thin skin or film: the
film or scum which gathers on liquors.
—adj. Pellic′ular.
Pellitory, pel′i-tor-i, n. a genus of plants found
most commonly on old walls and heaps of rubbish: the
—n. Pell′itory-of-Spain, a plant which grows in
Algeria, the root of which causes in the hands first a sensation of
extreme cold, then one of a burning heat. [L. parietaria, the
wall-plant—parietarius—paries, parietis,
a wall.]
Pell-mell, pel-mel′, adv. in great confusion:
promiscuously: in a disorderly manner—also written
—n. Pell-mell′ (same as Pall-mall). [O.
Fr. pesle-mesle (Fr. pêle-mêle), -mesle being from O. Fr. mesler (Fr.
mêler), to mix—Low L. misculāre—L.
miscēre; and pesle, a rhyming addition, perh.
influenced by Fr. pelle, shovel.]
Pellucid, pe-lū′sid, adj. perfectly clear:
letting light through: transparent.
—ns. Pellūcid′ity, Pellū′cidness.
Pellū′cidly. [Fr.,—L.
pellucidus—per, perfectly, lucidus,
clear—lucēre, to shine.]
Pelma, pel′ma, n. the sole of the
—n. Pelmat′ogram,
the impression of the foot. [Gr.]
Pelopid, pel′ō-pid, adj. pertaining to
—n. one of his descendants.
Peloponnesian, pel-ō-po-nē′zi-an, adj.
of or pertaining to the Peloponnesus or southern part of
—n. an inhabitant or a native of the
—Peloponnesian war, a war between Athens and
Sparta (431-404 B.C.). [Gr. Pelops, an
ancient Greek hero, nēsos, an island.]
Peloria, pē-lō′ri-a, n. the appearance
of regularity in flowers normally irregular—also Pel′orism.
—adjs. Pēlor′iate, Pēlor′ic. [Gr. pelōr, a
Pelt, pelt, n. a raw hide: the quarry or prey of a hawk
all torn.
—ns. Pelt′monger, a dealer in skins; Pelt′ry, the skins of animals with the fur on
them: furs. [M. E. pelt, peltry—O. Fr.
pelleterie—pelletier, a skinner—L.
pellis, a skin.]
Pelt, pelt, v.t. to strike with something thrown: to
—v.i. to fall heavily, as rain.
—n. a blow
from something thrown.
—ns. Pel′ter, a shower of missiles, a sharp storm
of rain, &c.: a storm of anger; Pel′ting, an assault with a pellet, or with
anything thrown. [Cf. Pellet.]
Pelta, pel′ta, n. a light buckler.
Pel′tast, a soldier armed with
—adjs. Pel′tāte, -d, shield-shaped; Peltat′ifid, Pel′tiform. [L.,—Gr.
Pelting, pel′ting, adj. (Shak.) paltry,
—adv. Pelt′ingly. [Paltry.]
Pelvis, pel′vis, n. the bony cavity at the lower
end of the trunk, forming the lower part of the
—adjs. Pel′vic,
of or pertaining to the pelvis; Pel′viform, openly
—ns. Pelvim′eter, an instrument for measuring the
diameters of the pelvis; Pelvim′etry. [L. pelvis, a basin.]
Pemmican, Pemican, pem′i-kan, n. a North American Indian preparation, consisting of lean venison, dried, pounded, and pressed into cakes, now made of beef and used in Arctic expeditions, &c.
Pemphigus, pem′fi-gus, n. an affection of the skin
with pustules.
—adj. Pem′phigoid. [Gr.]
Pen, pen, v.t. to shut up: to confine in a small
enclosure:—pr.p. pen′ning;
pa.t. and pa.p. penned or pent.
—n. a small
enclosure: a fold for animals: a coop. [A.S. pennan, to shut up,
in comp. on pennan, to unpen. Prop. to fasten with a
Pen, pen, n. one of the large feathers of the wing of a
bird: an instrument used for writing, formerly made of the feather of a
bird, but now of steel, &c.: style of writing: a female
swan—opp. to Cob.
—v.t. to write, to commit to
paper:—pr.p. pen′ning;
pa.t. and pa.p. penned.
—adj. Pen′-and-ink′, written, literary:
executed with pen and ink, as a drawing.
—ns. Pen′-case, a holder for a pen or pens;
Pen′craft, skill in penmanship: the
art of composition; Pen′-driv′er, a clerk; Pen′ful, what one can write with one dip of
ink; Pen′-hold′er, a holder
for pens or nibs; Pen′-wī′per, a piece of cloth,
leather, &c. for wiping pens after use; Pen′-wom′an, a female writer. [O. Fr.
penne—L. penna, a feather.]
Penal, pē′nal, adj. pertaining to,
incurring, or constituting punishment: used for
—v.t. Pē′nalise, to lay under
—adv. Pē′nally.
—Penal laws, laws
prohibiting certain actions under penalties; Penal servitude, hard
labour in a prison as a punishment for crime—introduced in England
in 1853 instead of transportation; Penal statute, a statute
imposing a penalty or punishment for crime. [Fr.,—L.
pœnalis—pœna, Gr. poinē,
Penalty, pen′al-ti, n. punishment: suffering in
person or property for wrong-doing or for breach of a law: a fine or loss
which a person agrees to pay or bear in case of his non-fulfilment of
some undertaking: a fine.
—Under penalty of, so as to suffer,
or (after a negative) without suffering the punishment of.
Penance, pen′ans, n. repentance: external acts
performed to manifest sorrow for sin, to seek to atone for the sin and to
avert the punishment which, even after the guilt has been remitted, may
still remain due to the offence—also the sacrament by which
absolution is conveyed (involving contrition, confession, and
satisfaction): any instrument of self-punishment.
—v.t. to
impose penance on: to punish. [O. Fr.; cf. Penitence.]
Penang-lawyer, pe-nang′-law′yėr, n. a walking-stick made from the stem of a Penang palm. [Prob. a corr. of Penang liyar, the wild areca.]
Penannular, pē-nan′ū-lar, adj. shaped almost like a ring. [L. pæna, almost, annularis, annular.]
Penates, pē-nā′tēs, the household gods of ancient Rome who presided over and were worshipped by each family. [L., from root pen- in L. penitus, within, penetralia, the inner part of anything.]
Pence, pens, n. plural of penny (q.v.).
Penchant, päng′shäng, n. inclination: decided taste: bias. [Fr., pr.p. of pencher, to incline, through a form pendicāre, from L. pendēre, to hang.]
Pencil, pen′sil, n. a small hair brush for laying
on colours: any pointed instrument for writing or drawing without ink: a
collection of rays of light converging to a point: the art of painting or
—v.t. to write, sketch, or mark with a pencil: to
paint or draw:—pr.p. pen′cilling; pa.t. and pa.p. pen′cilled.—ns. Pen′cil-case, a holder for a pencil; Pen′cil-com′pass, a compass having a
pencil on one of its legs for use in drawing.
—adjs. Pen′cilled, written or marked with a pencil:
having pencils of rays: radiated: (bot.) marked with fine lines,
as with a pencil; Pen′cilliform,
having the form of a pencil, as of rays.
—ns. Pen′cilling, the art of writing, sketching,
or marking with a pencil: marks made with a pencil: fine lines on flowers
or the feathers of birds: a sketch; Pen′cil-sketch, a sketch made with a pencil.
[O. Fr. pincel (Fr. pinceau)—L. penicillum, a
painter's brush, dim. of penis, a tail.]
Pend, pend, n. (obs.) an enclosure: (Scot.) a narrow close leading off a main street.
Pend, pend, v.i. to hang, as in a balance, to
—adj. Pend′ing,
hanging: remaining undecided: not terminated.
Pendant, pen′dant, n. anything hanging, esp. for
ornament: an earring: a lamp hanging from the roof: an ornament of wood
or of stone hanging downwards from a roof: a long narrow flag, at the
head of the principal mast in a royal ship: something attached to another
thing of the same kind, an appendix, a companion picture, poem,
—ns. Pen′dence,
Pen′dency, a hanging in suspense:
state of being undecided.
—adj. Pen′dent, hanging: projecting: supported
above the ground or base: (bot.) hanging downwards, as a flower or
a leaf.
—n. Penden′tive
(archit.), the triangular portion of a dome cut off between two
supporting arches at right angles to each other.
Pen′dicle, an appendage: something
attached to another, as a privilege, a small piece of ground for
cultivation; Pen′dūlet, a
pendant. [Fr. pendant, pr.p. of pendre, to hang—L.
pendens, -entis—pr.p.
of pendēre, to hang.]
Pendragon, pen-drag′on, n. a chief leader: an
ancient British chief.
—n. Pendrag′onship. [W. pen, head,
dragon, a chief.]
Pendulum, pen′dū-lum, n. any weight so hung
from a fixed point as to swing freely: the swinging weight which
regulates the movement of a clock: a lamp, &c., pendent from a
ceiling: a guard-ring of a watch by which it is attached to a
—adj. Pen′dular,
relating to a pendulum.
—v.i. Pen′dulate, to swing,
—adjs. Pen′dulent, pendulous; Pen′duline, building a pendulous nest;
Pen′dulous, hanging loosely:
swinging freely, as the pensile nests of birds: (bot.) hanging
downwards, as a flower on a curved stalk.
—adv. Pen′dulously.
—ns. Pen′dulousness, Pen′dulosity.
—Pendulum wire, a
kind of flat steel wire for clock pendulums.
pendulum, a pendulum so constructed that its rod is not altered in
length by changes of temperature; Compound pendulum, every
ordinary pendulum is compound, as differing from a Simple
pendulum, which is a material point suspended by an ideal line;
Invariable pendulum, a pendulum for carrying from station to
station to be oscillated at each so as to fix the relative acceleration
of gravity; Long and short pendulum, a pendulum for
determining the absolute force of gravity by means of a bob suspended by
a wire of varying length. [L., neut. of pendulus,
hanging—pendēre, to hang.]
Peneian, pē-nē′yan, adj. relating to the river Peneus in the famous Vale of Tempe in Thessaly.
Penelopise, pē-nel′o-pīz, v.i. to act like Penelope, the wife of Ulysses, who undid at night the work she did by day, to gain time from her suitors.
