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5 licence blocks covering two thirds of the Isle of Wight have been granted to the shale gas fracking industry.
Powerful evidence is now indicating that it is a dirty, poisonous and polluting industry.

Frack-Off have an interactive map, showing the advancing threat.

Fracking has been banned in a growing number of countries.
A moratorium has recently been won in New York and Brazil.
But our Government is turning its back on our democratic process by trying to override local council decision based on the wishes of the people.

Fracking is an intensive, industrial process for extracting methane gas from shale rock that lies hundreds of metres underground. The process requires a large number of drilling sites – up to 8 per square mile – and this could mean thousands of well sites in a large area. The procedure is to drill down to the shale rock at a depth of about 3,000 metres and then to drill horizontally. Water, sand and toxic chemicals are then pumped down the well under very high pressure to fracture the shale and release the gas trapped inside.

There is now mounting evidence of growing pollution to water supplies, aquifers and air pollution from the fracking industry embedded for over a decade in vast tracks of landscape, some very close to housing areas in America and Australia.

UKOG is the company now operating in the UK. Vast areas, including the Isle of Wight have been given licences to frack in a geology that is vastly different and more fragile than areas abroad. We are by any definition, a small island. Fracking is an intensive, “boom and bust” dirty industry intent on quick profits.

Their plan is to firstly drill for oil in the Arreton valley. It lies on a major fault line, we call the “dragon line” which runs the entire length of the island. Seismic shocks from the fracking explosions deep in the ground have caused earth tremors in Yorkshire where Cudrilla fracked for the first time.

It could happen here on our beautiful precious island.

What likely effect will fracking and related invasive procedures have on our island environment?

The questions I invite you to ask yourself:

Do you care deeply, as I do, about this beautiful island, with its world famous Jurassic coastline, extensive areas of natural beauty and above all its fragile fault line geology (the dragon line)? If so, then I invite you to read on by clicking on the questions.

  1. What is Fracking?
  2. What are the health risks?
  3. What effect will it have on our island environment?
  4. What effect will it have on our protected species?
  5. What effect will fracking have on my children and their children?
  6. What Evidence is there from around the world supporting great concern for our welfare and health?
  7. Do you want a sustainable future for the Isle of Wight?

Blessings Llawendryad