Freshwater springs abound on the Isle of Wight. They are mineral rich sources which rise from deep within our earth. Wight Crystal attest to their efficacy. We are fortunate to have an abundant supply. Our lives depend upon it and its purity. We are of the earth itself: |
We take our water for granted, it pours from our taps when we wish it. In the time of our Ancestors, the heavy pails of slopping well or river water strained our shoulders and pulled our backs as we made our early morning walk home with precious water that began our day. We gained respect. But now our lives have been made easy, and we have become complacent, even indifferent to the treasure that is pure water. There is mounting evidence from America and Australia where the fracking industry is widespread, that aquifers, lakes and rivers are being poisoned by toxic chemicals inherent in the unconventional oil/gas extraction process. We are creating POISONED WATER for our wildlife and for our children. |
are invited to visit my website, to
explore Wihtyar tree essences, created on the Isle
of Wight. |
WATER AS MY GUARDIAN I first became so aware of my intimate relationship with water through its lack, its absence in me, and around me in my immediate environment. I lived in Africa for eighteen months, living in a township in Gauteng. That hot red-ochre, dusty home shrivelled my body: I dreamt about water, I pined for the damp sap-green lush homeland of Britain in an aching soul-deprived way that eventually made me ill. I had to come home. The imported willows from England and planted in South Africa were forced to adapt or die. We are made out of the land we are born to. I began to create tree essences on Wihtland (Isle of Wight) as soon as I arrived back. The joining together of our ancient sentient trees with with the latent power of vibrationary water became a dedicated revelation and deep learning curve for me. I was taught so much from them both. At first I believed the trees were talking with me. They were and they do. I began to hear their heartbeat and learnt very quickly that passing feelings of love and appreciation produced a quickening of that heartbeat that is slower than our own. It is like a throbbing of the earth energy surging up from deep within the Earth. I sourced the water for the essences from pure springs on the island, and I spent many hours beside the flowing water. Clearing my mind was essential to the process. Creating an essence can take days or even weeks. It is simple to make. A clean jam jar is wound with strong string with plenty to spare. It is tied to the tree gently and the parts, be they blossom, bud and leaf are coaxed inside to lay there. Spring water is poured in. It is the old traditional way. I always tested the
efficacy on myself, and it was in this heightend
mind-set that I learnt of the consciousness, the
absolute living being water really is. If we give our
feeling of love to water, it will give that back to us.
What we do to water, we immediately do to ourselves in
loving gratitude or in pain. What we give we receive,
immediately. We have 70% water in our bodies. We are wed
to water as much as we are in union with the trees. (The
carbon/oxygen exchange) Without each other, we will both
suffer. The Wihtwara ™, Copyright © 2017 Jan Harper-Whale |
In all of these experiments, distilled water for hospital usage produced by the same company was used. Since it is distilled twice, it can be said that it is pure water. The result was that we always observed
beautiful crystals after giving good words, playing
good music, and showing, playing, or offering pure
prayer to water. On the other hand, we observed
disfigured crystals in the opposite situation.
Moreover, we never observed identical crystals. |
Here is a selection of music that you may like to listen to while reading this page.
This should start to play in the music player on your divice: |