Penetrate, pen′ē-trāt, v.t. to thrust
into the inside: to pierce into: to affect the mind or feelings: to enter
and to fill: to understand: to find out.
—v.i. to make way:
to pass inwards.
—ns. Penetrabil′ity, Pen′etrableness.
—adj. Pen′etrable, that may be penetrated or
pierced by another body: capable of having impressions made upon the
—adv. Pen′etrably,
so as to be penetrated— Penetrā′lia, the inmost parts of a
building: secrets: mysteries.
—ns. Pen′etrance, Pen′etrancy, the quality of being
—adjs. Pen′etrant, subtle, penetrating; Pen′etrating, piercing or entering: sharp:
subtle: acute: discerning.
—adv. Pen′etratingly.
—n. Penetrā′tion, the act or power of
penetrating or entering: acuteness: discernment: the space-penetrating
power of a telescope.
—adj. Pen′etrative, tending to penetrate: piercing:
sagacious: affecting the mind.
—adv. Pen′etratively, in a penetrative
—n. Pen′etrativeness, the quality of being
penetrative: penetrative power. [L. penetrāre, -ātum—penes, within.]
Pen-fish, pen′-fish, n. a sparoid fish of genus Calamus.
Penguin, pen′gwin, n. an aquatic bird in the
southern hemisphere, unable to fly, but very expert in diving—also
—n. Pen′guinery, a breeding-place of penguins.
[Ety. dub.; a corr. of pen-wing, or from W. pen, head,
gwen, white.]
Pen-gun, pen′-gun, n. a pop-gun.
Penicil, pen′i-sil, n. a brush of hairs: a pledget
for wounds, &c.
—adjs. Pen′icillate, Penicil′liform.
—n. Penicil′lium, one of the blue-moulds.
Peninsula, pē-nin′sū-la, n. land so
surrounded by water as to be almost an island.
—adj. Penin′sular, pertaining to a peninsula: in
the form of a peninsula: inhabiting a peninsula.
—n. Peninsular′ity, state of being, or of
inhabiting, a peninsula: narrow provincialism.
—v.t. Penin′sulate, to form into a peninsula: to
surround almost entirely with water.
—Peninsular war, the war
in Spain and Portugal, carried on by Great Britain against Napoleon's
marshals (1804-1814).
—The Peninsula, Spain and Portugal.
[L.,—pæne, almost, insula, an island.]
Penis, pē′nis, n. the characteristic
external male organ.
—adj. Pē′nial. [L., a tail.]
Penistone, pen′i-stōn, n. a coarse
—Penistone flags, a kind of sandstone for paving and
building, brought from Penistone in Yorkshire.
Penitent, pen′i-tent, adj. suffering pain or
sorrow for sin: contrite: repentant.
—n. one who is sorry for
sin: one who has confessed sin, and is undergoing
—ns. Pen′itence, Pen′itency, state of being penitent: sorrow
for sin.
—adj. Peniten′tial, pertaining to, or expressive
of, penitence.
—n. a book of rules relating to
—adv. Peniten′tially.
—adj. Peniten′tiary, relating to penance:
—n. a penitent: an office at the court of Rome
for examining and issuing secret bulls, dispensations, &c.: a book
for guidance in imposing penances: a place for the performance of
penance: a house of correction and punishment for
—adv. Pen′itently.
garment, a rough garment worn for penance; Penitential psalms,
certain psalms suitable for being sung by penitents, as the 6th, 32d,
38th, 51st, 102d, 130th, 143d. [Fr.,—L. pœnitens,
to cause to repent.]
Penknife, pen′nīf, n. a small knife, originally for making and mending quill pens.
Penman, pen′man, n. a man skilled in the use of
the pen: an author:—pl. Pen′men.
—n. Pen′manship, the use of the pen: art or
manner of writing.
Penna, pen′a, n. a feather, esp. one of the large
feathers of the wings or tail.
—adj. Pennā′ceous. [L.]
Pennal, pen′al, n. a freshman at a German
university—so called from their pennales or
—n. Penn′alism, a system of fagging once in vogue
at German universities.
Pen-name, pen′-nām, n. a name, other than his real one, by which an author is known to the public: a nom de plume.
Pennant, pen′ant, n. a flag many times as long as
it is wide: a streamer: a long narrow piece of bunting at the mast-heads
of war-ships.
—Also Penn′on.
[Pennant is formed from pennon, with excrescent t;
pennon is Fr. pennon—L. penna, a wing.]
Pennate, -d, pen′āt, -ed, adj.
winged: (bot.) same as Pinnate.
—adj. Pennatif′id (see
—n. Penne (Spens.), a
—adj. Penned, having wings: winged: written
with a pen.
—n. Pen′ner,
a case for holding pens: (her.) a representation of such carried
at the girdle.
—adjs. Pennif′erous, Pennig′erous, feathered; Pen′niform, like a feather in form. [L.
pennatus—penna, wing.]
Pennill, pen′il, n. a kind of Welsh verse, in which the singer has to change words and measure according to the variations of his accompanist on the harp. [W. 'a verse,' pl. pennillion.]
Pennon, pen′on, n. a flag, a medieval
knight-bachelor's ensign: a long narrow flag: a pinion or
—ns. Penn′oncelle,
a small flag like a pennon; Penn′oncier, a
—adj. Penn′oned, bearing a pennon. [Cf.
Penny, pen′i, n. a copper coin (bronze since
1860), originally silver=1⁄12 of a shilling, or four farthings: a small sum:
money in general: (N.T.) a silver coin=7½d.: pound, in
fourpenny, sixpenny, tenpenny nails=four, six, ten
pound weight to the thousand:—pl. Pennies
(pen′iz), denoting the number of coins;
Pence (pens), the amount of pennies in value.
Penn′ied, possessed of a penny;
Penn′iless, without a penny: without
money: poor.
—ns. Penn′ilessness; Penn′y-a-lin′er, one who writes for a
public journal at so much a line: a writer for pay; Penn′y-a-lin′erism, hack-writing;
Penn′y-dog, the tope or miller's
dog, a kind of shark; Penn′y-post, a
means of carrying a letter for a penny; Penn′y-rent, income; Penn′yweight, twenty-four grains of troy
weight (the weight of a silver penny); Penn′y-wis′dom, prudence in petty
—adj. Penn′y-wise, saving small sums at the risk of
larger: niggardly on improper occasions.
—ns. Penn′y-worth, a penny's worth of anything:
the amount that can be given for a penny: a good bargain—also
Penn′'orth (coll.); Pē′ter's-pence, the name given to an
old tribute offered to the Roman Pontiff, now a voluntary
—Penny fee (Scot.), a small wage;
Penny gaff (slang), a low-class theatre; Penny mail
(Scot.), rent in money, not in kind: a small sum paid to the
superior of land; Penny wedding, a wedding ceremonial in Scotland,
at which the invited guests made contributions in money to pay the
general expenses.
—A pretty penny, a considerable sum of
money; Turn an honest penny, to earn money honestly. [A.S.
penig, oldest form pending, where pend=Eng.
pawn, Ger. pfand, Dut. pand, a pledge, all which are
from L. pannus, a rag, a piece of cloth.]
Pennyroyal, pen′i-roi-al, n. a species of mint, much in use in domestic medicine, in the form of a warm infusion, to promote perspiration and as an emmenagogue. [Corr. from old form pulial, which is traced through O. Fr. to L. puleium regium, the plant pennyroyal—pulex, a flea.]
Penology, Pænology, pē-nol′ō-ji,
n. the study of punishment in its relation to crime: the
management of prisons.
—n. Penol′ogist. [Gr. poinē,
punishment, logia, description.]
Pensée, pang-sā′, n. a thought. [Fr.]
Penseroso, pen-se-rō′so, adj. melancholy: thoughtful:—fem. Penserō′sa. [It.]
Pensile, pen′sīl, adj. hanging:
—ns. Pen′sileness, Pensil′ity.
[Fr.,—L.,—pendēre, hang.]
Pension, pen′shun, n. a stated allowance to a
person for past services performed by himself or by some relative: a
payment made to a person retired from service on account of age or
weakness: a boarding-school or boarding-house on the Continent (pron.
pong-siong′): a sum paid to a clergyman in
place of tithes.
—v.t. to grant a pension
—adjs. Pen′sionable,
entitled, or entitling, to a pension; Pen′sionary, receiving a pension: consisting
of a pension.
—n. one who receives a pension: the syndic or
legal adviser of a Dutch town.
—ns. Pen′sioner, one who receives a pension: a
dependent: one who pays out of his own income for his commons, chambers,
&c. at Cambridge University=an Oxford commoner; Pen′sionnaire.
—Grand pensionary,
the president of the States-general of Holland. [Fr.,—L.
pension-em—pendĕre, pensum, to weigh,
Pensive, pen′siv, adj. thoughtful: reflecting:
expressing thoughtfulness with sadness.
—adj. Pen′sived (Shak.), thought
—adv. Pen′sively.
—n. Pen′siveness, state of being pensive: gloomy
thoughtfulness: melancholy. [Fr. pensif—L.
pensāre, to weigh—pendĕre, to weigh.]
Penstock, pen′stok, n. a trough conveying water to a water-wheel.
Pensum, pen′sum, n. an extra task given a scholar in punishment.
Pent, pa.t. and pa.p. of pen, to shut up.
Pentacapsular, pen-ta-kap′sū-lar, adj. having five capsules.
Pentachord, pen′ta-kord, n. a musical instrument with five strings: a diatonic series of five tones.
Pentacle, pent′a-kl, n. a figure formed by two
equilateral triangles intersecting regularly so as to form a six-pointed
star: properly a five-pointed object, the same as Pentagram
(q.v.), a defence against demons.
—adj. Pentac′ular. [O. Fr., but prob. not from Gr.
pente, five, but O. Fr. pente, pendre, to hang. As
applied to a magical figure prob. a corr. of pentangle, perh.
pentacol—pendre, to hang, a, on, col, the
Pentacoccous, pen-ta-kok′us, adj. (bot.) having five grains or seeds.
Pentacrostic, pen-ta-kros′tik, adj. containing
five acrostics of the same name.
—n. a set of such
Pentact, pen′takt, adj. five-rayed.
Pentad, pen′tad, n. the number five, a group of five things: a mean of temperature, &c., taken every five days.
Pentadactylous, pen-ta-dak′ti-lus, adj. having
five digits—also Pentadac′tyl.
—n. Pentadac′tylism.
Pentadelphous, pen-ta-del′fus, adj. (bot.) grouped together in five sets.
Pentaglot, pen′ta-glot, adj. of five
—n. a work in five languages.
Pentagon, pen′ta-gon, n. (geom.) a plane
figure having five angles and five sides: a fort with five
—adj. Pentag′onal.
—adv. Pentag′onally. [Gr.
pentagōnon—pente, five, gōnia,
Pentagram, pen′ta-gram, n. a five-pointed star: a
magic figure so called.
—This is the proper
—adj. Pentagrammat′ic. [Gr. pente, five,
gramma, a letter.]
Pentagynia, pent-a-jin′i-a, n. (bot.) a
Linnæan order of plants, characterised by their flowers having five
—n. Pent′agyn
(bot.), a plant having five styles.
—adjs. Pentagyn′ian, Pentag′ynous. [Gr. pente, five,
gynē, a female.]
Pentahedron, pen-ta-hē′dron, n.
(geom.) a solid figure bounded by five plane
—adj. Pentahē′dral. [Gr. pente, five,
hedra, base.]
Pentalpha, pen-tal′fa, n. a five-pointed star: a pentacle. [Gr. pente, five, alpha.]
Pentameron, pen-tam′e-ron, n. a famous collection of fifty folk-tales (Naples 1637) written in the Neapolitan dialect by Giambattista Basile, supposed to be told during five days by ten old women, for the entertainment of a Moorish slave who has usurped the place of the rightful princess. [It. pentamerone.]
Pentamerous, pen-tam′ėr-us, adj.
(bot.) consisting of or divided into five
—Pentamerus beds (geol.), a name applied to the
upper and lower Llandovery rocks, full of the brachiopods called
Pentamerus. [Gr. pente, five, meros, part.]
Pentameter, pen-tam′e-tėr, n. a verse of
five measures or feet.
—adj. having five
—Elegiac pentameter, a verse of six dactylic feet, the
third and sixth with the first member only; Iambic pentameter, in
English, heroic couplets and blank verse. [Gr.
pentametros—pente, five, metron, a
Pentandria, pen-tan′dri-a, n. (bot.) a
Linnæan order of plants, characterised by their flowers having five
—n. Pentan′der,
a plant of the class Pentandria.
—adjs. Pentan′drian, Pentan′drous. [Gr. pente, five,
anēr, andros, a man, a male.]
Pentangular, pen-tang′gū-lar, adj. having five angles.
Pentapetalous, pen-ta-pet′a-lus, adj. having five petals.
Pentaphyllous, pen-ta-fil′us, adj. having five leaves. [Gr. pente, five, phyllon, a leaf.]
Pentapody, pen-tap′o-di, n. a measure of five feet.
Pentapolis, pen-tap′o-lis, n. a group of five
—adj. Pentapol′itan, esp. of the ancient
Pentapolis of Cyrenaica in northern Africa. [Gr. pente,
five, polis, a city.]
Pentarchy, pen′tär-ki, n. government by five persons. [Gr. pente, five, archē, rule.]
Pentasepalous, pen-ta-sep′a-lus, adj. having five sepals.
Pentaspermous, pent-a-spėr′mus, adj. (bot.) containing five seeds. [Gr. pente, five, sperma, seed.]
Pentastich, pen′ta-stik, n. a composition of five
—adj. Pentas′tichous, five-ranked.
Pentastyle, pen′ta-stīl, adj. having five
columns in front.
—n. (archit.) a building with a
portico of five columns. [Gr. pente, five, stylos, a
Pentasyllabic, pen-ta-si-lab′ik, adj. having five syllables.
Pentateuch, pen′ta-tūk, n. a name used to
denote the Jewish Thorah, the first five books of the Old
—adj. Pen′tateuchal. [Gr. pente, five,
teuchos, a book—teuchein, to prepare.]
Pentathlon, pen-tath′lon, n. a contest consisting
of five exercises—wrestling, throwing the discus, spear-throwing,
leaping, and running—also Pentath′lum.
—n. Pentath′lēte, one who contests in the
pentathlon. [Gr. pente, five, athlon, a contest.]
Pentatonic, pen-ta-ton′ik, adj. consisting of five tones.
Penteconter, pen′tē-kon-tėr, n. an ancient Greek ship having fifty oars.
Pentecost, pen′tē-kost, n. a Jewish festival
held on the fiftieth day after the Passover, in commemoration of the
giving of the law: the festival of Whitsuntide, held in remembrance of
the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the assembled disciples at the feast
of Pentecost.
—adj. Pentecost′al.
— offerings
formerly made to the parish priest at Whitsuntide. [Gr.
pentēkostē (hēmera), the fiftieth
Pentelic, -an, pen-tel′ik, -an, adj. describing a kind of marble found at Mount Pentelicus near Athens.
Penteteric, pen-te-ter′ik, adj. occurring every five years. [Gr., pente, five, etos, a year.]
Penthemimeral, pen-thē-mim′e-ral, adj. belonging to a metrical group of 2½ feet. [Gr. pente, five, hēmi, half, meros, a part.]
Penthouse, pent′hows, n. a shed projecting from or
adjoining a main building: a protection from the weather over a door or a
window: anything resembling a penthouse.
—v.t. to provide
with a penthouse, shelter by means of a shed sloping from a wall, or
anything similar. [A corr. of pentice, which is from Fr.
appentis—L. appendicium, an appendage.]
Pentice, pen′tis, n. See Penthouse.
Pentroof, pent′rōōf, n. a roof with a slope on one side only. [A hybrid word, from Fr. pente, a slope—pendre, to hang, and Eng. roof.]
Pentstemon, pent-stē′mon, n. a genus of perennial herbs of the order Scrophularineæ, common in California. [Gr. pente, five, stēmōn, warp, stamen.]
Pentzia, pent′si-a, n. a genus of South African
shrubs, having yellow flowers in small heads, usually in
—The chief species is Pentzia virgata or the
'sheep-fodder bush.' [Named after C. J. Pentz, a student under
Penult, pē-nult′, or pē′nult, Penult′ima, n. the syllable last but
—adj. Penult′imāte, last but
—n. the penult: the last member but one of any series.
[L. penultima—pæne, almost, ultimus,
Penumbra, pē-num′bra, n. a partial or
lighter shadow round the perfect or darker shadow of an eclipse: the part
of a picture where the light and shade blend into each
—adjs. Penum′bral, Penum′brous. [L. pæne, almost,
umbra, shade.]
Penury, pen′ū-ri, n. want: absence of means
or resources: great poverty.
—adj. Penū′rious, showing penury: not
bountiful: too saving: sordid: miserly.
—adv. Penū′riously.
—n. Penū′riousness. [Fr.,—L.
penuria; Gr. peina, hunger, penēs, poor.]
Peon, pē′on, n. a day-labourer, esp. in
South America, one working off a debt by bondage: in India, a
foot-soldier, a messenger, a native policeman.
—ns. Pē′onage, Pē′onism, this kind of agricultural
servitude. [Sp.,—Low L. pedo—L. pes,
pedis, a foot.]
Peony, pē′o-ni, n. a genus of plants of the natural order Ranunculaceæ, with large showy flowers, carmine, in some white. [O. Fr. pione (Fr. pivoine)—L. pæonia, healing—Gr. Paiōn.]
People, pē′pl, n. persons generally: the
men, women, and children of a country or a nation: the mass of persons as
distinguished from the rulers, &c.: an indefinite number:
inhabitants: the vulgar: the populace:—pl. Peoples
(pē′plz), races,
—v.t. to stock with people or
—People's palace, an institution for the
amusement, recreation, and association of the working-classes, as that in
the East End of London, inaugurated in 1887.
—Chosen people,
the Israelites; Good people, or folk, a popular euphemistic
name for the fairies; Peculiar people (see Peculiar);
The people, the populace, the mass. [Fr. peuple—L.
populus, prob. reduplicated from root of plebs,
Peotomy, pē-ot′ō-mi, n. the amputation of the penis. [Gr. peos, the penis, temnein, to cut.]
Peperin, pep′e-rin, n. a volcanic tufa found in the Alban Hills near Rome. [It. peperino—pepe, pepper—L. piper, pepper.]
Pepita, pe-pē′ta, n. a nugget of gold. [Sp.]
Peplum, pep′lum, n. an upper robe worn by women in
ancient Greece.
—Also Pep′lus.
[L.,—Gr. peplos.]
Pepo, pē′pō, n. a fruit like that of the gourd. [Gr.]
Pepper, pep′ėr, n. a pungent aromatic
condiment consisting of the dried berries of the pepper-plant, entire or
powdered: any plant of genus Piper: a plant of genus
Capsicum, or one of its pods, whence Cayenne
—v.t. to sprinkle with pepper: to hit or pelt
with shot, &c.: to pelt thoroughly: to do for.
Pepp′er-and-salt′, of a colour
composed of a light ground dotted with fine spots of a dark colour, or of
a dark ground with light spots.
—ns. Pepp′er-box, a box with a perforated top for
sprinkling pepper on food; Pepp′er-cake, a kind of spiced cake or
gingerbread; Pepp′er-cast′er,
the vessel, on a cruet-stand, from which pepper is sprinkled; Pepp′ercorn, the berry of the pepper plant:
something of little value—Peppercorn rent, a nominal rent;
Pepp′erer, one who sells pepper, a
grocer; Pepp′er-gin′gerbread,
hot-spiced gingerbread; Pepp′er-grass, any plant of genus
Lepidium; Pepp′eriness;
Pepp′ermint, a species of mint,
aromatic and pungent like pepper: a liquor distilled from the plant: a
lozenge flavoured with peppermint—Peppermint-drop, a
confection so flavoured; Pepp′er-pot, a West Indian dish, of
cassareep, together with flesh or dried fish and vegetables, esp. green
okra and chillies: tripe shredded and stewed, with balls of dough and
plenty of pepper; Pepp′er-tree, a
shrub of the cashew family, native to South America, &c.
Pepper shrub and Chili pepper; Pepp′erwort, the dittander.
Pepp′ery, possessing the qualities
of pepper: hot, choleric.
—Æthiopian pepper, the produce of
Xylopia Æthiopica; Benin pepper, of Cubeba Clusii;
Guinea pepper, or Maleguetta pepper, of Amomum;
Jamaica pepper, or Pimento, of species of Eugenia
(Myrtaceæ); Long pepper, the fruit of Piper Longum;
White pepper, the seed freed from the skin and fleshy part of the
fruit by soaking in water and rubbing the dried fruit. [A.S.
pipor—L. piper—Gr. peperi—Sans.
Pepper's Ghost, pep′ėrs gōst, n. a device for associating on the same stage living persons and phantoms to act together—the phantom produced by a large sheet of unsilvered glass on the stage, practically invisible to the spectators, reflecting to them, along with a visible actor or actors, the appearance of another actor on an understage, himself invisible. [John H. Pepper (b. 1821), the improver and exhibitor of Henry Dircks' invention.]
Pepsin, Pepsine, pep′sin, n. one of the
essential constituents of the gastric juice: the active agent in
fermenting food in the stomach—a hydrolytic
—adj. Pep′tic,
relating to or promoting digestion: having a good
—ns. Peptic′ity, eupepsia; Pep′tics, digestion considered as a science:
the digestive organs; Pep′togen, a
substance producing peptone, any preparation that facilitates
—adjs. Peptogen′ic, Peptog′enous, Pepton′ic.
—ns. Pep′tōne, one of a class of albumenoids
formed by the action of the chemical ferment pepsin and hydrochloric
acid, the latter first converting into a syntonin or acid protein, the
former converting this syntonin into peptone—they are soluble in
water, are not coagulated by boiling, and pass readily through an animal
membrane, being therefore easily absorbed; Peptonisā′tion.
Pep′tonise, to convert into
—n. Pep′tonoid, a substance like peptone: one of
certain food preparations. [Fr.,—Gr. pepsis,
digestion—peptein, to digest.]
Pepysian, pep′is-i-an, adj. pertaining to Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), his inimitable diary, or the collection of prints, books, ballads, &c. he bequeathed to Magdalene College, Cambridge.
Per, pėr, prep. through, by means of, according
—Per annum, year by year: for each year; Per
capita, by heads, implying equal rights to two or more persons;
Per cent., per hundred; Per contra, on the contrary: as a
set-off; Per diem, every day: day by day; Per mensem,
monthly: by the month; Per saltum, at a single leap: all at once;
Per se, by himself, &c.: essentially.
Peracute, per-a-kūt′, adj. very sharp or violent.
Peradventure, per-ad-vent′ūr, adv. by
adventure: by chance: perhaps.
—n. uncertainty: question.
Perambulate, per-am′bū-lāt, v.t. to
walk through or over: to pass through for the purpose of surveying: to
survey the boundaries of.
—ns. Perambulā′tion, act of perambulating: a
survey or inspection by travelling through: the district within which a
person has the right of inspection; Peram′bulātor, one who perambulates: an
instrument for measuring distances on roads: a light carriage for a
—adj. Peram′bulātory. [L.
perambulāre, -ātum—per, through,
ambulāre, to walk.]
Percale, per-käl′, n. a closely woven French
—n. Per′caline,
a glossy cotton cloth. [Fr.]
Percase, per-kās′, adv. (Bacon) perchance, perhaps. [L. per, through, by, casus, a chance.]
Perceable, pėrs′a-bl, adj. (Spens.)=Pierceable.
Perceant, pėrs′ant, adj. piercing,
—v.t. Perc′en (Spens.), to pierce. [Fr.
perçant, pr.p. of percer, to pierce.]
Perceive, per-sēv′, v.t. to become aware of
through the senses: to get knowledge of by the mind: to see: to
understand: to discern.
—adj. Perceiv′able (same as
—adv. Perceiv′ably (same as
—ns. Perceiv′er; Perceiv′ing (Bacon), perception. [O.
Fr. percever—L. percipĕre,
perceptum—per, perfectly, capĕre, to
Percentage, per-sen′tāj, n. rate per
hundred: an allowance of so much for every hundred.
Percen′tile. [Cf. Cent.]
Percept, pėr′sept, n. that which is
perceived by means of the senses.
—n. Perceptibil′ity, quality of being
—adj. Percep′tible, that can be perceived: that may
be known by the senses: discernible.
—adv. Percep′tibly.
—n. Percep′tion, act of perceiving: discernment:
(phil.) the faculty of perceiving: the evidence of external
objects by our senses.
—adjs. Percep′tional; Percep′tive, having the power of perceiving
or discerning.
—ns. Percep′tiveness, the faculty or power of
perceiving: readiness to perceive; Perceptiv′ity, character or quality of being
perceptive: power of perceiving.
—adj. Percep′tūal, of the nature of
Perch, pėrch, n. a genus of fresh-water
—adjs. Perch′-backed, shaped like a perch's back;
Per′ciform, percoid; Per′cine, perciform; Per′coid, like the perch: pertaining to the
perch family. [Fr. perche—L. perca—Gr.
perkē, a perch, prob. conn. with perknos,
Perch, pėrch, n. a rod on which birds roost: any
high seat or position: a measure=5½ yards: a square measure=30¼ square
yards: a pole joining the fore and hind gear of a spring carriage: a
frame on which cloth is examined for flaws.
—v.i. to sit or
roost on a perch: to settle.
—v.t. to place, as on a
—ns. Perch′er, a
bird that perches on trees; Perch′ing, the examination of cloth stretched
on a frame for burs, knots, or holes—also called
—adj. insessorial.
—ns. Perch′-plate, a plate or block above or below
a carriage-reach, at the king-bolt; Perch′-pole, an acrobat's climbing-pole;
Perch′-stay, one of the side-rods
bracing the perch to the hind-axle. [Fr. perche—L.
pertica, a rod.]
Perchance, per-chans′, adv. by chance: perhaps.
Percheron, per-she-rong′, n. a horse of the
Percheron breed, large strong draught-horses, usually
dapple-gray—also Norman and Norman
—adj. pertaining to the foregoing.
[Fr.,—Perche, in southern Normandy.]
Perchloric, per-klō′rik, adj. pertaining to
an acid, a syrupy liquid obtained by decomposing potassium perchlorate by
means of sulphuric acid.
—n. Perchlō′rate, a salt of perchloric
Percipient, per-sip′i-ent, adj. perceiving: having
the faculty of perception.
—n. one who perceives or who has
the power of perceiving.
—ns. Percip′ience, Percip′iency.
Perclose, per-klōz′, n. an enclosed place:
(archit.) a railing separating a tomb or chapel from the rest of
the church: (her.) the lower half of a garter with the
—Also Par′aclose,
Parclose′. [O. Fr.,—L.
præ, in front, claudĕre, clausum, to
Percoct, per-kokt′, adj. well-cooked. [L. percoctus, percoquĕre, to cook thoroughly.]
Percoid, per′koid. See Perch (1).
Percolate, pėr′kō-lāt, v.t. to
strain through pores or small openings, as a liquid: to
—v.i. to pass or ooze through very small openings: to
—n. a filtered liquid.
—ns. Percolā′tion, act of filtering;
Per′colator, a filtering vessel. [L.
percolāre,-ātum—per, through,
colāre, to strain.]
Percurrent, per-kur′ent, adj. running through the
whole length.
—adj. Percur′sory, running over slightly or in
haste (same as Cursory). [L. percurrens, pr.p. of
percurrĕre, percursum, to run through.]
Percuss, per-kus′, v.t. to strike so as to shake:
to tap for purposes of diagnosis.
—adj. Percus′sant (her.), bent round and
striking the side, as a lion's tail—also Percussed′.
Percussion, per-kush′un, n. the forcible striking
of one body against another: collision, or the shock produced by it:
impression of sound on the ear: (med.) the tapping upon the body
to find the condition of an internal organ by the sounds: in the jargon
of palmistry, the outer side of the hand.
—adjs. Percuss′ional, Percuss′ive.
—ns. Percuss′ion-bull′et, a bullet so formed
as to explode on striking something: an explosive bullet; Percus′sion-cap, a cap of copper partly
filled with a substance which explodes when struck, formerly used for
firing rifles, &c.; Percus′sion-fuse, a fuse in a projectile set
in action by concussion when the projectile strikes the object; Percus′sion-hamm′er, a small hammer for
percussion in diagnosis; Percus′sion-lock, a kind of lock for a gun in
which a hammer strikes upon a percussion-cap on the nipple, igniting the
charge; Percus′sion-pow′der,
powder which explodes on being struck, called also fulminating
—adv. Percuss′ively.
—ns. Percuss′or; Percuteur′, an instrument for light
percussion in neuralgia, &c.
—adj. Percū′tient, striking or having power
to strike.
—n. that which strikes or has power to strike. [L.
percussum—per, thoroughly, quatĕre, to
Percutaneous, per-kū-tā′nē-us,
adj. done or applied through or by means of the
—adv. Percutā′neously. [L. per,
through, cutis, the skin.]
Perdendo, per-den′dō, adj. (mus.)
dying away.
—Also Perden′dosi.
Perdie, Perdy, pėr′di, adv.=Pardieu.
Perdition, per-dish′un, n. utter loss or ruin: the
utter loss of happiness in a future state.
—n. Per′dita, a lost woman.
Perdi′tionable. [Fr.,—L.
perditum—per, entirely, dăre, to
Perdu, Perdue, per-dū′, adj. lost to
view: concealed: being on a forlorn hope or on a desperate enterprise:
—n. (Shak.) one lying in concealment or
ambush: one on a forlorn hope. [Fr., pa.p. of perdre, to
lose—L. perdĕre, to destroy.]
Perduellion, per-dū-el′i-on, n. treason. [L.]
Perdurable, per′dū-ra-bl, adj.
(Shak.) very durable, long continued.
—ns. Perdurabil′ity, Perdū′rance, Perdurā′tion.
Perdū′rably (Shak.),
very durably: everlastingly.
—v.i. Perdure′, to last for a very long time. [L.
perdurāre—per, through, durāre, to
Peregal, per′e-gal, adj. fully
—n. equal.
Peregrinate, per′ē-gri-nāt, v.i. to
travel through the country: to travel about from place to place: to live
in a foreign country.
—adj. foreign.
Peregrinā′tion, act of
peregrinating or travelling about; Per′egrinātor, one who travels
—adj. Per′egrine,
foreign, not native: migratory, as a bird.
—n. a foreigner
resident in any country: a kind of falcon.
—n. Peregrin′ity, foreignness. [L.
peregrināri, -ātus—peregrinus, foreign.]
Pereion, pe-rī′on, n. the thorax in
crustacea:—pl. Perei′a.
—n. Perei′opod, one of the true thoracic limbs of
a crustacean. [Gr. periiōn, pr.p. of periienai, to go
Perelle, pe-rel′, n. Same as Parella.
Peremptory, per′emp-tō-ri, adj. preventing
debate: authoritative: dogmatical: final, determinate: fully resolved or
determined: that must be done.
—adv. Per′emptorily.
—n. Per′emptoriness. [Fr.,—L.
peremptum—per, entirely, emĕre, to take.]
Perennial, pe-ren′i-al, adj. lasting through the
year: perpetual: never failing: growing constantly: (bot.) lasting
more than two years: of insects, living more than one
—n. a plant which lives more than two
—v.i. Perenn′ate,
to live perennially.
—n. Perennā′tion.
Perenn′ially. [L.
perennis—per, through, annus, a year.]
Perennibranchiate, pe-ren-i-brang′ki-āt,
adj. having perennial branchiæ or gills.
—Also Perenn′ibranch.
Perfect, pėr′fekt, adj. done thoroughly or
completely: completed: without blemish, fault, or error: having neither
too much nor too little: entire, very great: in the highest degree:
possessing every moral excellence: completely skilled or acquainted:
(gram.) expressing an act completed: (bot.) having both
stamens and pistils, hermaphrodite.
—v.t. (or per-fekt′) to make perfect: to finish: to teach
fully, to make fully skilled in anything.
—ns. Perfectā′tion (rare); Per′fecter; Perfect′i, a body of Catharists in the 12th
and 13th centuries, of very strict lives; Perfectibil′ity, quality of being made
—adj. Perfect′ible, that may be made
—ns. Perfec′tion, state of being perfect: a
perfect quality or acquirement: the highest state or degree; Perfec′tionism (or Perfectibil′ity), the belief that man in a
state of grace may attain to a relative perfection or a state of living
without sin in this life; Perfec′tionist, one who pretends to be
perfect: one who thinks that moral perfection can be attained in this
life: one of the Bible Communists or Free-lovers, a small American sect
founded by J. H. Noyes (1811-86), which settled at Oneida in 1848,
holding that the gospel if accepted secures freedom from
—adj. Perfect′ive,
tending to make perfect.
—advs. Perfect′ively, Per′fectly, in a perfect manner: completely:
exactly: without fault.
—n. Per′fectness, state or quality of being
perfect: completeness: perfection: consummate
—Perfect insect, the imago or completely
developed form of an insect; Perfect metals (see Metal);
Perfect number, a number equal to the sum of all its divisors, the
number itself of course excepted, as 6 = 1 + 2 + 3, 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 +
14. [Fr.,—L. perfectus, pa.p. of
perficĕre—per, thoroughly, facĕre,
to do.]
Perfervid, per-fer′vid, adj. very fervid: very hot
or eager.
—n. Perfer′vidness.
ingenium, a very ardent disposition. [L. perfervidus,
præfervidus—præ, before, fervidus,
Perficient, pėr-fish′ent, adj.
—n. one who does a lasting work, esp. who endows a
Perfidious, per-fid′i-us, adj. faithless:
unfaithful: basely violating trust: treacherous.
Perfid′iousness, Per′fidy, treachery. [L.
perfidiosus—perfidia, faithlessness.]
Perfoliate, -d, per-fō′li-āt, -ed, adj. (bot.) having the stem as it were passing through the blade—of a leaf: having the leaf round the stem at the base: (zool.) surrounded by a circle of hairs, &c., taxicorn. [L. per, through, folium, a leaf.]
Perforate, pėr′fō-rāt, v.t. to
bore through: to pierce: to make a hole through.
Per′forable, capable of being
—n. Per′forans, the long flexor muscle of the
toes, or the deep flexor muscle of the fingers.
Per′forant, perforating; Per′forate, -d
(bot.), pierced with holes: having transparent dots, as the leaves
of certain flowers.
—n. Perforā′tion, act of boring through: a
hole through or into anything.
—adj. Per′forātive, having power to
—ns. Per′forātor, one who bores, or an
instrument for boring; Per′forātus, the short flexor of the
toes, or the superficial flexor of the fingers. [L.
perforāre, -ātum—per, through,
forāre, to bore.]
Perforce, per-fōrs′, adv. by force: of necessity.
Perform, per-form′, v.t. to do thoroughly: to
carry out: to achieve: to act, as on the stage.
—v.i. to do:
to act a part: to play, as on a musical instrument.
Perfor′mable, capable of being
performed: practicable.
—ns. Perfor′mance, act of performing: a carrying
out of something: something done, esp. of a public character: a piece of
work: an exhibition in a theatre or a place of amusement: an act or
action; Perfor′mer, one who
performs, esp. one who makes a public exhibition of his skill: an actor,
an actress, &c.
—adj. Perfor′ming, doing: trained to perform
tricks. [O. Fr. parfournir, par—L. per,
through, fournir, to furnish.]
Perfume, pėr′fūm, or pėr-fūm′, n. sweet-smelling
smoke: sweet scent: anything which yields a sweet
—v.t. (pėr-fūm′) to fill with a pleasant
odour: to scent.
—adj. Perfū′matory, yielding
—ns. Per′fume-foun′tain, a small appliance
for throwing a jet or spray of perfume; Perfū′mer, one who or that which
perfumes: one who makes or sells perfumes; Perfū′mery, perfumes in general: the
art of preparing perfumes; Per′fume-set, a set of articles for the
—adj. Per′fūmy. [Fr. parfum—L.
per, through, fumus, smoke.]
Perfunctory, per-fungk′tō-ri, adj. done
merely as a duty to be passed over: performed carelessly or without
interest: negligent: slight.
—adv. Perfunc′torily, in a careless, half-hearted
manner: without zeal or interest.
—n. Perfunc′toriness, careless performance:
half-heartedness. [L. perfunctorius—perfunctus, pa.p.
of perfungi, to execute—per, thoroughly,
fungi, to do.]
Perfuse, per-fūz′, v.t. to pour through or
—n. Perfū′sion.
—adj. Perfū′sive, sprinkling, or tending to
sprinkle. [L. perfusus, poured over—per, through,
fundĕre, to pour.]
Pergameneous, per-ga-mē′nē-us, adj.
thin and parchment-like in texture.
—adj. Pergamentā′ceous, parchment-like. [L.
pergamena, parchment.]
Pergola, per′gō-la, n. an arbour, a
—Also Per′gula.
[It.,—L. pergula, a shed.]
Pergunnah, pėr-gun′a, n. a sub-division of a
zillah or district in India.
—Also Pargan′a. [Hind.]
Perhaps, per-haps′, adv. it may be: possibly.
Peri, pē′ri, n. in Persian mythology, a female elf or fairy, represented as descended from the fallen angels. [Fr. péri—Pers. parī, a fairy.]
Periagua, per-i-ä′gwä, n. a canoe hollowed out of
a single trunk, a dug-out: a vessel made by cutting a canoe in two
lengthwise and inserting a large plank: a large keelless flat-bottomed
boat for shoal-water navigation, decked at the ends only, propelled by
rowing, or by sails on two masts capable of being struck.
Pirogue′. [Sp. piragua.]
Periaktos, per-i-ak′tos, n. in the ancient Greek theatre a tall prism-shaped frame or screen at the side entrances, each carrying three scenes changed by turning the frames. [Gr.]
Perianth, per′i-anth, n. the floral envelope where the calyx and corolla are not easily distinguished. [Gr. peri, around, anthos, a flower.]
Periapt, per′i-apt, n. (Shak.) an amulet. [Gr. periapton, something hung round, peri, about, aptos—aptein, to fasten.]
Periaxial, per-i-ak′si-al, adj. surrounding an axis.
Periblast, per′i-blast, n. the protoplasm about
the nucleus of a cell.
—adj. Periblast′ic. [Gr. peri, about,
blastos, a germ.]
Peribolos, pe-rib′o-los, n. a court enclosed by a wall, esp. one containing a temple or a church, the whole outer enclosure of sanctuary or refuge. [Gr. peribolos, encircling—peri, around, ballein, to throw.]
Pericardium, per-i-kär′di-um, n. (anat.)
the bag or sac composed of two layers which surrounds the
—adjs. Pericar′diac, Pericar′dial, Pericar′dian.
—n. Pericardī′tis, inflammation of the
pericardium. [Late L.,—Gr. perikardion—peri,
around, kardia, heart.]
Pericarp, per′i-kärp, n. (bot.) the
covering, shell, or rind of fruits: a seed-vessel.
Pericarp′ial. [Gr.
perikarpion—peri, around, karpos, fruit.]
Pericentral, per-i-sen′tral, adj. surrounding a
central body.
—adj. Pericen′tric.
Perichondrium, per-i-kon′dri-um, n. the fibrous investment of cartilage. [Gr. peri, about, chondros, cartilage.]
Periclase, per′i-klāz, n. a rare mineral consisting of magnesia with a little iron protoxide. [Gr. peri, about, klasis, fracture.]
Periclean, per-i-klē′an, adj. of Pericles (died 429 B.C.) or the golden age of art and letters at Athens.
Pericope, pē-rik′ō-pē, n. an extract, esp. the selections from the epistles and gospels for the Sundays of the year. [Gr. peri, around, koptein, to cut.]
Pericranium, per-i-krā′ni-um, n.
(anat.) the membrane that surrounds the cranium.
Per′icrāny (obs.), the
skull. [Late L.,—Gr. perikranion—peri, around,
kranion, the skull.]
Periculum, pē-rik′ū-lum, n. (Scots law) a risk:—pl. Peric′ula. [L.]
Pericystitis, per-i-sis-tī′tis, n. inflammation around the bladder. [Gr. peri, around, kystis, the bladder.]
Peridental, per-i-den′tal, adj. surrounding the teeth.
Periderm, per′i-derm, n. the hard integument of
some tubularian hydromedusans: (bot.) the outer
—adj. Per′idermal.
[Gr. peri, about, derma, skin.]
Peridesmium, per-i-des′mi-um, n. (anat.) the areolar tissue round a ligament. [Gr. peri, around, desmos, a band.]
Peridium, pē-rid′i-um, n. the outer coat of
a sporophore in angiocarpous fungi.
—adj. Perid′ial.
—n. Peridī′olum (bot.), an inner
peridium inside of which the hymenium is formed. [Gr.
pēridion, dim. of pēra, a wallet.]
Peridotite, per′i-dō-tīt, n. rock
mainly composed of olivine.
—n. Per′idot, chrysolite.
Peridrome, per′i-drōm, n. the space between the inner cell or chamber and the surrounding pillars in an ancient temple. [Gr. peridromos, running round—peri, around, dromos, a race.]
Periegesis, per-i-ē-jē′sis, n. a progress or journey through. [Gr.]
Perienteron, per-i-en′te-ron, n. the primitive
perivisceral cavity.
—adj. Perienter′ic. [Gr. peri, about,
enteron, an intestine.]
Perifibrum, per-i-fī′brum, n. the membraneous covering of the spicules and fibre of sponges.
Periganglionic, per-i-gang-gli-on′ik, adj. surrounding a ganglion.
Perigastric, per-i-gas′trik, adj. surrounding the alimentary canal.
Perigee, per′i-jē, n. (astron.) the
point of the moon's orbit at which it is nearest the earth—opp. to
—adjs. Perigē′al, Perigē′an. [Gr. peri, near,
gē, the earth.]
Perigenesis, per-i-jen′e-sis, n. wave-generation, the dynamic theory of reproduction by a kind of wave-motion of plastidules.
Periglottis, per-i-glot′is, n. the epidermis of
the tongue.
—adj. Periglott′ic.
Perigone, per′i-gōn, n. (bot.) the
same as Perianth—also Perigō′nium.
—adj. Perigō′nial. [Gr. peri, about,
gonē, seed.]
Perigraph, per′i-graf, n. an inaccurate
delineation of anything.
—adj. Perigraph′ic.
Perigynous, per-ij′i-nus, adj. (bot.)
denoting flowers which have the petals and stamens growing on the calyx,
or around the pistil.
—n. Perigyn′ium. [Gr. peri, about,
gynē, a female.]
Perihelion, per-i-hē′li-on, n. the point of
the orbit of a planet or a comet at which it is nearest to the
sun—opp. to Aphelion.
—Also Perihē′lium. [Gr. peri, near,
hēlios, the sun.]
Perihepatic, per-i-hē-pat′ik, adj. surrounding the liver.
Peril, per′il, n. danger: a source of danger:
exposure to danger.
—v.t. to expose to
danger:—pr.p. per′illing;
pa.t. and pa.p. per′illed.—adj. Per′ilous, full of peril:
—adv. Per′ilously.
—n. Per′ilousness. [Fr. péril—L.
Perilymph, per′i-limf, n. the fluid which surrounds the membraneous labyrinth of the ear.
Perimeter, pē-rim′e-tėr, n.
(geom.) the circuit or boundary of any plane figure, or the sum of
all its sides: an instrument for measuring the area over which a person
can see distinctly.
—adjs. Perimet′ric, -al, pertaining to the perimeter.
Perim′etry, the act of making
perimetrical measurements. [Gr. perimetros—peri,
around, metron, measure.]
Perimorph, per′i-morf, n. a mineral enclosing
—adjs. Perimor′phic, Perimor′phous.
Perineum, Perinæum, per-i-nē′um, n.
the lower part of the body between the genital organs and the
—adj. Perinē′al. [L.,—Gr.]
Period, pē′ri-ud, n. the time in which
anything is performed: (astron.) the time occupied by one of the
heavenly bodies in making its revolution: a stated interval of time, at
the end of which certain events begin again to go through the same course
as before: a series of events: a series of years: length of duration: the
time at which anything ends: conclusion: (gram.) a mark at the end
of a sentence: (rhet.) a complete sentence.
(Shak.) to put an end to.
—adjs. Period′ic, -al, pertaining to a period: happening by
revolution: occurring at regular intervals: pertaining to
—ns. Period′ical, a magazine or other publication
which appears in parts at regular periods; Period′icalist, one who writes in a
—adv. Period′ically.
—n. Periodic′ity, state of being periodic:
tendency to happen over again at regular intervals of
—Periodical literature, literature published in
magazines, &c.; Periodic function, one whose operation being
iterated a certain number of times restores the variable: a function
having a period; Periodic inequality, a disturbance in the motion
of a planet due to its position in its orbit relatively to another
planet; Periodic law (chem.), a relation of elements
according to their atomic weights. [Fr.,—L.,—Gr.
periodos—peri, around, hodos, a way.]
Periophthalmus, per-i-of-thal′mus, n. a genus of acanthopterous fishes, allied to gobies, with protruding mobile eyes, pectoral fins that can be used as legs.
Periorbital, per-i-or′bi-tal, adj. pertaining to the orbit of the eye.
Periosteum, per-i-os′tē-um, n. a tough
fibrous membrane which forms the outer coating of
—adjs. Perios′tēal, Perios′tēous; Periostit′ic.
—n. Periostī′tis, inflammation of the
periosteum. [Gr. periosteon—peri, around,
osteon, a bone.]
Periotic, per-i-ō′tik, adj. surrounding the
inner ear.
—n. a periotic bone. [Gr. peri, about,
ous, ōtos, the ear.]
Peripatetic, -al, per-i-pa-tet′ik, -al,
adj. walking about: of or pertaining to the philosophy of
Aristotle, who taught while walking up and down in the Lyceum at
—n. Peripatet′ic, an adherent of the philosophy
of Aristotle: one accustomed or obliged to walk: (pl.) instruction
by lectures.
—n. Peripatet′icism, the philosophy of Aristotle.
[Gr. peripatētikos—peri, about, patein,
to walk.]
Peripatus, pe-rip′ā-tus, n. a genus of myriapods.
Peripetia, per-i-pe-tī′a, n. the dénouement of a drama.
Periphery, pe-rif′ėr-i, n. (geom.)
the circumference of a circle or of any closed figure: the outside of
anything generally.
—adjs. Periph′eral, Peripher′ic, -al. [L.
—Gr. peri, around,
pherein, to carry.]
Periphractic, per-i-frak′tik, adj. enclosed around. [Gr. peri, about, phrassein, to enclose.]
Periphrase, per′i-frāz, n. a round-about way
of speaking: the use of more words than are necessary to express an idea:
(rhet.) a figure employed to avoid a trite expression—also
—v.t. or
v.i. to use circumlocution.
—adjs. Periphras′tic, -al, containing or expressed by periphrasis or
—adv. Periphras′tically. [L.,—Gr.
periphrasis—peri, about, phrasis, a
Periplast, per′i-plast, n. the intercellular
substance of an organ or tissue of the body.
—adj. Periplast′ic.
Periplus, per′i-plus, n. a circumnavigation. [Gr. peri, around, ploos, plous, a voyage.]
Periptery, pe-rip′tėr-i, n. (archit.)
a building surrounded by a wing or row of columns.
Perip′teral, having a periptery or
range of columns all round, said of a temple, &c.; Perip′terous, feathered on all sides:
peripteral. [Gr. peripteros—peri, about,
pteron, a wing.]
Perirhinal, per-i-rī′nal, adj. surrounding the nose.
Periscii, pe-rish′i-ī, the people
within the polar circle, because their shadows, on some days in summer,
move round in a complete circle, owing to the fact that on those days the
sun does not set.
—adj. Peris′cian. [Gr. periskios, throwing a
shadow all round; peri, around, skia, a shadow.]
Periscope, per′i-skōp, n. an instrument like
the altiscope, used in directing submarine boats.
Periscop′ic. [Gr. peri,
about, skopein, to see.]
Perish, per′ish, v.i. to pass away completely: to
waste away: to decay: to lose life: to be destroyed: to be ruined or
—ns. Perishabil′ity, Per′ishableness, the quality of being liable
to speedy decay or destruction.
—adj. Per′ishable, that may perish: subject to
speedy decay.
—adv. Per′ishably.
—v.i. Per′ishen (Spens.), to perish. [O. Fr.
perir, pr.p. perissant—L. perīre, to
perish—per, completely, īre, to go.]
Perisperm, per′i-spėrm, n. (bot.)
that which is round a seed, the albumen.
—adj. Perisper′mic. [Gr. peri, around,
sperma, seed.]
Perispheric, -al, per-i-sfer′ik, -al, adj. globular.
Perispore, per′i-spōr, n. the outer covering of a spore.
Perissad, pe-ris′ad, n. (chem.) an atom whose valency is represented by an odd number—opp. to Artiad—also adj. [Gr. perissos, beyond the regular number.]
Perissodactyla, pe-ris-ō-dak′ti-la, n. one
of the two divisions of the great mammalian order Ungulata, including the
horse, tapir, and rhinoceros, distinguished by the third digit of each
limb being symmetrical in itself, by the presence of an odd number of
digits on the hind-foot, &c.
—opp. to
—adjs. Perissodac′tyl, Perissodac′tylate, Perissodactyl′ic, Perissodac′tylous. [Gr. perissos,
beyond the regular number, daktylos, a finger.]
Perissology, per-i-sol′ō-ji, n.
—adj. Perissolog′ical, redundant in words.
Perissosyllabic, pe-ris-o-si-lab′ik, adj. having superfluous syllables.
Peristalith, pe-ris′ta-lith, n. a series of standing stones surrounding a barrow or burial-mound. [Gr. peri, around, histanai, to stand, lithos, a stone.]
Peristaltic, per-i-stalt′ik, adj. noting the
involuntary muscular action of the alimentary canal, by which it forces
its contents onwards.
—n. Peristal′sis. [Gr.
peristaltikos—peristellein, to wrap
round—peri, around, stellein, to place.]
Peristeropod, pē-ris′te-rō-pod, adj. pigeon-toed—also n. [Gr. peristera, a pigeon, pous, podos, a foot.]
Peristome, per′i-stōm, n. the mouth-parts of echinoderms, &c.: the fringe of hair-like appendages round the rim of the capsule of a moss.
Peristyle, per′i-stīl, n. a range of columns
round a building or round a square: a court, square, &c., with
columns all round.
—adj. Peristy′lar. [L. peristylium—Gr.
peristylon, with pillars round the wall—peri, around,
stylos, a column.]
Perithoracic, per-i-thō-ras′ik, adj. around the thorax.
Peritomous, pe-rit′ō-mus, adj. (min.) cleaving in more directions than one parallel to the axis, the faces being all similar. [Gr. peri, round, temnein, to cut.]
Peritoneum, Peritonæum, per-i-tō-nē′um, n. a serous
membrane which encloses all the viscera lying in the abdominal and pelvic
—adjs. Peritonē′al; Peritonit′ic.
—n. Peritonī′tis, inflammation of the
peritoneum. [Gr. peritoneion—peri, around,
teinein, to stretch.]
Perityphlitis, per-i-tif-lī′tis, n. inflammation of the cæcum, appendix, and connective tissue, or of the peritoneum covering cæcum and appendix. [Gr. peri, round, typhlos, blind (the cæcum being the 'blind gut').]
Perivascular, per-i-vas′kū-lar, adj. surrounding a vascular structure.
Perivisceral, per-i-vis′e-ral, adj. surrounding viscera.
Periwig, per′i-wig, n. a peruke or small wig,
usually shortened to Wig: an artificial head of
—v.t. to dress with a periwig.
Per′iwig-pā′ted, wearing
a periwig. [Old Dut. peruyk—Fr. perruque.]
Periwinkle, per′i-wingk-l, n. a creeping evergreen plant, growing in woods. [M. E. peruenke, through A.S. peruincæ, from L. pervinca, vincīre, to bind.]
Periwinkle, per′i-wingk-l, n. a small univalve mollusc: a small shellfish, abundant between tide-marks on the rocks, boiled and eaten as food. [Corrupted by confusion with preceding from A.S. pinewincla—wincle, a whelk; prov. Eng. pin-patch.]
Perjure, pėr′jōōr, v.t. to swear
falsely (followed by a reciprocal pronoun): to cause to swear
—v.i. to be false to one's oath.
(Shak.) a perjured person.
—adj. Per′jured, having sworn falsely: being sworn
falsely, as an oath.
—n. Per′jurer.
—adjs. Perju′rious, Per′jurous, guilty of
—n. Per′jury,
false swearing: the breaking of an oath: (law) the crime committed
by one who, when giving evidence on oath as a witness in a court of
justice, gives evidence which he knows to be false. [Fr.,—L.
perjurāre—per-, jurāre, to
Perk, pėrk, adj. trim: spruce: jaunty:
—v.t. to make smart or trim.
—v.i. to hold
up the head with smartness: to toss or jerk the head.
Perk′y (Tenn.), perk, trim.
[W. perc, trim.]
Perk, pėrk, v.i. (prov.) to
—adj. Perk′ing,
peering, inquisitive.
Perkin, per′kin, n. weak perry.
Perlaceous=Pearlaceous. See Pearl.
Perlite, pėr′līt, n. the name given to
some vitreous rocks, as obsidian, which seem as if made up of little
pearly or enamel-like spheroids.
—adj. Perlit′ic.
Perlous, pėrl′us, adj. (Spens.). Same as Perilous.
Perlustrate, per-lus′trāt, v.t. to survey
—n. Perlustrā′tion. [L.
perlustrāre, -ātum.]
Permanent, pėr′ma-nent, adj. lasting:
durable: not subject to change: not to be removed: (zool.) always
—ns. Per′manence, Per′manency, state or quality of being
permanent: continuance in the same state, position, &c.: unlikelihood
of change: duration.
—adv. Per′manently.
—Permanent way, the
finished road of a railway. [Fr.,—L.
permanēre—per, through, manēre, to
Permanganate, per-man′gan-āt, n. a salt
containing manganese.
—adj. Permangan′ic.
Permeate, pėr′mē-āt, v.t. to
pass through the pores of: to penetrate and fill the pores
—n. Permēabil′ity.
Per′mēable, that may be
permeated or passed through: allowing the passage of
—adv. Per′mēably.
—n. Permēā′tion, act of permeating,
or state of being permeated.
—adj. Permēā′tive. [L.
permeatus—per, through, meāre, to
Permian, per′mi-an, n. a group of strata forming the uppermost division of the Palezoic series.
Permiscible, per-mis′i-bl, adj. capable of being mixed.
Permit, per-mit′, v.t. to give leave to: to allow
to be or to be done: to afford means: to give
opportunity:—pr.p. permit′ting; pa.t. and pa.p. permit′ted.—n. (per′mit) a written permission, esp. from a
custom-house officer to remove goods.
—n. Permissibil′ity.
—adj. Permiss′ible, that may be permitted:
—adv. Permiss′ibly.
—n. Permis′sion, act of permitting: liberty
granted: allowance.
—adj. Permiss′ive, granting permission or liberty:
allowing: granted: not hindered.
—adv. Permiss′ively, by permission, without
—ns. Permit′tance, permission; Permittēē′, one to whom
permission is granted; Permit′ter,
one who permits.
—Permissive Bill, a measure embodying the
principles of local option for the regulation of the liquor traffic;
Permissive laws, laws that permit certain things without enforcing
anything. [L. permittĕre, -missum, to let pass through—per,
through, mittĕre, to send.]
Permutable, per-mū′ta-bl, adj. that may be
changed one for another.
—ns. Permū′tableness, Permutabil′ity.
—adv. Permū′tably.
—ns. Permū′tant; Permutā′tion, act of changing one thing
for another: (math.) the arrangement of things or letters in every
possible order.
—v.t. Permute′.
[L.,—permutāre—per, through,
mutāre, to change.]
Pern, pėrn, n. a honey-buzzard.
Pernicious, per-nish′us, adj. killing utterly:
hurtful: destructive: highly injurious.
—adv. Perni′ciously.
—n. Perni′ciousness. [Fr.,—L.
perniciosus—per, completely, nex,
necis, death by violence.]
Pernickety, per-nik′e-ti, adj. easily troubled
about trifles: (coll.) fastidious.
—n. Pernick′etiness.
Pernoctation, pėr-nok-tā′shun, n. act of passing the whole night, esp. in prayer or watching: a watch all night. [L. per, through, nox, noctis, night.]
Perone, per′ō-nē, n. the fibula or
small bone of the leg.
—adjs. Perōnē′al; Perōnēōtib′ial, pertaining
to the perone and the tibia.
—n. a muscle from the fibula to
the tibia in some marsupials: an anomalous muscle in man, constant in
apes, between the inner side of the head of the fibula and the
—n. Peronē′us, one of several fibular
muscles. [Fr.,—Gr. peronē, the tongue of a
Peropod, pē′rō-pod, adj. having rudimentary hind limbs, as serpents—also n. [Gr. pēros, maimed, pous, podos, a foot.]
Peroration, per-ō-rā′shun, n. the
conclusion of a speech, usually summing up the points and enforcing the
—v.i. Per′orate, to make a peroration:
(coll.) to make a speech. [Fr.,—L.
peroratio—perorāre, to bring a speech to an
end—per, through, orāre, to
speak—os, oris, the mouth.]
Peroxide, per-ox′īd, n. an oxide having a
larger proportion of oxygen than any other oxide of the same
—n. Peroxidā′tion.
—v.t. and
v.i. Perox′idise.
Perpend, per-pend′, v.t. to weigh in the mind, to consider carefully. [L. perpendĕre—per, inten., pendĕre, to weigh.]
Perpend, per′pend, n. in building, a bond-stone or
—Also Per′pend-stone,
Per′pent-stone. [O. Fr.
parpaigne, Fr. parpaing.]
Perpendicular, pėr-pen-dik′ū-lar, adj.
exactly upright: extending in a straight line toward the centre of the
earth: (geom.) at right angles to a given line or
—n. a perpendicular line or plane.
Perpendicular′ity, state of being
—adv. Perpendic′ularly.
style, a style of Gothic architecture in England which succeeded the
Decorated style, prevailing from the end of the 14th to the middle of the
16th century, contemporary with the Flamboyant style in France, marked by
stiff and rectilinear lines, mostly vertical window-tracery, depressed or
four-centre arch, fan-tracery vaulting, and panelled walls.
[Fr.,—L. perpendicularis—perpendiculum, a
plumb-line—per, through, pendĕre, to
Perpetrate, pėr′pē-trāt, v.t. to
perform or commit (usually in a bad sense): to produce (as a poor
—adj. Per′petrable.
—ns. Perpetrā′tion, act of committing a
crime: the thing perpetrated: an evil action; Per′petrātor. [L.
perpetrāre, -ātum—per, thoroughly,
patrāre, to perform.]
Perpetual, per-pet′ū-al, adj. never ceasing:
everlasting: not temporary.
—adv. Perpet′ually.
—Perpetual curate,
a curate of a parish where there was neither rector nor vicar, the tithes
being in the hands of a layman—abolished in 1868, every incumbent
not a rector now being a vicar; Perpetual motion, motion of a
machine arising from forces within itself, constantly kept up without any
force from without; Perpetual screw, an endless screw. [Fr.
perpétuel—L. perpetuus, continuous.]
Perpetuate, per-pet′ū-āt, v.t. to make
perpetual: to cause to last for ever or for a very long time: to preserve
from extinction or oblivion.
—adj. Perpet′ūable, capable of being
—n. Perpet′uance, the act of making
—adjs. Perpet′uāte, -d, made perpetual: continued for an indefinite
—n. Perpetuā′tion, act of perpetuating or
preserving from oblivion: preservation for ever, or for a very long time;
Perpetū′ity, state of being
perpetual: endless time: duration for an indefinite period: something
lasting for ever: the sum paid for a perpetual annuity: the annuity
Perplex, per-pleks′, v.t. to make difficult to be
understood: to embarrass: to puzzle: to tease with suspense or
—n. (obs.) a difficulty.
Perplex′ity, state of being
perplexed: confusion of mind arising from doubt, &c.: intricacy:
embarrassment: doubt. [Fr.,—L. perplexus,
entangled—per, completely, plexus, involved, pa.p. of
Perquisite, pėr′kwi-zit, n. an allowance
granted over and above the settled wages: a fee allowed by law to an
officer for a specific service.
—ns. Perquisi′tion, a strict search: diligent
inquiry; Perquis′itor, the first
purchaser of an estate. [L. perquisitum, from
perquirĕre—per, thoroughly,
quærĕre, to ask.]
Perradial, pėr-rā′di-al, adj.
fundamentally radial.
—n. Perrā′dius.
Perrier, per′i-ėr, n. a machine for hurling stones.
Perron, per′on, n. an external flight of steps giving access to the entrance-door of a building.
Perruque, Perruquier. See Peruke.
Perry, per′i, n. an agreeable beverage made by fermenting the juice of pears. [Fr. poiré, from poire, a pear—L. pirum.]
Persant, pėrs′ant, adj. (Spens.). Same as Perceant.
Perscrutation, per-skrōō-tā′shun, n. a thorough search through: a minute inquiry. [L. per, through, scrutāri, to search carefully.]
Perse, pers, adj. dark blue,
—n. a dark-blue colour, a cloth of such colour.
[O. Fr. pers—L. persicum, a peach.]
Persecute, pėr′se-kūt, v.t. to pursue
so as to injure or annoy: to follow after persistently: to annoy or
punish, esp. for religious or political opinions.
Persecū′tion, act or practice
of persecuting: state of being persecuted: a time of general oppression
on account of religious opinions; Per′secūtor:—fem. Per′secūtrix. [Fr.,—L.
persequi, persecutus—per, thoroughly,
sequi, to follow.]
Perseus, per′sūs, n. a fabled Greek hero, who slew the Gorgon Medusa, and rescued Andromeda from a sea-monster: a constellation in the northern sky. [Gr.]
Persevere, pėr-sē-vēr′, v.i. to
persist in anything: to pursue anything steadily: to be constant: not to
give over.
—n. Persevē′rance, act or state of
persevering: continued application to anything which one has begun: a
going on till success is met with.
—adj. Persevē′ring.
of saints, the Calvinistic doctrine that those who are effectually
called by God cannot fall away so as to be finally lost. [Fr.,—L.
perseverāre—perseverus, very
strict—per, very, severus, strict.]
Persian, pėr′shi-an, adj. of, from, or
relating to Persia, its inhabitants, or language.
a native of Persia: the language of Persia: (archit.) male figures
used instead of columns to support an entablature—also Per′sic.
—Persian apple, the
peach; Persian berry, the fruit of several buckthorns; Persian
blinds (see Persienne); Persian wheel, a large wheel
for raising water, fixed vertically with a number of buckets at its
Persicot, per′si-kot, n. a cordial flavoured with kernels of peaches and apricots. [Fr.,—L. persicum, a peach.]
Persienne, per-si-en′, n. an Eastern cambric or muslin with coloured printed pattern: (pl.) Persian blinds, outside shutters of thin movable slats in a frame.
Persiflage, pėr′si-fläzh, n. a frivolous way
of talking or treating any subject: banter.
—adj. Per′siflant, bantering.
—n. Per′siflour (Carlyle).
[Fr.,—persifler, to banter—L. per, through, Fr.
siffler—L. sibilāre, to whistle, to hiss.]
Persimmon, Persimon, per-sim′on, n. the American date-plum. [Amer. Ind.]
Persist, per-sist′, v.i. to stand throughout to
something begun: to continue in any course, esp. against opposition: to
—ns. Persis′tence, Persis′tency, quality of being persistent:
perseverance: obstinacy: duration, esp. of an effect after the exciting
cause has been removed.
—adj. Persis′tent, persisting: pushing on, esp.
against opposition: tenacious: fixed: (bot.) remaining till or
after the fruit is ripe, as a calyx.
—advs. Persis′tently; Persis′tingly.
—adj. Persis′tive (Shak.), persistent.
[Fr.,—L. persistĕre—per, through,
sistĕre, to cause to stand—stāre, to
Person, pėr′sun, n. character represented,
as on the stage: character: an individual, sometimes used slightingly: a
living soul: a human being: the outward appearance, &c.: bodily form:
one of the three hypostases or individualities in the triune God:
(gram.) a distinction in form, according as the subject of the
verb is the person speaking, spoken to, or spoken of.
Per′sonable, having a well-formed
body or person: of good appearance.
—n. Per′sonāge, a person: character
represented: an individual of eminence: external
—adj. Per′sonal, belonging to a person: having the
nature or quality of a person: peculiar to a person or to his private
concerns: pertaining to the external appearance: done in person: relating
to one's own self: applied offensively to one's character: (gram.)
denoting the person.
—n. Personalisā′tion,
—v.t. Per′sonalise, to make
—ns. Per′sonalism, the character of being
personal; Per′sonalist, one who
writes personal notes; Personal′ity,
that which distinguishes a person from a thing, or one person from
another: individuality: a derogatory remark or reflection directly
applied to a person—esp. in pl. Personal′ities.
—adv. Per′sonally, in a personal or direct manner:
in person: individually.
—n. Per′sonalty (law), all the property
which, when a man dies, goes to his executor or administrator, as
distinguished from the realty, which goes to his
—v.t. Per′sonāte, to assume the likeness or
character of: to represent: to counterfeit: to feign.
(bot.) mask-like, as in the corollary of the snapdragon: larval,
—adj. Per′sonāted, impersonated, feigned,
—ns. Personā′tion; Per′sonātor.
—n. Personisā′tion.
Per′sonise, to
—n. Personnel′, the persons employed in any
service, as distinguished from the materiel.
estate, property, movable goods or property, as distinguished
from freehold or real property, esp. in land; Personal exception
(Scots law), a ground of objection which applies to an individual
and prevents him from doing something which, but for his conduct or
situation, he might do; Personal identity, the continued sameness
of the individual person, through all changes both without and within, as
testified by consciousness; Personal rights, rights which belong
to the person as a living, reasonable being; Personal security,
security or pledge given by a person, as distinguished from the delivery
of some object of value as security; Personal service, delivery of
a message or an order into a person's hands, as distinguished from
delivery in any other indirect way; Personal transaction,
something done by a person's own effort, not through the agency of
—In person, by one's self, not by a representative.
[Fr.,—L. persōna, a player's mask, perh. from
persŏnāre, -ātum—per, through,
sonāre, to sound.]
Persona, pėr-sō′na, n. a
—Persona grata, a person who is acceptable to those
to whom he is sent.
—Dramatis personæ, the characters in a
play or story. [L.]
Personify, per-son′i-fī, v.t. (rhet.) to treat, look on, or describe as a person: to ascribe to any inanimate object the qualities of a person: to be the embodiment of:—pa.t. and pa.p. person′ifīed.—n. Personificā′tion. [L. persona, a person, facĕre, to make.]
Perspective, per-spek′tiv, n. a view or a vista:
the art of drawing objects on a plane surface, so as to give the picture
the same appearance to the eye as the objects themselves: just proportion
in all the parts: a telescope or field-glass: a picture in
—adj. pertaining or according to
—adv. Perspec′tively.
—ns. Perspec′tograph, an instrument for indicating
correctly the points and outlines of objects; Perspectog′raphy, the science of perspective,
or of delineating it.
—Perspective plane, the surface on
which the picture of the objects to be represented in perspective is
—In perspective, according to the laws of perspective.
[Fr.,—L. perspicĕre,
perspectum—per, through, specĕre, to
Perspicacious, pėr-spi-kā′shus, adj.
of clear or acute understanding: quick-sighted.
Perspicā′ciousness; Perspicac′ity, state of being acute in
discerning: keenness of sight or of understanding; Perspicū′ity, state of being
perspicacious: clearness in expressing ideas so as to make them easily
understood by others: freedom from obscurity.
—adj. Perspic′ūous, that can be seen through:
clear to the mind: easily understood: not obscure in any way:
—adv. Perspic′ūously.
Perspic′ūousness. [L.
perspicax, perspicacis—perspicĕre, to
see through.]
Perspire, per-spīr′, v.i. and v.t. to
emit or to be emitted, as moisture, through the pores of the skin: to
—n. Perspirabil′ity.
—adj. Perspīr′able, capable of being
—v.i. Per′spirāte (rare), to
—n. Perspirā′tion, act of perspiring: that
which is perspired: moisture given out through the pores of the skin:
—adj. Perspīr′atory, pertaining to or causing
perspiration. [L. perspirāre, -ātum—per, through,
spirāre, to breathe.]
Perstringe, pėr-strinj′, v.t. to criticise.
Persuade, per-swād′, v.t. to influence
successfully by argument, advice, &c.: to bring to any particular
opinion: to cause to believe: to convince.
—adj. Persuad′able.
—n. Persuad′er.
—adj. Persuā′sible, capable of being
—ns. Persuā′sibleness, Persuasibil′ity; Persuā′sion, act of persuading: state
of being persuaded: settled opinion: a creed: a party adhering to a
creed: (Spens.) an inducement.
—adjs. Persuā′sive, Persuā′sory, having the power to
persuade: influencing the mind or passions.
—n. that which
persuades or wins over.
—adv. Persuā′sively.
—n. Persuā′siveness. [Fr.,—L.
persuadēre, -suasum—per, thoroughly,
suadēre, to advise.]
Persue, pėrs′ū, n. (Spens.) a track.
Persulphate, pėr-sul′fāt, n. that sulphate of a metal which contains the relatively greater quantity of acid.
Pert, pėrt, adj. (obs.) open: evident: plain. [O. Fr. apert—L. aperīre, apertum, to open.]
Pert, pėrt, adj. forward: saucy: impertinent: too
free in speech: (obs.) clever.
—n. an impudent
—adv. Pert′ly.
—n. Pert′ness. [Perk.]
Pertain, per-tān′, v.i. to belong: to relate
(with to).
—ns. Per′tinence, Per′tinency, state of being pertinent or to
the point: fitness for the matter on hand: suitableness:
—adj. Per′tinent, pertaining or related to a
subject: being to the point: fitted for the matter on hand: fitting or
appropriate: suitable: apposite.
—adv. Per′tinently.
—n. Per′tinentness. [O. Fr.
partenir—L. pertinēre—per,
thoroughly, tenēre, to hold.]
Pertinacious, pėr-ti-nā′shus, adj.
thoroughly tenacious: holding obstinately to an opinion or a purpose:
obstinate: unyielding.
—adv. <